Hair Loss
Natural Remedies

Natural Solutions for Hair Loss: Effective Remedies for Regrowth

Posted by Cherin (Texas) on 06/30/2016

I have alopecia and even though I haven't found a way to stop it I have found something to help with the tender scalp. I found msm in lotion form and put it in with my shampoo and wash my hair it doesn't change the texture at all but helps with the tenderness. Try it, t I think you will love the relief you get from just one use. You can also just put the lotion on your scalp by itself and feel the relief but it does leave your hair greasy of done like that I suggest putting it in your shampoo.

Anesthesia-Related Hair Loss
Posted by Teresa (Arkansas) on 04/24/2016

Hair loss most likely from surgery, not the ACV! Anesthesia is murder on hair! Your hair dresser will caution you not to color or perm within 6 to 8 weeks of any surgery because of its effect on your hair. Keep the ACV.

Posted by James As Commonly Called ;-) (Rugby, Uk) on 11/05/2013

Do also look into the benefits of Organic Sulfur ( msm crystals ) for hair problems. Good luck.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Deb (Sahuarita, Az) on 01/26/2013

I just recently went through this. The loss was all over my scalp, not just in one area. It stopped once I started drinking Chai tea using coconut milk. I was also taking coconut oil internally as well (1-3 Tbs. A day). I now have little two inch growths all over my head, so it wasn't just breakage. When I discussed this with my hairdresser, she told me that stress will do this, and that it takes three months for it to happen after a stressful event. I did have something very stressful happen three months before I started losing my hair. It could also be the result of hormone imbalance, or a shedding cycle.

Brown Rice, B Vitamins
Posted by Cat (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 11/18/2012

My 11yr old son had an episode of alopecia areata for a short time earlier this year. I panicked as he is still a young boy so went straight to a homeopath who took him off his regular diet and straight onto what was missing in his body which was magnesium, B vitamins, possibly iron (not tested) and some others I cannot remember. One thing that she stressed was to eat BROWN rice and NOT WHITE RICE as white is virtually stripped of any nutrients altogether. This contains almost all the B vitamins your body requires and will take care of that - no need for supplements. Also no refined sugar. These were the main issues and the rest of the time he ate for the other areas in his body he was deficient.

On a side note, I also made up a tea of rosemary, sage and thyme and put it into a spray bottle and sprayed this on his hair after each wash as all these herbs have a hair growing effect. Secondly, I rubbed castor oil into his scalp as castor oil is a well known hair grower. I've also read (but not used) that when you have boiled your potatoes for dinner, save the water and when it cools, use it on your hair and rub into the scalp for a few minutes. Potato water is very good for growing hair.

My son's hair did grow back very quickly as it was completely bald in a patch about 4" by 2" wide so very noticeable. He is now ok but we continue the brown rice on a regular basis to keep up the B vitamins. Good luck with whatever you may use.

Edgar Cayce's Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 01/28/2012

Hi Mary (from Rural, Va), As hair loss can be a symptom of iodine deficiency I think you have found your answer, congratulations. With shrimp and kelp containing iodine plus the iodine painting you are correcting your deficiency. Could you please tell me which form of iodine you are using for the painting? Thanks.

Edgar Cayce's Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Antonia (Rural Ms) on 12/29/2014

I have been losing hair for the last several years and I am slowly balding. I started taking a coconut oil supplement lately and hope it will help. I stopped using iodized salt several years ago too. Could doing this create an iodine deficiency? Also, I use to eat shrimp quite often, but have eaten very little in the last couple of years.

Iodine, Selenium
Posted by Bodulica (Barrie, Ontario, Canada) on 10/31/2011

For all of you losing hair: maybe is your thyroid. In that case you need iodine and selenium supplements. Be careful with selenium dosage. Some sources are saying that over 200 mcg is already poisonous, some say 400 mcg is still allowed...

Eggs, B Complex
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 09/06/2011

I had noticed I was developing baldness when some doctor switched my pain medication from codeine to Darvon. This darvon stuff made me go bald on the top of my head. I had the doctor switch me back to codeine and then I began eating two eggs and taking one vitamin B-complex tablet every day and the bald spot went away.

