Cures from Lecithin: Depression, Detox & More!

General Feedback
Posted by Janet (Tennessee, US) on 12/17/2014

I got the lecithin granules that Ted recommends. How do I ingest them? I put some in my morning oatmeal and they cook along with it (melt?). But for the teaspoonsful later in the day? I put some in juice, but had to swallow the grains. I don't eat yogurt. Put some in applesauce and yuck! I don't want to waste it, but maybe warm tea or milk? Don't usually drink milk-it triggers my ibs. The thought of it in tea is repulsive, but I'll do what I must.

General Feedback
Posted by Rita (Wareham) on 07/26/2014

Does anyone have a name brand of lecithin that's not GMO...? Thanks much

General Feedback
Posted by Tsmalz (Fl) on 01/05/2016

Most sunflower lecithin, including NOW non-gmo, are processed with hexane. Lekithos is the only brand I know of that is not. The thick liquid tastes awful, though. I only bought it because it was the only lecithin produced from organic sunflower seeds. They also have powder and granules which are not organic, but they are non-GMO. I am going to try their granules or powder next, which is said to be more bland tasting.

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by Lee (Chonburi, Thailand) on 04/21/2014

Where can I buy Soy Lecithin Granuals Non GMO if possible, in Thailand?

Dandelions and Lecithin
Posted by Jillybeans (somewhere in the south) on 02/25/2021 88 posts

I wish I thought it tasted nice too! Kinda nutty but more yuk in flavor imho. I'll try again and if too yuk I'll try egg lethicin powder... If not that...then pills..🤗🤗

Lecithin Tips
Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Usa) on 06/21/2011

Sue, from Australia;I tried soy milk and I had some problems adjusting to soy, I also can no longer drink regular milk as it too affects me so I have tried dream rice which I seem to tolerate very well.

I am wondering now how important is it really to take the Lecithin? I found that selenium and magnesium with calcium and vit. D is great for the brain/memory.....Thanks & good luck

General Feedback
Posted by Cindy (CH, WI, USA) on 04/26/2009

i would like to add lecithin to my diet but am concerned after reading soy can cause problems with hormones and i am menopausal. could you please ask Ted?

General Feedback
Posted by Nellb (Long Island, US) on 06/13/2014

Just wanted to thank Edensong for the sunflower lecithin recommendation.

General Feedback
Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Usa) on 06/21/2011

T from Maryland, USA;

I do agree with you on the dandelion's;I was reading it some where of it's properties, uses and it's benifits. I used to take the capsules with the roots included where I found they are just as good, now I am happy to say that I found dandelions fresh in the super market minus the roots which are just as good but I am happy just the same to find this veggie so good. Thank you.

General Feedback
Posted by Cathy (Washington, Dc) on 01/16/2012

After reading Ted's info about "pulling oil" with lecithin granules a few weeks ago I started taking 2 tablespoons per day, "drinking" it in my orange juice in the morning and in water in the evening. But I was a bit concerned about the soy intake so I looked online for non-soy varieties. I was unable to find any non-soy lecithin in granular form online. I ended up ordering a jar of pure raw liquid sunflower lecithin and I just braved my first spoonful. It doesn't taste as bad as I thought it would, but the consistency is rather glue-like. It sticks to my lips and teeth.

Wondering if anyone else has used this form of lecithin and if you have any better ideas for conveniently ingesting a full tablespoon twice a day?

General Feedback
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/16/2012

Cathy, liquid lecithin can be poured, a spoonful or so, into a smoothie for easy ingestion. It's very gooey, so after I pour it, I wipe the bottle opening with my finger, then wipe my finger with a napkin. It gets the goo off.

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 01/17/2012 2063 posts

Cathy, Now Foods makes a "Sunlecithin" or "Triple Strength Soy Lecithin" in softgels, which are both better than standard soy softgels. I take extra Choline/Inositol to boost the good effects even further without added soy.

Posted by Tee (Chicago, Il) on 03/28/2009

I just wanted to know can you add it to foods such as soup or take it straight up?

General Feedback
Posted by Gean (Salina, KS) on 03/13/2009

Would liquid lecithin be just as good as the granulated? Thank you.

EC: We've been meaning to ask Ted exactly that! Thanks for the reminder.

Calorie comparison:
Granulated lecithin- Whole Foods brand: 105 calories, 8 g total fat
Lecithin capsules - Whole Foods brand: 15 calories, 1g total fat

Posted by Anita (Si, Ny) on 05/21/2010

what kind of lecithin did you ingest? Soy, egg, sunflower? thank you!

