Bacterial Vaginosis
Health Benefits

Boric Acid Cure for Bacterial Vaginosis

Boric Acid
Posted by Carmel Skin Beauty (St Louis Il) on 05/04/2017

After going to the doctor millions of time being prescribed creams, gel, antibodies. Trying home remedies douching with hydrogen peroxide, ACV, Betadine etc. My yeast and bv kept coming right back. Those things would clear it in a few days but it would rear it's nasty head again. My last resort was boric acid pills I was so scared to purchase them and when they finally came I'm like I dont know if I want to put roach killer in me but I was desperate and tried everything else. Well let me just say they have been a life saver. Ladies Please try them I had been suffering from BV for 3 years and I finally found something that has gotten rid of it. Insert one at night. Wear panty liners the next day because it will run out of you. Do this for 7 days.

Boric Acid
Posted by Loweandbrown1029 (Chesterfield, Mi) on 10/13/2015

I am 45 years old and have suffered from BV for over 25 years! To say the least it has been a long and uncomfortable 20 years. Today I purchased the capsules and the boric acid and made my own. I also bought some coconut oil gel caps. I am very encouraged by reading all of the comments. This give me hope! I will follow up with a comment to give my results. Thanks for posting ladies, I always thought I was alone.

Boric Acid
Posted by Srs (Charleston, Sc) on 08/17/2015

I've posted about a year ago, but I want to give another update in regards to this EMBARASSING condition! I've been using Boric Acid capsules for about 3 years with much success! Interestingly I can anticipate the times that I will have an 'episode'?.which usually include pre & during menstruation, post sex, and when I eat seafood (Seriously)! Even after 3 years I just recently bought my second bottle of Boric Acid for less than $10! Yes, ladies - that's about $3.00 A YEAR to save myself from this embarrassing condition. No doctor visits, no prescription medicines and most importantly no smells. I encapsulate the boric acid in '00' size capsules (about 450mg) and just insert one before any of the above conditions will take place. Even when me and the hubs go away on vacation I just take a few capsules, just in case!

I've also created a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water, soaked a tampon and inserted it over night. This seems to help balance the pH level and is my go to should I forget my capsules.

While boric acid only treats the symptoms, I have begun an elimination diet, mainly meat, cheese and other mucus forming foods. It's hard to make these changes, but walking around with a smelly v is much harder!

Boric Acid
Posted by Treyna (Des Moines, Iowa) on 03/15/2019

Hello, Boric acid so far has worked for me. I'm on day 3, the morning after my first use the nasty embarrassing fishy smell was gone. I was amazed! I did have sex with my fiancé on day 2 and couldn't believe there was no smell even after sex!! I've had BV for almost 6 months will very little relief. I've tried metronidazole and solosec. I had maybe 4 days of relief and right back with the fishy smell even while taking the medicine. the only thing that took the smell away completely has been the boric acid and that was only after the first day of use... I did have a hard time locating it though. Walmart does carry it in the pesticide department. also in the feminine cleansing isle there is a brand call that does have the suppositories but they are usually out of stock.. Good Luck to yall and say bye bye to BV and hello to the fresh you!!!

Boric Acid
Posted by Shannon (Atlanta) on 04/06/2018

Boric Acid for BV:

So this is my second week using suppositories and my experience...

After Day 1 I noticed the odor was gone.

Day 2 I noticed a lot of watery discharge flowing heavily during exercise. In my panties I noticed a white chalky substance. You will need panty liners if you care about your undies.

Day 3 I had intercourse, which is not suggested while healing the vag bag but I hadn't seen him in two weeks and we'll... Ya know how it is but he fine. No irritation for him. But I suggest no sex til regimen is completed.

Here in my second week I've missed a couple nights and unfortunately I did notice a faint odor probably due to the sex before finishing. So I'm going strong from here on out. Probably will do another week of one dose before bed, just to be sure.

After I'm done I plan to use a seven day cream to completely clear up yeast.

So for me... No bleeding, itching or burning so far.

Again avoid sex and be try to be consistent. Use a probiotic supplement and try to eat a clean diet.

Will write again in a week.

Good luck loveys

Boric Acid
Posted by Cam (Atlanta) on 12/07/2017

You are absolutely correct in regards to the possibility of BV being sexually transmitted. It's a shame that doctors are not treating men for this too. Doesn't make any sense to me that a women is prescribed an antibiotic to clear it up, but the man that has been exposed to it doesn't?!? It causes PID in women and fertility issues in both women and men and is becoming a super bug because we are only treating half the problem.

