Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Posted by Openlyhappy (Mcdonough, Ga) on 02/25/2010

I'm sorry I am a person who had to have surgery and suffered from constipation all my life. Honey at the end of the day it is diet diet diet. I would only move once a week at most times. I had "poop envy" of my husband. I started following the rave diet and now i can 2 or 3 times a day. Beets Beets Beets is all i can say along with the ACV and just plain water but most of all it is diet. If you are that constipated like I was you were eating crap..i was or you are eating meat...i was. MY body could not digest meat and processed foods. By this time I had had enough of both to last me a life time. Don't miss'em... I like poopin' more... "Don't hate me 'cause I poopin" I chase a good movement like methheads chase a high. Start looking for what works for you and don't stop until you do you'll find that thing that works for you. BEETS BEETS BEETS oh yeah and cayenne honey and lemon, ginger and ACV all in one good warm cup of water. drink lots of water. Seriously, I know your plight but you have to change that diet to change your life... best of luck...

Posted by Cathy (Cambridge, Oh) on 08/28/2008

Blackstap Molasses cured my constipation problem! I am an avid reader of your site and have received a lot of good info from all who post to it.

I have had bowel problems my entire life. I have been to numerous doctors and have been told that I have the longest colon they have ever seen and it has many twists and turns. After fighting with the doctors about my elimination problem they operated just to see what they could see. Low and behold, they found a large section of my colon that was folded over......leading to another operation to remove 18 inches of my colon. I thought that would solve my problem, but due to years of taking ovc laxitives just to survive and for all the meds the doctors thought would cure me, I developed a lazy colon. Well, to make a long story short....I saw and read the articles on Blackstrap Molasses and purchased some four days ago. I took a tablespoon in the morning and again at night. This has been the best thing that could ever have happened to me. After two days...I am having regular, soft, bowel movements. I am thankful and amazed. I will pass this on to all my friends who also have that problem. I will continue to read as much as possible on your site because I found the answer to a lifetime problem through it that even doctors couldn't help. Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

Castor Oil
Posted by noel (california) on 01/16/2024

I started experimenting with 1/2 Tablespoon castor oil, working my way up to 1 Tablespoon. it works when nothing else does, but takes 2-3 hours. It is a stimulant laxitive -i also like to take it with coffee to get things moving. Only caution is if you take too much it may cause slight tummy ache. I found the following info online (not sure if it applies to ingested castor oil, but I assume it should):

"Oftentimes, the gut contains pathogenic bacteria wrapped in biofilm. Biofilm is the gross, slimy protective layer bad bacteria can produce. Harmful bacteria produce biofilm to protect themselves from being eliminated or destroyed, making it hard to achieve balance in the microbiome.

However, castor oil can break down the biofilm barrier, allowing harmful bacteria to be eradicated from the gut and beneficial bacteria to survive. Since 70% of the immune system is housed in the gut, a balanced gut microbiome is key to a healthy, regulated immune system. This makes gut health the most important factor in healing and reversing autoimmunity."

Bay Leaf Tea
Posted by sara (the beaches) on 11/29/2022

I have recently started drinking a tea...for lack of a better word, of boiling water and bay leaves with lemon juice, I keep it on warm all day in a teapot and sip it all day, I was doing it as an immune boost and wonders never cease. It has relieved my chronic lazy bowel and I now have perfect BMs.

Baking Soda
Posted by winful (Alberta, Canada) on 11/26/2022

I'm using 1/2-1 tsp baking soda every morning on an empty stomach and wait about an hour before eating. Now, after a lifetime of constipation, I finally have quick relief... Baking soda doesn't raise blood pressure as some believe and it's ok to take every day, in fact, it's beneficial to do so!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cathy (UK) on 05/05/2020

I'm usually very regular, owing to a wholefoods vegetarian diet. However I have been suffering from constipation for about 4 days...I'd been eating badly and not drinking enough water. I knew I was becoming impacted and a very painful BM was on the horizon. I took a tablespoon of solid coconut oil, formed it into a suppository shape and put in in the freezer to firm up for a few minutes. I then went to the bathroom and inserted it rectally. I held it there for a few moments and, to my surprise, it took effect instantly. Everything expelled smoothly and painlessly...I felt much better and lighter straight away.

Brazil Nuts
Posted by Ninegps (Atlanta, Ga.) on 02/02/2018

I have suffered from constipation for many many years throughout much of my 40s fore sure. I am stunned that Earth Clinic does not have Brazil Nuts as the number one remedy for constipation. I have tried apple cider vinegar I use magnesium on a regular basis and they do not work for me. I have a very clean diet I eat lots of fruit and vegetables and high fiber every day. I do not, however, drink as much water as I should. One day I was watching a physician show on a major television networks and one of the doctors said that we must have a balanced amount of selenium in our diet. Who knew? He mentioned Brazil nuts. I immediately went to Whole Foods and grabbed a bag. They work but you must be careful about how many you consume. They can be toxic. I only eat 3 a day.

