Comments and Requests

Website Updates
Posted by Earth Clinic on 06/26/2021

Hello, we're thrilled to let you know that desktop users can now search any ailment and sort all the posts in 3 ways:

1) alphabetically by remedy
2) newest posts
3) most loved posts on the page

Just click on the blue User Review button at the top of any article, and it will drop you down to a box where you can sort all the posts on that particular ailment. See screenshots below.

Give it a go, and if you have any comments or suggestions about the sorting feature and how it could be improved, please let us know!

Example page:

Website Requests
Posted by Art (California ) on 10/06/2018 2173 posts


If EC can't find it, I doubt I will be able to find it on EC!

Here is a nattokinase study showing that it is an effective antiatherosclerotic at a doable dose!Notice also the intima media thickness change for the better, very impressive!

Here is another abstract that shows nattokinase can lower blood pressure:

Good luck!


Support for Earth Clinic
Posted by Littlewing (Boston) on 11/20/2018

GO FUND ME PAGE - Rinse and Repeat - bringing subject back up to Recents. Thanks everyone!

New Videos
Posted by Earth Clinic (Los Angeles) on 06/22/2017

Good morning to all!

Don't miss Mama to Many's new video on Earth Clinic's YouTube Channel: How to Make a DIY Alkaline Toothpaste!

Please give it a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe to our channel if you haven't already! Lots more interesting videos on the way!

Website Comments
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 05/06/2017

HI U CHARITY,,,,,,,,,, several months Dr Shallenberger wrote an article about IASIS and I had no clue. He had first poopooed the topic, but a friend told him otherwise and to get involved. He did and now says... it's the real McCoy. It is an electrical feed back program that is doing wonders for our veterans who had brain trauma in Iraq during the war.

We have an integrated doctor a little over an hour's away and we are starting the treatments. My Tractor Driver just had her first. If it lets her sleep and feel at peace, then I'm the next in line. We have had no brain traumas but still want to be at peace.

With your childhood brain trauma, what have you got to lose by researching? It is new, so there are few doctors in this field. You seem like a bright person, and you can find someone in your region that can give you guidance.

In any case, I wish you well. ===ORH===

Website Videos
Posted by Earth Clinic (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/21/2016

Sit back, relax and watch our new video 3 Ways to Use Cayenne Pepper for a Sore Throat. It might make you laugh or maybe, just maybe, you'll feel an urge to get up and dance... Who knows?

Cayenne Pepper Cure for Sore Throat

Website Comments
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 08/31/2016

Woo hoo! We are thrilled to tell you Earth Clinic's Apple app is now available. Quickly discover the top remedies for hundreds of ailments. Don't miss it out -- it's free!

Prayer Requests
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 08/27/2016

Hi Timh,

We will certainly continue to keep your nephew in our prayers, knowing that miracles happen every day, with God's will. He sounds like a determined young man, and that, too, should serve him well during this illness. We will also keep you in our prayers, Timh, during this difficult time, and hope you feel surrounded by the care, love and concern of all on this site who value you and all you contribute to Earth Clinic.

I'm sure you have seen on the LDN site that it serves to protect healthy cells from the destructive effects of chemo, so not sure if you were able to get any to him or not before he was transferred. Dr. Berkson always says alpha lipoic acid, selenium, LDN, milk thistle and B vitamins for cancer, especially liver or pancreatic, but I would think a good combo for almost any. I wonder if TN allows medical MJ, something else to consider and possibly request?

May both of you feel the healing presence of God very near to you right now and in the days ahead. May God bless you both.

Prayer Requests
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 09/01/2016 2063 posts

TY so much Liz for all your love & prayer and how wonderful to be one with you in this.

Moments ago I woke from a nap in which I dreamed I was treating LJ's lymphoma with Magnets then on to Zapping while the family was voting on a medical malpractice or wrongful death lawsuit. I lost my dear mother (the great christian woman and architect of LJ becoming a beautiful child) to cancer in 2009 and still have regular dreams of healing her from the dreaded c.

