Melatonin Cures

Side Effects
Posted by Deb (Treasure Island, FL) on 07/24/2021

I have noticed nose bleeds with melatonin

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Art (California) on 09/06/2021 2173 posts

Hi Glennise,

This one ships to the UK:

You can get melatonin by prescription in the UK and any dose is better than no dose. If your Dr. will write a script for each of you for 5 mg capsules for sleep, that amount may hold you over until your order arrives.


Melatonin and Blood Thinners
Posted by Pam (Ponte Vedra, FL) on 01/21/2021

Does Melatonin have an effect on a person taking a blood thinner?

Side Effects
Posted by Bbhe (Nyc) on 09/21/2020

I definitely feel your pain. I had insomnia for years. Turned out it was gluten. (Yeah, I thought I'd tried eliminating it, but I guess I hadn't. If I get even a pinch of flour, ping, eyes wide open all night long.) Melatonin makes me loopy as well unless I take a tiny tiny dose. Also, if I do high intensity workouts sometimes that makes it worse, especially if I'm fasted.


Posted by Randy (Myrtle Beach, Sc/usa) on 07/21/2011

hi Connie

Thank you for responding back and I appreciate your input very much! Since my last post what I have done for the next 2 nights was stay at 2mg of melatonin and even though for both those nights I got awake in the middle of the night, I fell back to sleep for each of those nights for about another 2. 5 hours approx so I guess that is a good sign. Maybe my body had to get used to it if that is possible, I don't know. Last night I upped it to 3mg and slept striaght thru for a total of about 6. 5 hours. I'm atleast happy with this because I know for years that I have only been averaging about 5-6 hours of sleep per night. So "maybe" I am on the right path with the melatonin. Time will tell.

As far as you mentioning the B-12 and methylfolate, I have tried both of those in the past and both never seemed to do me any good. I think I have tried most every supplement under the sun LOL (and then some.. Haha) I had my B-12 levels checked awhile back and they were fine.. Actually very good but at that time I was taking B-12 even though it really didn't help me. As a matter of fact I have read that some people that are hypoadrenal can't handle the extra B-12. Whether or not that is true I don't know, but maybe it was true for me. I seem to even feel more lethargic which doesn't help my depression even when I do Brewers Yeast. Maybe it is a particular B that isn't agreeing with me. I "might" have been taking too much Pantethine. I tried it because many others and other websites mention it is good for hypoadrenal but quite frankly ever since I stopped taking it, I seem to be not as fatigued and not as achey in my joints.

The site that I have frequented often which I think has a lot of good information is......says that too much intake of B-5, people can get severe fatigue and joint pain. Maybe this applies to me because ever since I stopped it I an not as fatigued nor as achey in my joints. The site actually mentions B-1 thiamine good for people that are hypoadrenal. It says that extra thiamine can help raise sodium, which I know us later stage AF'ers deal with. He also mentions choline can help with that also. Funny how when I did the Braverman test online awhile back I was also Acetylcholine deficent as well as being Dopamine deficient. So I am also starting to take CDP-Choline as well as some lecithin granules which I know Ted is very high on taking. I noticed you said you are still low cortisol. Have you tried extra thiamine? I just started yesterday taking Allithiamine. Apparently it is similar to Befotiamine that it is fat soluble, but I have read that Allithiamine may work better on the CNS where as Benfo works more periphally. Who knows but I am giving it a whirl and maybe it can atleast help to some degree with my atypical depression. The site also mentions tin being good for hypodrenal and I know Ted has mentioned it too and good for depression that can go along with it. So I am going to try that too. I just ordered some stannous chloride from a chemical supply company so I'll see how that works for me too when it arrives.

One other thing I wanted to mention, and maybe there is some merit to this. I can't remember which book I read this from.. It might have been Wilson's book on Adrenal Fatigue, in that having dental work done can stress the adrenals. I can look back and remember that it was around the time I had some dental work done that I started feeling a lot worse. Maybe it was that, that just sent my low adrenals over the edge.. Then on top of that I burned them out more by working out at the gym too strenuously. Live and learn. Recently I have read that weight lifting (not to the point of exaustion) can actually raise cortisol but anything aerobic lowers cortisol. So I'm going to just do the weights but ditch the running on the treadmill.

