Natural Cures for Atrial Fibrillation

Sea Salt
Posted by June (Cincinnati ) on 03/19/2024

I think I have written on this subject before. I have had Afib all my life. It can be caused by many things like thyroid, vagus nerve irritation, dehydration, deficiencies of various minerals, etc.

I want to share/update my story: I was using 2 tbsp of olive oil per day (calms vagus nerve), one drop of potassium iodide, adrenals, magnesium and calcium, taurine, coq 10 and b vitamins-all of which helped a lot! The medications did not help at all. Then a weird thing happened. I got acute mononucleosis at 65 years of age. I was hospitalized repeatedly because my salt levels dropped so low that it was life threatening. My Afib went absolutely crazy. I realized that salt was maybe a factor. One of the doctors said that your body keeps salt in tight control so that your heart can beat correctly. If you run low, it will take it from your bones (! ). If it can't find the salt anywhere….well you're ready to meet your maker. I never liked salt and guess I was deficient prior to getting sick.

I have recovered completely from the mono BUT I started taking 1-2 teaspoons of sea salt per day. If my heart starts skipping, I immediately go for the salt or sometimes take Biolyte (a rehydration drink). This has just about eradicated my Afib. It's worth considering if you have this problem, especially with low blood pressure. Do not use processed salt. Only sea or natural salt. Hope that this helps someone out there. Can't believe it was that simple!!!! This site has been so helpful. 💚💙❤️💜

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile,Tn) on 08/09/2020

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, and I must have dyslexia because I can't read. Did more research and AFIB disqualifies you for EECP. Thought that was my solution for my AFIB problem. Hey, not a problem. I am a trouble shooter and will wear this thing out, if I don't go out first. I tell all to read and need to take that advice myslf. ====ORH====

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 07/24/2021

Cayenne may interfere with blood-thinning medicines such as warfarin, aspirin, naproxen, or ibuprofen. For this reason, doctors usually recommend their patients to stop taking cayenne pepper in medical dosing form at least two weeks before and two weeks after the surgery. With that being said, if I were facing Atrial Fibrillation (a friend of mine currently is and this is what I told him). None of the pills or even stopping and starting of his heart to reset the rhyme has worked. God put cayenne pepper here on earth for a reason. Monitor your heart rhyme, blood thickness, start with small doses, stop stressing over the small stuff and put the dam pepper in your mouth!

Sodium Bentonite Clay, Probiotics
Posted by Ron (Tavernier, Fl) on 12/14/2013

Here is my latest information. [older posts under Alkaline Diet in the A-Fib section]

I have suggested previously that my afib was caused by toxic blood and that my PH was off. I have since put it all together even more and have cured my afib with a simply effective therapy. Since it is my belief AFIB is an over acid condition caused by poor gut function, poor adrenal function, poor diet, etc I have addressed those issues. Anyone can see the things I have tried over the years and believe me no one supplement will do it, but a long term therapy will. My final solution to this problem is unique and maybe a bit unusual for those not as familiar with this monster as I am. I take bentonite clay and probiotics as my major therapy. The bentonite pulls the toxins and acids from the body and the probiotics creates healing conditions in the colon. None of this comes in a short time this takes over a year of work. The bentonite is the best thing to draw acids from the body, and those acids create conditIons when the heart surface tissue becomes inflamed and irritated resulting in what we know as afib. I take sodium bentonite in a liquid bentonite from a well known company that supplies the product. First use of bentonite can cause constipation so use should be for 3 days on 4 days off until one gets used to it.Probiotics should be a good brand like Key or dr Ohhiras. If one wants to speed the process a bit diet change can come to play, maybe not a radical as mine since I have become mostly vegetarian. It takes time to heal the monster give yourself a year at least. For more information on this and to get products one can look up unique healing on youtube or simply buy your own wherever you like. It works for me and should work for you.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 08/06/2020

HI U BOB, ORH here, thank you for this post. I am at my wits end. My med folks told me that I would not die, but just wish I had because taking their Rx results in a low quality of life. I stopped all but the blood thinner because I rather die than feel like that. Am considering doing the ECCP thing. The KAATSU system I bought, does not seem to be helping, but I am not doing it 2X a day like they said. I planned on the plug-gage thing, but did not know about this electrical thing. I have explained that my Vagus vein is crimped so they can't get the welding machine to my heart to scar it and stop the AFIB. Now my guy says he can use a stiffer wire and force the vein to open. AYSM? You are playing with my life and not yours. Getting a lot of crap from Vanderbilt but they, like football teams, have first stringers and 3 stringers. I am not interested in the B team. Bob, that is the reason I write interesting stories. I have been down some dusty trails and can spin a yarn. ==ORH==

Dietary Changes
Posted by marian (britain) on 09/13/2023

For anyone with Atrial Fibrillation, try the following, stop eating chocolate (SOB) it has phenethylamine, which stimulates the heart. Even smoked foods can have an effect.. Also anything fermented, yes that includes yoghurt, cheese, cured meats and pickled foods. Even overripe foods can cause palpitations. l found that not eating chocolate made a big difference to my palpitations. Very sad!