In regards to biofilm and BV, proteolytic enzymes which is a completely different profile than digestive enzymes eat away and destroy biofilm, and is a great compliment to take while on treatment and are great to use along with essential oils that break up biofilm. But they need to be taken on an empty stomach and no food for a few hours after so that they digest the biofilm and not your food.

Take a look at Interfase Plus by Klaire Labs. Works for herpes simplex, staph infections, candidia, and MRSA

Good Luck Ladies!

Boric Acid
Posted by Ben (Bremerton Wa ) on 05/16/2016

You are probably not taking correct species to cure the problem. Vaginal probiotic formulations usually include a few strains unique to the vaginal tract. If your body is absent of these essential strains then you have trouble on top of trouble. Now the source of the problem always begins in the intestines so work on fixing the gut and the rest will follow. A good one for the intestines is called primal defense.

Boric Acid
Posted by Dawn (Nm) on 09/23/2017

Hope you see this. My story parallels yours. My recurring infections were temporarily suppressed with boric acid suppositories but it took dietary measures and several weeks to see permanent results. I cut dairy, sugar, starches and bread. Not only did the BV go away, so did a host of other issues I won't go into. Not sure if I needed to go all or nothing like that, but the results were absolutely a healthy turnaround that made complete sense. The standard American diet I enjoyed for years took it's toll as it does with everyone sooner or later. One thing I didn't ever give up was my morning caffeine fix but I switched to black tea from coffee because coffee is awful without dairy and sweetener.

Boric Acid
Posted by Rs (Sf, Ca) on 08/08/2015

You should not have any itching from using boric acid capsules in your vagina. I have been using them for about 2-3 years for BV (there is NO cure, only maintenance). If this is your first outbreak of BV then you need to use the capsules every night for 10 nights. Then see how you feel and taper down to every 3-4 nights unless you feel that "feeling" coming back. Boric Acid will not harm you internally but you don't want to get it on your external skin or inhale it. Wash your hands immediately after making your capsules or use rubber gloves. It is a miracle maintenance substance for BV and nothing else helped me. I tried everything under the sun for 6 years and boric acid capsules are a staple in my kitchen cupboard to stay. I also make my own and use about one a week now just to maintain vaginal pH balance. It is really all about alkalizing and keeping a balanced pH in all parts of your body, which really is a full time job. Try drinking pH bottled water with at least a pH level of 8.5 or higher. It has made a world of difference for me. If you drink a little every day you won't even need boric acid after awhile. Life will be good again. Good Luck!!

Boric Acid
Posted by Amanda ( New York, US) on 05/21/2015

I've had BV/yeast infection for as long as I can imagine, it started when I was a child. Now that I look back on it it could've been brought on by a swim in a lake but there's no way of knowing. anyway, it has been hell for me these past few years. I tried the other remedies to no avail and then finally decided to try the boric acid and I am COMPLETELY free. It's been almost two months now and I've had no problems whatsoever, no smell or anything!! It didn't cure my YI but I've been using ACV douche for that and it's been working. I don't see the BV ever coming back but if it does I have a lot more boric acid left. If you guys are suffering PLEASE try this, I had a pretty LONG and BAD run with BV and this is the only thing that has worked. Good luck!!

Boric Acid
Posted by Keelie (La) on 04/30/2015


I make them myself...instead of scooping the powder into the capsule, pack it by taking the capsule and pressing it down on a plate of powder. You'll get more powder in the capsule that way. Start off by inserting 1 capsule at bedtime for the first 3 nights, then use it every other night for a few weeks. I also use it to cleanse the vagina and stay fresh, but I use it every other day. The only side effect I've had was bleeding. I'm not sure exactly what is causing the bleeding...the boric acid itself or the capsules. Does anyone else experience bleeding too? Thanks to everyone for your comments!

Boric Acid
Posted by Rs (San Francisco, CA) on 01/07/2015

I have BV and let me tell you, there is no cure. You will have this until a cure is found. I did everything under the sun....H202, probiotics, ACV, yogurt douche, supplements, you name it I tried it. What has finally worked to keep it at bay is boric acid capsules. Boric acid is cheap, you can make your own capsules at home, and pharmacies will make this if your doctor gives you a prescription.

