Natural Cures for Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Vitamin C, Lugol's Iodine, Vitamin E
Posted by Janie (Pasadena, Ca, Usa) on 07/15/2011

Following all the feedback I have read on Earth Clinic in the past few weeks, I have finally figured out a remedy combination to help my extremely painful fibrocystic breasts (so bad lately that sleeping face down causes tremendous pain):

* Lugol's Iodine: 1 drop in water/day
*1,000 mg Vitamin C Sodium Ascorbate (which is 1 teaspoon Ascorbic Acid type of vitamin C to 1/2 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in a glass of water. I take it on an empty stomach, but not first thing in the morning, which can cause diarrhea.
*1 capsule of Vitamin E/day

The pain reduced by 50% after 24 hours and by 90% the 2nd day of these remedies. I have now cut back my Lugol's iodine dose to 1 drop every 2-3 days. I think it was the addition of the Lugol's that made an immediate difference.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fit In Florida (Winter Springs, Florida) on 12/01/2012

Apple cider vinegar worked for me within 24 hours. Usually I have 2 weeks of breast pain, however a few days after the monthly pain started out of desperation I took 2 Tb of ACV in the morning. The next day the pain was 90% gone so I continue to take the ACV daily. Be sure to take the Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (unfiltered) because it has more of the curing stuff in it and I found that other brands repeat on me. No one wants to be burping apple cider vinegar all day.

Posted by Amy (Highlands Ranch, Colorado) on 04/28/2009

I'm 34 and have had fibrocystic breasts for the past 3 years. The tenderness was 24/7. The pain was not excruciating, but my breasts were always tender. My gynocologist told me all woman get this and not to worry!!

I told my osteopath and he prescribed iodine/iodide in a pill form. I've been taking it for the past 6 weeks the pain is gone! Not even a twinge. I should tell you that my osteopath also precribed selenium, evening primrose oil and vitamin E to take along with the iodide/iodine. I however believe it was the iodine - I was already taking selenium/vitamin e. Whatever it was - I found the magic bullet!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Laura (Carbondale, CO/USA) on 12/27/2008

Breast Cancer, hormonal imbalances, tender breasts, low energy, feeling cold, cracking skin, etc.

Please check out NASCENT iodine. There are different forms of iodine out there - RESEARCH this one extensively - chances are if it can't help you, it may benefit someone you know!! To a healthy life.... Laura

Posted by Amy (Marietta, Georgia) on 09/27/2008

For about 6 months, I was having increasing soreness and cysts in my breasts for the last 2 weeks of my cycle. My Dr. said I had fibrocystic breast disease and avoid caffeine and chocolate (not a good option for me!). I tried an iodine treatment posted here and was AMAZED at how quickly the pain and knots disappeared. I began taking 1 tablet/day of 5 mg Iodine and 7.5 mg Iodide. Noticed improvement within a few days. After 1 month I've cut back to 1/2 tablet per day, still with great results. I read some studies showing that low levels of Iodine are linked to greater risk of breast cancer, so I think Iodine supplements are especially good for me.

Vitamin E, Eliminate Caffeine
Posted by Mary (Regina, Canada) on 09/17/2008

Dear Mary:
Another thing that works for fibrocystic breast disease is lugol's solution iodine. Iodine is also supposed to prevent breast cancer. My naturopath said in 2-3 years the lumps will dissolve due to the iodine. I take 10 drops per day which is about 60mg of iodine. I also got a thermogram done to put my mind at rest and get a clear picture of my breast health. The thermogram (infra red picture of your breasts) shows changes years before any cancer gets a chance to develop. Relieved my worry and no radiation. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