Posted by Amanda (Boston, Ma) on 12/27/2016

I just posted this in the Hyperthyroid section as well - I had A Fib caused by hyperthyroidism - I'm taking 10,000 mcg Biotin and from the very 1st day, it helped me tremendously! I am so much calmer now, I sleep 8- 10 hrs a night, and my heart rarely skips!

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 05/27/2016

HI U LARA,,,,,,,, been down this trail for a year or so and have done some hard headed things. My Cardiologist put me on Cartizim and it worked but I stopped, because I don't like taking drugs.

My A Frb came back with a vengeance. Thought I was a goner it got so bad, especially with my self induced stress.

My integrative doctor told me that sometimes we must do drugs until we find a natural solution. Thus, I'm now back on Cartizim along with Nattokinase to keep my blood thin; Cardiac Px which contains many herbs especially Hawthorn; Taurine;

I have not had a spell since on this regimen. I also do magnesium by mouth and trans dermally.

When I really get stressed out, then I take a .5 mg Xanax.

When I get in A FIB, I drink warm water with Cayenne extract as hot as I can stand. My pulse rates goes down within a short period of time. Country doctors used this trick in the old days to keep stroke and heart attack patients from dying.

Laura, I wish you well.


Atrial Fib Triggers
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 03/21/2016

Hello Leslie,

How much magnesium are you getting a day? I take about 500 mg. Lack of Magnesium is the most typical reason for afib issues. That coupled with a virus infection on or in the heart can make the problem worse. The virus issue is the curve ball. Have you had any significant and long lasting infections in the time prior to your afib? If so, that might be a clue that the afib is being caused by not only possibly by a lack of magnesium but also a virus. If me, under such conditions, I'd be on two tablespoons of colloidal silver three times a day for a month; constantly monitoring the condition. I take that much CS every day just to keep virus infestation low.

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Artemis (Florida) on 04/24/2015

Don't know how valid this is, but my Cariologist just the other day told me NOT to take "fish oils". I said to him, but I eat skinless/boneless sardines and, he said, no, that's OK?I mean the fish oils like the Omegas 3,6 etc. I was recently hospitalized twice with pneumonia and now am told I have AFib. Well, they totally destroyed my body and health in the damned hospital with the thousands of drugs they had me on 24/7. My hair has been falling out like crazy?I have sores all over my body and other damage to my health. I stopped taking all but 4 of the drugs and am trying desperately to develop my "natural remedy protocol" in addition to the drugs. Just wanted to tell you what he said about the fish oils. But of course I will research this and also see a more well informed doctor who also has knowledge with natural remedies. They are killing everyone in this freaking country with drugs?and our damned government is all paid off by Big Pharma and lobbyists. Sorry - my apologies for my ranting but it makes me crazy what I see every day and now I am a victim also?but not for long.

This site is a god send - blessings of the Universe to you all for all your support, advice and for just being there.

Dietary Changes
Posted by GeeMan (Canada) on 09/28/2021

I had AFIB for a while, most of the time after eating and sometimes not.

I decide not to eat after 7.00pm and let my stomach rest. Also, I found trapped gas in the upper digestive system always started the AFIB.

I would force the burp but sometimes not enough, but a couple of days with not eating past my 7.00pm time and it has practically gone. I tried lots of supplements but I cut down on these and just not eating lots of different foods and only eating when your stomach signals (not your mind and the habits) it has saved me so far ( approx 3 weeks).

I think the foods produce gas that may push the diaphragm close to touching the Heart and so causing the AFIB ( my theory).

ORH Remedies
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN.) on 03/09/2020

ORH here, self isolating and hunkering to avoid this virus stuff. Anyways, I's been reading and learned that you can make apple cider vinegar from apple scraps. As all know we have an apple orchard and make many gallons of apple juice each year, and throw our scraps in the woods for critters to eat. We have always bought Braggs over the years and all this time I could have been making it myself. It has an almost unlimited self life and thus , I have a new project. The Lord said he would provide and he does…. if we would just listen. Had several slices of the pork belly for breakfast that I cured a few weeks ago. Pretty good and reminded me of my youth when almost all bacon was salt cured . I fried it in the leaf lard that I had recently rendered. Doing lots of things that Bill and the fine lady from Denver told me to do about my AFIB situation. It ain't right, but I's still above ground. Got a struggling couple that want to help us garden on shares, otherwise, think gardening would be a thing of the past for us. I truly think something good will come out of this pandemic. This one world stuff is not working. Life is best when it is a family and community thing. ====ORH====

