Natural Relief and Prevention: Effective Remedies for Anal Fissures

Potassium Permanganate
Posted by George (Liverpool, Lancashire, UK) on 05/21/2009


1 go to your chemist and buy a small jar of potassium permanganate,also called condys crystals

2 buy a tube of haemorhoid ointment you only need the applicator tube that comes with it,you may have one already

3 take a new sterile handkerchief or similar piece of cloth and wrap it around the applicator and covers the tip of the applicator as well.

4 get a small empty glass or jar and put about a heaped teaspoon of the condys crystals in the jar, now add a little water at a time until you get a mix which looks like pale ink,if you test it with your finger it should stain.

5 get a condom and go all around it and make holes from from the bottom to about half the way up, these will allow the mix to leak out in to the fissure.

6 now take your cloth wrapped applicator and dip it in to the mix until well soaked, you might put on plastic gloves for this job or your hands will be stained,

7 next when your cloth is really wet with the mix slip your condom with the holes in it over your assembly and tie the end off so nothing can leak an elastic band will do, and smear baby oil or vaseline on the condom.

8 now insert condom in to anus a short distance and then wiggle it about and the mix will leak in to the area of the fissure and enter the fissure....

9 I did this every day for 3 days on the third day i was pain free and it never returned,beforehand i was in agony and due for surgery, the relief of the cure was amazing

10 my doctor gave me the tip about condys but i had to work out how to get it in to the right area of the fissure because the doctor told me to sit in a bowl of it, that didnt do any good because it has to get inside so i had to brainstorm a bit to come up with my method..

11 dont treat yorself with this method unless your doctor has diagnosed you as having a fissure, and ask if this is a suitable treatment for your case, all i can tell you for sure is if you have a fissure this works and it is a permanent cure and fast, i have changed my diet since and make sure i eat fruit and drink more water.. good health


Dietary Changes
Posted by Jane (Portland, Oregon) on 03/25/2011

I second that!! There are too many other pure choices to even consider oil by-product.

Vitamins C and E
Posted by Michael (Sacramento) on 10/01/2015

Additional Vitamin C and Vitamin E for Anal Fissures

I made smoothies in the morning and at night with 1/2 cup orange juice for vitamin C and 1 ounce raw almonds for vitamin E and 1 ounce raw pumpkin seeds for zinc and my anal fissure healed completely in about 4 days.

According to the website: proteins, carbohydrates, arginine, glutamine, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, copper, zinc and iron play a significant role in wound healing and their deficiencies affect wound healing.

Posted by Ev (Australia) on 05/07/2015

Botox injections cured my fissures after 20 years of pain.

Posted by Jpl (Los Angeles, CA) on 04/17/2014

Re Anal Fissures:

Eat organic yogurt. I only eat wallaby from whole foods or Ralph's or sprouts. No I'm not a seller. Just someone with more than 10 years experience with this problem. And having tried most everything. The wallaby will cure the cut from inside. But you still have to keep stools soft. And sometimes I add coconut oil or neosporin to the outside, especially at night and before going to the bathroom. If wallaby ever goes out of business I'm in trouble. 100 million probiotics in one cup. And no the pills with billions didn't work. For some reason it has to be yogurt.

Olive Oil
Posted by Gerald (Los Angeles) on 01/31/2014

@ Andy, from India:

We buy ours directly from of the company's engineers; I pick it up at his systems engineering lab in L.A.

Because of the ozone on their manufacturing premises, insurance considerations don't allow me go to the plant, in Commerce, despite our having known them for years.

Your best bet is to go to their Craigslist, Los Angeles page and order it there:

That will plug you right into their email.

I wish you the best of luck.

For this application, it certainly worked very well for us!

Wheatgrass, Vitamin E
Posted by James (Sterling, Va) on 10/19/2012

I had a anal fissure for decades. The worst was when I had toilet bowl water red with blood and allways blood when I wiped. It would seem to heal and then would retear. I tried oils, and lotions, even one gaget you freeze in the freezer. I came across Wheat Grass website that sells wheatgrass cream. I couldnt find any other supplier. I bought 3 of the creams. Then bought Carlson vitamin e suppostories 3 packs of 24. You coat the suppositories with a large amount of wheatgrass cream and insert. Using a finger also get a large amount on that tear. Dr wheat grass recomends their product for fissures so its ok to use internally. I used it after a bowl movement in the morning and at night. On weekends 3 times. And never wipe with a dry tissue I use witch hazel or water and soak the tissue. The healing factors of both the wheatgrass and vitamin e will heal that fissure. keep hydrated and use a stool softener because a hard stool with retear the fissure when healing.