Posted by Jamie (Fairmont, Minnesota) on 12/15/2007

Hello you WONDERFUL people! Thanks you SO much for this resource! I was in the middle of my third serious bout with salmonella in a year and feeling little relief from the antibiotics after 8 days. After reading a book by Dr. Hulda Clark I am convinced that I was picking up Salmonella from milk products. Hulda says that Lugol's kills vicious stomach bacteria including salmonella so I got online looking for it when I found this site. I read through all of the comments and went looking for the iodine. Someone said I could get it at walmart so I tried. The Pharmacist had no clue about iodine deficiency and wouldn't give me the iodine he had ordered for me. How disgusting and irresponsible! I ordered the book by Dr. Brownstein, Iodine: Why You Need It and Why You Can't Live Without It along with a 2 oz. bottle of lugol's solution from I was very discouraged by the fact that there was no overnight shipping option available on the site. A day or two after ordering I emailed them expressing my discouragement and they responded with a toll free number that could be used to get overnight shipping. My Lugol's arrived a day earlier than expected and I tested for allergy on my foot. I knew I wasn't allergic since I have had iodized salt for ever, and I had no irritation from the iodine on my foot. So I began the dose recommended by Hulda for salmonella which is 6 drops in a half cup of juice after meals and at bed time. After reading the book by Dr. Brownstein and looking at the Optimox site I knew that 6 drops 4 times a day is equivalent to 150mg of iodine a day. The relief from the Salmonella began nearly immediately but was nearly complete after a day of the scheduled dose. I had no symptoms of taking too much iodine, so I continued to the third day at that dose (as recommended for treating Salmonella in Hulda's book). Then I cut back to 6 drops 3 times a day to counter my newly recognized iodine deficiency. Just so you know, the Salmonella are DEAD!!! And I feel ALIVE!!!

5 years ago I should have been diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease but was told that my %uFFFDlumpy bumpy%uFFFD breasts needed vitamin E. I didn't take it seriously as I wasn't diagnosed with anything. I had just had my first child. Over the last 6 months I have had pain in my breasts not just before a period but at intervals during the month that wouldn't even allow me to hug my (now I have 3) children. I had no idea until reading this site and the information from Dr. Brownstein that I had fibrocystic breast disease, the precursor for breast cancer (which is so prevalent in this area that it should be a CRIME that people are not handed iodine by the government in giant sized rations!) The great lakes basin is the worst in the WORLD for iodine deficiency%uFFFDwe are the reason salt is iodized%uFFFDonly well enough to fend off goiter and mental retardation which were becoming a problem in the early 1900's in this area! The actual need for iodine by your body is 13.5mg a day and that's after fixing a deficiency. And that number does not take into account the other factors we are exposed to. (Halogens which replace iodine in the body everywhere around us%uFFFDchlorine, bromine, fluorine%uFFFDin bread, in toothpaste, in water) THIS IS EPIDEMIC!

Two days into my salmonella killing spree with iodine, I began my menstrual period without cramps. I have had such terrible cramps from my period that I have a stock pile of ibuprofen. (which makes your stomach bleed and hurts your liver) but what are we to do? IODINE! I have been on Iodine for 4 days now and each morning I wake up with cramps but almost as soon as I take my 6 drops of lugol's my cramps are GONE! It's like the cramps are there because my ovaries are begging me for much needed iodine to clean me out. I am so thrilled about this! By the way%uFFFDmy breast pain has diminished to almost none, and they feel like 16 year old breasts. No kidding. My energy level has sky rocketed and I am losing weight. (I should mention that I am taking the iodine with a liquid B complex supplement because Dr. Brownstein says it is possible to get heart palpitations and/or symptoms of iodine allergy if you are deficient in vitamin b2 and b3 since they are needed to transport iodine throughout your body. I can feel my metabolism normalizing%uFFFDit feels GREAT!

For a long time I have wondered why my ears hurt%uFFFDI thought maybe I was taking an autotoxic (something toxic to your ears) drug%uFFFDI wasn't taking any drugs other than ibuprofen%uFFFDso I wasn't convinced, but I was becoming afraid that I would eventually lose my hearing. I have also become slower in the brain over the last few years. I attributed it to the mercury in my fillings after reading Dr. Clarks book%uFFFDbut having seen the symptoms of iodine deficiency including hearing loss and cretinism I now believe I am severely deficient in iodine and I am so excited to not get any worse. I am getting better!