Posted by Anita (Ny) on 10/23/2010

I started sprinkling non-gmo lecithin on my egg breakfast in July (fairly consistently-maybe missed 7 days since). I used to have monthly facial outbreaks. I've had 2 minor OB (I did ICE, h2o2, lysine, vit. C as well) which consisted of a very small pinhead size scabs. I just continue sprinkling. Kinda scared to stop... Lol

Posted by Mm (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/01/2013

Falala, 2400 what??????

Posted by Enzy1 (Khi, Pak) on 01/05/2013

hey all... So I have been taking lecithin for a few days and it is keeping the outbreaks a bit in control... Im also supplementing it with oil of oregano, vit c, lysine and beta immune complex... I have a lot of faith in lecithin after reading the post by Freddie and the others that have followed... however, could you pls tell me if this needs to be continued even after a month and if any of u have had recurrent OBs after taking lecithin...pls lemme know!!

Posted by Falala (S'port, La, USA) on 01/26/2013

2400 mg. Sorry!

Posted by Annabell (Miami, Fl, United States) on 04/25/2013

To Allison from Houston, Texas,

THANK YOU! Last week I ate 6 greek yogurts in one day! The day after a cold sore appeared this is the worst one yet. It's HUGE. It was going away after I dabbed it with hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol and tea tree oil but I made the mistake of putting neosporin on it before it completely scabbed over.

I just googled aspartame in greek yogurt and sure enough the particular brand I bought contained aspartame!!! Not to mention I was also taking maca capsules. I am getting ready to purchase egg yolk lecithin and use it as part of my regimine which includes lysine, vitamin c , red marine algae, zinc, stress forumula b complex, and some other vitamins.

From now on I will stick to eating PLAIN yougurt.

Posted by Bruco (Wa) on 05/23/2024

Get red Marine algae to take faithfully for 3 or 4 months every day and enough quantities and you won't ever have another outbreak.

Posted by Kaybe (Bristol, TN) on 01/24/2009

Concerning Lecithin for Detox: I understand to take granulated lecithin for 5 of 7 days to detox the body from a lifetime of heavy metals, etc. Should this be taken regularly, forever, or just every so often for detox?

Posted by Patricia (Elmont, New York) on 01/11/2009

Please add a new topic for lecithin. I remember reading some comment from Ted where he mentioned lecithin pushing instead of oil pulling. Cannot find it anywhere. Do we use the lecithin same way as sesame oil or do we just ingest it? Thank you.

Posted by Rose (Milparinka, Australia) on 04/23/2014

Once food has been broken down by acids in the stomach, various enzymes in the small bowel from the gall bladder and pancreas and absorbed into the body' it cannot return to the bowel so I don't know how 'free heavy metals, petroleum etc' supposedly floating around in our bodies causing toxicity can be taken up by these oils, returned to the bowel and excreted. You are talking rubbish!

Posted by Calvin (Louisiana) on 05/24/2016

H Freddie, What type of Lecithin did they used Lecithin to control and kill the herpes virus? Do you know if better to use granules made from eggs?

Posted by Calvin (Louisiana) on 05/24/2016

H Freddie, What type of Lecithin did they used Lecithin to control and kill the herpes virus? Do you know if better to use granules made from eggs?

Posted by Mary (Arcadia, Ca) on 05/31/2016 49 posts

I worry to take lecithin because soy lecithin is GMO. Will sunflower lecithin work just as well?



Posted by Ken (Atlanta) on 08/07/2016

What is the best lecithin to buy? What brand? Soy or no soy?

Posted by Shaw (Fayetteville, Nc ) on 04/01/2017

How many capsules of Lysine should I take every day. Because I have HSV 1 simplex. And I want to be completely healed from it. So when I go get another test done it will come back negative for herpes. Thanks

Posted by Eddie (Lusaka, Africa, Zambia ) on 01/07/2018

I want the same lecithin tablets, where can I buy or order it, coz in Zambia the whole chemistry, they don't stoke it

Posted by Briana (Baltimore, Md) on 09/06/2018

Is this true? I had GH for 7 years. Will it go away in a month of taking lecithin? Any certain diet to follow also and did you get check up at dr and became negative of virus?

Posted by Almostfamous (Tampa) on 06/15/2021

Are you saying you took lecithin for 30 days and were cured Or that you take it daily some 20yrs later?

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