Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Boron Vs Borax

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Posted by Herman Rutner (Ma ) on 12/03/2016

I am a retired chemist and have used boric acid and borax extensively, in the lab and as supplement, both oral and topical. Though extensively used as an effective ant poison when mixed with sugar, boric acid is quite safe and non irritating, indeed having been used for decades as an eye wash. Similarly borax is basically boric acid with a lot of sodium. Both contain boron about 22% for boric acid versus 11% for borax. And oral borax is instantly converted to boric acid in stomach acid. Contrary to medical hype attempting to block its use as an effective arthritis remedy in Australia and Europe where sales are banned, it is about as toxic as common salt and widely used baking soda in antacids.

The major problem is high sodium in borax for persons on low salt diets. Luckily it can still be bought also as fairly pure 20 Mule borax for use as an excellent detergent enhancer and an arthritis remedy at about 1/4 teaspoon borax or hard to find pure boric acid, best USP or NF grade, in quart of water taken in small portions over about 16 hrs. Google The Borax Conspiracy to get the facts and disregard medical hype seeking to outlaw this arthritis remedy, another miracle drug like aspirin.

Also chelated boron sold as 3 mg capsules may not be as effective.

Replied by Ivan

Hello dear Herman,

I would like to ask you something about borax. I did make a solution as recomended by Ted's clinic, a small- teaspoon of borax gave into the 1 liter of water. I take then just a one third of tea spoon this solution, but I feel a burning then in my stomack, like acid. Is this normal by everyone, even I take very small of this solution, as you wrote it convert to boron acid in stomack. Now I take a boron 3mg tablets and by this is ok and also it makes bigger my free testosteron- just once a day I take it. Thank you, Ivan.

Replied by Renee
41 posts

I have a question about Borax. Is there a specific reason we are using Borax rather than buying Boron supplements? Since everyone is having questions about dosing and how to mix it, wouldn't it be easier to take pre measured supplements? Is it for cost purposes or is there another reason?

2168 posts

Borax is simple and very inexpensive and probably offers more potential health benefit than boron alone. Borax is about 11% boron. If you try to buy boron types of supplements, the actual boron content will usually be very low compared to the amount in borax and you will have to take several supplements to reach a similar dose. Boron type supplements will cost more than borax.


Replied by Matthew

I was in a family business for flea control in the 90s. We discovered that Boric acid work to eliminate the flea cycle in carpets. We used sodium poly borate by Incide Technologies. Sodium polyborate can be obtained online.

RX For Fleas 5lb container.

Boron Vs Borax
Posted by Crista (Pekin, Illinois) on 10/03/2009

I have been researching the boron/borax issue because I want to use it, but have been quite afraid because of all the talk of it being toxic or poisonous. So I found a sientific article online that states this:

"Borax is necessary in small amounts for plant growth, one of the 16 essential nutrients. In larger amounts it is poisonous to plants, and the range can be small. For peaches, 1 ppm is required, but more than 5 ppm is toxic. If the signs of boron deficiency are noted in plants, a boron supplement can be applied. Borates can be used as non-toxic and non-specific herbicides. Borates are non-toxic to animals. The LD50 (dose at which there is 50% mortality) for humans is about 6 g per kg of body weight. Anything above 2 g is considered non-toxic, and borates are only 2 to 3 times as toxic as aspirin. Therefore, you are pretty safe unless you eat a pound and a half of borax for a snack. Borates are more toxic to insects than to mammals. The boranes and similar gaseous compounds are quite poisonous. As usual, it is not an element that is intrinsically poisonous, but toxicity depends on structure."

J.B. Calvert, (24 November 2002). Boron. Retrieved 03 October 2009, from

Sorry I am all about the references, plus this article has several quality references in it.

My husband was worried about me ingesting this so that is why I have done so much reasearch. I really feel it is safe, but even with this I am still a bit slow to try it. I will get up the courage soon. I just wanted to put this fact out there for all the people that argue about it. I think mainly I am afraid of the detox reaction I might have because my face has been pink for quite some time and if I put lotion on it or anything else it become very red till it is dry. I have washed my face twice with it so far though and it has at least dried up my acne. I also just used a bathroom cup to add water to some borax and then poored it on my hair. After rinsing then I shampooed. It did make it soft, although I tried to combine it with my body wash and it created a perm smell so I am going to do it by itself next time. Good luck everyone who tries Borax, but it is safe in small quantities.