Posted by Jade (New South Wales) on 11/04/2019

Hi Rebecca,

I am really grateful for your comment. I tried the iodine on a tampon (so uncomfortable to insert, but it did the trick). I have now prepared in advance some coconut oil and iodine suppositories. I havent used them yet but plan to. I am curious about the soy and flax and estrogenic foods... I have also heard the same that they aren't so good for fibrocystic breasts. One of my vegan friends says that these foods should be ok as they block the estrogen receptors and so its anti estrogenic. I would love to know the real answer to this. The only evidence I have is I took milk thistle, and that month I had really painful breasts... I saw a naturopath and she said that milk thistle is also estrogenic.... even though another naturopath recommended it to me in the first place (to boost fertility...). Now I avoid soy, flax and also milk thistle just in case. Thanks again for your updates it helps more people than you know. 🙂

Posted by Rebecca (Maryland ) on 12/04/2019

I also wanted to provide a list of the most commonly used herbal supplements and essential oils with the highest amounts of estrogen for anyone trying to avoid excess estrogens: Herbals: Aloe, Ashwagandha, Asian ginseng, Astragalus, Black cohosh, Burdock root, Cat's claw, Chasteberry/Vitex, Fenugreek, Dong Gui/Dong Quai, Golden root, Hops, Kudzu root, Lavender, Licorice, North American ginseng, Milk thistle, Mistletoe, Red Clover, Rhubarb Saw Palemetto, Stinging nettle, and Turmeric. ​Essential oils: Lavender, Aniseed, Basil, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clary sage, Coriander, Cypress, Evening primrose, Fennel, Geranium​, Oregano, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary, Sage, Tea Tree, and Thyme. I will add another post with foods as well! ​

Posted by Rebecca (Maryland ) on 12/04/2019

The following foods are highest in phytoestrogens: ALL Flax products including: flax seeds, flax oil, flax milk, flax crackers, flax cereal, and flax bread. ALL Soy products including: tofu, soy, edamame, soy cheese, soy meats, soy milk, soy cereals, soy crackers, soy lecithin, and supplements with added soy, soybeans, tofu, tempeh, textured veggie protein (soy), soy burgers, soybean sprouts, soy sauce, Miso paste, soy yogurt, and soy protein powder. Additionally: Veggie burgers, Hummus, garbanzo beans, chick peas, Sesame seeds, sesame oil, Multigrain bread, crackers, cereal, Black bean sauce, and doughnuts. Other foods that are slightly lower in phytoestrogens but should still be limited: Dried apricots, Almonds, Cashews, Alfalfa sprouts, Mung bean and sprouts, Dried dates, Sunflower seeds, Chestnuts, Dried prunes, Rye bread, Walnuts, Almonds, Cashews, Winter squash, Hazelnuts, Collard greens, Peanut butter, Cabbage, White beans, Peaches, and Red wine. ​ I know many of the foods, herbals, and essential oils I mentioned in my posts are usually considered healthy and many come highly recommended on this website as well. I am only passing along information to anyone who may be trying to limit their exposure to estrogens, so don't shoot the messenger! Best to you all!

Posted by Jerry (Miramar, Florida) on 04/16/2021 22 posts

Thank you..What can I eat?

Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 06/20/2022

Jerry, I've read that staying away from dairy should be helpful. Read up on it.

Avoid Decaf
Posted by Gigi (Greensboro, N.c. ) on 10/19/2017

I too suffer with fibrocystic breast disease, and I only drink decaf coffee once or twice a week, and it still cause me to have breast pain and underarm pain as well. I was told a few years ago to stop drinking the decaf coffee, which I did. However, sometimes I just need a cup of decaf coffee.