Atrial Fib Triggers
Posted by Wild Rose (North Mississippi) on 12/18/2015

I have had Afib for years. I worked nights as a nurse and finally gave in to going to Cardiologist. Meds were given and I'm allergic to most things. I'm even allergic to the rat poison! my triggers are high copper foods, nitrates, nitrites, white sugar, MSG, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, olives, olive leaf, kava kava, sunflowers and their oil, Vitamin E, Olive oil, any vegetable oil, soy products, the cultures in yogurt ( the L-Bac. (sp?) I have seen cause seizures that is in yogurt in a patient I had) avocados, root beer, eggs with all the new added omegas added and the other additives trigger my afib and ocular migraines. there are many more triggers but these are the worst of them.

I took medicines for years and they messed up my heart beat worse than the afib did so I quit. I took they had tried me on 5 others I could not tolerate at all while in the hospital in 2005. I saw my blood pressure on the monitor go to 258 / 178 and I always converted back to regular rhythm on my own. a quick help in the hospital was my husband going for some celery, it always helps me convert back. I got so bad with afib and arthritis and weight from all the pills I had to quit work and go for disability.

I started digging me out of medicines and started natural things to see if I could figure out how to help myself. I have been reading on this site for about a month now and have started with some of the suggestions for blood pressure problems and for afib that I had not been trying. I was taking homeopathics mag-phos #8 and Arnica Montana 6X for my a fib before finding this site. I read about this combination on a site about a man outliving 5 of his cardiologists so I figured if he could so could I. it worked much better than the meds and I still take them some but I am taking the amino acids and bilberry (this strengthens and repairs the blood vessels) which I need for I now have narrowing blood vessels behind my eyes on my optic vessels from the high blood pressure if it continues I go blind)and ginko and vit C 750 mg and Vit D3000 IU. I still have severe bone pain and no one has ever come up with why I do have this pain.

I have a master herbalist that helps me with doses for I am just learning about these things and will never go back to taking meds nor giving chemicals to folks again. it was time to renew my licenses but it has been 5 years since I practiced so I am letting the nursing licenses go and would love to find something natural to help people with to truly help them be better after I get better myself. MY weight went way up on the pills and finding something that will help with weight lost is not easy.

Thank you for your site. I also take black strap molasses and chlorophyll for indigestion. MY diet still needs much work. thanks for all the post and for all the help this makes my decisions about my own health much easier and encouraging to know I'm not the only one against doctors orders.

Orange Juice (or Vitamin C)
Posted by Endrun (Tennessee ) on 09/19/2015

I had an ablation for A Fib in 2005 and for the most part things went well. However, I will have an event 3 or 4 times a year. I discovered a few years ago the Texas Heart Institute gave patients orange juice before and after heart surgery to keep them from going into A Fib. A couple of years ago I had an episode and after 8 hours I remembered the orange juice.

I drank 16 ounces of orange juice and 3 hours later my heart rate had gone from 160 to 75 beats per minute. I usually have 3 or 4 events per year and as soon as it starts I grab the orange juice. I have successfully taken care of every event, since then, in 2 to 3 hours without going to the ER.

Orange juice does the trick for me. I have read where people drink 8 ounces every day and their A Fib pretty much goes away. It is well worth a try and a whole lot less than going to the ER.

See article.

Sodium Bentonite Clay
Posted by Ron (Fl) on 04/08/2014

At last I can finally say I have cured my a fib. I had tried every thing there was to cure it in the past and nothing worked. I had all day everyday 24 hour a fib. It was worse at night when I would wake up with my heart racing, or when I laid down to sleep I heard the thumping in my ear drum. For all that are serious about a cure, the vitamins, are useless, the juicing helps, all other supplements do not make a dent in the problem. The cure I found was to remove toxic acids from the body, mostly from the colon. The best way to do that is with sodium bentonite clay. I try to take 5 tablespoons each day but it is not easy to do at at times it can be contipating but the body rids itself of acids and toxins with good healthy large bowel movements. It will take time, mine was 6 months before noticeable improvement, and for some 6 months to 2 years and it should be continued for as long you want to keep the body clean and toxin free. Also with the bentonite it is vital to take probiotics. Healing begins in the colon and healing is a longer process than what many want but we did not get Afib overnight and will not cure it overnight. I have suggested this to others on other websites but they say I did not cure myself and that I am wrong yet they still suffer. I suspect there may be others that say the same here, but for those that want relief, do it and you will be cured as I am.

