Gallbladder Attack
Natural Remedies

Gallbladder Attack Remedies

Posted by Veronica (St Louis, Mo., Usa) on 03/03/2013

Hi- I just wanted to post something I stumbled across completely by accident. I had been having daily gallbladder pain and had tried a flush (the apples one on here) and used lemon juice daily for two weeks with some success.

Then I accidentally bought some Chai tea and it tasted funny so I added cinnamon to it- and no gallbladder pain for the last few days- WEIRD and wonderful!

Granted- this is totally my expereince and I would not presume to tell anyone this is a cure- but cinnamon is cheap and easy to add to tea - so try it and post if it works for you too.

I add about a teaspoon to a cup of tea (Vanilla chai by bigelow) either once or twice a day.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Deepa (Usa) on 12/23/2013

This was a great idea. It worked exactly in 15 min. Thank you.

General Feedback
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere, Usa) on 12/07/2011

Hi Judy. My wife had her gallbladder removed as well and is still having symtoms of attacks every so often. We use the shot glass or 2 Tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of room temp apple juice. Her pain and sickness is usally gone within 30 minutes. Hope this helps.

Certain foods will trigger attacks as well. Like eggs and cabbage.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Shanti (Tiruvannamalai, Ta India) on 10/27/2011

I have to agree with Stephen from Baltimore. Laying prone, crawling, rolling, hanging upside down, writhing, moaning and crying do nothing to relieve the pain of gallbladder attacks unfortunately.

Epsom Salts are really the only thing that has any effect in my case. I take 2 large tablespoons with hot water. Normally I put the Epsom Salts in capsules so I don't gag taking them (I can't stand the taste). If I'm lucky, the pain will subside over the next 2 hours. It doesn't always work, but usually it does. Of course Epsom Salts not only relaxes bile ducts, it is a powerful laxative, so be prepared for an obvious side effect. It's better than having gallbladder pain though!

Bowel Function
Posted by Christian (Clacton, Essex) on 08/30/2011

Keeping the bowel moving is a key to stop the liver/gallbladder system gettting congested; probiotics, raw food, healthy fats, fibre such as psyillium, inulin, kefir etc. Chlorella can help normalize bowel function, and gut ecology but should be introduced slowly, and may require the help of digestive enzymes.

Artichoke extract can help, five days on followed by two days off.

if nuasea or an attack develops, lay off fats and oils for a few days, take plenty of water and 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Choline bitarterate each day in body temp water will help, especially with nausea.

A Cacommile or choline bitarterate retention enema follow by swedish bitters will help. some people do 3 enemas within 36 hours, but dont forget to drink plenty of water, fibre, moderate amounts of healthy food and probiotics.

got to normalize bowel function as priority. if constipation is present or you alternate between that and loose fatty pale stools the liver is struggling and will do so as long as bowel function is poor.

some people find a castor oil pack with hot water bottle on it, - over the gallbladder/liver area for 30 mins gives relief AFTER an enema has been given.

do keep well hydrated, especially if using enemas.

General Feedback
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 03/03/2011

Hi, the common mistake is indeed eat little fat! If you want to understand better how it works maybe you should consider reading Barry Groves' book Trick and Treat where he explains the problem of eating a low fat diet and why when you start eating fat the stones start moving and you get pain but after you get rid of them eating enough fat will prevent you from having them! I have just had an ultrasound this afternoon because of high enzymes in the liver, luckily everything was ok and... No gallstones! The book is very interesting........ Whether ACV would help I don't know!

You can also get some information in Adelle Davis' book Let's Get Well. It is pretty much the same advice. She says that people get to afraid of having pain again that they stop eating fat which only makes things worse. She advises a diet rich in Vit. E and A also B vitamins and high in fats, low in carbohydrates. She says you should stay away from saturated fats but keep in mind that this book is very old so some of the information may be out of date. Still.... a very interesting book advised to me by some on this site and luckily I could get my hands on one! I hope this helps.....