Vitamins E and D, CoQ10
Posted by A.b. (Usa) on 11/19/2015

I have been struggling with fibrocystic breasts - the pain starts 10 days after the first day of my cycle. About 3 weeks ago I started on Vit E (400iu) and CoQ10 which is supposed to be very helpful. I also realized I was very deficient in Vit D so I started on it. I'm noticing a difference already.

I will incorporate iodine once I get my Vit D level stabilized as I think the deficiency worsens the detox that comes with iodine. A Vit D deficiency can make you uncomfortable in both your groin and armpits which really contributes to the breast pain since it is so near your armpit.

Also I have read that Vit D does help balance estrogen.

Lady's Mantle
Posted by Faeqa ( Amman, Jordan) on 10/18/2015 66 posts

Lady's Mantle cured Fibrocystic Breasts

My sister has many Fibrocystic Breasts the largest one is one sm. Before a month I asked her to drink Lady's Mantle tea (Alchemilla vulgaris), she couldn't drink more than one cup a day because she had a sever headache and dizziness of it and she stopped it after one week. Last week she saw her doctor, after made Ultrasonography she told her that the cysts are vanished.

Before 2 months I used it for a cyst out the breast (on the skin) I drank one cup a day without any side effect after 10 days the cyst turn to boil, few days the boil had excreted its contents and the skin cured without any scars on it.

Posted by MissM (NY) on 02/14/2021

I am hypothyroid as well, and had same issue. You can try painting the soles of your feet, if chest is too sensitive, or belly. I also used iodoral tablets. Just try one to make sure you are not allergic. Optimism website has more information.

You would be surprised at how little doctors know about being hypo and getting chest pain. I was given painkillers, hormones which did nothing. I only found out about iodine usage for this condition by searching on the web. Iodine worked immediately on me. No more chest issues!

And then getting on natural thyroid meds helped, Armour and NPThyroid.

Posted by Ava ( California) on 05/02/2015

How wonderful! Could you please share your recipe for the paste and the turmeric drink you make? Thanks!

Castor Oil
Posted by Kimberly From Florida (Pensacola, Fl) on 07/17/2013

I have fibroctstic breasts from, I believe, birth control pills. I have cut out caffeine and that helped a lot. I also wear a non-binding and well fitted bra. However, occasionally I have painful swelling. I started using castor oil packs. I keep the pack on for an hour a day. By day two, no more sore breasts!

Vitamin C, Lugol's Iodine, Vitamin E
Posted by Tammy (San Francisco, California, Usa) on 08/07/2011

These remedies work. My severe breast pain was gone in 3 days. I am drinking 1,000mg of sodium ascobate vitamin C a day plus taking 1 drop of lugol's iodine in a small amount of water every 3-4 days. I didn't do the vitamin E though. Thanks you very much.

Vitamin C, Lugol's Iodine, Vitamin E
Posted by I Need Help (New Jersey, Nj, Usa) on 12/06/2011

Was your Lugol's iodine 2% or 5%? Thanks

Inversion Therapy
Posted by Catelyn (New York, NY) on 02/25/2010

I have painful fibrocystic breasts, especially as my period approaches. I have tried vitamin e, evening primrose oil, but they haven't helped with the soreness and pain. Last week I saw someone's post on this site using an inversion board for breast health and lymphatic drainage. Getting an inversion board is out of the question because I live in a tiny apartment. What I did instead was lay with my back on the bed and stretch off the side of the bed with my hands above my head dangling towards to the floor. I tried to get the steepest stretch possible. It's not very comfortable position but my back felt sooo good after. I stayed in this position for 5 minutes on Monday and 10 minutes Tuesday and Wednesday. I can't believe it but today (Thursday) I woke up with no pain in my breasts! Wow wow wow!!

I hope other women will try this and send their feedback.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Faeqa ( Amman, Jordan) on 05/29/2018 66 posts

Hi: The best remedy I tried for breast cysts is drinking 2 cups of Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) tea, within 10-14 days it will disappear.

