Canker Sores
Natural Remedies

Natural Canker Sore Remedies: Quick Relief & Healing

Posted by Tim (Georgia (Republic of)) on 03/30/2014 21 posts

Hi, from Georgia (Rep. of).

Here is the best and only remedy for canker sores in your mouth - dry Sage leaves. Chew just a few of them each time and all day long if you like and all year long if you like with no side effects. Don't use a dried stem of Sage to avoid scratches that can worsen situation and prolonged healing. You WILL get rid of canker sores from a few hours to several days in severe cases. Repeat treatment if any. Good luck!

Baking Soda
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/02/2013

Jj, to immediately reduce/eliminate pain from a canker sore, coating it with Coconut Oil, helps for me. I don't know if it cures it, but it's calming action is instant for me!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Eileen (Exton, Pa, Usa) on 05/03/2012

Yesterday I awoke to a painful bump on the inside of my right cheek. It felt like a pimple/ulcer and I knew this could get worse. So, I remember when I had a small white painful bump on my tongue a while back I tried oil pulling which healed it overnight. Why not for the inside of my mouth?! I used olive oil, swished for 20 minutes, rinsed w/ the warm salt water solution and I kid you not, when I went to feel the bump with my tongue, it was gone--and so was the pain--that instantly! (I actually could feel the pain subsiding as I was swishing. ) Oil pulling is now my go-to for ANYTHING concerning the mouth!! :)

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Jon (Defiance, Oh) on 10/06/2011

For years I suffered from canker sores, joint pain, sudden weakness, sharp pains throughout my body, and acid reflux. When the stomach cramps set in, that was the red flag: I was gluten intolerant. For those of you suffering from chronic canker sores, it is a food allergy and one of the symptoms of gluten intolerance. As damage occurs to your intestines, your ability to absorb certain vitamins (like vitamin B) can cause your immune system to attack the inside of your mouth because it responds to certain substances that may be left behind after eating.

For me, the trigger was citric acid, but the primary cause was gluten. Now I don't get canker sores unless I eat something with gluten in it. I can even have drinks and foods with citric acid in it and not get them if I'm avoiding gluten. If you are only getting them infrequently then I would suspect that you are just low in vitamin B, but for those of you getting this painful mouth ulcer regularly, you might want to get tested for gluten intolerance. Just thought I'd put in my experiences and two-cents since I see so many myths circulating around about canker sores since there is no definite answer on what causes them.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Jon (Pueblo, Co) on 03/12/2011

I am a 69 year old male, and have suffered most of my life with canker sores. I've treated them with many things, including alum... "ouch!!! " and H2O2, but found relief using echineasa / golden seal in a liquid herbal solution, applied with a cotton swab.

AND the BEST solution: oil pulling! I have been using this technique once daily now for well over a year, for the general health benefits. OP leaves your mouth clean and promotes rapid healing after "biting your cheek" or upon noticing a canker sore coming on. When I think I have a canker starting, I will add a session of OP. I think that I have only had one canker sore this past year that lingered past two or three days. I recommend using either sunflower oil or virgin coconut oil, available at natural grocers or health food stores.

Water Pulling
Posted by Msg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/20/2010

i tried oil pulling with water instead of oil. i have been having recurrent canker sores for the past 3 years. after a week of "water pulling" they are greatly reduced. i spit out the water when it gets too much volume, and just continue with new water. i drink after cleaning my mouth when i'm done pulling.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Corinna (London, Kent, England) on 02/05/2010

I sometimes get very painful mouth ulcers. I simply put a bit of manuka honey on it and they disappear within a day or two.

Posted by Diana (St. Charles, Mo, USA) on 01/13/2010

I wanted to pass along some information for those that suffer from frequent canker sores. My granddaughter get's canker sores all of the time. It seems she gets a couple and just about gets those healed and there's another outbreak in her mouth. At times they are so bad that she can't talk and has trouble eating/chewing. I've researched this for years as well as talk to her dentist, her pediatrician and tried different rememdies. The first thing I did was take her off regular toothpaste and have her start using a natural toothpaste without SLS and that seemed to help only slightly. I've continued researching and having her try different rememdies. I think we've finally found the "magic bullet". I'd read that Goldenseal Root was great for healing canker sores. Buy the tincture (liquid) and apply it directly to the sore with a Q-tip. She noticed immediate relief with the pain and the sore healed very quickly. She also had a new one that hadn't fully developed, but she knew that in the next day or two it would be a full blown canker sore, so she started applying Goldenseal Root to that as well and by the very next day it was completely gone!

