Natural Remedies for Bone Spurs: Ginger, Turmeric, ACV & Castor Oil

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bancheck (Idaho Falls, Idaho) on 04/11/2010

I am 45 and I have bone spurs on my spine, feet, and hands. One bone spur on my right thumb ruptured in 2002. I lost some function in my right hand to the point of getting my thumb caught and broken twice. I was 380 pounds, pre-diabetic, and walking on broken bones in my feet quite often (Lots of broken toes and my right ankle). Last October 2009 I was hurting and could not breath (Darth Vader had more stealth then I did).

I am a man that should be in his prime but I was unable to work. My ego was more then broken.

I found the solution and in the last 6 months I've been experimenting to make sure its the real deal. Here it is:

First- Vitamin D3 6000 IUs a day (get a non-oil preparation)

Second- No oils, No fried food, No deep fried food, and NO MARGARINE of any kind

Third- No soda of any kind (lowers body pH for 36 hours)

Fourth- Lots of eggs, butter, and avocados real fat (if it won't rot in three days or less don't eat it)

Fifth- Meat needs to be cooked under 210 Degrees for a longer time to keep the fat body ready (the flavor and texture is so much improved anyway).

Sixth- There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate sugar, starch, or fiber (think of these as fertilizer for good and bad bacteria and fungi in the intestines and body) Celiac and Fungi both produce a intestine damaging protein that stops mineral absorption. If eating the fiber gluten doesn't trip it sugar feeding a fungi may. This intestinal distress can last 2 weeks per episode of gluten eaten.

Seventh- Body pH is the problem. Your bones are part of the body's endocrine system. the bones bank minerals for use in hormone production. however they also dump large amounts of calcium into the blood stream to counter low blood pH if needs be. Bad fats (even bottled olive oil) and carbohydrates lower body pH causing such an event.

Eighth- Eat salt, good sea salt, you need salt to make hydrochloric acid to digest food and absorb minerals (chloride ion from salt). You need sodium bicarbonate made in the pancreas and kidneys to get the minerals to the cells. (sodium from salt)

Ninth- get 60 essential minerals, 16 essential vitamins, 12 essential proteins, and 3 essential fatty acids daily. I have been using a supplement with a good balance. But, I have 7000 to 12000 MG Calcium with Boron, copper, and the rest in combination with clean gelatin to rebuild my bone matrix and tissue.

Tenth- I drink high pH waters with an ORAC count below -300. I also drink (Ferric Ferrus salt in my water) This salt in an aquarium will support both salt water and fresh water fish simultaneously in the same water for years.)

Eleventh- to get my fungi under control I've been using 1 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate in 8 or 12 Oz water every morning for 1 month then off for 2 weeks then 1 more month.

Twelveth- eating less good food daily keeps the body from taxing pH reserves and builds bones back faster. Bone spurs are a symptom of osteoporosis. It can be healed in 6 months (documented). I've made progress I can walk again and my weight is falling off, My diabetes went away, and I haven't broken a toe in months still fighting with the fungi. Gluten hides in a lot of food. Just a little stops the bones healing until my guts heal in usually two weeks per episode.

More notes:

Pasteurized milk will not help but hinder the healing of bones. Raw milk has a balance of enzymes, proteins, fats, calcium, and other minerals and vitamins, However, pasteurizing milk kills the enzymes throwing the amino acid (protein), fatty acids, and mineral pH (Calcium and other minerals) out of balance in so much that it requires additional calcium and minerals to now digest the milk.

Homogenized milk imbalances the minerals and fatty acids even more as once homogenized milk fat no longer needs to be digested to leave the intestine wondering in the blood stream unsupervised.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Cecilia M (Edmond, Ol) on 12/30/2015

How long did it take for your bone spur to dissolve?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Frank M. (United States) on 02/24/2019

I had been dealing with debilitating knee issues and I thought the cause was scar tissue. so I went to an orthopedist where, of course, knee replacement surgery was recommended. I did not like the answer, so I bought some tools to work the scar tissue away, but problems ensued. After more research, I realized the pain was caused by osteophytes or, bone spurs.