I think that after losing his grandma that some life force must have left him and his g-mail, established in 2011, may have said it all as he also must have had this cancer for several yrs. The world in general and the masculine world in particular were always too offensive for him. With all the Disney and family t.v shows and movies he was in his comfort zone. He is like an incredible beautiful child and an adult at the same time, so yes, the Vincent connection is very fitting and now we are all connected in this. Many recent YouTube uploads of Don McLean singing Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) and one insightful interview of his analysis of Vincent's life not-so-much as suffering from mental illness but maintaining a safe space to dream & create great art.

Another interesting event is his last few days & wks of seeming good health were spent in Boston with some of his family, which must have been very nice as he's never been abroad much and a homebody mostly. Back pain and falling twice were the first danger signs to one of the most severe cases of cancer I ever known of.

Hoping you & yours are doing well and looking forward to future relations with you.

Prayer Requests
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 09/05/2016 2063 posts

TY Liz.

Lot of controversy about the vaccines & autism connection and of course corporate interest must be defended at all cost so one can expect some mis or dis information. One of the common cited statistics is that Christian separatist societies like Quakers & Mennonites that are exempt from big gov mandated medicine have no incidence of autism.

Anyway, it appears to be the case w/ LJ. Back in the mid eighties we didn't know much about the condition but in his situation there was a traumatic event when he was about 2-3 yrs old and we flooded him with prayer. Local school didn't have curriculum he needed and so got lumped into the special ed group and quite amazingly excelled beyond the others. To his & our good fortune a local Christian K-12 school was established and so he fared very well there making many friends and graduating top of his class. During this time his condition improved to mild and remained so until his passing.

My health has been so poor past 4,5,6 yrs that we have had little or no time together and maybe talk on the phone intermittently. I was hoping on spending some quality time with him in the near future and making improvements in his diet, physical and mental health. Not to long back I mentioned the traumatic event he had when a toddler and he had no memory of it so I was glad to have established the fact. Looking back it seems the pain of that event affected his entire mentality & lifestyle. Pain & stress are becoming well known causes of many degenerative diseases of the body & mind and many of which end in cancer. His case was so extreme that these two factors appear the driving force of his demise. Also important to note is the total lack of effective cancer treatment from conventional medicine. First dose of chemo and he experienced adverse reaction and went into respiratory arrest, kidneys shut down and needed life support and was under for 6 dys in ICU when I had the good fortune to bring him back and his condition improved dramatically until something happened and they gave him a lethal dose of chemo were upon he spent two wks in ICU and suffered severely and so recovery was almost impossible and passing was a good thing.

So, I spend much time here in the alt med community because so many common or chronic conditions respond best with natural remedies. LJ fell into the liberal socialist mindset with the help of his auntie and it appears he didn't need to worry about his health as he knew his dr verywealthyoncologist would provide all the care he needed. Shortly after his diagnosis I informed him that if he didn't fair well from the conventional treatments we would take him to the Mennonite Drs and one way or the other would beat the c.

So, sorry for the indulgence to the readers time, but in closing I do encourage everyone to check out TY Bollinger's video series The Truth About Cancer.

Oh, and back to Vincent, there is much speculation that his mental condition was aggravated and maybe even caused by possible heavy metal exposure, which is one of the big concerns with vaccines.

About Ted
Posted by Kate (Uk) on 07/25/2014

Hi, I am a big fan of your site and find its advice extremely useful, especially with regard to ACV.

However I am less than impressed with the advice given by "Ted". He seems very dogmatic and authoritarian, but not all that well informed. In some cases I know his advice is plain wrong, for example his reply to a breast-feeding mother. His insistence on taking bicarb with Apple Cider Vinegar is also suspect. Users are clearly relying on his advice which I consider worrying.

There was a "Ted" posting similarly on Money Saving Expert a while back. He was banned from the site as he had no medical background but persisted in giving dogmatic and quite extreme advice on supplements etc. Is this him?