I'm also gonna start on some Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes. Certainly can't hurt cause I have read some theories out there that depression can stem from too much inflammation in the body. I've started back up taking some curcumin and have added some boswellia which is also good for inflammation. I'll see how this goes too LOL

Sorry for the long post, but thanks again for your input Connie. I'll keep trudging on :)

Maybe the moderator reading this can also post this in the adrenal fatigue and depression sections, since this post also applies to those conditions. Me being new here I don't know if I should be copying and pasting this in both of those sections.


Side Effects
Posted by Stacey (Greensboro, Nc) on 08/04/2009

Hi Manti,

I use to take melatonin, but stopped because of two side effects. One side effect was that it acted as a diuretic, so I really didn't get much sleep b/c of running to the bathroom. The other was very real dreams. It got to the point that I could not figure out if I had really had conversations with people in my dreams versus reality. Melatonin is actually a hallucinagen your body naturally produces. I guess when you add more of the chemical to your body, it coases you to dream more realistically.

Induce Dreaming
Posted by Jeremiah (San Diego, California) on 07/07/2009

Remedies to Induce Dreaming: I usually don't dream, but I have found out that whenever I take Melatonin to sleep, I have the most vividly realistic dreams I could ever imagine.

Posted by Jeremiah (San Diego, California) on 06/28/2009

I have found that Melatonin is extremely beneficial in helping me get to bed. This is on top of the Seroquel that I already take, which is dosed at 100mg. I usually start off with 3 mgs. of Melatonin, and if that doesn't help, I take another 3 mgs. (because the supplement that I take only comes in 3 mg. tablets).

The usual recommended dose of Melatonin to start with is 5 mgs., and then take it from there. This is a extremely effective supplement, and I would recommend it first before anything else.

Posted by Randy (Myrtle Beach, Sc/usa) on 07/18/2011

I suffer from adrenal fatigue (low cortisol) and atypical depression so I decided to try melatonin the last couple of nights to try to give my adrenals some well needed rest. Typically I only average between 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night but the last couple of nights I only got about 3.5 hours of sleep. First night I only did 1mg and last night I did 2mg and with upping the dosage I still only got 3.5 hours of sleep. Why am I getting less sleep taking melatonin? I have read where it can have the opposite effect with some people and I am wondering why this happens? Anyone else have the same experience?

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/05/2020

Old post but the melatonin may have been ineffective if it was not actually melatonin - a fraudulent product. Trying a different brand might have been the solution. My brand always works for me, my Mom's does not always work for her.

Posted by Jake (Tucson) on 11/01/2020

I have read a report recently that talks about the mixed findings with melatonin. It's hypothesis is that it relates to the circadian rhythm and should be taken at least 2 hours away from food. It is suggested that one might try to eat dinner earlier, and/or skip breakfast so as to avoid glycemic interference.

Posted by Stephanie (NC) on 10/20/2005

Melatonin is WONDERFUL! My daughter (11 yrs.) has always had terrible problems going to sleep...until I started her on Melatonin. She takes 1 pill (300 mcg.) about 1-1/2 hrs. before bed and has had no trouble falling asleep since the first time she took Melatonin. Also have a 22 yr. old nephew who has had sleep problems for a few years. He takes a larger dose before bedtime - has been falling asleep at bedtime with no problems since his first dose. What a God-send!!!

Posted by Hannah (Vancouver, BC )

Melatonin has also been beneficial to me for sleep. I also use at varying times: -lavender essential oil rubbed into my skin (with a carrier oil) spray lavender water in the bedroom -take a "tea" of honey and apple cider vinegar (adjusting to taste) with water. (1/4 cup does the trick). -another idea, is to turn off the electrical things (like tv, computer etc) an hour before bed to allow the body to slow down and let it's natural melatonin do it's job. Turn off the lights and light a candle and have quiet time an hour before bed. Sweet dreams!

Life-Extending Properties of Melatonin
Posted by Sue (VA) on 06/12/2023

Hi Art,

Your posts are so interesting and educational. You mentioned using melatonin topically for hair and I believe also skin. How would a lay person/non-chemist make this, or is there an existing product you like? Would such a formula be safe on the face and around the eyes? Many thanks!

Life-Extending Properties of Melatonin
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 06/12/2023

Wow! I never would have thought it would even resolve both the itch and whooshing sounds in the ear. I am inspired now to make an all over body oil with some melatonin. Love it!