More research suggested apple cider vinegar may have some benefits in dissolving of the calcium build up. I still had nearly a full bottle so I began taking 1-2 table spoons full each morn a week ago, and I am quite pleased with the results thus far.

Of course the BIG arthritis foundations call it a myth and suggest, you guessed it, FDA approved pharmaceutical medications.

Vitamin K2
Posted by Whisperingsage (Ca) on 08/30/2017 45 posts

Vitamin K2 (Not K1) which drives the calcium to the right places and drives calcium away from the wrong places. Yes, when I have it in stock, (it's expensive) my wrists and thuimbs are strong, but when I run out they hurt again. But more than this, K2 also keeps your blood vessels clear.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses, Baking Soda
Posted by Angela (Rosebud, Australia) on 11/01/2013

About 4 years I got a recipe for ACV, Blackstrap and Bicarb to cure spurs, which I used and it did. But now a friend of mine would like the recipe but I can't remember to the ratio and I can't find it on your site any more. Could someone please help with it. Thanks, Regards Angela

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses, Baking Soda
Posted by Debi (Los Angeles, California) on 12/13/2013

Angela from Australia~ I do 1 TB OACV, 1 ts OBSM and just about 1/4 ts Bicarb. I put it in hot (not boiling) water and drink as a tea every morning. Put the Bicarb and OACV in first, it will bubble a bit, then the OBSM. Sometimes I even squeeze in 1/2 lemon (good for liver/gall bladder first thing in the morning).

Also for the foot, I had a heel spur where my achilies attaches to the arch and one on the heel. I had read on here somewhere about rubbing AVC on it so I went one step further. Soak an ace bandage in the ACV and wrap the area. Then I put my foot in a large zip type plastic bag and used tape to secure at the top. The next morning I was pain free! Remember, a bone spur is a bone spur, ACV will help where ever it is located. Some places you woud just soak some type of pad and maybe tape plastic wrap to hold it in place. ACV is a little miracle in a bottle!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lp (Talkeetna, Ak) on 06/10/2014

As I read so many of you saying "let me know if it works.." I wonder why you don't just try it and see if it does work for you.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Leslei (Alaska) on 11/03/2022

I had bone spurs in neck and both sides of spine between shoulders, upper spine. Chiropractor said he could no longer adjust me. I searched and found ACV and baking soda. I take every day, 2 or 3 times. First thing in morning. 1/2 teaspoon baking soda and 1 to 2 tablespoons of Organic ACV with the mother and then ad 6 Oz water and drink it. I also ad 1/4 teaspoon sea salt at night and helps me sleep. The spurs are gone. My back can be adjusted by a different chiropractor. Good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 10/29/2016

My husband gets a rash if he uses apple cider vinegar straight as well.

Yes, dilute if you want to try it again, or just use the apple cider vinegar internally as a daily tonic. 1 Tablespoon in a glass of water once or twice a day. Might not work as quickly, but it does help many.

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julia (Ohio) on 02/24/2022 4 posts

I have been taking apple cider vinegar for 3 months to help with arthritis and bone spurs in my hip. The pain just seems to be worse than before I started. I was wondering I'm just “detoxing” for 3 months or is Apple Cider Vinegar not the thing for me??? Is it true that it can be too acidic for my body? I thought it was to help me and that it is an alkaline ph. I'm just confused. Thank you in advance for any comments you may write to help me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stefanie (Philadelphia, Pa) on 05/25/2019

I have a bone spur on my big toe. Not much pain but it's no longer flexible like it was. When I try to bend it when I walk that's when I feel a burning pain. Been using Organic ACV with the mother. One tbsp in the morning and one at night. I've been doing this less than a week so haven't noticed anything different so far. Also, just started with Magnesium powder. I've read about boron/borax but seems like it's important to get the magnesium levels up in the body before taking boron, but keeping it in mind. Any advice would be appreciated!

