Natural Remedies

Top 10 Natural Remedies for Flu

Posted by Merryanne (Florida) on 05/24/2017 115 posts

I have had great success using L-lysine to kill cold and flu viruses. If taken as soon as you have any symptoms of a virus at 2000 mg 4 times during your waking hours or less say take at breakfast, lunch, dinner and at bedtime, you will be ok the next day,, but, if you wait till the next day then you may have to take the dosage for 2 or 3 days. This really works great!!!

Essential Oils
Posted by Christina Gonzales (Us) on 03/19/2017

FLU SYMPTOMS So I came down with these symptoms after taking care of several people in quarantine for influenza type A. No, I didn't go to the doctor, it is an uncomfortable waste of my time, sitting on a hard plastic chair for 8 or 9 hrs. awaiting a diagnosis with a prescription for modern medicine that I cannot afford. Okay, symptoms: aches, fever, chills, stuffy head, severe headache, nausea, vertigo, ears popping, waves of intense abdominal cramping.

What I did about it. I diffused these "flu bomb" essential oils into my breathing space non-stop, Oregano, Lemon, Frankincense, Thieves (thieves is a mixture of 10 drops of rosemary, 15 drops of eucalyptus, 20 drops of cinnamon bark, 35 drops of lemon and 40 drops of clove).

The other things I did, at first I religiously rubbed Lansinoh (its a cracked nipple cream over the counter at Walmart) on the inside of my nares, this helped with the drippy nose, I also used ZICAM, this did not work this time like it does for the cold virus! So I finally ditched it after a few days, this is also how I figured out I must have the flu and not just a cold/sinus infection.

At times I rubbed pure Shea butter inside of my nares, this seemed to really calm down the itchy, drippy symptoms. Lemon on my temples and rosemary on the back of my neck helps with the headaches. Then, last night, I rubbed several essential oils onto the soles of my feet, making little 'sections' and I am not even sure of where to put anything as I am not trained! But I must say, when you are miserable, you will do Anything.

Big toe, frankincense, second toe, anise star, third toe, clementine, fourth one ravensara, pinky toe, nerolina, section under pinky cedarwood-himalayan, next section over in a sweeping back and forth style, lime essential oil, then litsea, caraway, niaouli, lavender, finally sweet marjoram.

I slept without waking for 10 hours!! I felt a little headachy this morning, but nothing like yesterday! Still a little congested, I started using coconut oil inside my nose, actually sucking it up as high as I can get! I am much better now! I am still diffusing the first ingrediants I listed earlier all day, and I will more than likely put more oil on the bottom of my feet tonight.

Posted by Laura (Atlanta, Ga) on 11/30/2013

After 2 days of a progressively worse fever I gave Teds aspirin remedy a shot. I'm happy to say it worked wonders.

I did 4 doses of 500mg aspirin dissolved in half glass of water every 55minutes. I also drank another half glass water or more about 20 minutes after each dose. I went from 102 degree temperature down to 98.6 in 4.5 hours.

Its now the next morning and my temp is normal. I have a little head congestion and a slight cough. I'm going for the apple cider vinegar next!

Thanks Earth Clinic and all you contributors!

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 02/06/2021 477 posts

You could use willow bark tea to soak your feet in or just get regular, uncoated aspirin, dissolve in a bit of water, pour a little puddle of it on a piece of plastic and simply sit with your feet on it. Just don't let yourself get a chill.

Coconut Oil
Posted by WT (Spartanburg, SC) on 05/31/2008

Whether it's Bird flu or the regular flu. If any virus is classified a flu virus, coconut oil will kill it.

Any flu virus is contained inside a Lipid envelope. If this membrane is ruptured the virus dies. Apparently the fats in Coconut oil lyse this membrane on contact causing it's destruction.

I used to get colds just about every year and the flu maybe every 2-3 years. Upon switching to coconut oil for cooking, I've been cold and flu free for nine years now! I've even been around others with my business who were fighting the flu and didn't catch it!

We fry stuff in it once a week or so and I try to eat fried eggs weekly for good measure!

For kids in day care you won't believe the difference it makes! Those days of them coming home with a new bug every few days will be a thing of the past!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne
Posted by Char (OKC, Oklahoma) on 03/06/2007

Cayenne is a cureall. I thought I was the only one who knew the connection between dairy and sinusitis and the flu, every time I drink milk or eat ice cream, I get sick with sinus problems and then came down with the flu. Cayenne with distilled water, lemon juice and acv, was the only cure which helped me flush out the fever. This may sound crazy, but dairy products make me moody and emotional, like I can feel how "SAD" the cows are, I try to only do organic dairy now.