Life-Extending Properties of Melatonin
Posted by Art (California) on 06/11/2023 2173 posts

Sorry, Ashley,

I don't know the answer to your question because I have never had a bottle of melatonin make it to the expiration date.


Effective Melatonin Dosages
Posted by Art (California) on 07/08/2023 2173 posts


More information about what symptoms you are experiencing and the doses of what you are taking would be helpful information.

Regarding melatonin, if you can tolerate more than 30 mg, that would be helpful. Dr. Shallenberger gives all of his patients 180 mg per night or more for more serious conditions such as stage 4 cancer. Don't take melatonin during the day. If you make a decision to add more melatonin, do it slowly.

For sleep, decide what time you want to go to bed. As an example, if you want to got to bed at 11:00pm, take one third of your melatonin dose at 9:00 pm, one third of your dose at 10:00pm and the last third of your dose at 11:00 pm. I call this melatonin 123 and it gives a slower release of melatonin that tries to mimic melatonin release from the pineal gland and sometimes is a bit more effective for sleep.

I wrote about the use of melatonin for stroke here :

For constipation, magnesium in the form of magnesium citrate at the max label dose may help. Take this or at least part of it with your second melatonin dose and take your zinc at that same time as it also helps with sleep. It helps with the melatonin for sleep. I wrote about these 3 for sleep here :

Adding vitamin D in the morning may be helpful as a deterrent for a second stroke as discussed here : D supplementation in post, outcome after stroke [9].

Here is a relevant study quote :

' Vitamin D supplementation in post stroke patients is helpful in prevention of recurrent stroke and is suggested to reduce neurological, psychological and musculoskeletal disorders [8]. It also reduces morbidity, mortality and improves functional outcome after stroke [9]. '

Aiming for the upper half of the reference range could be helpful. The reference range is 30 - 100 ng/ml for 25 OH d.

Once you have a stroke, even a TIA, the chance for another stroke increases significantly so you still have to keep preventatives in mind, not just treatments.

The berberine is helpful, but that would be at 1500 mg/day in 3 divided doses of 500 mg at breakfast lunch and dinner.

Another supplement that can be helpful is Vinpocetine at 30 mg/day as discussed here : controlled human studies, VPN, in several countries in Europe.

Here is a relevant quote :

' In controlled human studies, VPN increases cerebral perfusion and oxygen extraction and prevents the worsening of attention in patients with multiple cerebral infarcts so; VPN has been used to treat stroke in several countries in Europe. '

CoQ10 is also good at higher dose and in the more preferable form of Ubiquinol such as this :,aps,182&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

Get earlier morning sun exposure such as 20 minutes or more each morning.

It takes time to recover from a stroke and I would think in terms of a year or more, but these steps may also help ward off another stroke or TIA and that is very important.


Melatonin and Anti-Rejection Drugs
Posted by peter (chicago) on 01/24/2022

Attn: Art from California

My wife is on anti rejection drug for kidney transplant and blood pressure medication.

She has trouble sleeping and told me Melatonin can not taken. Please let me know is that the case.

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Glennise (UK) on 09/09/2021 3 posts

Thank you for replying. Delivery from Piping Rock was super fast, it only took 1 week from US.

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Moira (Co. Laois) on 01/09/2022

Use vitamin d it is the sàme at over 500 u per week if sick help with more until it abates and go back to th 500 u again every week

Posted by Lisa (Vero Beach)

I have found melatonin to work well for sleep. Also just heard magnesium prior to sleep works - I will be trying that tonight.

Posted by Bee (Gig Harbor, Wa) on 09/28/2016

thank for suggesting that the electronics be turned off earlier at night for a natural melatonin. I was reading all the comments and many of them had the electronics piece in common.

Life-Extending Properties of Melatonin
Posted by Ashley (Santa Cruz California ) on 06/11/2023

Does melatonin degrade if 1 year has passed expiration date on bottle?

Side Effects
Posted by Sam (Miami ) on 04/01/2023

Denise, Google Mexidol. Also chinese herbal formulas: bupleurum&dragon bone is one of what it is called “shen tonics” that is very good. Better yet see an acupuncturist/herbalist. Never buy any supplements on Amazon. Mexidol is an exception-you can only buy it on Amazon. It might take up to 3 years to get off clonazepam.