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Shanti (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/25/2009

Ej, Hopefully you are feeling better by now, but I thought I would say what works for me. I have been having Gallbladder attacks several times a month for over 15 years. I won't go into the list of things I have done long term that have helped right now, but what definitely helps me when an attack is taking place is Epsom Salts. It is the most vile tasting stuff on Earth, so I put it in capsules and take at least 5, sometimes up to 20, depending on the severity of the attack. I am pretty sensitive by now to how much I need to take. It helps for sure. It also causes the runs, but it's MORE than worth it! It doesn't always work quickly (sometimes it does), but always eventually. The Epsom Salts allows the bile ducts to relax. I am like you, no stones come up on multiple tests and no other issues either, though I have done well over 50 liver flushes and got multiple stones and other CRAZY stuff out of my liver/gallbladder over the years (including parasites). All this has been part of what has worked for me. Now that I am posting I will also say that there is an Amazonian herb called Stonebreaker (Phyllanthus niruri) which is supposed to heal the gallbladder and help remove stones. It has had amazing success rates in studies. I ordered some of this and took it (about a table spoon of powdered herb) during attacks and it definitely seemed to help! This is not the prescribed way to use it. You are meant to use it long term, but I went overseas and didn't take it with me, so I can't report on its long term effects. I will do it again when I get back.

Over the years the severity of my attacks has reduced very substantially... I rarely have an attack these days that has me begging for death, but that used to be very frequent a few years ago.

ACV sometimes helps me a little bit, but not enough to write home about (during an attack). Hot tea with lots of honey is a great help always, if only to calm me down. I sometimes drink litres of this during an attack.

Here are a few other things that have helped during bad attacks:

- enemas
- charcoal
- magnesium tablets (from the pharmacy)
- HOT HOT baths
- massage of area and the same area on the back
- doing a Hulda Clark liver flush during the attack sometimes releases the spasm
- sugar seems to help so sometimes I eat cough lollies if I don't have honey on hand to put in herbal tea.
- hot coffee sometimes can help (I have had no luck with coffee enemas during an attack)
- lying on a very hot surface or using hot water bottles front and back.
- Sounds silly, but sometimes TV is a great distraction during an attack. I don't normally watch it at all, but during an attack the distraction can help the relaxing of the gallbladder area in my experience.
- lying on my left side so the gallbladder can drain is less painful than on the right side normally.
- I used to have a yoga teacher who could stop an attack in its tracks with some very skillful manipulation/massage. It took him about 5 minutes to release the spasm and I was all good! :) Sorry I don't have his details anymore.

I have tried the flax remedy above with no luck, but I know many have benefited from it. Flax tends to make my gallbladder flare up more, whether it's oil or gel or seeds/flour. But that's only me perhaps.

I hope some of this helps. I know the desperation of a bad GB attack and would have loved to have known all this 15 years ago.

I wish you all the best!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marilene (TN) on 09/04/2023

I wonder if you have a functional gallbladder disorder. I believe that is what we are dealing with. It can happen as a result of viruses (covid/spike proteins) from the reading I'm doing now. It can happen in adults and children. Traditional solutions don't work well for this disorder, however, I believe by treating it with high dose vitamin C and being careful not to aggravate with fat, along with lots of prayer, we will see healing around the corner. It can take up to 3 months for this to resolve so do not get gallbladder removed before that point!

Flax Seeds
Posted by George (Middlesex) on 02/20/2023

Well I bought flax seeds to use after having my gallbladder removed, pity I only found out now, as I was wondering no coffee after surgery, apple juice is fine but not from concentrate, so the dilemma goes on what to eat and drink and what not to eat and drink, but I did ask Google so I'll give it a bash, hope this reaches as I see most comments come from the states, this is a reply from the UK so thanks for the input, yes hospitalised twice with a Flare up of the gallbladder, hope other people take time to read the post you ladies have put on Google.
Many Thanks

Flax Seeds
Posted by Faith (Forest Park, Ohio) on 01/04/2012

Use it DAILY INSTEAD of waiting on an attack, it helps to CLEANSE the liver and IT HELPS TO EMULSIFY FATS... Reducing cholesterol in the body!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Noel (Manila, Phillipines) on 02/27/2007

Chronic gallbladder pain: I took 2 tablespoons of VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) and within 2 weeks felt much better. It also helped me in my bowel movements. I used to very irregular. Now its every day! VCO that has been extracted using a cold press method.

Peppermint Essential Oil, ACV
Posted by KB (Western Australia) on 06/20/2022

On the body over the pain area, rub peppermint essential oil to move the gallstones from the outside. It will penetrate into the body and help move the stones. I did this along with taking freshly juiced green apple juice and apple cider vinegar. Worked a treat.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Karen (Arkansas ) on 11/17/2018

Thank you so much. I will try the lecithin to keep on hand. I'm just 6 days from surgery, and eating far-so good. No digestion problem yet, just getting all the poisons out of system from all the drugs from the surgery.