Whiskey, Cayenne Muscle Rub
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 04/13/2023

I like collecting stories like this one from old timers.

I was talking to a friend's mom, Nancy (80 years old), and she was telling me about how people treated the flu back in her day.

She said: My X-husband (in the 1960-70) and I would get sick with the flu. He would drink whiskey and had me rub athletic hot muscle rub all over him and wrapped himself in a flannel sheet and by morning, he was well. I wouldn't do it and I was still sick for a week or two.

Nancy does not remember the brand of muscle rub, only that it was hot, not cool. I am assuming it was a capsaicin based ointment. She said he was a body builder and had a lot of herbal supplements and it came in a tub.

“Cramer Red Hot Sports Ointment” or possibly “Watkins Red Liniment” has capsaicin and has been around sine 1900 and is still on the market so I'll assume it was a product like that.

Believe it or not, whiskey was considered a cure for the flu. Ever heard of a Hot Toddy? I've read nursing journals during the 1918 Spanish flu, where even the nurses mention sick people in quarantine camps drinking hard liquors and never getting sick with the Spanish flu. It's the alcohol! Alcohol is a disinfectant. It kills germs.

Cayenne (capsaicin) has warming properties, it also acts as a catalyst to the body, stimulating the immune and cardiovascular systems in particular. It has antiseptic properties and can help with congestion (Gladstar, 2008).

In old England, Cayenne was called “Ginnie pepper” since it was purchased from “Guinea, ” or the Indies. Being official in both the United States and British pharmacopeias (even until the 1950's), Cayenne was an ingredient in many of the cure-all remedies of the last century.

Gerard mentioned it as being cultivated in his time (Gri: 175). It is used in folk medicine in various parts of the world, notably Greece, Italy, and parts of Russia, where it is steeped in Vodka and drunk as a tonic in wine glassful doses (Hut:68). It is especially valued in the West Indies there for deadly fevers, especially yellow fever, of which the native people have no fear as long as they have a goodly supply of Capsicum (Ibid.).

Chinese Remedy Yin Chiao
Posted by Lynn (Deming, NM) on 12/18/2022

Decades ago, a nurse told me about a Chinese remedy called Yin Chiao to take at the first sign of feeling unwell. I tried it, and it worked. And it worked the second time. My husband, a doctor, was more than skeptical, but now, he wouldn't be without it. You want to order the original Yin Chiao, which has little containers of tablets inside the box.

Posted by Havanadaydream (Brandon Ms ) on 10/29/2022

Flu is helped by taking Oscillococcinum in a matter of hours or days. My son was burning up with fever, coughing, bad body aches and he started with the vials and was totally well by the next day. I was skeptical but now I'm a believer. I also saw the online reviews and most all comments are positive.

Posted by Art (California) on 02/20/2023 2175 posts


I am glad it worked for you too! You read the reviews on Amazon and our stories sound just like the thousands of positive reviews for this homeopathic product. It really works fast and very well and is worth having on hand during flu season because it makes the flu so much easier to deal with quickly! When you figure out how many courses you get per package, it is very inexpensive too!


Greek Folk Remedy Tsiporou
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 08/20/2021

The ancient Greeks consumed a drink called Tsiporou (or Raki a distilled grape spirit), which was made from the leftover mash of wine-making. They added half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey to the mash to create a remedy that eased the symptoms of cold and flu. Patients would enjoy a clearer head and reduced symptoms.

A substitute for this home remedy is to use whiskey or brandy instead of leftover mash. Consume the preparation 3 times a day, between meals, and immediately the cold or flu will return. Or take half a teaspoon of nutmeg powder with warm water 3 times a day.

Shaker Spiced Grape Juice Recipe

– This drink is a great alternative to hot apple cider and the closest to a Greek drink “non-alcohol” called Tsiporou (or Raki) I can find. I've only had it once and got the recipe at Pleasant Union, one of the Shaker settlements here in Kentucky.


-3 cups concord grape juice (Welches is the best)

-3⁄4 teaspoon cinnamon

-1 pinch clove

-1⁄4 cup sugar (optional)

-3⁄4 teaspoon nutmeg

-1 tablespoon honey

Combine all ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes. Strain if necessary. Serve hot.