That was about 20 years ago and that bald spot never came back....oscar

Posted by Shary (Centennial, Co) on 09/27/2010

My son has had increasing hair loss due to the drugs he takes for a seizure disorder. Based on the recommendation of a dermatologist, he began taking 2,000 micrograms/day of biotin. This was about 2 months ago. He has stopped losing hair in the shower and the hair on his head has thickened. Biotin is available in healthfood stores.

Edgar Cayce's Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/16/2010

Yes it works! I don't even know how long I have been using the crude oil, Vaseline, massage, and shampoos - 15-20 years or so! It has made my hair not fall out but it never changed the appearance. Two months ago, I got the tonic and now my hair is growing faster, it use to be so thin, but now it is thicker, I don't need to use hair spray anymore either! If I want to curl it, I curl it and it stays curled! It is amazing that for as long as I have studied the Cayce readings (25 years) that I never tried the tonic!! I would suggest it to anyone who is having hair loss. If you start with his remedies right when you notice the hair loss, it would be better. If you wait until it all falls out, it may be too late.

The formula has the following ingredients:Lactated Pepsin, Black Snake Root Extract, Essence of Wild Ginseng, Atomic Iodine, Extract of Liver, and Grain Alcohol. It can be found online or at a health food store.

Edgar Cayce's Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Myway (Wilmington, De) on 11/18/2014

If you go to the Foxfire book, volume 3, there is an old folk remedy that my father used - burnt car oil, on dogs who had skin conditions. Dad used it on several dogs back in the late 60's and 70's. The dogs would stop itching and their hair would grow out. Back then, the dogs ran all over the life. We didn't have money or resources so, the Foxfire book was the go-to for old time remedies and cures. This oil method always worked for the dogs. My point? Edgar Cayce's crude oil treatment most probably works very well for hair loss. Good luck!

Joyce's Remedies
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 02/03/2010 495 posts

Hello Deirdre,

I have been visiting my favorites since answering Cindy's email and thought I would give you some information found to pass on to all EC'ers with hair loss problems. I will e-mail you the articles I gleaned the information from in case you want to read them afterwards, but I will give a short shot of helpful hints that I think will be all that most of our EC family will want. Going to the plant database I found several chemicals listed as anti-alopecics (anti-baldness).

They are linoleic acid, palmitic acid, inositol, oleic acid, linoleic acid and zinc.

Zinc is found in meats, seafoods, dairy products, nuts, legumes, whole grains and you'll even find 23 parts per million of zinc in turmeric or curcumin, and 13-17 parts per million in the coconut. If you take zinc supplements it is recommended that you not take more than 50 mgm. per day and stay with zinc gluconate as it consistently holds the lowest amount of cadmium which naturally occurs with it. (Cadmium is that toxic metal in the news now because it is being found in children's and adult jewelry made in India and China). Zinc has many other functions besides preventing hair loss, but this what we are concerned with today. You can easily search them on line to learn the others.

Inositol is "vital for hair growth", also combines with choline to form lecithin and reduces cholesterol. It's calming effect on the nervous system is thought to have an effect on depression, panic attacks obsessive-compulsive disorder and bipolar affective disorder (used to be called manic-depressive disorder), plays a role in preventing and treating cancer, improves nerve conduction velocity in diabetics, and used in constipation therapy by improving peristalti action. Inositol is found in dried beans, calves liver, cantaloupes, citrus fruits (except for lemons), garbanzo beans (chick peas), lecithin granules, nuts, oats, pork, rice, veal and whole grains. The resin, exudate and sap of the coconut palm has 690 parts per million of inositol.

The coconut (seed) also has 584-18,694 parts per million of another anti-alopecic chemical called linoleic acid. Our lovely, tasty coconut also has 770 parts per million of magnesium in its seed which adds another long list of anti-chemicals to this coconut. The coconut hull husk also has lignin 294,000 parts per million which is antibacterial, anticancer, anticoronary, anti-diarrheic, anti-HIV, antioxidant,antitumor, antiviral, chelator, hypocholesterolemic, laxative, and pesticide. Over consumption of caffeine products (carbonated beverage drinkers may be getting more than the coffee drinkers) or prolonged taking of antibiotics can decrease the body's supply of inositol.