I think this is a shame as the site is a wonderful resource, but it seems to me that users see Ted as a guru figure and in fact he is just a very opinionated lay person. People need to find their own way in this field - it can be dangerous to rely on the dogmatic advice of someone like Ted when there is little medical evidence to support his assertions. I wonder if you have considered the implications of his posts.

Regards, Kate

About Ted
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/25/2014

Dear Kate,

Earth Clinic has this disclaimer every page of the site:

Disclaimer: Our readers offer information and opinions on Earth Clinic, not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplement or following any treatment suggested by anyone on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.

Much of what you say about Ted could be said about me as well. I have no medical background. (And, I don't actually know what Ted's background is.) I am an opinionated lay person. There is little to no medical evidence to support things that I suggest.

In fact, few EC posters have a medical background. There is little medical evidence for most of natural medicine, which is why EC is so helpful! Folk remedies, unlike expensive pharmaceuticals, are not profitable to research and study.

So many people have come to EC, having been failed by modern medicine and found help, relief and support by lay people sharing experiences, their own research, and their care for others. I agree that it is a risk to treat naturally. Wisdom is needed to decide when to pursue modern medical options. At the same time, I think the risk is less than the risk to submitting to modern medicine for everything. That has proven fatal to many. Robert Henry shared this morning of a man he knows who died at the hand of medical professionals. This happens all the time!

If it comes to pass where I live that I must be a medical professional to recommend a folk remedy, this means I will not be able to give my children nettles for asthma, Apple Cider Vinegar for Diarrhea, or use a charcoal poultice on an infection. It would be dreadful to have to submit to pharmaceuticals for all of these. I would have to deal with side effects and expense of these things, not to mention the common ineffectiveness of them.

Some people may misuse information on EC. Some may follow advice without thinking it through or doing research. But I am grateful for the stories, experiences and advice found here. No one is compelled to use any of it. But many have been blessed by it.

The nature of Earth Clinic is a forum and Ted has the right to share as we all do, within the guidelines of Earth Clinic.

~Mama to Many~

website updates
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 11/22/2018

Best of luck in this new move, Deirdre. And for those of us who are rather addicted to reading the Latest Posts, if it doesn't work for a while, well, we'll just have to come up with some "grandma's home remedy" for that!

website updates
Posted by KT (Usa) on 12/02/2018

Yes Mmsg, I am in agreement with you and would like to encourage Deirdre the same and thank her so much for her personal replies.


Website Requests
Posted by Baldev (Mumbai Maharashtra India) on 10/08/2018 185 posts

Hi Art,

I also wanted to know whether Nattokinase is also to be taken empty stomach and if yes can Nattokinase and Serraptase can be taken together or Nattokinase is to be taken with meals, it's not clear in any article.



Support for Earth Clinic
Posted by Littlewing (Boston) on 08/21/2018

Just hit the GoFundMe Page, getting this back up top on comments. Earth Clinic and it's contributors have saved me multiple times. I'll spread the word. Good luck!

EC: Thank you so much, Littlewing! 

Website Comments
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 05/08/2017

Hi Timh, Thank you, you have posted so many good helps. It seems three steps forward and two steps back, is normal. I do what I can in the natural and then pray for an ACT OF GOD. I hope you find yourself BACK ON YOUR FEET AGAIN and DANCING.Love, Charity

PS If you know how to regenerate teeth, please spill your guts ....I know some stuff, but it's still GAME ON.

Website Requests
Posted by Iowama (Iowa) on 04/29/2017

Dear Mama and ORH,

Of all the Earth Clinic posters, yours' bring me the most food for thought. The reason is that I often join in on my husband's business trips and enjoy taking walks through unfamiliar cities. You both challenge me to look for plants that can be used as food or medicine. This morning's walk on the Las Vegas Strip did not yield any Mullein or Plantain, but I did find enough Purslane and Dandelion for a salad.

Website Requests
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 04/30/2017

HI U IOWAMA,,,,,,,, don't put me in the league with Mama as far as wild plants are concerned. I just try to write an interesting story as things unfold in my life. If your life is stagnant then you have few stories to tell. My life has been long and varied, thus, I can tell a yarn or two.