Replied by 1947hoppy
(Winamac, Indiana)

I found a reference to using borax for arthritis quite by accident. Having had more than one bad experience with "possible side effects" from both prescription and otc drugs, my interest is arroused by any and all 'natural' remedies.

Like most people, I want to do plenty of research prior to taking the big step into the unknow. Along the way I happened to google "20 mule team borax" to see what the company itself had to say about their product. I was quite surprised to see this actual quote from their site.

"In earlier times, borax was proclaimed to be a magical crystal that was used to aid digestion, keep milk sweet and even cure epilepsy. Common sense and modern technology have brought us better solutions to these and other problems, but 20 Mule Team Borax still has a place in your home."

I'm not a rocket scientist, but it seems to me that if it can be used to sweeten milk, aid digestion and cure (not help, but cure) epilepsy, in the words of the company that sells it, it would seemingly be safe to mix small amounts with water and consume.

I just picked up a box and will be giving it a try post haste. I also plan to give my aging dog a taste of it for his arthritis.

Glad I found this site, again an accident, and plan to do a lot of reading and perhaps a little contributing.

Replied by Teresa

I have been reading all day. I use borax to clean my house and have not had to deal with insects inside our home since I sprinkled it under the sinks. Today, I mixed a 1/8 tsp per liter into a 9.6 liter container and began drinking it because the literature says it removes fluoride from the tap water and the human body. Fluoride poisoning has destroyed many lives and no one has been brought to justice to-date. I choose to live as healthy as possible and the more I learn, the more I change to help myself and those around me. Peace to all.

Replied by Kathy
(Ft Laud)

Not an accident.

God led you here as well as me.

Boron Vs Borax
Posted by Crista (Pekin, Illinois) on 10/03/2009

I know I posted the quote earlier, but as I have been continuing to research, why not just take the Boron suppliments versus drinking the Borax? Is there a big difference in taking one or the other? If Ted or someone else could answer this that would be great.

Replied by Katey
(Apex, Nc)

I am interested in this as well. Saw "chelated Boron" at the health food store and would prefer to take it if it has similar properties.

Replied by Anon

I believe Ted has answered this before on here. If I recall right, he moonlighted on a job where they made boron supplements. The boron supplements are made from borax (boron). The difference is that the supplements have added fillers and may not be absorbed by the body as well. Perhaps chewing the pill or crushing it will help it absorb better. Borax is cheaper than buying the supplements as well, but the choice has to be yours to make.

Replied by Paldrin

I realise this post was started some years ago but just thought to mention....

I went recently to a Dr Klinghardt seminar. He said to use Borax over Boron supplements.. something about working better in their more active biological form if I recall (and yes less fillers, capsules to eat etc). Best wishes.

Replied by Katherine
(Wiscosin, Usa)

Can anyone tell me more about this? Where can I find what this "Ted" wrote about how the boron supplements are made?

I recommended Borax to my husband, after it cured my Arthritis completely, and erased most muscle pains most of the time too. So DH bought a bottle of Boron supplements instead. lol. soooo much money for a bunch of fillers!

Brain Fog, Lupus

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin) on 07/29/2009

Hi Ted! God bless you for taking the time to help people with their health problems. I tried the borax on myself and feel soooo much better; my symptoms were/are similar to lupus, and Alzheimer's runs in my family. Since I tried the borax in water the other day (three days total, about 1/4 teaspoon per liter per day) I feel like my mind is much clearer and my stomach feels much lighter and more comfortable. My head used to feel very foggy, and I hurt all over. I also take 4,000mg or more ascorbic acid tablets and eat as many radishes as I can stomach. I was on Risperidone and Zoloft for two years and they didn't work nearly as well or as quickly. I feel 90% to 95% better and am absolutely amazed and delighted.