Dental Issues
Posted by Errol (Miami, Fl, Usa) on 08/05/2012

Well it has been over 72 hours since my root canal infected teeth were pulled. The dentist showed me the pus that was festering in my gums and had to scrape pus and dead tissue from my bone, do a bone graft and fill a big hole where tissue had died. The other dentist really did a number on me. For years this infected mess called root canals that was suppose to safe was pumping toxic waste into my body affecting heart, my sinuses, and possibly my colon and liver. I was a toxic mess. I am sitting here still with the sore mouth the swelling has almost gone away, the afib is not being noticed at all. I have a bridge in my mouth, not as comfortable as the other teeth but not as deadly either. I suspect it will be much more comfotable when the stiches are pulled on the 15th of Aug. 2012. Any with afib should look up the dangers of root canals and you will see the most affected organ from root canals is the heart. I am sure I have cured my a fib and am continuing with my life as a juicer, a faster, and an aloe vera drinking man knowing now I will hit at least 100 years unless I go by accident.. Those years will not be sick years they will be healthy and wise years. The human body has the capacity to live 120 years yet almost no one in this country ever comes close while persons of other countries those that live in high fertile areas do. Maybe its because they drink that dangerous raw milk every day or eat that unpasturized deadly raw yogurt this sick and stupid country bans.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Ladyliza (Granada Hills, Ca) on 01/12/2012 32 posts

Some AF caused by heavy caffeine consumption.. Hopefully you don't imbibe much. Are you drinking ACV daily with water? That will help kill the candida. Also I would suggest not eating any mushrooms, mold, or yeast.. As it contributes to the problem. The ACV will help turn your acidity to alkaline. You need to get off of anything sweet as it is hard to get rid of candida when you eat sugar. I take 3 garlic pills a day and my white coated tongue has improved a lot. Good luck!

Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/23/2020

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, reads alot and thinks. Read a few days back that cold water to your face will settle your Vagus nerve and calm down your AFIB. I's SJS, so I decided to do that with ice packs. Guess what neighbor........ it works. With my condition, I feel bad all the time. When I do the ice thing, then I am good to go. Working with my KAATSU guys on my heart problem. They cautioned me to go slow with their restricted blood flow program. Meet our friends at the farm in the morning to pick the rest of our corn. This will be probably 4 or 5 bushels. We will shuck it at the farm and put it up as cream corn in the freezer. We once tried to raise 4 planting of corn but that is hard work. We now only do two plantings. Pulled up our pinto beans the other day and have dried them. Normally we freeze them but running out of room. Purple Hull peas are blooming and will be ready to pick in a week or so. Am a sorry guy and bought a pea sheller a few years ago. Got to turn the crank, but is bettern your finger nails. Friends, when you work with the earth, you get a totally different attitude toward nature. I have little empathy with tree huggers. Most just talk the walk. I promise you that I have planted far more trees than these folks. Won't say what I want to say because I'm on a tight rope with D, and lots of EC folks think I am not a good guy. I beat my wife, etc. What most don't understand is that she can whip my fanny any day of the week. I told you she was a tough hide. Is life interesting or what? ====ORH====

ORH Remedies
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 02/27/2020

Hi ORH... I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems with Afib. I only have two suggestions for you. First you should start taking a herb called Arjuna terminalia. In Ayurvedic medicine, this herb is a much revered herb for the heart. This herb resolves a multitude of heart problems including Afib. And when I say it's revered -- it's been a mainstay treatment for multifarious heart problems in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. That means that Arjuna works. Arjuna is a well known cardioprotective and cardiotonic. Arjuna acts to strengthen the heart, corrects heart rhythms, stops hardening of the arteries, cures angina, cures edema and also has anti-inflammatory action. Dosage is 500mg per day to a max dose of 1500mg per day (in 3 split dosages). Arjuna has no known or observable side-effects. It's very safe. Secondly you should seriously consider taking curcumin or tumeric powder as a heart protective. There has been much research on the beneficial activities of tumeric for the heart and I haven't got room to discuss all it's other many benefits here. I'm currently regularly taking organic tumeric in yellow powder form as a heart protective, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, brain protective(anti-dementia), hepatoprotective and anti-fungal because you will get the benefit of the oil soluble curcumin plus the benefit of all the other water soluble constituents of tumeric powder as well. Here's some of the research on tumeric/curcumin: I just take my tumeric dose with my coffee and here's how I prepare it. I add a teaspoon of organic tumeric powder to the coffee cup. Then I add some pepper. Pepper contains piperine which will increase the absorption of tumeric into your body by a factor of about 2000 times. Then I just add some coconut oil because curcumin is oil soluble. Mix well. Then add the coffee and hot water and just sip it down. I take this once or twice a day with coffee from the bean. Also bear in mind that tumeric is a very useful anti-fungal. I mention this because fungus, as well as bacteria and viruses, can and do invade the heart muscle region to cause serious problems. I also freely admit to being somewhat paranoid about fungus -- I never want fungus dominating my body ever again. I also know that you've said in the past that you are still battling with candida problems. And, since candida can invade any organ or tissue in the body, maybe that fungus is the root cause of all your heart problems. So there's another good reason to take tumeric. Just trying to cover all the bases. All the best to you...

