Effective Natural Treatments for Bursitis Relief

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Isabel (Tampa, Fl) on 08/08/2009

Yesterday I woke up with bursitis on my left elbow,I hardly can move my fingers, Immediately I took a tablespoon of milk of magnesia with a glass of water, one in the morning and one before going to bed, today I feel great no pain at all, all my life I suffered from migratory bursitis, I had been doing this for more than 30 years and never fail, just remember when calcium is high your magnesium is low, and bursitis is an accumulation of calcium

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Georgiana (USA)

My father had just retired. A very active man all his life, he found himself suffering with bursitis in the shoulder joints. After taking honey and cider vinegar twice am and eve. for approx two weeks he felt relief and better mobility. After 30 days he could do windmills with both arms. He was so grateful. Thanks for the site, love the generosity and sharing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Denise Enright (Laguna Niguel, California /USA) on 01/24/2009

Hi, I too have discovered the health benefits of ACV( Organic's ACV - which you can find at most supermarkets). I take it for joint pain, and if I have an acid stomach- or feel bloated--yes, acid on acid nutrilizes. Also, to get to sleep I drink a cup about a 1/2 before bed and read a good book. I don't think you need to have the honey, unless you want it sweet or for a sore throat,or chest congestion- add lemon juice and honey. I take 2 TBSPS in in 8 to 12 oz of hot water and sip slowly-for best results. God Bless

Oregano Oil
Posted by Janis (Boston, Ma) on 01/28/2015

6-8 drops of oregano essential oil mixed with a carrier oil such as or coconut, rub directly into effected area. This remedy worked so quickly, within 15-20 minutes. I was amazed. I later found many testimonies of oregano oil for arthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia.

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Sarah (Birmingham, England) on 05/01/2011

I read the write ups on milk of magnesium for bursitis and couldn't believe it. I have suffered for nearly a year in my hip, I have had two coritisone injections and taken anti inflammatories but still in terrible pain! So I started taking milk of magnesium on Thursday it is now Sunday and I have virtually no pain! I am so pleased I have found this cure!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kelley (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 06/16/2012

I am new to the page, just wanted to say thank you so much that it exists, I have been in pain with hip bursitis for several years and can't take advil pain pills etc, and besides all it does is mask the pain, doesn't cure anything. It had gotten so bad that it would actually even wake me from sleep - Now on to the good part - I followed the advice on this page, got the apple cider vinegar, took a couple of table spoons before bed, also drank lots of water with the baking soda and lemon. Was in a lot of pain before I went to bed, but amazingly this morning I have very little bursitis pain (usually I wake up in an extreme amount of pain) although I do still have a lot of muscular pain, (this is the 1st day) I can't believe how quickly this has made a difference.

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Paul (Port Jefferson Station, Ny) on 07/20/2010

After being hit with my first and hopefully only bout of very painful hip Bursitis I came here for some advice. Tried the Milk of Magnesia 2 TBSP twice a day for 5 days and I was 90% better. In addition, seeing the post stating that when calcium is high magnesium is low and understanding the relationship Vitamin D also has with calcium I added (1) 2000 Unit vitamin D tab to my diet. I did nothing else and felt tremendous relief and was not about to go for Cortisone injections as suggested by others. When my Hip was about 95% better I felt some sharp pain in my knee causing me to limp again. I took another 2 doses of Milk of Magnesia, my knee feels much better, and my hip bursitis is GONE!!! Thank you.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Saysouda (Nashville, Tn) on 10/09/2009

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil for bursitis, joint pain.

I'm 36 yrs old and for 3 yrs I have bursitis on the should area and pain in my wrist. I decided after reading on earthclinic to give VCO a try. In one week I noticed the pain went away and I have more energy. It really really WORKS!

I take a 1 Tablespoon/day. Put in coffee, spread it on toast instead of butter, put some in my soup, add to my pasta sauce. I love the smell. I even use it as a cold cream to clean my face at night. I even give VCO to my dogs and cats and their coats are shiny and soft! I will continue to take this the rest of my life. I love VCO! Thank you earthclinic.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brett (Hawaii) on 08/05/2021

No, in fact, vinegar is acidic, but metabolizes down to base compounds/elements. The reason vinegar helps with acid indigestion is because heartburn is often caused by too LOW of acid in the stomach (which inhibits gastric emptying)...by adding acid (vinegar, lemon juice, etc) the Ph of the stomach becomes more acidic and the pyloric valve can open and allow stomach to empty. Food too long in the stomach starts to become gaseous and puts pressure on the cardiac sphincter to the esophagus causing it to open and allow acidic fluid into the throat causing heartburn symptoms...basic A&P.

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Rose (Oregon) on 03/08/2019

Bursitis Pain:

Magnesium Oil (Magnesium Chloride Brine) rubbed deeply into my increasingly painful shoulder & upper arm for about 5-10 minutes, reduced incapacitating pain 90%! Thanks to all who posted your experiences with bursitis improving with magnesium!

I had no Milk of Magnesia, but realized the Magnesium Oil in my cupboard massaged directly where it hurt might work even quicker. Almost immediately I began to get pain relief, so I just kept spraying on more, and massaging it in (including under the arm) until the pain largely disappeared. I plan to keep doing this daily. (Had it not worked, I would have added a little DMSO, but that was not necessary.) Recent slight Charlie Horses should have been my wake up call that I needed Magnesium.

I'm thanking God, Earthclinic, and all of you who share your knowledge! I trust this works for others!