DMAE Detoxification
Posted by Sarah (Richmond Heights, CA) on 12/23/2006

Bone spurs are often a result of fluoride ingestion, primarily from fluoridated water and/or dental treatments. DMAE detoxifies fluoride as shown by years of clinical findings at the Bioenergy Balancing Centers in California.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Denise (United States) on 02/24/2019

Hey Frank,

I know you said you're taking one to two tablespoons each morning for a week and I do one teaspoon turmeric powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon and almost 2 tablespoons of grated fresh ginger root, so I do the Apple cider vinegar on its own and I do the other ingredients I mentioned in a tea. I've been doing that for probably very steadily 2 months possibly longer and I do think that the bone spurs in my neck are improving. The reason I say that is I haven't had them bother me and sometimes I think if things are getting better I kind of forget about them but I was glad to see your post because it reminded me that I've been taking those things quite a while.

Cabbage Leaves, Kombucha Scoby
Posted by Inara (Australia) on 11/11/2016 1 posts

I have Pump Bump (Haglund's Deformity) more than ten years. Physio and med. doctors can't help. Spent lots of money and wasted time. What helps wonderful to reduce swelling is fresh cabbage leaves. I apply it not only all night but even keep it on during all day when staying home. No mess and no pain. Also very effective to reduce swelling is Kombucha's scoby. Without these precautions my foot get swollen afternoon and evening. Also I taken Boswellia tablets 3x . I'm still need some advice how to get rid of inflammation. I refused take antibiotics - doctor prescribed Voltaren.

Sorry for poor English( Its my third language). I hope cabbage leaves and scoby will help to some people.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 10/14/2015

Dear Rickdl,

You said that you were hoping to see results in the long term. That is wise. So many give up after a short term attempt with a natural cure. My husband has been taking a very small amount of Borax for about 18 months. (About 1/32 of a teaspoon in about 6 cups of water over the course of a day for 4-5 days a week) His heel spurs are much smaller and no longer give him pain. But it did take a long time to see the results.

Slow and steady wins the race!

~Mama to Many~

Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Terri (Tyler) on 10/26/2023

Eucalyptus oil dissolves bone spurs

How I dissolve bone spurs. I massage my feet at bedtime & after my morning shower with coconut oil & Eucalyptus oil.

I had been using only the coconut oil for years, but when I added the eucalyptus oil, I started getting relief w/in a few days.

1/4 tsp coconut oil + 5 drops of Eucalyptus oil. For any bone pain (osteoarthritis), I add 2 drops lavender oil. Rub palms to mix, then massage the whole foot sole, especially where the spurs/pains are. Cover w/ankle socks until absorbed (about 10 min). If I'm up walking around afterward, I wear crocs.

It takes 1-2 months to totally dissolve bone spurs!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nesty (Highton, Australia) on 10/10/2015

To Rickdl,

I have been using Magnesium Oil Transdermally (Magnesium Chloride) for 12 Months now and the results have been outstanding. I had problems similar to you for years and now most of those problems are gone.

I have recently started using Borax as a supplement as well (6 days) and the Bone Spur on my Heel is nearly gone. I have had this for 8 months and nothing I tried helped much at all until now. I tried ACV which made it worse and through trial and error realised that I was too Acidic. Borax is an excellent alkyliser - about 9 PH and works wonders in conjunction with Magnesium Oil.

Look up "The Borax Conspiracy" by Walter Last, it will make a lasting impression on you. Good luck with it.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Arshia (Woodridge, Ill, Usa) on 04/01/2013

Hi, I need some advice on my pills I'm taking, I'm 37 went to dr for pain in neck found out its a bone spur due to bad posture of my neck as I am a hair stylist always tilting on one side and I have doing it for almost 9 years.

I started DMSO rubbing twice a day
magnesium 500 mg once a day
2 pills of vitamin C 3 times a day
Lysine 1000mg Once a day and ACV 2 twice a day.