Posted by Janet (In) on 03/25/2017

Robert Henry. Again I am looking at your symptoms. Mold or fungus.

This bane of my life. I think I have conquered it and bam. Another hit.

In the beginning of my journey it was a pounding racing heart that scared me to death...nearly. But having to retrace the cause everytime over these last 5 years. It is always the same.

My sensitivities expand with each exposure. The chemical sensitivities add more fun to the show as they expand and grow unchecked until I am on the floor.

In our house of six. I am mold crazy sick like kryptonite to superman. I have 5 other people. One is mold sensitive. One is on the road to meet me on the floor, two that could roll in it and not get sick. The other one is sensitive when her digestion is not optimal.

We have 3 spots in our home that had hidden mold. I have solved. We got rid of the car that had it. I drove off the road while driving it. Sitting up with eyes open listening to the radio.

Ken and I stay at hotels with swimming pools in our room. Crazy I know. The cleanest most well maintained pools and rooms I have ever seen. I never get sick and I cannot tolerate bound chlorine in pools. Allergic. But free chlorine no problem as long as I have sodium thiosulfate crystal to take.

We stayed at a different one last month. No mold smell. I was on the floor within 24 hours. The shower had 5 pinhead size black mold spots. Almost impossible to see. I did not have my ozone machine with to run before moving our stuff in. Out of nowhere bam.

This week my kids left the showerhead outside the tub. It dripped a little. Heart racing. Pounding. I had no idea. I am the bass ackwards detective. Like Sam Spade...under the hot lights questioning suspects until the the truth emerges.

My point is that this devil can be anywhere and everywhere. A garage, a mattress, even the most well maintained and clean places can get you.

My arsenal is vast as different molds create different symptoms. Often unrelatable to what I see.

Sodium molybdate 1/4 tsp or a pinch in water before food in the am. I add 1/4 tsp, a pinch of potassium carbonte to further help. The molybdate is the mold workhorse. I make this in ozonated water. The potassium cleans up and helps the heart. D3 and selenium yeast 200 mcg every morning. Again selenium is the work horse for mold. K2 or an oz of gouda cheese. This moves calcium out of circulation puts it into bones where it belongs. So we use gouda high in k2 3 days. 100mg k2 2 days equaling 5days out of seven.

Humic acid. 2 tsp in a pretty bottle on the counter with distilled liter of water 1 1/2 tsp of sea salt. Blend or shake. Leave grains at the bottom. 1 tsp or 2 of this a day in water.

Serrapeptase high strength 2x a day away from food.

Chromium I take it at night. Reduces any sugars that sneak in. Cortisol does not jump all over the place during the night.

You already know everything. But your mystery says mold to me. You know about alkalizing. You know supplements.

The other 1 heart pounding fix is topical magnesium oil right on your chest every night. I find I have to do it.

No flour foods preferable.. no grains ideally. Even just a few days to see if it is not one of the culprits.

I know ...shut up Janet. But we want you around always.

No sugar or fruictose (fruit). Makes cortisol unstable. J

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 04/21/2017

PAT,,,,,,,,, see that you and I are on the same wave length as to the supplements we take to avoid A FIB. I do take an Rx, Cartizim, that my cardiologist prescribed, but my Integrative doctor insisted that I take until I could find a better solution. I also take Nattokinase to keep my blood thin instead of Rat Poison.

I only take cayenne when I go into A FIB. My CPAP has helped. I keep my Cayenne in my gun bag and my gun bag is with me constantly.

I have not even considered ablation because cayenne extract works for me within 5 minutes. Here is where you can buy it.

Got pictures coming showing our garden that you don't want to miss. I am really concerned about the world situation. Everyone is in total rage and no one is seeking guidance from our Lord. He's going to get enough and there will be nothing left but a greasy spot. At least the folks on EC try to help their fellow man.

I wish you well.


Posted by June (Cincinnati) on 05/20/2016

I was able to reduce my afib with a drop of clear potassium iodide and more protein (red meat). However, if I get it, 100 or sometimes 200 mgs of tryptophan completely eradicates it. This answer came to me through a dream. Strange, I know!

I have started taking about 50 mg of tryptophan before bed and I sleep great. I don't know why it works so well in my case for afib!!!! Might be worth a try. I am using a pretty low dose. I've had afib since I was 3 years old. I agree that taurine is good too. But that didn't actually stop my afib. Tryptophan completely stops it within an hour!!!!

Hope this helps someone!