Fatty acids in foods are incoporated into complex lipids such as triglycerides, cholesterol esters, and phospholipids. Our bodies can synthesize some fatty acids in adipose tissue and the liver. It cannot synthesize some essential fatty acids: linoleic acid (Omega 6) or alpha-linoleic acid (Omega 3). Both Omega 3 and Omega 6 are found in vegetable oils like corn and canola. Walnuts are also a good source of alpha-linoleic acid.

Pork has 40% saturated fatty acids (SFA)
45% monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA)
15% polyunsaturated faty acids (PUFA)
Olive Oil has 14% SFA
74% MUFA
12% PUFA

Good old avocados are also rich in antialopecics. So to all of you who want more hair, improve your diets and if necessary, supplement with the above nutrients.

Posted by Leelannee (Sussex, Nj) on 08/28/2009

YEA for biotin (hair loss)
YEA for iodine & borax (dandruff)

After the birth of my son 15 years ago, I had more hair loss every time I brushed or washed my hair than I had ever had before. I always had long, almost waist-length, thick hair. After the birth, I became so distressed over the thinning, dryness, & split ends that I cut my hair to chin-length. I kept trying to grow it long but every few years "chopped" it again due to split ends. My hair is medium-coarse and never seemed thin to people who cut my hair but I could tell the difference.

About a year ago I started taking biotin. I take 5mg per day, and I get a bottle of 300 capsules (10 months' supply) for $12, so this is a very affordable, no fuss remedy! It took a month or two to notice a real difference, but my hair loss became minimal. My hair is now so thick, and has grown past my shoulder blades for the first time in 15 years! Also, there are very few split ends--even though this doesn't make much sense, as only the new growth would be affected by the biotin, but it's true (a few months ago I bought some very sharp scissors and trimmed my split ends, but they haven't come back). And my hair is growing a little faster; it used to grow no more than 1/2 inch per month (I color my hair 3-4 times per year, and occasionally measure) and now it is growing almost 1 inch per month.

Another hair problem I had for about 20 years was dandruff. This started when I was 16. I tried many, many supplements, diet changes and topical remedies over the years with no results (except for a liquid zinc treatment for excema--this helped but didn't cure). I eventually tried a dandruff shampoo, which would give me relief for no more than 24 hours. I really didn't want to do this, but if I didn't I would actually get scabs in addition to incessant itching & painful inflammation.

A few weeks ago I bought a "liquid kelp" iodine supplement, took a dropperful twice a day in water and within 48 HOURS I had ZERO FLAKES! This is after 20 years of discomfort, self-consciousness, and not being able to wear black or use nicer shampoos! I recently found another supplement that has 150mcg iodine per drop, and I take 2-3 drops per day.

About 2-3 weeks after starting the iodine, I had a VERY slight return of the dandruff. But now I am not using dandruff shampoo at all. I shampoo, douse my scalp with a borax solution (1-2 tablespoons in 2 cups of water), let that sit for a couple of minutes, then condition. My scalp is super clean, I can go several days without shampooing (when I had the dandruff I had to shampoo every other day), and my hair seems softer & less frizzy.

Blackstrap Molasses, Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Joyce (Virginia, MN) on 06/01/2009

I too have been losing my hair.

I'm 58 years old, have COPD and celiac disease. I have for the most part quit eating gluten foods, but every now and again I binge on them. I just did this. When I did, I noticed my hair falling out much heavier than normal. I stopped and the abnormal hair loss stopped.

I take two tablespoons of blackstrap molasses every morning with hot water. I've also started with a teaspoon of honey mixed with ACV as well, morning and night, and notice right away that the hair loss stops.

I have low energy so I began yesterday by adding cinnamon to the ACV/honey mixture. I'll see how that works for the low energy. Also, with the BSM, I've noticed a change in color in my hair. Where it was once almost all gray, it is turning back to the original dark/almost black, that it was. It's a miracle! Especially in my condition. Check for severe allergies; they might be the culprit to the hair loss and you can eliminate them then.