Olive Oil
Posted by Bryan (Arizona) on 11/19/2013

This advice for olive oil as well as the changing leg position during BM saved me from a terrible situation. I had tried many things for anal fissure. The olive oil, amazing healing gift from nature.

Horse Chestnut, MSM
Posted by Dg (Canada, Cananda) on 11/18/2011

I had an anal fissure that kept reapearing and there was sometimes quite bad. I took MSM and horse chestnut homeopathic remedy, and it was healed in several days. I was also taking fish oil and cod liver oil. I reccomend giving this a try. It worked wonders for me. thanks

Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin B6
Posted by Fizzy (Los Angeles, Ca) on 06/04/2011

Cod liver oil pills worked like magic. Helped on the first bowel movement following the issue. I'm now taking that and Vitamin B6 per this website and are doing much better, so thank you all and hope this helps someone else going through this painful issue.

Witch Hazel
Posted by Big D (Olympia, Washington) on 01/23/2011

Witch Hazel works great for soothing and preventing anal fissures as well as hemmoroids. I currently suffer from IBS so my bowel movement tend to be irregular, making it uncomfortable to go. Clean then wipe with a damp cotton ball (not soaked) after a each bowel movement until symptoms go away.

For hemmoroids dampen half a cotton ball and insert partially in the rectum (like a soppository) for a few hours or as long as needed. Caution! Can sometimes burn or sting a little But usually goes away.

Changing Leg Position
Posted by Rafa (New York, New York, Usa) on 03/28/2010

Anal fissure cured by changing leg position during bowel movement

Had an anal fissure for over a month, with no apparent cause, other than typical bowel movements. It was very painful and led to a great deal of bleeding. I saw that one suggestion was to change the position of the back while having a bowel movement. This only helped slightly; HOWEVER, during this process of changing positions during a BM, I realized that the toilet I have been using was too low to the ground for me, causing my knees to be very bent and legs upright during a BM. It must have been putting strain on the anus. By extending my legs out in front of me during BMs, the pain and bleeding stopped within one day. Leg positioning seems to have been the simple cause of these anal fissures. It was such a simple solution and I wanted to share this with people with the hope of it helping them cure a very painful and annoying condition.

Changing Leg Position
Posted by Kal (London, England) on 06/12/2010

I just wanted to say to you a big thank you. I've been in horrendous pain for 4 weeks now and I tried the above change of position. For the first time in 4 weeks I didn't have any pain after a BM. Thank you so much for your advice. I'm now off to buy some vitamin B6 to see if that helps.

Changing Leg Position
Posted by Jini (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 05/18/2011

If you go watch my "Constipation Pooping Positions" video on YouTube, you will see why extending the legs helps in situations where you need to relieve the downward pressure on the rectal canal or anus. Other times this is also helpful is with anal stenosis or stricture - go see the vid, I explain it all there.

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Srinivasa (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 06/21/2011

Hi, I suffered from chronic anal fissure for 5 months and tried everything but nothing worked, which may be acv, aloevera, stool softener anything and everything. My problem was after bowel movement the pain use to hang around continuously for the whole day and I lost around 10kg weight. After all this I decided to go for surgery, this june 8th I got operated and very next day got discharged. The same day I had bowel and amazingly it was pain less, I was under medication for 3-4 days. There use to be little discomfort for 6-7 days. Now I'm all right sharing my wonderful experience with people who are really undergoing severe pain, I suggest you if you have the same problem pls pls pls get operated. the cost of my operation in Bangalore in a reputed hospital costed only Rs.15,000/- that's around 400$ to 500$. Wish you all the best and speedy recovery.

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Hossein (Tehran, Iran) on 06/27/2011

Srinivasa, would you tell me what kind of operation did you have? it was a laser surgery for vaporization of the fissure or it was a sphincterotomy?

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Srinivasa (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 06/30/2011

Hi Hossein,

I had Anal Fissure sphincterotomy, they put me in anastesia, not conscious while operation. it took them 10 to 15 minutes, beleive me now I started preparing for Marathon for 10 km though I'm 45 years old with hypertension taking regular medicine for BP, I'm completely alright and enjoying my time, I can eat anything now, no more pain actuall speaking now enjoy the relief of bowel moments as it use to be earlier:).