Posted by Adrienne (Idaho) on 12/17/2021

Referring to Hwk's comments about doctor's ways, 2016, I just saw a so called doctor, he was a "hospitalist" working in a clinic as a doctor who, very early in the conversation told me flat out to stop taking any supplements because none of them work! If he wanted to impress me, he should have kept that to himself. Since low thyroid runs in my family, and I do have it and mentioned that I had to get off levothyroxine because of the side effects, he told me levothyroxine is a very good drug, very effective. When I mentioned a book called "Stop the Thyroid Madness" which addresses the problems some of us have when taking synthetic thyroid, he sneered and said that book has been completely debunked. When I mentioned the blog run by the woman who wrote the book, and all the entries by people who are having problems trying to take Synthroid or Levo or what have you drugs, he didn't say anything. At another point he said supplements are not regulated by the FDA and they are not tested. So I mentioned that there is a government website, National Institutes of Health?, that shows extensive testing of many supplements, herbal, etc. Again he said nothing. Think I should go back to see this guy?? Lol!!!

Posted by Dave Jones (South Wales) on 11/28/2016

Hi to you all

I too hate taking prescribed drugs only because I know they will never be an answer for afib and in the end will come with their own problems, but while big pharma is in control believe me cures are not their business, so all research done is for more toxic drugs to contain this awful condition for more profit, I believe my afib is a symptom of some imbalance in the nervous system which feeds every organ of the body. I work with pumps all day long and it is no different to the heart if there is any blockages or air trap along network of pipes then it will show in the pump which can go erratic (common sense). So it is no good to keep messing with a perfectly good pump when the problem is elsewhere.

Unfortunately, we have a medical system of experts who know nothing about the human body other than their own area of so call expertise it is so frightening we have been going down the wrong road of health care for far too long, just listen to people like Dr John Bergman total common sense stuff which you would think all doctor would know, but they dont, health care now is base on fear and offer no solutions, afib is certainly based on fear, but as long as no-one is looking at the whole picture then there cannot be a permanent answer, drugs only do two things the either block or kill that's it folks!!!, our bodies are miracles and have been doing a great job keeping us healthy all our lifes, so our job is to fine out why this problem is now occurring and eliminate it, not poison it with more toxins.

To start with it is no good eating raw food diet or more greens if they are full of pesticides(toxic) it as to be organic. Get yourself a good water filter to clean the water you drink, take a good omega 3, but if you can get your nervous system checked out by a good chiropractor, If you live in the usa I recommend John Bergman, I live in the uk and I am having trouble finding a chiropractor who does a nervous system check? but always believe you can cure this don't fall into the black hole of despair, try yoga, meditation, and prayer. Don't bottle up your fears like I did for years. It will only make you ill.

Good luck,


Aloe Vera
Posted by Will (Northbridge, Ma) on 12/10/2015

I have been reading many different A-Fib sites and blogs and have not seen any mention of Aloe Vera softgels. It really has done wonders for my a-fib issues. Has anyone else tried this supplement?

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Bee (New York) on 04/25/2015


I am sorry you went through this but you will no doubt be healing yourself and yes I know about big pharma ; doctors and their pills.. I was diagnosed with hbp two years ago and was put on pills but none of them worked. I didn't know what to do and I wasn't educated about it at the time.. then they gave me a beta blocker and it worked a little but then I started to get smart and found natural remedies and a better diet and sun and grounding and exercise.. well they wouldn't get me off the drug and so I weaned myself off but it was a small nightmare. I was confined to my house for about a year with horrific side effects.. I had every side effect in the book .. I am off the drugs now and using all natural things and I am so greatful that I am okay.. I am still learning and tweaking as I go.

Good Luck

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by June P. (Cincinnati ) on 02/16/2017

I believe that afib is often caused by spasms in the colon, which irritate the vagus nerve, which irritates the heart. It's all a web! Sometimes a few tablespoons of olive oil can quiet the colon and taurine may help. Just my experience.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Pat (Pennsylvania, US) on 09/06/2014

I too believe that the digestive system is also involved with the afib. I think probiotics are a good idea.I started them, too. Makes sense since every episode of afib usually starts with "noises" in my stomach(gas?) Hope it helps!

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Jay (Kansas) on 05/21/2016

From the research I've done on meds, I found out most of them CAUSE the same disease you are taking them for. I.e., heart meds CAUSE heart problems thus making them worse and possible killing you. See Dr Sherry Rogers, M.D., "Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?"


Magnesium, CoQ10
Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 08/11/2020

TONYA, if my Tractor Driver will allow, I kiss you right in the mouth. I will try this, because nothing I do is working. Thank you.