Castor Oil
Posted by Meghan (Hanover) on 09/30/2017

I was diagnosed with bursitis in my knee years ago. I have fluid in my knee, too. Mostly it doesn't bother me, but when it does, I massage castor oil into my knee and that always seems to help. If it is really bad I use castor oil on a cloth with plastic wrap and a heating pad at night-time and always feel better by morning.

B Complex
Posted by Mjve04 (Beachside, Fl) on 08/04/2017

I've had bursitis in my hip (occasionally knee or shoulder) since I was 11 or 12. The one thing I've seen really help is a vitamin supplement. I get a sustained release Super B and take it daily as long as I do, I have no problems with the bursitis. If I run out or forget it for a few days, pain starts. Also, if I increase my activity level significantly, I need to increase the Super B for a few days.

Let me know if this helps. It's worked well for me for 50+ years.

Cold Laser Therapy
Posted by Colleen (Toronto, Canada) on 07/28/2020

I tried 3 sessions of the cold laser therapy on my hyperextended knee problem and it was cured from over 20 years of pain... they called it Theralase cold laser therapy and it worked for me...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stephen (Birzebbugia, Malta) on 05/18/2010

Bursitis cured with ACV. I am over 50 and had a bad fall, landed on my elbow. It swelled and thought it would go away, it didn't. Three months after I started putting ACV on it, and it remained the same.

Then I soaked a piece of cloth in ACV, kept it on the swell with an elbow support sleeve, almost day & night, and after one day it went down by 15%. I also was careful not to hit it again. On 2nd and 3rd day, down by 75%. That ugly swell has gone and hoping for a complete healing.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 01/25/2014

Dear Michele,

The person who wrote the original post has not been around for a while. Here is a recipe for cayenne salve that you can try.

Cayenne Salve

½ cup oil (olive, coconut or a combination)

1 Tablespoon cayenne pepper powder

½ ounce beeswax

Mix the cayenne into the oil. To make an infusion of the oil, heat this in a double boiler for an hour or two. You can also just let the cayenne sit in the oil for a week, but that takes longer, obviously. Strain out the cayenne through a couple of layers of cheese cloth and discard the cayenne. Melt the beeswax into the oil. You can use your double boiler again. When the beeswax is melted, pour into jars or tins. If it ends up too hard, melt in a little bit more oil. If it is too soft, add a little more beeswax. You can add the contents of a few vitamin E capsules (Just cut them open and squeeze out the vitamin E) to help preserve it. It should stay good for about 6 months.

I would use extra virgin coconut oil (6 Tablespoons) and 2 Tablespoons castor oil, since both of those have healing properties. If the beeswax is difficult to get, you can skip that step and just have cayenne oil.

Let us know if this helps!

~Mama to Many~

Castor Oil
Posted by K.C. (Portland, Oregon) on 06/25/2007

I had a calcified bursa on my right shoulder that had become so painful that, after six months of physical therapy, it was no better and I was scheduled for cortisone shots. I did not want them because of the immuno-suppressant tendency of cortisone. One night I had the impression to try a castor oil pack on it, just out of the blue. So I did. I wrapped my shoulder and underarm (after washing it) and left the pack on all night. In the morning the problem was 95% better. I did it four more nights and have not had the problem since. About five years now.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dinah (PA, CA) on 01/05/2006

Hi, just needed to write to say I suffered from "bursitis" in the hip for a year and a half. Every doctor said the same thing: vicodin for the pain, advil for the inflammation, and prescription muscle relaxers for the accompanying muscle cramps, and several rounds of physical therapy. I certainly couldn't function on the medications, and only seemed to get temporarily, mildly better. I stumbled suddenly had a craving for sauerkraut, if you can believe it, and borscht and homemade salad dressings-all foods that I usually don't like. I am not exaggerating when I say I slept my first night pain free, and started doing the vinegar and honey concoction and simply can't believe I feel so good, so fast! I did increase my water intact, too, to aid in cleansing my body of whatever it had, too. I just used Heinz and Sue Bee and all that pain from mid-back to knees are gone. I even did yoga today which I love but was told it was irritating the bursas-"try swimming." How can I swim while taking vicodin and muscle relaxers?!?!?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathy (North Carolina)

I have been suffering for 2 years with bursitis and osteoarthritis in my hip. I have been on all kinds of medications for this, and it feels better as long as I don't stop my meds. I have been in so much pain that I could not hardly walk. I started taking ACV for 2 days now and my legs are not even hurting. I have so much more energy than I had before. This is so much better than medications.

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 03/10/2023 2174 posts

Hi Kristi,

You said you are using the mag oil as I suggested for sleep. Is it helping you to get to sleep and are you applying it to the areas I mentioned?

Thank you for the feedback!


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisa (Ma) on 04/13/2018

I got bursitis in medial inside ankle... burning crushing pain...I soaked in Epsom salts and oregano oil and cayenne pepper! ...it helps! Take it internal too a bit...also drink fire cider and my number one is chlorella - it has RNA also called chlorella growth factor.. I'm off crutches and yes as it resolves the pain lessons it is a stubborn angry swollen angry illness!

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 03/03/2016

Dear Edye,

Milk of Magnesia does have a laxative effect and too much could cause diarrhea.

Transdermal magnesium therapy - applying Magnesium Oil (which isn't really an oil) to the skin is a way to get magnesium into the body bypassing the digestive system and allowing the body to get the needed magnesium without affecting the bowels. But, some people do report diarrhea from the use of magnesium oil on the skin.

Whichever way you decide to take magnesium, start slowly and see how it affects you.

Likely it would take a lot more Magnesium Oil to cause a laxative effect than just about any other method.

~Mama to Many~

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