Tonic Water
Posted by Lucy (Us) on 04/22/2018

Tonic water is a miracle for gallbladder attacks (for me, at least). Apparently the quinine stops the gallbladder from contracting (hence the discomfort).

General Feedback
Posted by Steve (Nevada) on 07/03/2015

The best way to heal the gallbladder is to do gallbladder and liver cleanses:

For immediate relief of gallbladder attack pain drink a cup of warm water with a TBSP of epsom salt dissolved in it. Lay on your right side with your knees pulled up for about an hour or more. This will open up the ducts in the liver and gallbladder and release some of the stones and sludge that is causing the pain. Doing the full cleanse will get rid of lots of stones and truly get to the root of the issue.

Caraway Seeds
Posted by Alla (Los Angeles) on 05/20/2015

There are a couple of herbs with anti-spasmodic properties: dill, fennel, caraway seed, cumin, peppermint in lesser degree. They are all relatives, except peppermint. When I feel pain coming in I take 1/3 of tea spoon of caraway seeds and chew them, then swallow. It helps to take the spasms off and does not interfere with digestion. The ACV works also, but the mechanics are different, it reduces need for bile, so it does not try to get out of the gallbladder, so no pain, but you need bile to digest fats and proteins.

There is an over the counter medication in Europe, called No-Shpa. It is widely used to alleviate gallstone attacks and spasms. I do not know if it exists here, the active ingredient is dropaverine.

I use ACV with meats, just pour over a piece. And take some caraway seeds in the end of the meal. Also, add caraway seeds in soups and other dishes.

Just my 5c, :)

Posted by Ozzy (Orlando, Florida) on 01/25/2015

What seems to bring on my gall bladder attacks are: hot melted cheese, heavy creme, spicy mexican food, hot chocolate.

Best remedies: organic apple cider with apple cider vinegar, warmed up but not hot.

1 apple grated and mixed with 1-2 inch grated ginger root. (Both grated with a micro-plane grater)

20 drops of peppermint oil in warm peppermint tea.

Use one of these combinations but if you don't feel much better you can try any of the other remedies.

I recommend the grated apple-ginger in addition to any of these remedies.

Posted by Carol (Oregon, US) on 10/25/2014

To stop muscle or sphincter spasms, use the homeopathic product Cinchona Officinalis at 30X, usually available at health food stores. Take 4 tablets or pellets and allow to dissolve in mouth, repeat in a few minutes if spasm doesn't stop. I have had stomach sphincter spasms for 15 years--thought the first two were heart attacks. Found this remedy and carry Cinchona with me at all times. Stops them immediately.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Francesca (London) on 07/09/2023

Trying to avoid fat (the staying slim thing), is a killer for the gallbladder. And slows down bowel movements too, making everything feel worse. A teaspoon of olive oil with my lunch salad or sandwich really sorts things out on the gallbladder/digestive front for me. Then I try to manage the fear of being "fat ":-/ I know....I also use artichoke capsules, peppermint tea and chamomile in case of spastic attacks which come on if I am anxious or repress stuff, or eat a little too much.

Pickle Juice
Posted by M girl (Md) on 10/13/2021

For Tanzie… might research chance piedra on this site

Flax Seeds
Posted by Kim (Louisville Ohio) on 05/31/2014

The flax seed tea worked so well, thank you!

Posted by Rebecca (Co, US) on 04/14/2014

I found that my attacks were brought on my a combo of stress (huge!!!! ), not drinking enough water, and eating a large meal late in the evening with lots of salad and dairy fats, my favorite combo. Too hard to digest. Under advice of a naturopath I take lecithin, vitamin C, fish oil, and GB 6 which is a chinese herb blend. I ditched dairy and coffee and drink green tea, which is a calmative, and I have been symptom and pain free for a year. And, I'm healthier than I've been in ages. My GB was the canary in the coal mine for me. I find that stress really triggers spasms. If I feel spasms coming on, I sip a little cider vinegar in juice, and I take a percocet which my primary doc prescribed in case of attack. In addition to helping with the sudden onset of debilitating pain, it has muscle relaxing properties that can help calm the spasming before it gets full-blown.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Erika (Atlanta, Ga) on 03/20/2014

I came across this site when looking for feedback on something I discovered by accident. I too have to watch fats in my diet because of gallbladder pain.

Recently I began having plain yogurt in the mornings mixed with a little honey (for flavor). I have been amazed at the positive impact it has had on my digestion and my gallbladder. Hope this helps.