I think Mama is right, even city slickers can get something from EC. I guess all know that the EC folks edits my posts. I speak plain and that does not work in this PC world we now live . They are usually right and I should have counted to 10 before writing. You will notice that my posts have lots of errors because I write so fast as ideas come to mind.

ATS =======ORH=======

Website Comments
Posted by Barbara (Folsom, Ca) on 03/26/2017

It is extremely difficult to search for the many valuable posts that I have used and re-used. Where do I now go to be able to enter a search? I entered Ted's Carbicarb recipe finally on google --still could not find it. Very disappointing turn with an dearly appreciated site! The youtube videos are good...but the site change is a tremendous disappointment! Information will be welcomed!

EC: Hi Barbara, thank you for your honest feedback.

Earth Clinic's design is no longer "new" as we updated it last June. However, we hoping to make a shift in upcoming months to WordPress from this customized design and database which has LOTS of ongoing issues, especially when you factor in that most people are viewing EC on their mobile phones. Hopefully information will be much easier to find once we move to WordPress and reorganize everything, but it's a complicated move and will take a while to sort out on a limited budget.

Website Updates
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/19/2016

Responding to Anon...

I really like the new colorful look and using my laptop didn't run into the problem Anon had.

EC: Thanks for the feedback, Dave! 

Anon had a Mac issue we think is now fixed, thankfully!

Prayer Requests
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 07/26/2016


I am so sorry to hear this news about your beloved nephew. He will be in my prayers tonight. I will put him on the prayer list in my Bible Study group. May God be with both of you during this most difficult time, and may it be His will for a full recovery for both of you. May God bless and sustain you. I know He is near.

Prayer Requests
Posted by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 07/26/2016


I am praying for your nephew to be healthy and happy,


Prayer Requests
Posted by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 08/29/2016

I am so sorry for your loss, Timh. LJ was very fortunate to have such a loving, caring and compassionate uncle.

He is truly resting in peace.

Prayer Requests
Posted by Deirdre (LA) on 08/29/2016

TimH, I am very sorry for the loss of your nephew. I know he was so precious to you.

Sending you both lots of prayers, Deirdre

Prayer Requests
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 08/29/2016

Hi Tim, thank you for your courageous battle to fight another day in your own health and that of ones you love . I read your posts and learn . We can only fight our own battles and encourage others to fight theirs, and some we win, others we loose.

We never walk away from a fight without some aspects of victory even if we are still licking our wounds. Fight on Brother Timh for your are a mighty warrior and many are learning from your wisdom. Wisdom always has a price. Sorry about your loss of another loved one. May you see him in heaven, and may ALL GRACE ABOUND TOWARDS YOU AND FAMILY, Love and Prayers, Charity

About Ted
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 07/25/2014

Hi Kate...It's unfortunate that you seem to have no faith in Ted's recommended cures.

Regarding alkalizing while pregnant, it's fairly well known that doctors regularly give sodium bicarbonate with saline by IV in large amounts to the mother when extreme acidosis occurs during birth. Sodium bicarbonate is also used in high amounts by doctors whenever keto-acidosis occurs in diabetics. So much for sodium bicarbonate and alkalizing being dangerous for the body.

In general, I find that your own view and knee-jerk judgement of Ted's many remedies seems to just rest on your own unfounded suspicions that Ted is just a layman quack with strong opinions from Thailand.

But if you go to the Who We Are section of EC you will see that Ted has obtained many qualifications, including a degree in biochemistry. He is also very knowledgeable on herbs. In my own direct communications with him over the years I also know that he has worked for quite a while in the process food and drugs industries in America. There are also many posts on EC that prove and attest to the success of Ted's cures for both autoimmune and iodiopathic diseases -- diseases which modern medicine and big pharma drugs simply cannot cure. He has helped alot of people with these awkward and 'incurable' diseases.

Does the above therefore qualify him to know what he is talking about as a healer?