It is a little known fact that doctors don't want you to know about. I have been using boric acid capsules for years with no side effects. You have to stay on top of the BV 24/7/365. I can't go more than 1-2 days without inserting a capsule vaginally. I usually do it Sun-Thurs, and Fri-Sat I am with my boyfriend and everything is nice and clean and smells great and NO discharge or disgusting smell. I buy boric acid online (Amazon) as well as vegetable based capsules and sit right on my living room floor one night a month and make mass quantities of these things. Insert on capsule vaginally before bedtime (you need to be lying down so it can melt inside you and kill the bacteria) and the next morning wear a panty liner because the melted capsule contents will leak out.

It smells nice and fresh and there is no taste or side effects to your partner (if you know what I mean). Interestingly enough, the capsules keep your vagina nice and lubricated so if you have issues with dryness, this will certainly help you with that too. This has saved my life and my sex life as well. Boric acid is roach killer by the way. I was terrified to try it the first time, but I also was so exhausted of dealing with BV, so the chances of this working were worth my fears. It is the only thing that has worked for me so far and I am prepared to use this for the rest of my life. I am more than glad to answer your questions. I know there are several postings on here regarding boric acid capsules for BV. This is a horrible thing to have and to live with, but if you can stay on top of the bacteria you will be much happier and it does not take much effort. Cutting back on sugar and caffeine helps just a little bit......not much, but some. Good luck everyone!!!!!

Boric Acid
Posted by Rs (Sf) on 01/14/2015

I use one capsule almost every night except for Friday and Saturday nights if I see my boyfriend. He has never had a reaction to boric acid, mind you the capsule has already melted and pretty much left my body by the time I see my boyfriend and after using a capsule every night for 5 nights I am good to go and have no problems with sex at all, including oral. I did some research and it is not harmful to your partner by the next day since it has melted. It is best to do this at night right before bed.....but I suppose you can try using it during the day if you have to. Definitely use this after sex, EVERY time. If I have a long weekend with my boyfriend, say a 3-day weekend, by day 3 I can smell that smell coming back and I am mortified. He does not smell it, but we ladies can certainly smell it. In these cases I will insert a capsule during the day for sure. You should not have any problems at all. Just find out what schedule works for you and play around with it. It boils down to what works to keep your BV in check.

Boric Acid
Posted by Rhiannon (Des Moines, IA) on 10/26/2014

This website has changed my life in the past 15 mins that I have been on it! To read all of your stories, to not feel alone/ashamed/embarrassed in the 'battle of BV' and to hear of all the SUCCESS with using boric acid has brought me incredible hope, relief, encouragement, a positive outlook. I have battled with BV and yeast infections since I was 16 and UTIs since I was 5-6; I am now 31. It feels never ending; causes insecurities, depression; most definitely puts strain, distance on a marriage/relationship and unfortunately after years it can be the underlying reason for infidelity/failed relationship/divorce.

After the past 6 months of numerous pelvic exams (you know the OB/GYN has seen your hoo-ha too many times when they tell you that it looks different than last time! ), cultures, STD tests, antibiotics, metrogel, pills that made me violently ill, missed days of work, HUGE interference on my social life as I am venturing out into the single world after 15 physician has finally tried something different and has put me on boric acid. When she told me to make sure I didn't swallow the pills cause they were toxic/poisonous, I had 2 thoughts...1. Why is she prescribing me something toxic to put in there? 2. Why would I swallow an ovule? Upon picking up the prescription these two questions were quickly answered for me :-) The sound/thought of putting acid in there did frighten me some but I was so desperate at this point that I did not care. I have been on the boric acid for only 4 days now...prescription is 2x a day for 14 days. Upon finding this website, I now have a positive outlook and am in greater spirits that I will get better, if not 'cured'. Thank you ladies for sharing your stories!!!

Boric Acid
Posted by A. Mccall (Greensboro, Nc) on 11/19/2013

I am a very clean, border-line hygiene maniac, and so it was very bothersome for me when I started having episodes with BV after having my daughter years ago. My obgyn would prescribe a medication or suggest using plain yogurt and it would go away and stay away for months, but ALWAYS come back. One day an older lady, who was sitting next to me in the waiting room at my doctor's office, was talking to me about an ailment she had and so I felt comfortable enough to speak to her about my problem. She told me to be careful with what I take because it could destroy the good bacteria "down there". By that time, my name was called, but when I returned to walk back by the waiting room to leave, she stopped me and handed me a note that had "Boric Acid" on a piece of paper with a prescription of "You can buy them at the drug store or health food store. Insert one capsule right before bed, as far as you can once a week and you won't ever have the problem again." I can't believe how quickly it worked! I felt so much different not having that odor that next morning. I've been doing it for about 2 years now (not doing it every week anymore, but more like once every few weeks) and haven't had the problem since. This lady was heaven sent and Boric Acid really does work!