Also, if you've gone through trauma of any kind and/or are high strung, try the honey, experiment with dosage, as it is a relaxer. It will help you sleep, too. Look for honey that is local to your area as it can also help with outdoor types of allergies.

Blackstrap Molasses, B Complex, ACV
Posted by Caitlin (Austin, TX) on 06/01/2009

Yes! Those brown streaks are more than likely because of your mixture, especially if she did not have this condition before. I would be very wary of using so much iron while you are breastfeeding your daughter. Babies do not need THAT much iron. When I breastfed my daughter, I noticed that anytime I ate garlic, she would have garlic breath. Also anytime I drank cow's milk (I'm allergic to milk protein) my daughter would have excruciating stomach pains. When I stopped drinking milk, her pain disappeared. PLEASE, be very careful of what you give yourself while you breastfeed. Loss of hair is common after having a baby due to hormone adjustment and stress. I would suggest y9ou simply eat as healthily of food as you can while your body adjusts itself; don't stress over your hair so much right now. (By the way, a good stress soother for you and the baby is stewed apples with cinnamon. Just heat 2 sliced apples in pot or microwave until soft and add cinnamon and eat when warm. I found that my baby would sigh with pleasure whenever I ate this before or while breastfeeding; we both felt calmer and it safely soothed her stomachache) Please go on line and check what excess iron can do to babies and their brains. If it was me, I would wait until I finished breastfeeding before putting such potent (toxic for the baby) concentrations into my body. Please check before going further.. Best wishes for you both...

Coconut Oil
Posted by Gayle (Anywhere, USA) on 01/10/2009

I have been taking Coconut Oil for my hair loss as well, for the past month. My hair seems much thicker. My body temperature is much better too. I Love it! I feel like a new person. I have so much energy. In fact, I have to take my three tablespoons in the morning, or I have trouble sleeping at night.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tamara (Fort Collins, Colorado, Usa) on 05/31/2013

The reason that she mentions her eyebrows getting thicker is that thinning eyebrows is a sign of hypothyroidism, and coconut oil is one remedy that people use in order to help correct thyroid imbalances. Your thyroid helps to regulate your metabolism as well, so taking coconut oil internally can help your thyroid function better, and therefore raising your temperature to a more normal 98.6 F if it was too low. However, if you should have a mustache, then it can also help with fungal problems that can cause hair loss. You shouldn't have any need to worry that CO will cause unwanted hair growth.

Pine Tar Soap
Posted by CJ (northern, wisconsin) on 04/02/2008

Over ten years ago, I experienced clumps of hair suddenly falling out overnight. Stress, I suppose. I had 3 patches of total hairlessness ranging from the size of a quarter to a half dollar. I mean, no hair, at least I could comb over at the time. Also, thin spots that weren't totally bare. A month went by with no improvement and then my sister happened to mention to me about a couple other people she knew who had the same type of hair loss and who had used the kind of soap we Finlanders use in the sauna, ____ Pine Tar Soap, and their hair grew back. I lived near a soap shop at the time and immediately went and bought a bar and washed my hair with it right away. I washed my hair with it daily for over a month. Within the first week, the bald patches filled in with peach fuzz hair within 4 weeks, you could not tell where the bald patches had been. My hair has not fallen out since and I only wash my hair with it occasionally as "insurance." It's easy to use bar soap to wash hair but they also make it in a liquid shampoo. I don't know why it works but it's only couple bucks for the bar soap and worth a try.

Brushing Technique
Posted by May (Portland, Oregon) on 02/25/2009

I want to thank you for posting this, and affirm that this really worked for me! As another poster mentioned, it may not be a hair growth remedy, but it sure does slow or halt the hair shedding. This regiment should be a must for anyone with a certain length of hair. I saw a dramatic decrease in the amount of hairs that I shed while washing my hair, and it is now down to 1 or zero! I had read about brushing with a boar bristle brush on a Long-Hair web forum, in order to decrease the shedding and clogging in the shower, but they did not list this technique and I only tried this after reading it here on earth clinic! Thank you so much!