Posted by Helena (Norwich UK) on 01/24/2020

My Mum has had atrial Fib for many years, she is 89, ended up in hospital many times because of it and also had very high pulse. Medications don't work anymore, she also had pacemaker fitted in many years ago but it didn't seem to work for atrial Fib. She also had 3 cardioversions, last one before last Christmas. I wanted to share what she did to bring her heart beat and pulse to normal. She had shoulder pain and used electric massage to relieve the pain, as last cardioversion worked only for a few hours she was back to square one with her heart going like crazy and high pulse, so she had an idea to put this massage gadget near her heart but on the other side not close to her pacemaker and she noticed that after a few minutes her heart rhythm came back to normal. It was a month ago more or less, she used it a few times when it started again and it calmed down straight away and her pulse came down. She was amazed herself and so was I but happy that something worked for her as it is a horrible and frightening illness. She told her GP about it another day and her doctor was very interested how she did it and said it's a home cardioversion she did and was happy for her. I wanted to share it, maybe somebody would benefit from it.

ORH Remedies
Posted by RSW (OH) on 09/07/2019

Hi ORH, Just wanted to wish you the best on your ablation next Thursday. I will put you on the prayer list at my church and Bible Study. Please try and post at the end of the week so we know you are OK. I hope you feel a lot better after the procedure. I have enjoyed your posts on Earth Clinic for many years, and have learned a lot from you. You are a straight shooter, and that's one of the things I like best about your posts! Take care and may God bless you and your tractor driver.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 03/26/2017

JANET,,,,,, thanks for your concern. You may be right about the mold thing because me and my Tractor Driver both show up black mold in our quarterly DNA test. Our Integrative Doctor gave us homeopathic drops for that. We do live on a lake where the humidity is high. We keep a dehumidifier going full time. I wrote about us having our HVAC duct work professionally cleaned two years ago and afterward we sprayed down the entire house using a theater fogger with a GSE solution bought from Tenn Mold in Knoxville. I sent our test mold kit off and called the biologist about the mold found. He said none of the mold was the kind that cause humans grief.

I do have a Plasma Rife Machine that can address mold or fungus. Corresponded with a guy in Britain that had mites the same time I did and I told how I killed them with my IFR SAUNA. He said he had already killed his with a Rife Machine. My current problem is that I have too many health toys and there are only so many hours in a day.

I am going to print out your post and study what all the things you have done. Did I tell you that Janet is one of my top ten female names?

Wish you well.====ORH=====

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/30/2017

HI U CAROLYN,,,,,,,,,, I have no clue and as you have read, I use a shotgun. The culprit is dead, but I don't know what shot killed it. As far as my back pain is concerned, I think the Ginger Root Extract cured my sciatica pain. Many have written about this recently. I also think the Ozone and blood platlete plasma shot helped. I think my PT helped. I use DMSO and transdermal stuff.

As far as my AFIB, I keep my blood thin with Nattokinase, I take my Rx, and I try to chill out. I also use my CPAC at night. None of this crap happened until I got old. That is my admonition...... don't get old. When you get old you got lots of stories to tell, but no solutions.


Posted by Pat (Pa) on 04/22/2016

Thanks! I really think that I wasn't getting enough Mg and especially the Taurine that helped! Off all meds even if I get afib, I convert with a little metapropol and no more fleccanide! I havent had it for about a month now and each time I have had it since January it gets less and less! So I know I'm getting better! The "Heart Calm" has Taurine and Mg in it along with Potassium and coq10.And I take 1000 more Taurine in addition to that a day! So... hoping that I hit on something here! I take Hawthorn and VitC, D, Fish oil, aged garlic and a multi also which I pretty much always took!

Hope you guys are doing well! I am on the run from those doctors and their ablation! Oh and I also use the Magnesium spray oil on my skin 2x a day! I must have needed a lot of Mg! Very depleted it seems! And Taurine is a potent detoxifier as is Mg! All these supplements are costing me more than the meds, but I'd rather do it this way with NO side effects! The only side effect is how good I feel!

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 10/13/2016

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN,,,,,,,,, hope you have been following this old fogey's saga because you will learn some things. About 25 years ago I had my throat and nose cut out due to sleep apnea. I was not going to wear that WW ll gas masks that was used in those days.

As all know, I's smart, jus slow. When I awake in the middle of the night and my heart is racing, I check my oxygen and it is low at 93. My PT folks say they will not treat anyone whose level is 92. I have now concluded that my sleep apnea is back and I stop breathing in my sleep. If I don't address this situation then all my organs will slowly die, and then me too.

My next move is to see a sleep doctor and get one on those rigs that force you to breath at night. Is life interesting or what? Don't get old.


Posted by Hwkmn05 (Nh, US) on 06/23/2014 109 posts

If I had one supplement to suggest someone with Atrial Fibrillation or any heart condition for that matter, Magnesium would be that. It took me 4 years to figure this out, but for some reason certain individuals deplete Mag levels in our bodies more than others. Possibly stress , or diet, but there are days I can t keep enough in my system. Ive dealt with Tachycardia several times and a high dose (800-1200mg) of Mag and Hawthorne (2000mg), gets me in NSR. I have not used it yet to get me out of full AF, but I am more confident now than I have ever been on Meds. Hope to never take Meds again.