Now I have noticed that my joints keeps cracking and makes noise and my left arm muscles hurt a lot as if someone is pulling from inside. I my calcium ok or what should I do. my feet hurt a lot and feels tired at all times.

Am I doing anything wrong, it worries me, Ted please guide me with right amount or if I'm missing on anything. Please reply soon. Ty for the feedback and comments would be really appreciated. ty again.

DMSO With Horsetail
Posted by Tracy (San Augustine, Tx - Usa) on 07/28/2011

If you are using DMSO as a carrier for herbs to treat BONE SPURS topically, two of the best herbs to use are HORSETAIL (Scouring Rush) & STINGING NETTLE (Urtical Diorica). I would suggest adding the liquid extract to the DMSO instead of the dried herb. Equal amounts of each would probably be okay. Herbs & homeopathic remedies high in silica content have been used a long time to treat bone spurs & help remove them. The herbal teas of the same plants can be used internally to treat the condition, as well.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Karen (Nuevo, Ca Usa) on 08/10/2011

This is to Bancheck in Idaho Falls... I sympathize with you. I walked for several years with my foot bones continually broken to some degree... Heal... Then re-break again. Dmso has worked miracles for me. Can take it internally 5 drops in a glass a day or make a 70% dmso and 30% carrier oil and spray where it on 3-4 x day. If no sensitive skin can apply straigtht to skin. Look at Dmso.Org.Nz. This stuff has done miracles for me and my horse too. Good luck. I too have changed my diet similar to yours and yes that has helped so much. No meat. Similar eating habits to the Garden of Eden. Ironic, huh? Garden of Eden heals and mans habits of eating cause disease. Those of us, like you and me, are figuring this out and changing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carole (Marysville, Michigan) on 04/20/2012

If ACV can be rubbed on heel spurs, will it help with neck spurs too?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rickdl (New York, Ny) on 10/09/2015

My xrays in recent months revealed that I have hip bone spurs as a result of moderate hip arthritis and I am only 40. Clearly disappointed... did a lot of reading on natural remedies and have started trying the following:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar (1 Tbsp per day diluted in 500ml water)

2. Glucosamine Chondroitin (Glucosamine 1500mg/day)

3. Supplement containing Vitamin A, C, D3, E, B1, B2, B6 and B12 and also has Mg, Copper, Boswellia Serrata,

4. Vitamin D3 1000IU (1 tablet daily)

5. Once in a while I take Calcium Magnesium (333mg/167mg resp)

Its been 6 weeks since I started on this protocol and have seen some relief to my hip pain. If any of you have tried other remedies please share. I am heavily counting on ACV, Glucosamine and Mendamine to reverse my condition if possible to the least slow my progression.

FYI, I am not in pain but some discomfort occasionally in groin and buttock area. Feel the pain when I get in/out of car but its a very mild pain. Also, I walk on treadmill for 2 miles (30 mins) everyday for 4 to 5 days a week for last few weeks.

Posted by TAN KOON PENG (SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE) on 06/20/2008

Mimosa is useful for bone spur. It is also useful for detoxing our body of toxins. It is an effective Cancer Killer as it can get rid of toxins which is one of the main cause of Cancer. Our body when clear of toxins can function well and allow our immune system to effectively kill the Cancer cells naturally.

For Medical uses, the pink flower, red stem type of mimosa is most useful. All parts of mimosa can be used to treat Cancer but the most important part is the roots. Mimosa can be soak overnight for easy washing. Mimosa should be cook in very low flame for 2 to 3 hour as this process can get rid of the mild toxins in this useful plant.

18 red dates and 12 slices of old ginger should also to added for better results.This herbs should be taken on empty stomach for best results.If you are not a vegetarian, you can also add some garlic for better results. After taking this herbs patients can expect to pass out black and smelly feces.