My question is, would you consider borax safe for cats? I would like to try adding it to my cat's water bowl. She's an indoor cat (used to live outside) who is 14 years old and doesn't have the energy or cheerfulness the other cats do.

Replied by Martina
(Vancouver, Bc, Canada)

My cat seems to enjoy taking a couple of licks out my drink... So it's really just a trace amount that she has - and she seems to like it. She won't drink bottled water, or tap water or water from the cooler. She'll only do Brita water if it's fresh.

Breast Cancer

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 06/08/2017

Borax may inhibit breast cancer

A poster said borax increases estriol in women. According to Wikipedia:

"estriol has been found to inhibit estradiol-induced proliferation of triple-negative breast cancer cells through blockade of the GPER".

Breathing Issues, Energy

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Linda (Liverpool, Merseyside) on 06/17/2012


Hi, I have suffered with various problems for the last 15 years, ME, chronic fatigue and diarrhea, endometriosis, adhesions on my bowel. I have not taken the advice of my doctor to go on hormonel treatment to stop my periods because all intervention that I have had in the past seem to have made things worse. I have spent a lot of money on alternative health trying to make things better but nothing as helped. I thought that taking the Borax might help though I was quite nervous about this. I bought a very pure one and I used about half the recommened dose. I only put a pinch in a quarter of a liter of water. I must have drank about half of a small glass and I stopped because I started to get some reactions.

Firstly my stomach is always swollen and sore but it almost became worse straight away, with a bubbling noise all over, later that night all painful areas flared up and I was coughing a lot, it was like my body was trying to clear something. Today I have terrible diarrhea to the point of passing water, whilst my stools are always loose, this is different, I have had to run to the toilet within an hour of eating. Because my stomach is tender anyway, things are really painful today. The one thing that does feel quite a bit better is that I can breath, for the first time in ages my sinuses feel clear. I suffer from allergies and my nose is always blocked. I cannot believe that such a small dose of anything could have such an impact and wonder why you think this might be? I read a lot of stuff here about the borax before taking it and I know that some people do have diarrhea as a side effect, though I did hear someone else say that it made their stools darker and more formed which was my hope. I just can't believe that something this small, it was a pinch in loads of water of which I only drank a small amount could do this. I don't think I can carry on and I am wondering what to do. It seems that what ever I try just seems to make it worse. I tried peppermint oil a while ago which seemed to help a bit but then the diarrhea got worse and my food started come through undigested. Please any idea as to what might be happening here and why such a small dose could have caused this to happen?

Thanks Linda

Replied by Linda

I have been taking the borax for a couple of weeks now. Started very slow because of severe reactions. The reactions died down after a few days and I started to get really positive results in terms of energy. I felt like I had more energy than I have had for years and for the first time in years I was able to exercise, which felt great. I also had less trouble with allergies. However the pain from my endometriosis is much worse and I am due to have my period in a day or so and the pain is almost unbearable. This also happened when I took progestrone cream which is meant to help. I feel really sad because I felt like I was getting my life back. I have read that borax increases estrogen which is not good for endometrosis but I have also read that it should balance estrogen rather than increase it. Can Ted or someone please please help me? Linda

Replied by Tim
(Cincinnati, Oh)

Linda, It sounds like you might be helped by drinking 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water once or twice per day. Go to the Apple Cider Vinegar Cures page and see if that gives you any ideas.

Replied by Dr Howard

This is the principle of homeopathy micro amounts of the remedy in pills or liquid after it's diluted and drop shaken many times. Borax is a homeopathic remedy it works with no side effects. I have taken it.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jenny H (Victoria) on 10/01/2017

Borax: Great to clear calcifying of the body.

Only been using Borax for a short time but have noticed a difference in our health all ready. Prior to using Borax were using Bicarb daily for alkaline and health benefits but Borax we feel is superior.

Replied by Lyn

Just wondering where you bought your borax from?

Replied by Teena
(Melbourne, Australia)
233 posts

Try Blants online. Very reasonable delivery costs even for bulk purchase. Stock many healthful products.