When I went to the local health food store to buy the Goldenseal Root, the clerk told me that alot of times mouth sores are caused because there's a problem in the intestines and she advised me to get a good probiotic and have my granddaughter take it daily. She started a daily regimine of a good probiotic first thing in the morning about 30 minutes before breakfast, then dabbing the sores a minimum of 3 times a day. Her outbreaks have really slowed down and when she feels one forming she starts this regimine right away and it either stops it in it's tracks or heals them very, very quickly. Just wanted to pass this along to everyone who suffers the same fate as my granddaughter. I know how much she suffered and how badly these things effected her life so I hope that this information will help others as well.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by John (Fresno, Ca) on 06/30/2009

I have been suffering from mouth sores for decades. I read that colloidal silver will penetrate tissue. So, gaving tried everything, i tried 250 ppm. Everytime i got a mouth sore starting, i gargled (then spat out - did not swallow) for 3 minutes like the article suggested. The mouth sore would go away in 24-48 hours. After a while, i stopped getting mouth sores.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Will (Portland, OR) on 12/29/2008

I discovered to use on canker sores Hydrogen Peroxide on my own a few years back. I used it 30 sec per day, everyday, and now I have had one, maybe two canker sores since then. I think the Hydrogen Peroxide interrupts the life cycle of the virus by destroying the infected cells. That was back in 2001!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Gean (Salina, KS) on 12/30/2008

Good to know. Also, I wanted to add that 2 weeks ago my brother had canker sores in the back of his throat which hurt so bad that a sip of water felt like a knife. He sucked on licorice lozenges from the health food store, and within one to two days the sores were gone.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Randomhelpguy (Colorado) on 03/22/2014

Take an ice cube with frost still on it over the canker sore and it will rip off the white part, and numb it at the same time. Then take hydrogen peroxide and hold it on the sore mixed with Apple Cider vinegar for up a minute or two. This will sting like a bitch. After all this take a Q tip and activated charcoal and scrape the crater from the former sore. Then take just the charcoal and make a paste and leave it for a few minutes. Problem solved overnight or at least smaller. Or alternatively you could use alum which also burns like hell.

Tea Bags
Posted by Craig (PORTLAND, OR) on 12/09/2008

Has anyone ever heard of using tea leaves to resolve a canker sore? I have tried it in the past and it has worked and I was wondering if anyone else had used this technique.

Baking Soda and Salt
Posted by Yolanda (Atlanta, Georgia) on 08/10/2008

Salt and Baking Soda cured my canker sore in mouth in three days! I had never had one before. I came here and saw the many remedies. I first tried the aspirin and actually it irritated the sore and the surrounding tissue in my mouth. I read about salt and baking soda. I started Wednesday night rinsing my mouth with the warm to borderline hot salt water (about a tablespoon of salt with about 6 oz of water) this will burn/painful at first. I swished around in mouth until all was gone. When I woke up I saw that the epithelial tissue almost like a scalb had formed over the sore in my mouth. Though still painfull, I repeated the same thing accept this time I used baking soda. Same amount as I used with the salt. I used baking soda twice and salt once during the course of the day. About every 3 1/2 hours. The soreness begin to go away.I repeated same thing on Friday. By Sat afternoon the soft tissue scalb was completed detached from sore and the sore was healed! Amazing!

Green Tea
Posted by Kayla (Spokane, Washington) on 07/25/2008

A couple of days ago I had some dental work done. I recieved topical anesthesia, a couple pain killing shots, and laughing gas. The shots made my mouth very swollen, and the topical anethesia and the laughing gas made me unable to feel the entire left side of my mouth. While I was out of it, I chewed up that whole side, leaving large, raged canker sores.

After a couple days of pain which required me to take leftover Valiums from previous dental work, I tried drinking green tea, iced. It's cooling, soothing, and offers a great deal of relief.

Posted by Bill (Orem, UT) on 05/28/2008

I've had massive dime-sized canker sores for years and had tried just about everything by the time I had finally found this website. I tried the recommended L-Lysine tablets 2 times a day (morning and evening) and have been doing so for about 6 months now. I am happy to say I have finally found the cure for canker sores, trust me, L-Lysine works! I never get canker sores anymore.

Alum, H2O2, Aspirin
Posted by Kay (In The Valley, Ca) on 09/04/2010

Hey, I'm thinking 7 beers might be the cure for a lot of things, maybe we should start a new catagory here........... Maybe......... Party animal pain relief remedies! I'm sure it would be a relief for insomniacs! It would sure put me to sleep!!! Very funny post, thank you so much for making us smile!!

Posted by Chriswar666 (25 Y/o) (Rio De Janeiro, Brasil) on 01/27/2010

Cloves also worked for me, at least in eliminating the pain. I got one whole and chewed it, alleviated for a while (half an hour or more). I don't get ulcers that often, so I can't judge if it helped speed the healing, but it definitely helped the pain! Ginger also has the same effect :)

Unlit Match
Posted by Dee (Chicago, IL) on 04/28/2008

Holding an unlit matchhead directly onto the white center of the canker sore always helps to take the pain out and heal the sore more quickly. The white material is actually absorbed by the matchhead. It stings very badly, but I hold it on as long as I can stand it, then repeat 3 or 4 times. This has something to do with the sulfur in the matches, so make sure not to get the new kind that are sulfur-free.

Baking Soda
Posted by Tania (Mercier, Quebec, Canada) on 03/10/2008

Baking soda cured my canker sore within 24 hours. I had major pain on the side of my tongue to find a canker sore it was so sore I couldn't hardly swallow. I took 1tsp of baking soda and 1 tsp of water and kept it in my mouth as long as possible. I did this 3 times within an hour went to bed and did the same the next morning by dinner time the canker sore was gone! Thank you for this site its a great help.

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