Posted by Rw (Southwest Virginia) on 12/13/2017

I'm on a low carb diet to keep blood sugar down and I make this concoction when I want something sweet. I discovered it cured constipation--I think it's the coconut that does it. I take about a Tablespoon of natural peanut butter (the kind that's runny), mix 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut, some stevia, and add a few chopped pecans (optional). You have to smush it with a spoon and it's like a cross between sort of a granola and fudge--sort of. Well when you're not allowed sweets you lower your standards.

Celery Ginger Juice
Posted by Lisa (Raleigh ) on 01/26/2017

Celery juice for constipation.
I'm always constipated and I have tried everything - prunes, ACV, miralax, and beyond. I have hard time pooping. Literally.
Then, I stumbled on celery juice with ginger.
Who knew?
Works like a champ.

Chia Seeds
Posted by Deb (Lebanon, Oregon) on 12/04/2014

Having grown up with chronic constipation (a small amount once a month) I have been trying to remedy it for the past 20 years (I'm now 57). I've tried all the recommendations. A number of years ago I discovered powdered magnesium and I kept increasing the amount until I had results. Two tablespoons would keep me regular. Concerned about taking this much I kept searching but always would default back. Then I found chia seeds. I soak a tablespoon over night and put it in a 3 fruit smoothie for my breakfast every morning. It has been working for a year now with daily regularity (sometimes twice a day).

B1 (Thiamine)
Posted by Elaine (Edmond, Oklahoma) on 09/05/2014

As many of us with hypothyroid know, constipation is one of the symptoms of the ailment. I am one of those that has suffered for years with hard, rocky stool. Then I read about how if you are deficient in Thiamine or vitamin B-1 it can cause a "miscommunication" between the thyroid and bowels. I began taking 250 mg of B-1 everyday a couple of weeks ago and no more cement factory poops. It just may be coincidence. But, so far sooooo very good. I am actually not dreading to go do number 2. It's worth a try. I just hope my situation remains, eh hem, smooth sailing.

Castor Oil
Posted by Jay (Orlando, Florida) on 08/01/2013

For constipation, I finally found relief by taking a spoon full of cold-pressed castor oil in the mornings along with my cup of tea. I now only need to take the oil about once a week or less.

I started with a strong cleanse (4 tablespoons) initially using the castor oil and gradually reduced the amount over time. Warning stay close to your commode!!!!!

The oil I use is 100% certified organic cold pressed Castor oil.

Posted by Corinna (London, England) on 02/05/2010

I've had so much benefit from this website that it is now time to contribute myself. I was severely constipated as a teenager. I went to the toilet once or twice a week at the most. As an adult I changed my diet to include more fibre and the problem corrected itself. However, after the age of 40 it crept back despite being on a rigorous healthy diet. I tried many things but the thing that helps reliably is 2 tablespoons of golden flaxseed a day. I simply mix the flaxseed into my food at night.

Posted by Shelley (Mississauga, Canada) on 03/05/2009

re: Water and Carrots first thing in the morning.

Hello, constipation is not fun and there are many natural cures that work. I wanted to add another natural remedy because it works and its so simple. 1) Water; the body needs water. Usually when people wake up, they have coffee or some type of diuretic [cafefine], which is horrible if you have constipation. Drinking 1 glass of water as soon as you wake up is what our body yearns for. Drinking 1 glass of water (at room temperature)in the morning cured my constipation within 1 week. Of course during the day, you should drink more water, but first thing in the morning is the crucial step. 2) Carrots; not only are carrots delicious, they save our eyesight, protect our hearts, combats cancer, promotes weight loss, AND PREVENTS CONSTIPATION. I do not have constipation anymore, I hope this can help someone else. God Bless.

Posted by David (Utah) on 05/11/2022

If anyone needs more help finding the area, the acupressure point is called 'Large Intestine 11' or 'LI 11'. Do a search for either of those terms and you can find images and/or videos showing where it is located.

Posted by Dodie (LA, California) on 10/09/2007

I've been taking blackstrap molasses for a week now and thank goodness I've been getting 3 bowel movements a day!! I have a hard time getting bowel movements partially cause of the foods that I eat but I am working on it. Also, my father has the same issues. Also, my face is glowing and I've gotten a couple of comments and how good my skin looks! I hope it doesn't stop working for me.

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