Replied by Bailey

Hello! I was wondering what kind of calcification you have in your body and where? I have calcium build up that is pushing on my lungs.


3 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Anerina (San Francisco, CA) on 04/12/2021


Hi all,

I'm implementing boron to heal from chronic candida. I started with Borax (made the solution of 1/8 teaspoon per liter of water). I got through a liter over the course of five days, could not take any more than that. Kidney pain, headache, nausea, diarrhea, depression but also improvement in candida condition.

I'd rather take Boron but the article I read by Walter Last is that he doesn't expect it works against Candida, as it's not in ionic form. Would taking an ionic form of Boron work??

Feeling thrilled and defeated... as I really want this to work and feel this is the answer. Does anybody have success with the Boron tablets, or ionic Boron?

Replied by Tony


Is it possible that your pains are due to the detox effect?
And maybe you should reduce your intake of Borax to the smaller amounts?

Replied by Tony

What if you reduce the days you take it like do it every second day?

Or perhaps try some other detox methods like parasite cleansing etc which can be done over shorter periods so that possibly you can go back to the Borax remedy later on.. You know your own body, so u have to educate yourself first before you decide what to do..

Replied by Julie
(Union, MS)

Maybe try taking some charcoal to help with die off symptoms. It helps kidneys too.

Replied by Suzi
(College Station, Texas)

The symptoms you were experiencing was the candida die off. It makes you feel horrible but that's how you know that it is working.

Replied by Daniel
(Chico California)

How are you?? Myself, wife and children (5,9&10) got covid in Dec 2021 and have tried practically everything to cure us and nothing.. I believe because we're unvaxxed, we have an overgrowth of Candida. Our tongues are white, new allergies, fatigue and now endothelial dysfunction, but for me I am further into the infection, I feel like I'm having a mycotic aneurism that's due to fungus… 😩


Hi Daniel,

I have been reading about Borax/Boron for quite some hours now and been taking notes. I am replying to you because you only posted your message a few days ago, so sure you will be looking for any replies?

Please research Monolaurin and BHT. Monolaurin is lipid enveloped as is Covid19. It can inactivate enveloped viruses, bacteria, protozea, Candida Albicans, herpes, parasite guardia etc.etc. It is antimocrobial, anti-viral etc.etc. Seeing as you have Candida, this could well help you. It is relatively cheap and can be purchased from Ebay or Amazon. So you should be able to get it from It is supposed to be very good as it fights Covid 19 because it is lipid enveloped as is Covid 19. BHT is similar. I could write lots about it as I am a medical researcher and make notes on anything I believe could help anyone. I have not had a single vaccination, I refuse to have them, and have never caught Covid, yet my son Paul, his wife and his two teenage daughters all caught covid and all have had 3 vaccinations. In fact everyone know that has been vaccinated all came down with Covid, my friend lost her husband to it. Anyway, I know you have posted your query and problem under Borax? Will borax cure it? I haven't the slightest idea? But please do check out Monolaurin. I think I bought mine from a store called 5greens on ebay? Every single thing they sell is free from every additive going, and very clean. And prices very reasonable, I have purchased 3 different items from this store only because there are no additives. Monolaurin can be taken on a regular basis, no serious side effects, it s linked with coconut oil! Alternatively have you put into where it says at the top "search earth clinic?" Try putting in something like "Help Wanted For Candida Problems" and this should take you to people who have Candida. You can read what they have been using? Your problem sounds rather serious, so look for people who are similar to you, it could help you a lot. Don't be afraid to ask questions. This is a wonderful site, and there are many people ready to assist if they can or give advise.

Hope my reply was of some help to you. Best wishes Rosina from the United Kingdom x


Dr. Brian Ardis believes nicotine patches help patients with long-covid and covid-related symptoms. Jim Humble believes that chlorine dioxide helps the body fight various illnesses at

Posted by Sunny Grandma (Manila, Philippines ) on 09/26/2015

I am 60 years old, diabetic and had chronic vaginal candidiasis. Six months ago, I have had severe itching and swelling on my genital and anal area. I also have had cheese-like white discharge on my labia and pain when I urinate which driving me crazy. I tried every remedy I know, but to no avail, until I' ve read about the borax. Every time I urinate and wash my private part, I dab my fingers( ring and point fingers) on borax powder and spread the powder on my genital and anal area. I feel soo relieved..Iam simply amazed at the progress I made with this...hope this will help... Sunny Grandma

Replied by Angela
(New Mexico)

Have you looked into LS- lichen scherosus. I had similar symptoms and that is what I got diagnosed with.