Lastly, I must add that Ted also gives his healing advice for free. Whenever you go to a doctor in America, it'll cost you $200 just for the privilege of sitting down in his office. You don't see that cost because you think that the NHS is free in UK. It certainly isn't free. Why do you think you have a VAT rate in UK of 20% now? It's little known or appreciated that VAT was invented in UK in the 1950s to pay for the NHS. So you're not really paying 25% income tax -- your effectively paying 45% income tax as an average salary earner now. That's the grip that modern medicine has in Europe in particular. I am also a UK citizen by the way.

And if you really want to know the health benefits of alkalizing then perhaps you should read the book that Ted and I wrote which is sold on EC. Alkalizing is all explained, in very simple terms, in the book. But you don't really have to buy the book because all the necessary details on alkalizing and its successful outcomes are all written and recorded from the many testimonials on this site -- hundreds of them -- which you have not bothered to read.

As a consequence, I feel that your own research and opinions on Ted from Bangkok as a healer resides only on your own rather meager and superficial research mingled perhaps with your own knee-jerk mind reactions about alkalizing. Furthermore, if you judge with such poor validation then you will also inevitably be harshly judged. I fully support independent opinion that is well researched and useful with a good basis. Free opinion is, after all, one of the main building blocks for democracy. Or so the rumour goes...

About Bill
Posted by Tony (Tn, Usa) on 01/29/2014

I would like to request Bill Thompson email address to further discuss a health matter that he's been helping me with. It would be greatly appreciated. I know Ted has an email contact listed but not sure if I've ever seen Bill's email contact given. Thanks for EC site and God Bless!

EC: Hi Tony,

Bill's email address is: bt130550(at)gmail(dot)com

About Ted
Posted by Jill (Rochester, Uk) on 06/17/2013

What has happened to Ted? I was looking for help with restleg leg syndrome. Although there are lots of answers from other people, and very helpful too. I can't seem to find what Ted has to say about problems these days. Am I looking in the wrong place or has Ted stopped writing in EC? Still think EC is wonderful, so much help and advice. Regards, Jill

EC: Hi, Jill. Ted writes in when he is not busy treating people who come from all over the world seeking his help! We haven't heard much from him in the past 6 months, but when we do, it's posted on the Latest Questions section here:

Please note that we are having a programming error in the Latest Questions section, which we hope will be fixed very soon. Ted's posts are showing up as Ted from Elkon, VA for example, instead of Ted from Bangkok.

Website Comments
Posted by J. (Florida) on 06/10/2021

One can use various search engines to search the Earth Clinic website. Below is a sample keyword combination that can be used to search for the keyword alkalizing on the webpages of +alkalizing

The above keyword combination can be tried at the search engines accessible at the below links.

Below is a sample keyword combination that can be used to search for the keyword alkalizing on the webpages, which is the section of the Earth Clinic website that is dedicated to observations that were shared by Ted from Bangkok. +alkalizing

Below are links to sample search results.> +alkalizing +alkalizing

Regarding evil, maybe one can find encouragement from the content at the below link.



Website Updates
Posted by Earth Clinic (Los Angeles) on 04/13/2017

Yea! We fixed our "Cures Reported" counter just now and you'll see that the number has jumped from 34,700 to 36,976 because several thousand 5 and 4 star-rated posts were missing from the total number due to a programming glitch that tallied our old rating system of YEAS instead of our new-ish 5 star rating system.

KT from the USA, thank you so much for noticing and reporting that not only was our Cures Reported number NOT going up, but was occasionally going down!

Website Updates
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 09/18/2016

Congratulations to the Team on the new look! Well done! However, I have a tedious affection for reviewing the past postings I have made but they seem to have all been removed from my account in a puff of smoke! Is this the price I am required to pay for progress?? Do I have to get a grip? Have they gone to the "Cloud"?

Cheers, Michael from N.Z.

EC: Yikes, no, they should not have disappeared in a puff. Thanks for letting us know. We'll have them returned to thee!