All the best to you Hossein.

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Babitha (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 09/25/2011

Hi Srinivasa,

Congratulations on the success of your surgery. My husband is going through the same problem and gone through sphincterotomy, but is still in a lot of pain. Can you please tell me which hospital were you treated in and who is the doctor. This information will be very useful to me. Kindly help.

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Letmein (Fort Mill, South Carolina) on 09/03/2012

The bowel movement that caused my fissure just caught me off guard-it was fast. my doctor told me years ago to put my right thumb in my vagina to push the poop out. you can also kind of reduce the size this way also. also, what helps more than anything is deep breathing-enhale thru the nose-out thru the mouth. you can feel the poop moving down to the rectum as you breathe out.

hope this helps. at least you don't have the poop on your finger.... just be sure your thumb is clean.

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by T (Edmonton) on 08/07/2018

That's the worst, for a female try this, push up using both hands finger tips, push along the outer wall side on both side of the anal hole, around where stool is sitting, especially if you have a dropped bowl, the pressure will help muscle push out stool. Not sure for male not sure as scrotum in the way. I found this online forgot what it's called.

Posted by Heather (Palmdale, CA) on 04/23/2009

I have had very bad bleeding every time I had a bowel movement. I tried the vitamin B-6 and within a few days, no more blood. I will still have a colonoscopy to make sure everything is fine but I am glad that there is no more bright red blood in the toilet. I think I had an internal hemmoroid or a fissure - either way it is better. Try it, it works!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kat (Washington DC, DC) on 03/31/2009

Anal Fissure - Change in diet helps

I had an anal fissure that kept bleeding everytime I did #2. I figured out that this was due to constipation. So I looked for remedies to fix constipations. I found out that constipation can be helped if you add fiber to your diet. So I started eating lots of things with fiber (high fiber cereal), vegetables, beans, etc. I also found out that my constipation might be related to a yeast infection that I had. Yeast infections are caused by candida, which feed on sugar. (You can easily find many anti-candida diets on the internet). So I started to eliminate sugar from my diet. I had the anal fissure for about 3.5 months. After 1 month on the anti-candida/high fiber diet, I am happy to see that my stools are a lot softer and I am not getting anal fissures any more. I am not sure if this is due to the high fiber are the lack of sugar in my diet. Either way, I am happy with my results. I am not sure how long I'll stay on the anti-candida diet. I am thinking at least 3 months total, and I'll introduce a few sweets back slowly. Hopefully my fissures won't return then. I hope my story helps someone.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Anothertip (Ontario, Canada) on 11/17/2011

Just try flaxseed oil (cold pressed)

Witch Hazel
Posted by Shelley (Mississauga, ON) on 02/22/2009

I suffered from anal fissures for years and discovered an amazing way to eliminate them. By applying witch hazel with a Qtip after bowels or before bowels will greatly reduce any pain or discomfort from the fissures. Witch hazel is a cleansing astingent that does not cause over drying. Try it, it works for me, and I will never stop using it!

Posted by Afsaana (Dallas, Tx) on 04/23/2010


Hi, Do you continue to take vitamin B6? I was having the same condition and I found great relief once I took B6. If I stop taking, the pain comes again. Also I hear that long term use may be toxic and could have irreversible nerve damage. Kindly let me know.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Adam (Denmark) on 06/15/2023

In regards to application, did you use raw manuka and or I have been advised to use beeswax, oil and manuka honey

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ammazurin (London) on 06/06/2019

I've had chronic anal fissures for about 10 years and have tried every treatment and protocol out there. The pain has been unbearable at times and often debilitating, you end up not even leaving the house! What I've found helps the most for long-term healing is simply a change of diet and lubrication. Keeping active also helps with bowel movements but isn't key in my experience. Cut all grains and dairy, eat plenty of apples or pears as well as any other fruits or vegetables (apples and pears have been the best for me as they result in nice soft, comfortable and fluffy bowel movements!) and use only raw coconut oil, pure ghee, butter and cold olive oil for eating. Lubricate after every bowel movement and at night with plenty of good quality olive oil. Smearing it around the outside of the anus and probing internally gently with your little finger works best if in severe pain but don't go too deep as your finger and even suppositories can make the fissure worse.

Once pain subsides and healing begins (after a few days of eating better) you can go deeper with the olive oil. Apples and olive oil are the way to go, simple and uncomplicated but extremely effective.