Yields 3 cups. Drink throughout the day.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Deborahmay (Boca Raton, Florida) on 03/26/2014

I have been using this nebulizer with the peroxide and it's amazing 3-5 times a day. Peroxide is only H202 which is oxygen and where there is enough oxygen no virus or bacteria can grow. I have also a vaporizer that I put the peroxide in and let it run all day and night . This is great for babies and kids thank you for this web site as it is my favorite one.:)

Baking Soda
Posted by Kathleen (Chicago, Illinois) on 12/30/2009

I wanted to share with you a remarkable family story of healing. My mother was born in Arkansas in 1920, two years after the frightening 1918 flu pandemic, but my aforesaid Irish grandmother had four young boys at the time. The story goes that the local doctor was able to treat and cure every patient with baking soda! Not a single patient of his died! I assume he administered it in water. I think that's really something; we're still talking about it 90 years later! Would that help today with the flu? I don't know, but unless there was a reason not to give it to young children, I'd sure try it.

I have to go now and read more of your site! Thank all of you! Happy and Healthy New Year!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Sonya (Manhattan, USA) on 08/25/2009

My husband started feeling symptoms of the flu on Friday, but I didn't feel them until Monday. I started inhaling 3% peroxide to the back of my throat and into my lungs following Bill Munro's instructions right away. I felt immediately better (literally, 5 minutes later) but 20 minutes later I felt the virus returning to my head. Instead of waiting the 2-3 hours for the inhalation like the instructions state, I decided to inhale again. Again my symptoms disappeared almost immediately. I kept inhaling every time I felt the symptoms returning and by midnight, I didn't have any more symptoms. I went to sleep, symptom free and did the peroxide again this morning, after an 8 hour break and will continue to inhale every 2-3 hours now. I am not 100% (mild congestion) but am doing sooo much better than my husband who is still miserable with congestion.

I am coming to the conclusion that the key to this inhalation method is starting it as soon as you feel the symptoms and then continuing it for a day or two. Don't stop doing it even if you feel better! I also think that inhaling every few hours is not enough if you have a bad strain of the virus. Inhaling every time I feel symptoms returning has been the key to kicking this virus. No doubt I will be able to test my findings again this winter, but hopefully not with the swine flu.

Good luck everyone. We need to be prepared for a bad swine flu season!

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Lisa (Coto de Caza, Ca) on 11/27/2008

Cold, Flu, and food poisoning, 6 drops Lugol's solution (iodine) in a cup of water twice a day. Do not take if allergic to Iodine. Lugol's will cure salmonella, purify water ( in case of emergency or traveling overseas), and stop diaherra. Use lugol's not iodine tincture or providone iodine.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Georgie (Marietta, GA) on 01/31/2007

Since I heard about the h202 inhalation method on your site last winter, I have used it to treat viruses about 8 times. It is really the #1 remedy of all time in my opinion. Funnily enough, all my friends are scared to try it even though I tell them to just try it! But I did get my mother to use it (73 years old and going strong). She LOVES it now! At any rate, last night I started to get a sore throat and felt terrible and weak. I inhaled 2 hours apart and woke up feeling 100%.

EC: Read more about H202 Inhalation Method here.

Posted by Dorothy (Canutillo, TX) on 01/27/2007

Garlic is what helped me overcome symptoms of the flu. I was home and had a fever of 104 and the chills and was aching all over. I just felt like it would be better to die than to deal with these flu symptoms, when I had remembered what a friend from church had told me; "Try raw garlic when you start to getting symptoms of a cold and it will cure you." So I thought I couldn't feel any worse than I do already. I took a tooth of garlic and began to chew it up (NASTY). It nauseated my stomach so I got me a drink of water and began to take SMALL SIPS which settled my stomach. Then I lay down and fell asleep for about 2 and a half hours , when I awoke the fever, chills and aches were gone. I just had a lot of congestion. So, I took some more garlic the next day but this time I cut it into small pieces and chewed some and swallowed the rest with sips of water. The next day I was well completely. It was great. I am a true believer in garlic as a cold cure. Thank you God.

Posted by Perci (Quantico, VA) on 01/22/2023

Amen to that! Garlic and Braggs ACV are great gifts of healing from God! I believe in the healing properties of garlic! It knocks out the flu so much quicker than any medicine - what I do is crushed a piece of garlic and pour in 2 tablespoons of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar, let garlic soak in the ACV a few enough to get some garlic juice and then take it in. Get in my tongue and swallow, not long after, I am 100% better! Recently used this concoction again, and as before, it healed me quicker than the usual meds they recommend.

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