Brushing Technique
Posted by Marcus (Shreveport, La) on 04/03/2012

Yes! It will work for anyone because it stimulates the scalp!!! There have been many reports of this method regrowing many many years of hairloss. This, along with scalp massage WILL 100% regrow your hair.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sri (Nyc, Ny) on 11/10/2009

You can apply the coconut oil to your scalp when it's dry, let it absorb for about an hour or two and then get into shower. You do not need to use the conditioner after shampoo. Coconut oil is a very good conditioner too.

On the other hand, you can eat/drink two to three spoonfuls everyday. But, I believe doing both is a sure shot way.

Baking Soda, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angelo (New York) on 08/22/2010

I have been waiting a little over a year to write this letter expecting better results than what I have. Unfortunately, I believe the benefits of fighting Male Pattern Baldness with baking soda and ACV may have been exaggerated. I've been using ACV & baking soda since Aug. 9, 2009 (today is Aug. 22 2010) and the difference in my hair regrowth is only slight at best. The shape of my head is still quite visible. I've found that drinking horsetail tea on a regular basis and adding it to the ACV rinse helped with the MPB even more so but again only slightly. However, until something better comes along I'm going to continue using baking soda & ACV because it's a wonderful treatment for dandruff. Also, every shampoo & conditioner I've investigated contains Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and/or Sodium Laureth Sulfate. These two chemicals are what are used to make soap nice and lathery but they also destroy hair follicles. I must also add that baking soda & ACV restored my hair color. It didn't get rid of the gray hairs but restored the youthful shine & got rid of the dullness that comes with age. As I continue the baking soda & ACV treatment, if anything should favorably change, I will make sure to write.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Shemika (Hightstown, Nj) on 06/19/2010

I am grateful for Mary's story about topically applying acv to her head by mistake when she had a fungal infection and thus losing all her hair.

I unthinkingly slapped some acv on my head before bed last night as I do from time to time, but this time I woke up disturbed and vaguely recalling her post so I got up and reread it as well as Teds instructions about the subject since I hadn't read them in a couple years. I realized I was making the same mistake Mary had because I likely also have a fungal infection due to my parasite infection.

In Jan just when my hair was starting to see some real progress I absentmindedly put a little acv on it and continued to do so on occasion. Soon afterwards I was combing my hair and it started falling out in clumps. Not making the connection I continued over the past five months to put acv on my hair from time to time, wondering why it kept getting shorter and wouldn't grow any more. Sure enough, topical acv is likely part of the reason why my hair fell out and hasn't grown. I had credited it all to the meds I took about the same time which are known to cause hair loss, which is also likely part of the reason as well. Now I hope to get it right by using tea tree oil and the proper remedies instead. I will let that be a lesson I have to be more careful. Thanks for your site.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Bb13 (New Jersey) on 07/22/2015

I am a licensed beauty professional as well. ACV is not what made Mary's hair fall out, it was most certainly the peroxide. But I will say, unless it is a conditioner, I don't recommend leaving any product on overnight. Everyones skin is different, including your scalp, and will react different. Also, vinegars are cleaning agents, as are baking sodas...mixing these products together is essentially stripping the hair of anything. Salons use baking soda to strip the hair. ACV is a great product, but should not be applied to the hair in full strength (more is not better in this case). In fact, (I did not see it so I cannot be sure) but I would be willing to bet that Mary's hair did not fall out, but actually broke off. Am I saying not to use it, absolutely not, I love ACV, I use it all the time...use it in moderation...equal parts with water, do not leave it in overnight.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Joe Merritt (Toronto, Canada) on 07/13/2007

I just wanted to thank Ted for his brilliant work and I will help add some feedback if I can. I am 30 years of age and have had some hair thinning for about 5 years, but I truly believe with Ted's remedies and my nutrition formula i am on the way to growing a thicker, fuller main of hair. I have also delayed the loss with some of my nutrion techniques but needed to clear my pores to kick up the growth to a new level.

here is my formula: firstly i tried all of Ted's hair bath's, cider vinegar, tea tree oil etc. I found the one that truly removed the dissolved minerals(feels sticky and block's pore's on hair follicles) on my scalp was 1 teaspoon of borax in a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution. So add 1 big teaspoon of borax to a big salad bowl. then add 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide(this is the only concentration i can get here in canada) and then add 2 cups of normal water to dilute the solution down to 1%-like Ted says. mix the contents and soak your scalp in it while pouring a cup of it over you head and making sure in flows back into the salad bowl. do this for three minutes. and make sure to not get this mixture in your eyes, as it will sting.