Replied by Alex
(Latin America)

For how long should this be used?

Replied by Julia
(San Bernardino, Ca)

Try MMS (there is a lot of info in the internet) when you shower, using a douche bottle or simple a water bottle full with water at body temperature and 6 drops of mms. Introduce just the mouth of the bottle in your part, and by squeezing the bottle, the water with the mms will get inside and some will be back to the bottle. Squeeze it many times. If you have candida the water left in the bottle will have some white components. Repeat the treatment for few day until you feel you have the problem no more.

Posted by J. (Kuwait) on 01/08/2015

Allow me to thank you with all my heart for such an exhaustive page on Borax.

When my new born son as an infant had thrush in his entire mouth the allopath paediatrician prescribed some dark violet coloured liquid to be painted with a brush inside his entire mouth.

In India , those days there was no Internet.

Among Indians the tendency is to accept whatever the allopath says as gospel. Sparing you all the complications that followed soon. His thrush was not cured however.

Eventually a Homeopath prescribed Borax in potentized form. Which got rid of this thrush miraculously. Many women suffer from candida infection. I believe it is this candida that manifests as thrush in our babies.

Thank you once again & all the others who have responded with pertinent queries & feedback.

Replied by ROSINA

Hi J from Kuwait,

I found your story very interesting simply because I too, was given a little bottle of purple liquid! My doctor told me to paint my tongue with it, as he said I had a bad outbreak of thrush on my tongue which was snow white with little bumps! It worked for me! And within days my tongue went normal. I never ever did find out what that purple liquid was called? I come from the United Kingdom, and I did strangely enough ask for it in a chemist? They didn't have the slightest idea what I was talking about! So much for doctors! But I was very grateful for the doctor who gave it to me years back. Hope all is well with you now. Rosina from London UK.

(Essex. UK)
4 posts

Hi Rosina,

That purple liquid you were given would most likely have been Gentian Violet, an antiseptic dye that was used to treat fungal skin infections, my mother had some in her medicine chest 60 years ago as did many people in the UK at that time.

Hope this helps.


It's called gentian violet.


If I may add my two cents to yours and the other person about the purple liquid, it is called Gentian Violet. I never used it but for some reason I just remember the name.

Replied by Amie
(New zealand)

Hi, I would be very interested in knowing what the dosage was for your baby. I had a newborn with severe oral thrush and it got so bad she went off the breastfeed so I had to full time express for her. I tried so many things too. But not Borax. I wish I had known about it back then. Now she is four and we are trying to fight vaginal thrush


I know it's been several months since your post, but I wanted to tell you there's a great book called The Yeast Connection, by Dr William Crook, that helped me so much when my son got thrush and I had ductal yeast infections- a condition almost never mentioned that is actually quite common and also incredibly painful. Oregano oil is very strong, but I used to put it on my son's feet at night with socks on top to absorb that way. Coconut oil should be a very big help. I gave my kids coconut oil twice a day from three years old (when I discovered how much it helped them). I would give them one teaspoon or more, twice a day, either in their food or off a spoon. I would also give them the same amount of Manuka honey. They did not miss one day of school in 12 years and counting. It's ok to give them more if they are not feeling well- we would do every 30 minutes for about 4 hours, and they would be completely better. Wash the laundry in HOT water with regular white vinegar, or even 30% vinegar if they have it at your hardware store or plant store. Yeast can stick around for YEARS if it's not cleaned properly. I gave up on many bras and replaced them to break the chain of re-infection. I am a HUGE believer in Borax, but I did not know about it at the time- I would have definitely been using that, too.