Website Requests
Posted by Marilyn (Concord, Ca ) on 09/18/2016

I read your site all the time, I am a senior and I have friends who suffer with different illnesses and I try and help them .But know I can't print from your site, I'm not sure what to do..

EC: Hi Marilyn,

Thank you for your feedback. We have added Print Post (and Print Article) links back to the site. Please click the SHARE icon (Next to Reply and Amazon at the bottom of each post) to pop up a box that has a print icon. You can now print, social share, or email each post.

Website Comments
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 09/17/2016

Dear Ed. Do you have this entry in your "Remedies Section". I couldn't find it even under "Pineapple".

"Bromelain - an extract of the pineapple stem and utilized for its anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects because of an enzyme that digests protein".

Thanks, Michael

EC: Hi Michael,

No, we don't have a bromelain page but thank you for the suggestion! We will try to create a new page for it this week.

We did create a new remedies page for Boswellia last week, fyi...

Prayer Requests
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/26/2016


I will praying for him. So sad to hear of his trials.

~Mama to Many~

Prayer Requests
Posted by Deirdre (LA) on 07/26/2016

Hi TimH,

I am so sorry to hear about L. Joey. Sending him much healing energy and prayers now for a fast recovery and will continue to do so.


Prayer Requests
Posted by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/06/2016

Dear Timh,

I am thinking of your nephew and praying he keeps on getting better quickly! -Steph

Prayer Requests
Posted by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 08/29/2016

Dear Timh,

I am sincerely sorry for your loss. LJ was lucky to have you for a wonderful caring uncle. And you were lucky to have LJ in your life as a wonderful nephew.


Prayer Requests
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/30/2016

Dear Timh,

I, too, am so sorry to hear about your nephew.

Continuing to pray for you...

~Mama to Many~

Prayer Requests
Posted by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 09/03/2016

Hi Timh, thank you for the lovely post. You mentioned that LJ was autistic, so when recalling 'Vincent', I considered that as well, which of course, made the lyrics all the more relative and meaningful, thinking of how LJ, like Van Gogh, was likely also misunderstood by many. Not by you, though. You were fortunate to have each other. :)

Website Updates
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 07/15/2016

HI U DEIRDRE,,,,,,,,,,, sorry to see you leave the Sweat South. Think you will learn that times have changed in Calif. Hope you are happy with your move.

Myself, I'm happy to live on the frontier.


Website Updates
Posted by Earth Clinic (Atanta) on 04/18/2016

Earth Clinic's very first app for Android devices is now available and it's FREE! Be the first to download our new app and let us know what you think! In a couple months we'll have an app ready for iPhones.

About Bill
Posted by Aj (Ormoc City Leyte, Philippines) on 04/27/2015

Hello..I am a so much believer in earth clinic site. I want to know the email and contact of Bill of San Fernando Pampanga..pls help me I really badly need his help..thanks

EC: Hello, Bill's email address is: [email protected].

About Ted
Posted by C (Oregon, US) on 07/25/2014

I would think that the people utilizing this website understand that he gives advice, and obviously can't understand all of the complexities each individual is experiencing. With that said, he is a practicing physician who has seen a lot of success in the treatment of his patients. Your comment was unnecessary. I can't imagine this Earth Clinic's Ted is the same Ted who was on "Money Saving Expert". Ted from Earth Clinic never promotes any specific vendor or product, he merely gives his time reading many peoples ailments and gives advice at length because he believes in what he does.

About Ted
Posted by Art (Usa) on 07/25/2014 2173 posts

Kate from UK,

Much of what is posted here is anecdotal in nature and often times it will be hard to find scientific studies to back up some of the claims that are made. That is a common part of alternative medicine and anecdotal reports.

Much of what Ted has posted over the years has been based on his own experiences with himself as well as others he has helped and what he has learned in schools and clinical practice. Just because someone posts something on this forum does not mean that anyone should just blindly follow the posted advice without doing their own research first. We are all responsible for doing our own due diligence before trying anything that is posted here and just because it is Ted who is making the post, does not mean that we should be any less responsible in this aspect of alternative medicine. There are no guarantees here and we are responsible for ourselves and the choices that we make. This is a great forum to exchange healthful ideas.