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Katie (London) on 02/08/2021

One of my friends has just been diagnosed with covid and she is higher risk so I'm worried. I am in the UK where melatonin is not available. I've been looking at buying melatonin from pharmacies in Poland but they only seem to sell 1mg or 3mg so I would need a huge number to ingest 80mg per day for covid-19. Also many refuse to post to the UK.

Can anyone advise me how to buy sufficient quantities from a reputable source?

Side Effects
Posted by Gertjr (Madison) on 09/16/2020

I've been taking a, for me, high dose of melatonin for insomnia. I've been taking 10 mg at 7, another 10 mg at 8 and one more at 9, then off to bed. The first night I slept fine, next night not so great and, but the third night, was having stomach troubles. So, I backed off for a week. I then to 10 mg at 7 and, at 9, took a 10 mg timed release tablet. I kept waking up but my concern is that I was dizzy. I had to be careful getting up and then was fine. So I stopped it for several days.

Then, last night, I took a 5 mg regular tablet and, during the night, woke up dizzy. Even at the gym this morning, doing barbell bench presses, I was dizzy upon sitting up. So, is this the melatonin or something else? I stay hydrated and my blood pressure was good (I took it several times), so it's not that.

Possibly low blood sugar? I had not eaten for some time when it happened. Any thoughts? I swim, so wonder if it's not my ears? I do not have vertigo during my normal day, only upon rising from flat to sitting (of course I don't stand until it passes). I don't want to visit a dr until I've eliminated other causes. Thanks. I really need relief of the insomnia! I've taking benadryl and want to stop.

Side Effects
Posted by Manti (Tulsa, OK) on 07/31/2009

I was wondering about the use of melatonin..some use it as a sleep aid and i've heard it works really there any other uses..are there any side effects of the oral form, is there any longterm side effects noted from using it?

Posted by Melinda (Tucson, Arizona) on 01/24/2009

NAY- I have tried Melatonin and I did not find it to be a good alternative for insomnia. Firstly I am on a antidepressant-Lexapro, and I feel like Melatonin really makes my depression worse, and it's effectiveness was inconstant, one time I felt real drowsy and slept good, another time only slept a few hours then woke up again. My boyfriend's Mom also tried it and said it did not work for her either.

Effective Melatonin Dosages
Posted by Art (California) on 07/11/2023 2173 posts


I have no experience with it.


Side Effects
Posted by Denise E (Crescent City, CA) on 03/29/2023

I doubt I'd wake up at all if I took as much as some folks do, I am shocked don't mind saying. I took a 10mg tablet and felt groggy for most of the a.m. so please be careful with trying it out.

I need something to help me sleep as I am weaning off clonazapam and melatonin was again suggested. I was having a hard time at night, not upping to my usual dose of 1 mg of clonazapam, so I'd just fall back into the 1 mg per day. I'm hoping just a smaller dose of Melatonin will help me and not leave me hungover, or groggy.

I found some bottles of 5 mg Melatonin, but then I kept looking, and found 3 mg bottles so I bought the later. Very inexpensive and I am hoping. It these don't work for me, then I guess I'll have to find another hopefully safe sleeping supplement.

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Glennise (Hampshire) on 09/04/2021 3 posts


I'm in the UK & my son who is asthmatic have just been diagnosed with Covid. Did you manage to find a UK supplier please. I have ordered some from Piping Rock but it will probably take a couple of weeks to get here.

Thank you.

Sjogren's Syndrome
Posted by Art (California) on 03/11/2024 2173 posts

In primary Sjogren's Syndrome (pSS), two of the most common symptoms are dry eyes and dry mouth. pSS damages the salivary glands (SGs), leading to dry mouth and melatonin helps protect the salivary glands from this damage, as discussed in this new March 2024 study :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

Melatonin had the potential to mitigate inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis in SGs of pSS by inhibiting the IL-6/STAT3 pathway through receptor-dependent mechanisms. This intervention effectively prevented glandular damage and preserved functional integrity.


Effective Melatonin Dosages
Posted by Cheryl (California) on 07/08/2023


Can melatonin get my system back to normal after being on prescription medication? I can't seem to get my system back to normal, I wrote a post in recent contacts about it. If so, how much should I take?

Effective Melatonin Dosages
Posted by Cheryl (California) on 07/10/2023

Art and Rob, Thank you for the info. I am going to try everything, Thank you for answering my questions. I feel supported. Do you know anything about bemers for sleep?

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