Back Injury Connection to AFIB
Posted by Sabiha (Bowmanville, Ontario) on 11/01/2017

I agree with you that after 10years I have learned my body and it's difficulty about digestion. When I get into AFIB it is the food and indigestion and acidic gut, enlarged liver suppresing the vagus nerve. So I take gas x, aloevera, sodiumbicarbonate, manuka honey, org. apple cider to convert my gut system to alkaline state that heath goes back to sinus mode. I also gave up on beans, sugar, gas forming foods even vegetables.I take mag-taurine- K, Bcomplex, Vit D, CoQ ubiniqual 100, many other supplements. Please get your calcium levels checked. I wish you all good health and it is in our hands...

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Waltz (India) on 12/04/2015

Hi Joy,

Triggers from Loud Noise and Emotional Disturbance both are big symptoms of Magnesium deficiency. Try massaging of Magnesium Chloride oil (from Life Flo or Ancient Minerals) twice daily totaling 20-30 sprays everyday, preferably on the chest and back. You can also orally supplement with Magnesium glycinate pills which do not produce diarrhea like other forms of magnesium. In all 500 to 800 mg of Magnesium per day should start helping you within few weeks.

Foods to Avoid: Worchester Sauce
Posted by Heather (Miami, Florida) on 12/07/2009

Thank you Kathleen and Lisa for your response.

To respond to Kathleen, I don't know about my mother, but I eat tamarind, hot peppers and anchovies without a problem.I have been researching this subject the past couple of days and have found some interesting links......

Atrial Fibrillation and MSG

Here's a good page on MSG:

I also found references to corn syrup and racing heart on Earth Clinic! and

Alkaline Diet
Posted by James (NH, US) on 09/26/2014

Pat, Yes, stay off Rat Poison! No doubt that mine and many of others AF episodes are "Vagally mediated" from Vagus nerve. Having never had an issue during the day, only at sleep or just before bed late, I'm sure mine is digestive system related and not adrenal. Tis why they test us for apnea Im guessing. Unfortunately, EPs and Cardios still attempt to prescribe meds that don't address the condition, but the symptoms. Beta blockers will NOT work for Vagus initiated AF. Flecainide does, but wow, what a dangerous med that is. Add to the nocturnal AFers, the disruption of sleep from meds, actually contributes to arrhythmia by disturbing REM sessions at night. So then they are quick to put us on sedatives. This Pharma ball just keeps rolling downward. However, Ablation does seem to have fair success with both vagal and adrenal AF.

To conclude all this, I was on Metoprolol for a time, and still got AF. Then switched to Flec. However I weaned off that after 3 horrible months, so I can't say if it would have worked. I did take Hawthorne while weaning off these meds, but not the dosage I now take. I would start with a low dose, maybe 250 mg with both berrie and flower. Last AF episode, HR never got higher than 72, tho still irregular, and I was NSR in 5 hours. Id say that's as successful as any beta blocker. So now, When I get that feeling, flutter, etc at night, I load up on Malate Mag, 600-900mg, and 500-1500 Hawthorne, over a 1-3 hour period before bed. Keep in mind, I did build up to this over 6 months as Mag is tough to assimilate in small intestines. I do carry the Tuarine and Arginine in cabinet for PIP purposes, but will look at adding that in. Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap molasses seem to calm flutter down also. Best wishes.

PACs Trigger Identified
Posted by Lynn (Colorado) on 10/29/2022 5 posts

Premature Atrial Contractions (PACs) GONE…HOW???? WHY???

Well, I have used all the treatments on here, but not until I found the reason it was happening.

My esophagus has thin skin, the nerves of the vagus nerve are irritated when you have reflux/eaten aggravating foods. Then the vagus nerve gets irritated….that is why magnesium (calms nerves), advil (removes inflammation), water (coats throat temporarily and stops dehydration), but no one could identify WHY…

THIS IS WHY…so stop the inflammation, the reflux (hiatial hernia is popped up, push it down), drink pickle juice to reduce acid to help reflux).

NO MORE PACS, NOTHING. Eat ice cream to help inflammation, but mostly, get the reflux under control, use epsom salt to keep a relaxed airway, and you WON'T HAVE ANY MORE PACS.

Being a margarita drinker, thought it was alcohol…no unless you are dehydrated, it was the lime juice causing reflux, then causing inflammation of the vagus nerve, then the cycle begins and won't end until you get the vagus nerve to calm down and not be inflamed.

FINALLY, THANK GOD, I always thought I was going to die, now, a HUGE SENSE OF RELIEF….

I hope this helps someone.

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