Two Types of Gallbladder Attacks
Posted by Phil (San Jose, California) on 07/18/2014

Consider adding magnesium to your diet. Magnesium is needed for muscle relaxation, while calcium is needed for muscle contraction. Muscle spasms may indicate magnesium deficiency. Dark leafy greens contain magnesium, since it is part of the chlorophyll molecule. You could also use a supplement such as magnesium malate tablets, which readily decomposes in the digestive tract into a bio-available form of magnesium and malic acid, the latter being found in apples.

Hot Bath for Gallbladder Pain
Posted by Rebekah (France) on 08/07/2015

Just had my first attack in a few years, finally stopped the pain by lying in the hottest bath I could stand and hugging my knees to my chest. Also put Epsom salts in the water but no idea if that contributed. I tried drinking the ACV with lemon & lime juice diluted in about 6 oz. of warm water about 10 minutes before the bath, that may of helped as well, although I didn't get immediate relief like other posters said they did.

White Vinegar in Orange Juice
Posted by Elizabeth (Fenton Michigan) on 12/27/2013

OMG! My husband looked this up but I refused. About 1/2 hour ago I was ready to leave Disney to go to the ER. My son mixed 1 spoon full of white vinegar with some apple juice and my pain went from a 12 to a 6!!!! I'm on my second small glass and am able to type this. I'm absolutely flabbergasted!! I was ready to go to ER! I just can't believe it stopped excrutiating pain that quick. So, if you think you need this.... Please try! It really worked

White Vinegar in Orange Juice
Posted by Chad (Pennsylvania) on 06/21/2013

My wife had a severe attack and the pain was killing her she said worse than giving birth and we didn't have any apple juice or Apple Cider Vinegar and it was late so no stores were open but I did have two oranges and some white vinegar so I made her some fresh squeezed oj with white vinegar and within 5 minutes the pain was gone. It was absolutely amazing. Thanks for all the different posts, it was a life saver.

Apple Juice
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas) on 09/03/2013

For a severe gallbladder attack I have found that nothing works faster than a TBSP of epsom salt in an 8oz glass of warm water with a little of your favorite juice mixed in to make it taste better. Lie on your right side immediately after drinking with your legs pulled up. You should feel relief within 30min or less. Be sure a bathroon is never too far away because it will clean you out. A full liver/gallbladder cleanse is something you want to plan for soon. Recipes are on google.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Geralyn_d (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/11/2012

Dieting is a real problem for the gall bladder and juicing veggies is just the low fat type of diet to cause cycling of your OWN body fat into a real bad attack. I used the cabbage soup diet to lose 60 pounds a few years back and I recall a few friends losing their gall bladders to that diet. I knew how to do the gall bladder cleanse and every second week I did the diet(1 week a month) I would do a GB cleanse. I still have my gall bladder and only when I veggie feast do I have attacks now.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 05/14/2022

Cody this is not much information to reply to. Ginger will soothe the gut and little lemon in water. If you are low on salt it can make you nauseas. If you are low bile from producing cortisol from stress~ you will not be able to digest food.

Not sure what you eat but certain foods need different things to break them down. Bromelain, papaya tabs, bile, Hydrochloric acid, microbes from Kefir, magnesium shortage will affect valve in esophagus, and it won't close.

Copper shortage can allow parasites to grow in stomach ~as can low acid. B vitamins are normally created in the gut but if you have an unhealthy gut, it may be hard to absorb a supplement, nutritional yeast is full of B vitamins. If this is auto immune, you may be low water and mineral balance may be off, creating histamine response. Stones are painful, chance Piedra nickname is stonebreaker. Baking soda can be taken ~ dose on box says how much for stomach and immune issues. The liver requires healthy fats to create bile to absorb food. Stress will stop digestion. Soy lecithin granules remove bad fats from organs and feed brain choline and inositol for memory. L taurine removes msg and helps our bodies recover from toxins. Hope you find solution.

I start most days with milk thistle and tall glass of water and end most days with a tall glass of water. Leave water out for an hour uncovered to dissipate chlorine. Sometimes relationships can cause nausea. Could be a bowel blockage in that case an enema or colace, store brand is less expensive. Virus can cause nausea- lysine and zinc. I usually hit any cold like problem with hydrogen peroxide on a q tip in each ear until the fizzle stops and then repeat.

That is a small list of things I have tried, depends on what is the root of the issue. Only you can know that.

Ted's Remedies, Digestive Problems (

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