Boric Acid
Posted by Nolimits (New York City, Ny) on 11/26/2011

I have been suffering with BV for 10 years (on and off). After reading posts about Boric Acid I decided to try this remedy out of desperation. Nothing else has worked for longer than 2 weeks. Boric Acid can be purchased for 1.00 at most dollar stores. I make my own capsules. Initially I used 2x per day for 14 days. After day 1 the odor was gone. I use one capsule after intercourse and a capsule each night of my menstrual cycle. I have been symptom free for one year. It is like a miracle.

Boric Acid
Posted by Kelsie (MI) on 12/05/2021

100%, hands down....Boric Acid is the BEST treatment for vaginal infections. I dilute my boric acid in Shea butter, otherwise it can be a bit irritating. I use equal portions. Melt the Shea then add in the Boric Acid. While in a melted state, add to empty capsules. 1-2 capsules vaginally will do the trick. Wear a pad though, you will discharge quite a bit. And remember, Boric acid is ok vaginally but deadly orally so store these capsules safely!! Keep away from children!

Boric Acid
Posted by Susan H (Minneapolis ) on 03/11/2021

For BV, use the boric acid powder protocol. Gets rid of it instantly. No pain. ( purchase from a good health food store) and fill 00 capsules, 1 inserted at night for about 5 nights. However, the smell will disappear after 1 night.

Boric Acid
Posted by Sara (Los Angeles, Ca ) on 02/12/2018

I had my daughter in 2015 and that is when I got BV for the first time. She was under a year, but I don't recall how many months she was. My symptoms were the yellow/cloudy discharge (often throughout the day) and the fish like smell. I was working at a doctors office at the time and one of the NP's was nice enough to give me an RX for a yeast infection because that was what I thought I had. When it didn't go away she gave me another RX and it still didn't go away so I decided to see my gyno. They tested me for BV and it was positive so they gave me an rx. It didn't go away. I eventually went to my primary care doctor who tested me for BV, Trich, gonorrhea and chlamydia. They all came back negative which was odd. The discharge never went away, at times I feel like it was off and on but mostly on. I went to an urgent care to get tested last year and BV was positive and the doctor gave me an RX. I waited for about 7 months and went back and he told me he would test me again and gave me a diff. RX, this time it was Clyndamycin. Prior to that RX the doctors aways gave me flagyl aka metronidazole. I took the clyndamycin and it didn't go away!!! The doctor made it clear he didn't want to see me again as it was an urgent care and told me to see my gyno which I haven't done. I did research and found boric acid, I ordered it off amazon after reading great reviews. When I first took it I decided to do it for 3 days. After the first night of inserting it I woke up and had some fluid coming out of my vagina so I wore a panty liner. it wasn't discharge though, I felt NO pain or anything. It was like instant relief though, I had no more discharge and felt it was too good to be true. After the 3 days I stopped inserting the capsule before bed and for a few days I was fine until my symptoms came back. So I took 10 days off or so and decided to try boric acid for 1 week and inserted one capsule before bedtime. The same thing happened, it seemed to be gone but this time after stopping it, the BV symptoms were back the next day. idk what to do, I'm planning on trying a diet change but its so hard. This is ridiculous. It really does suck and it makes me sad. If anyone has any recommendations please respond. I am planning on possibly doing actual research on Bacteria vaginosis but have to see if my professor approves it.

Boric Acid
Posted by Lindylou (Vancouver Bc) on 02/07/2018

I saw an MD say in an online forum that boric acid should be fully absorbed within 12 hours, so maybe try inserting only right before bedtime/after sex, and only once per day to ensure it's absorbed with no residue. You can also freeze coconut oil into little "bullet" shapes and use them during the day and before sex to add a bit more lube and protection against the "tingle" - coconut oil is also antibacterial and can supplement the boric acid.

Boric Acid
Posted by Sring15 (Massachusetts) on 12/13/2016

Can anyone shed any light on being able to have sex while doing the boric acid tratements?

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