Now put a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water and mix and pour over hair to rinse the borax/peroxide solution. Then i like to wash hair with Dr. Bronner magic soap with tea tree oil or any other good quality health food store shampoo with tea tree oil.

O.K now we have cleared the pores, time to build the bodies supply of protein and minerals.

Firstly hair is mostly protein(then minerals) by dry weight, so eat adequate protein. Free range eggs, free range lean meats and poultry, only wild seafood(i.e. not farmed such as tilipai, basa, atlantic salmon etc.) it is full of pesticides which i am sure erode health. Actually do not eat to much sea life in general, it has good nutrition but lots of toxins. many people are allergic to dairy so organic is better for most and consider goat and sheep milk products too. also a pure whey protein isolate can build hair too.

Now onto minerals. The first source of minerals is sea salt, any good sea salt contains most trace minerals that build hair-put it on food and in soups. also my favorite product in the world is Bioforce(A. Vogel) Herbamare. it is a blend of sea salt and herbs and kelp and contains all minerals needed by the human body. Season all foods with it and especially soups and rice dishes and stocks and liquids so it dissolves and releases the nutrition.

Now also maple syrup in teas. Maple trees roots dig deep into the ground and pull up minerals in the sap of the trees and are reduced to make the syrup. They are powerful mineral concentrates. use in teas such as stinging nettle combined with rosemary and mint. etc. put in all teas and even coffee. Now here is a big one. Most alternative physicians will talk of an algae product called spirulina (and others like chlorella) and will recommend high doses of it. THEY ARE WRONG. Because it is a superfood and one of the most concentrated sources of nutrition on the planet it will mess up your hormones at medium to high doses. TAKE ONE OR TWO PILLS EVERY ONE OR TWO DAYS - NOT MORE. You are using it as a homeopathic mineralizer, not a food.

lots of stews, stocks, teas, and water based liquids with herbs, veggies, sea salt, herbamare, to build up minerals.

Drink tap water filtered with brita and changed every two weeks to a month, unless you are in a farming area and your tap is full of nitrates, then find another source.

Do not drink distilled water as it has no minerals.

i also like Ted's vitamin C water with 1/8teaspoon of baking soda to balance PH.

also waking in nature, such as a side street or park or forest to oxygenate the body and scalp. One of the causes of hair loss is a lack of oxygen i.e. when people were baseball caps. i had the thickest hair on the planet and i thinned it by wearing a ball cap when i was in my teens -stupid me.

Also stretching and yoga will oxygenate the body.

So i believe the causes of hair loss are:

fungus/minerals in hair follicles/hats or low oxygen
lack of quality protein
lack of minerals
low scalp oxygen
unbalanced hormones.

low fatty acids (eat cold water fish oils, flax oil, olive oil, cold filtered raw oils , not cheap processed oils.)

Now this is just a start and there much more i could write but the most important point to consider is all body types are unique so take this info with a grain of salt and experiment with what works for you.

good luck and god bless

It's in the Water
Posted by skip (Washington, DC) on 07/02/2007

YES I can vouch that since I came to AMERICA my hair are falling. The water here has either chlorine or too much remnants of estrogen wich causes hair loss and feminizing men!

It's in the Water
Posted by Surfer (Florida) on 04/19/2018

During the first 3 months of the year I was in an area where well water was used and I did not really pay attention but did notice I grew to have little use for conditioner, not even really considering the water. As a male I will use a tiny amount as a leave-in to style my hair. Well when I got back and within two days of using chlorinated water, my hair felt like straw again when not using the conditioner. Chlorine will defintiely damage your hair........ after all it is bleach.

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