Mimosa is also effective for internal injury, diabetes, kidney problems, liver problem, diarrhea, skin problems, arthritis, urinary tract stone, rheumatism, anti-aging, child fever, relieve cough, clear phlegm, sprain injury, insomnia, gastric infection, clearing excessive heat in body, promote urination, bronchial infection, child indigestion, stiff neck, bone spur, piles, thyroid, blood purifier etc etc.

If fresh mimosa is not available, you can buy it from chinese medical shop.

Bone spur patients are to abstain from kang kong, carrot, banana, celery, peanut.

NOTE: Not suitable for pregnant woman.

Please share with others if you have any feedback after using this herb.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by tara (us) on 09/13/2022

In the US they label Cassia as 'cinnamon'. Dismayed to see 'cinnamon' aka Cassia encapsulated & sold as a supplement. Liver damage be damned. True cinnamon doesn't damage the liver when used medicinally. True Cinnamon farmers in Sri Lanka sell freshly harvested sticks on etsy & ebay. I buy mine from Distacart with other Ayurvedic remedies. You probably already know this BUT when someone says, they take 'cinnamon' medicinally, I feel the need, to speak up about liver damage. Thank you.

Vitamin K2
Posted by Susan (Ca) on 12/26/2017

MK7 comes from Natto. This is the type you want to take.

Cabbage Leaves, Kombucha Scoby
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 09/27/2018

Systemic enzymes and bromelain can help.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 10/11/2015

Rickdl (New York, NY) ---

Hi, I am replying because have the same lower back, hip, knee pain. While I also take supplements, for years I have used the Ayurvedic MAHANARAYAN oil which is sesame oil with added minerals.

The pain came up a little while ago from an old injury and I was yelling with it. I warmed the oil and applied it liberally especially over the lower spine, then buttock, hip and adductor muscles and the knee but finally the whole leg and the other side to not be one sided in the treatment. I have to do it every other day and am painless as a result. At the same time it is so good for the skin. I actually have used it from top to bottom over many years as it is stated to rejuvenating and my skin is very good. This oil also sees to spider veins and varicose veins over time. With the treatment the hands become more flexible and youthful.

Just wanted to post this as it is so good for pain , skin and the entire head, too. For diabetics it improves on the numbness of the feet, improves circulation and helps with sleep if rubbed on the soles before bed time.

This oil is available online or from Ayurvedic supply or East Indian shops. If not, pure sesame oil alone will do a a lot.

Namaste, Om

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nesty (Highton, Australia) on 10/14/2015

To Rickdl,

I rub the Magnesiun Oil into the skin of the joints and areas where I have any problems, let it sink in and be absorbed through the skin until it dries (Approximately 20-30 mins). This can be done 3 or 4 times a day if required, your body will tell you when to back off after it has absorbed enough into your system. Most of us are lacking in Magnesium and need to get as much into our bodies as we can (This is why we have these problems with our bodies).

It can be taken along with the supplements you are taking as it is absorbed through the skin and not taken orally.

20 Mule Team Borax is the type you need to buy and as far as I know there are no side effects from taking it, not in my case anyway. I placed 1/4 teaspoon in a glass of filtered water and drank that straight down, increasing it to 1/2 teaspoon after 3 or 4 days. It was a matter of trial and error for me but it worked, start off slowly and take it from there.

The Borax article suggests 1/4 teaspoon in a litre of water and sip it all day, I was unable to do that and it worked for me. Read the article again and it will explain that to you, I like to try things and then change it to suit myself if I can without going overboard. The article also explains that Magnesium Oil works well in conjunction with Borax.

Good luck with it, I hope you will be as impressed with the results as I have been.


Avoid Milk
Posted by Sharon (Tennessee) on 10/08/2015

I used to get bone spurs in a couple places on my fingers. They went away after I quit drinking milk. Almond milk can replace the milk you drink. The problem with milk is that the calcium in it has been heated- and many times can not assimilate into the body correctly- thus it attaches itself to joints, and sometimes even kidney stones.

Try it. Hope it helps. There are many types of almond milk to pick from. The unsweetened vanilla is better tasting, but I can drink any of them.

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