Clove, Coconut Oil and Eucalyptus
Posted by Chris (Atlanta, GA) on 01/03/2023

You should always dilute essential oils in a carrier oil like olive oil. Pure essential oil may kill pain quickly but could harm the tissues as it is very potent

Olive Oil
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 01/26/2014

Sorry to hear about your wives' painful experience.

Use pure sesame oil or pure olive oil, if you can find it and use it liberally. After each bowel movement take a cold sitz bath. There are more cures on hemorrhoids here on EC. External intervention is often not satisfactory. Please research well before making that decision. All the best.

Namaste, Om

Dietary Changes
Posted by Simmi (Johannesburg, South Africa) on 07/11/2012

Hi, I had a fissure as a result of being constipated and also just having a baby 2 months ago. After a week of suffering, my GP advised to change diet and my dentist advised as well. Within a week, 95% of the pain went away, this is how:

For 2 weeks, eat only fruit, veg and bran, 6-8 glasses of water a day, absolutely no junk food, cakes, biscuits, no meat , fish lamb, no protein as this constipates.

After each BM, soak in chamomile tea bags, 3 tea bags per 2litres of boiled water thats then cooled.

Apply aloe vera gel and wheat germ oil, alternating between the 2 throughout the day.

This helped me so much.

Horse Chestnut, MSM
Posted by Vikas (India) on 05/06/2017

Were the two medicines suggested by you taken separately or were they mixed together?

Olive Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Honey
Posted by Samba (Buea, Southwest Region) on 12/12/2009

Olive oil + cod liver oil + honey relieved my anal fissure

Yesterday, due to an agonizing pain from my bleeding anal fissures and hemorrhoids, I was browsing the internet for a relief and visited this site. I read about mineral oils, olive oil, cod liver oil, honey and beeswax and how the could relieve my situation. I managed to go out - was in serious pains - and bought some honey, cod liver and olive oils. I could not find beeswax. I took a tablespoon full of each of the oils and the honey by mouth. I then mixed 1 teaspoon of each of the items in a small glass bowl, and then applied the mixture on the external part of my anus. the anal area well lubricated, I used a dropper and injected about 2ml of the mixture in my anus. I was able to sleep quietly (took some panadol though) and I am feeling quite some relief. about twenty four hours now, I am feeling so strong and I can wait to share this with someone who may be suffering the agony of anal fissure and hemorrhoid at this time. I hope to get beeswax today and to add aleo vera gel to the combination. I believe these are all natural and little risk of overdose.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kat (Washington DC, DC) on 03/31/2009

It also helps if you take your time when you do #2. Don't rush it. Don't force it out so quickly. Also putting your body in the "scared cat" aka pushing your back out as you go to the bathroom might help the stool pass easier.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Nunya (San Diego, Ca) on 11/03/2010

Follow this and you should be happpy again within the first week you stop the meat eating...

1) drink mineral oil to help against hard stools at the very beginning or if possible before your new eating habits plan(eating fruits, vegies)

2) eat veggies and friuts, be creative or you will get bored.! Try oatmeal you can toss differnt berries differnt days use water not milk milk is allso tough on the stomach.

3) buy baby wipes, can you say comftrable.

4)buy preperation h with pain relief just in case you get sensitive. If you get inflamation stop use. Or if you pass a succesfull bowel movement without pain do not use.

5)seriously this is very important you need to relax when you B.M. But only when you feel the pain from a previos B.M. Is not as bad as now that you have made the proper dietary changes.

6) take a nice long hot shower or bath. Try wash your butt thoroghly when showering to keep it clean and prevent infection.

7) when you feel like your fissure is healing stay on your diet for as long as you can so your butt can completely heal... You can introduce meats to your diets within a month but make sure to take plenty of fiber or you will end up where you started. I think within one month of being heal you should be able to eat meat again, but for the next 6 months watch how much meat you eat.

Things to consider... Most of todays foods are junk foods. EX. Soda, burgers, cheetohs, twinkies(my favorite) most lemonaids ect all the things that taste great tend to be reasons why america is overweight. If you can manage to stop eating these junk foods you will most likely lose some excess weight so do yourself a favor and eat proper foods. Try to think healthy and you will change your life. Ps if this helps you spread the word there are people out there with the same problem, all you have to do is copy and paste.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Fran (Perth, Western Australia) on 10/05/2011

Using organic coconut oil works wonders :) A great stool softener. Get it at health food shops. Also great as a body moisturiser.

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