1 User Review
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Posted by Carla (Greenville, NC) on 12/08/2008

I became a fan of borax when my son was 2 years old and had the chicken pox. His doctor told me to put him in a bath with borax and it would help with his itching. It was wonderful. He would sleep for hours after his borax fix. I used about 1 cup of borax in a tub of water deep enough to cover him. Now, I am trying to cut back my water usage. To do that I put a few oz. of borax in the bottom of a dixie cup and fill it with water. I pour it over my hair and rinse. Instead of using a cream rinse, I use a leave in spray rinse from my hair dresser. It helps save my well water, and my hair has never been so beautiful and soft. TRY IT!!!

Chronic Laryngitis, Difficulty Swallowing

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Posted by Nicole (Rochester, Ny) on 07/31/2016

Following a severe chronic illness from which I have otherwise fully recovered, my singing voice was lost. Although I am a trained vocalist in both soprano and alto ranges, I was only able to sing tenor for seven years. In addition, I experienced a difficulty swallowing such that I would frequently have to try twice to make a single bolus pass my epiglotis. I never connected these two problems in my mind, but after a week of very conservative borax use I have experienced relief from both. I have most of my singing voice back, but for a slight artifact on a few notes, and my swallowing has become normal again. I suspect that the cause of both of these problems was a swollen set of parathyroids, which correlates with hyperparathyroidism, which is known to be a possible result of boron deficiency. While by no means conclusive, I think I have a fairly good explanation for my experience and I would recommend careful use of borax to anyone willing to take the "risk".


1 User Review
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Posted by Kristy (Lansing, Michigan) on 11/22/2007

Two of my kids have 'tried' to come down with colds during the last two weeks. When my son's hit, he was coughing so hard he was nearly vomiting. My daughter woke up coughing, a very sore throat and her voice was almost gone. Usually I have them do the inhaling of peroxide a few times a day and give them at least 1/4 cup of organic vinegar with 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, a little cinnamon and water each day. This time I added Borax water (1/8 teaspoon to 1 liter of water) to the mix-and their colds were gone in less than 12 hours. No one was more stunned than I was that it worked so fast! But I shouldn't have been surprised. I have had painful joints from fibromyalgia for years, but sometimes the pain in my right shoulder is almost unbearable (I'm right-handed). The last flare had been going on about 2 months and I was getting very little sleep, which was what spurred my finally giving in and trying the Borax. Within three days the severe pain was gone and I was back to just the normal pain! Now I just need to make myself drink it EVERY day and maybe all the pain will go away.

But, back to the original subject, everyone says there is no cure for the common cold. After what we saw earlier this month, I have to disagree!

Demodex Mites

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4 star (1) 

Posted by Prez (Sunny California ) on 06/22/2022

3 tablespoons borax, 2 tablespoons 3% hydrogen peroxide, and enough water to make a paste.

Use this as a scrub on your face and neck and the liquid on a cotton ball for your ears

Demodex (Face Mites) Demodex is a type of mite that lives in human hair follicles, usually on your face. Almost everyone has these mites, but they usually don't cause any problems. But Demodex can multiply too quickly in people who are immunocompromised or have other skin conditions. That causes an itchy, irritating condition called demodicosis.

Demodex Mites
Posted by M. (India) on 11/19/2015

I am a woman and suffer from severe rosacea and demodex mites. can sometimes feel them crawling on parts of my face and eyelids. I have started internal borax treatment for my demodex after being encouraged by the reports on earth clinic. I ordered griffith borax and mixed about 1/10th teaspoon in filtered water and sipped it all day. distilled drinking water is not available in India

today is my 4th day- started on 16th, Monday. my face is quite red and inflamed for last 8 -9 days. There is no relief since I started the borax- face continues to be really bad. I just feel tired and a bit nauseous.

I can't do borax and peroxide since I also have dermatitis and very sensitive skin.

Please help with some advice on what I can do.

Thanks, M

Replied by Cheyenna
(Northwest Usa)

You are experiencing the typical detox. This detox can take 2 to 3 weeks to finally resolve itself. This does depend however on how bad your condition(s) is. Be patient and do not give up. Best wishes to you on this journey.