Avoid Xenoestrogens
Posted by sara (the beaches) on 10/20/2022

the harm is usually when you consume these things raw, the harm is greatly reduced when cruciferous veggies are lightly cooked.

Posted by Patricia (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 05/10/2009

I've been taking Rhodiola for 5 weeks and have increased energy and have lost about 15 pounds that I have been struggling with for the last 5 years. I have had breast cysts that have disappeared and my memory has definitely improved. 6 weeks ago I attempted to climb the 7 flights of stairs to my condo when the elevator was out. I had to stop and rest at each floor. Today I take the stairs instead of the elevator without stopping at all.

When I started taking Rhodiola, my daughter had told me about it but I didn't know much about the herb only that it would give me an energy boost that I really needed. The only negative factor that I have experienced is insomnia, so now I make sure that I don't take the herb after about 3pm. I take 2 - 250 mg per day. One in the morning as soon as I get up with 10 oz of warm distilled water and the juice of 1/2 freshly squeezed lemon, and one around 3pm at my work breaktime with lots of water.

Posted by Susan Cole (Beverly, Ma.) on 03/14/2009

I have cysts in my breasts and was having xrays at hospital done and they made my left side breast cyst burst . The pain was very bad and I went looking for natural cures and found Rhodiola rosea and one capsules stopped the pain . I took it every day from that time on to now. I use only natural cures now and eat natural foods only

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada) on 01/04/2009

My comments are for Rena from New York: dated Jan 4, 2009. I do not know if the following will help you, but for normal breast soreness most women feel before their period, jumping on a rebounder (mini trampoline) will eliminate the tenderness/soreness. You need to jump daily and start when you are not feeling any pain so by the time of the month that you are normally sore, (in your case, day 15) you should be surprised that you are not suffering any discomfort at all. Work up to rebounding at least 45 minutes daily. It's easy to do, although I should warn you it's like any exercise. You will feel your insides "exercise" sore at first. So work up to the 45 minutes. Also a cheap Wal-Mart type rebounder is not a good idea; there is hardly any bounce to them. The bounce is what moves the lymphatic system and eliminates the tenderness/soreness.

Vitamin E, Eliminate Caffeine
Posted by Dassmoguls (Jamaica) on 03/17/2015

I have been taking the Iodine Sea Kelps for a week now and have experienced some relief of the breast pain. I am also going to supplement it with Vitamin E & C, Selinum and Magnesium.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Susan (Saratoga Springs, NY) on 12/02/2006

Have been pulling for about a week with organic sunflower oil. I have had fibrositictic breasts for over a year--the outside of left breast was a large cystic mass.That mass has almost completly dissapeared! My face and neck have been breaking out with pimples(i am rarely without at least ONE zit-) It just seemes that the pulling has brought out ALL the pimples that were "waiting" under the skin. I also have a "blooming" cold sore in the exact, and ONLY place i have had one( 3x) in the past. I guess it "pulled" out the dormant herpes virus. I am going to buy some other oils today(like olive, and hemp), as i have read that it is beneficial to alternate. I am feeling "strangely" tired this morning. any feedback would be awsome----thankyou (i have to go spit out my oil!

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts


My hot flashes have lessened also, which is curious and wonder if the iodine is the reason.

Yes. Most hot flashes are hormonal related. Iodine can help and it seems to work whenever you have lumps in the breast. I still find iodine cures to be amazing since it was discovered over 150 years ago. The reason why kelp do not work in some cases is the fillers and contaminants being introduced. So iodine that you use are often easier to deal with.

Anyway, his doctor became upset with him and told him to stop taking the pills because it would hurt his thyroid.

It would hurt his income, not the thyroid.