For me, I have found Ted's posts to be not only informative, but useful and effective too. I realize that he does not always have time to elaborate on how he develops his protocols, but when he has in the past, I find his process to be very helpful in understanding how he did.

Given a choice, I would choose to be able to read Ted's posts on here regularly and then make my own decision as to how to use his advice, if at all.


About Ted
Posted by Baldev (Maharashtra) on 07/26/2014 185 posts

Hi Bill,

Well said. Regards, Baldev

About Ted
Posted by Joy (Kathu) on 07/25/2014

I would reply to Kate who says she likes this website but is not impressed by Ted's postings. Well you must be one of the few who don't appreciate what Ted writes and has researched, but each to our own opinion and if it wasn't for Ted and Bill and the many other regular posters here, so many people including myself would be at a loss to learn and read of benefits we had been looking for and to then go on and work out for ourselves which protocol we wish to try. No one is forcing their suggestions and cures upon you.

About Ted
Posted by Green Augustine (Mold, Denbighshire) on 05/23/2015 41 posts

Having read the comments about Ted's remedies and the lady's concern about it, I can only say that I am always very sceptical about any medication both allopathic and herbal, alternative etc till I've tried it. When I tried Ted's Bicarb and lemon after a meal, having been privately here in UK to see a consultant (which cost several hundred was a waste of time ) as the NHS just suggested Gaviscon, my body actually seemed to sigh with relief as I sipped the Bicarb mixture. I've been using it now for about 5 weeks along with the turmeric, ginger and cumin mix you sip during the meal, I can honestly say I've scarcely had a hiccup, no nausea or heartburn, no reflux even when sleeping on a flat bed at a friends rather than my normal raised bed. I have both hiatus hernia and leaky gut and was suffering everyday for months and nothing worked till I found this website. I'm now about to try Bills suggestions of Betaine and Colostrum to see if I can really get cured.

If you're unsure, have you considered finding a well qualified experienced kinesiologist who will test your body for what it needs and what it doesn't like health wise? Good luck. I think we are so lucky to have this wrbsite as anecdotal evidence can be just as helpful as 'scientific research'. After all anecdotal evidence isn't profit related:-)

About Ted
Posted by Pone (California) on 07/04/2014

Is there a way to hire Ted from Bangkok for a consultation? I understand he had problems with the Thai government but hopefully there is still a way to get a remote consultation?

EC: Hi Pone, you can contact Ted at [email protected] to find out whether he is consulting.

About Ted
Posted by Viperron (Cheyenne, Wyoming) on 04/15/2014

We need Ted back, what can we do to help?

EC: Hi Viperron, Ted is back but he's extremely busy treating clients in a clinic in Thailand and we don't hear much from him. He answers a few questions each month, but that's about it.

About Joyce
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 12/22/2015

HI ALL, , , , , , , , , was in EC's archives today and ran across one of Joyce's posts and it brought tears to my eyes. Her posts were common sense. She was a strong woman and we tangled a few times, but I miss her counsel.

Deirdre, I know she's not in the running with Ted, but it would be nice if the new folks could see what she posted over the years.


EC: Haven't received any posts from Joyce in quite a few years, unfortunately.Thanks for the suggestion. We'll have our programmer create something that will link to all of her posts.

About Bill
Posted by Jos (Thailand) on 11/12/2013

I'm hoping that Bill is ok over in the Phillipines.

Such a dreadful disaster for everyone, and having been lucky to survive in the 2004 Asian tsunami, my thoughts naturally are with everyone but hopefully Bill ok.

EC: Hi Jos,

Yes, Bill is okay. We emailed him the day after the disaster and he replied his area wasn't as hard hit as some other areas.

About Bill
Posted by Tony (Tn, Usa) on 01/30/2014

Thank You very much for providing Bill's email contact!

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