Posted by Jean (London, England) on 01/11/2005

I can confirm that iodine in the form of kelp is a cure for fibroystic breast disease. I have been taking it for about 10 years and it works so well that if I don't take it for a few days, say if I run out of tablets or forget to take them on holiday, my symptoms return within days. I have read that taking iodine can be dangerous if you have thyroid problems, but I don't see how the dose I take (1 tablet a day or 150mg) can be a problem. The side effects caused by conventional medicine e.g. diuretics, can be much worse, so I was determined to find a natural remedy. I think this use of iodine/kelp should be more widely known, but there seems to be a curious silence about it. Maybe it is too cheap and readily available as you suggest in your article! Keep up the good work.

Diindolylmethane (DIM)
Posted by Smith (Los Angeles) on 12/21/2022

I used DIM 100 mg for breast cysts, and it cleared them up in a couple of days. I had actually scheduled a mammogram and took DIM after reading an article about it. I almost canceled my mammogram, but decided to have once since it had been some time.

When I mentioned DIM to the female technician, she said there was a pharmaceutical product you could take. Of course, there was. But DIM can be bought over the counter, and is much cheaper and works. A win, win. I'm really surprised no one has posted about this.

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 12/31/2022 472 posts

I've always passed right by all mention of iodine until just recently, having developed lumpy, painful and swollen breasts.

As I've been exploring natural medicine since my teens - about 50 years - I've always been puzzled when I get sick but the fact was/is that I'm iodine deficient which makes total sense, given excessive exposure to bromine over the years and fluoride all my life BUT, even with mega-dosing of a variety of forms of iodine, I had steady and dramatic results BUT with zero adverse effects, which I thought was strange, but now I think it's due to my having cleansed and detoxed pretty regularly for half a century

I think the issues people have with iodine are simply detox effects, given that iodine addresses the other ANTI-iodine halogens (fluorine, chlorine and bromine) by dislodging them from the body's iodine receptors AND supplying the iodine necessary to take their place AND clean up the mess they've made PLUS restock the body's stores.

Since the drained iodine stores are also being restored, with supplementation, there's no need to bang the door down, as there is when you're cleansing in response to a bacterial o viral infection or otherwise detoxing and NOT replenishing an iodine deficiency because, unlike viruses, bacteria and fungi, toxins aren't multiplying so, you can be a little more gentle on yourself, with regard to dosages. If you don't have the time it would take to soldier through the more dramatic effects of detoxification, just back off the dose. Go slower.

In my own experiences over the past couple of weeks, "painting" iodine onto my breasts for the very first time, it was soaked up in just a few seconds. It was gone from my swollen, sore and lumpy breast by the time I started on the other one That's how depleted I was. I'm only now, after 2 weeks, able to stay orange but still for no longer than about 4 hours. My body is obviously taking what it needs, when it needs it so, there's no fear of overdosing.

I've been "painting" with povidone iodine (betadine) as well as taking iodoral but even after only the very first day of slathering on the PVP-I every 5 minutes, my breast was no longer sore, not nearly as "lumpy" and the swelling had gone down by about half. It's normal size now and not at all lumpy nor sore.

I did have a couple of super sleepy moments in the beginning, which I assume was accompanying the dislodging of the bromine (bromine is a nasty little sedative, used to induce coma).

Anyway, since many of us have probably been mega-dosing vitamin C and various other hammers due to covid, the detox effects are probably not going to be any sort of issue for us but, for others, I would imagine they can be quite bad,

One thing that those who don't detox or cleanse on a regular basis may want to think about is that supplementing iodine now and getting the detox effects over with and out of the way would be much better than having to take mega doses due to some sort of nuclear threat, event or accident and dealing with detox effects in an emergency situation. That would be bad. Actually that would be bad with a whole other suitcase full of bad on top of it, LOL - so let's not do that.

Fibrocystic Breasts
Posted by Jayne (Manawatu-Wanganui) on 12/26/2017

I am 42 and have had fibrocystic breasts for years. I use lugol's iodine to treat them. It works every time. I just wish I didn't have to keep using it. I take 2-5 drops orally and always with food or it gives me a sore tummy. Sometimes I apply it topically but orally gives me much faster relief if I need it. I use the protocol for using iodine from the breast cancer choices website.

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