Tinea Versicolor Remedies

Aloe, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 06/05/2018

My husband has had tinea versicolor on his upper back for many, many years. When it gets itchy and bothers him he buys an OTC antifungal which works temporarily.

I have tried a number of natural things for him but they are usually oil based and will get on clothing. Plus natural remedies often take longer to get results, so he has not followed through with these.

I recently purchased some aloe gel in a bottle with a pump. So I decided to try some aloe gel and tea tree oil on his tinea versicolor. I would pump out 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of aloe gel and drop 2-3 drops of tea tree oil onto the little bit of aloe and apply this to his back once or twice a day.

We have both been delighted and surprised with how well it worked - better than the OTC stuff without leaving the skin greasy. Such a cheap option and better for the skin than an OTC antifungal.

I have also been using that aloe gel after applying magnesium oil to avoid the itch from the magnesium oil.

I had bought the aloe gel when we were on a family trip and I was wanting to be prepared for any sunburn. I did use it on one child who did get a bit of a burn in an area that he had not put sunscreen on and it worked.

Where has aloe in a pump bottle been all my life? In just 2 weeks I have found 3 uses for it!

~Mama to Many~

Aloe, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 06/06/2018

Dear Mmsg,

I think what I am the most excited about with the Aloe gel is that it is a very convenient carrier. Carrier oils like coconut, castor and olive are great and have their own healing properties but they are not always convenient. Aloe doesn't leave the skin greasy or clothes messy. It has just proven to be a helpful substance for diluting other things.

~Mama to Many~

Oregano Oil, Caprylic Acid
Posted by Siinvincible (Wales) on 05/01/2016

I recently had a recurrent outbreak of Tinea versicolor, after having 'cured' it last year through 3 months of treatment with milk thistle and Pau d'arco. The fact that it came back suggests to me that it didn't actually go away the first time, which also suggests to me that it is a deeper infection than just what you see on the skin's surface. So I explored alternative reasons for why it is there, and came up with a lot of links to the candida albicans infection, finding that a lot of sites would refer to cures for both infections as if they were the same. So with there being a lot of treatment options for Candida, I followed the most reputable guide I could find, which suggested a number of different things that could be taken. I looked deeply into each option, and decided to take oregano oil (therapeutic grade organic wild oregano essential oil) and caprylic acid.

After just three days of taking 6 drops oregano oil in water twice a day (it's strong stuff, mind... I started on the first day with just three drops in water twice a day), and one 500mg caprylic acid capsule twice a day (before meals), I started noticing a major improvement. Now a week in, I'm feeling much better and the infection is gradually disappearing on my skin.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Yogesh Gandhi (India) on 11/26/2015

When I first used it it looks as if it is improving.

I've been using it for last 6 days.

And condition was very well improving but today I thought of keeping my skin dry so I decided not to put coconut oil on it and I had put clotrimazole powder on it in the morning and after that my skin felt like dry and itchy and it made me scratch my skin a bit more then I would have scared if I used coconut oil .

I remember I had use the coconut oil today only once which are usually used for 3 times a day. And then I had to travel coming back from office and while on the way it was slightly hot due to which I sweat and the problem took a U turn

I consulted my doctor and he told me to stop ketoconazole 200 mg from now onwards and start Fluconazole 50 mg daily for 50 days

He also told me to apply another cream having tacrolimus

I am very disappointed with my condition and don't want to live.

I start using castor oil and coconut oil again and I hope things will be things will be good again

Thank you guys I don't have much more to write as of now.

Pray for me

Coconut Oil
Posted by Nita (Somerset, Ky) on 11/02/2009

My daughter also has this condition and her doctor said it is tinea versicolor-a skin fungus. If the hair growing in the white patches still has color then the pigment isn't gone. We rub virgin coconut oil on the white patches and are now seeing normal skin color returning! Hope this helps.

EC: This post was copied from the vitiligo page here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/vitiligo.html#TEDS 

Coconut Oil
Posted by Kevin (San Diego, Ca) on 04/22/2013

Coconut Oil was the only thing that worked successfully for me. Selenium Sulfide worked occasionally.

10% Sulfur Soap
Posted by ctnelson (Dupage, IL) on 05/19/2024

10% Sulfur Soap for Tinea Versicolor / Pityriasis Versicolor

Hello! I've read many comments for many ailments and want to say thank you as this is my first post.

Every summer since around 2012 (very hot and humid Memorial Day weekend-long yard work) I've had tinea versicolor. Had my doctor look at my back in 2015 and was prescribed oral ketoconazole for two weeks and it worked but I sure felt physically weak (I workout). A few months later it was back and I stopped seeing that doctor after I learned ketoconazole lowers testosterone temporarily along with many other possible adverse side effects.

Every summer or other times I'd sweat the red spots and itchiness would return and then leave white spots after sun exposure, annoying and cosmetically not cool as it also started to appear on my shoulders, inner elbows, spotty on forearms and lower biceps.

Last week I came across an article that sulfur soap is good for all types of skin ailments; eczema, psoriasis, acne, tinea versicor, ring worm, warts(?), etc. Looked on Amazon for a 10% sulfur soap and read reviews and thought I didn't have much to lose except money. I've been using it for 6 days now but noticed the red spots from new occurrences were gone on day 4 also after being outside in some humid weather and sweating. It says to use the soap twice a day for 4-10 days but I only use it once before bed because sulfur smells and I don't want to be so potent smelling during the day. I lather up in the shower and also use it for my hair/scalp as I was having some slight dandruff and leave it on for 2-5 minutes. It looks like sulfur kills the overgrowth of Malassezia, one of the yeasts on our skin. I would recommend giving it a try!

Raw Cranberry Juice
Posted by Val (Mississippi USA) on 12/11/2022

I've had tinea versicolor for decades, with little help from dandruff shampoos and such. Drs just treat the itching. I wanted it gone. I used betadine iodine for a while. But the burning was intense.

Found out by accident that raw cranberry juice (no sugar or apple juice added ) stops the spread. Every year for almost 10 years, no outbreak. Just shower well, dry off, then apply to skin at bedtime. Let it dry. Put on PJs so you don't stain the sheets. Shower off in the morning. I do this for 2 or 3 nights each winter (when fresh cranberries are available). The raw cranberry concentrate works the quickest. A little pricey. But worth it.

10 years with only a mild flare up. After 35 years of having it. I even get an even tan in summer. No blotches.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Marlene (Michigan) on 10/09/2015

COLLOIDAL SILVER SOAP is the fastest and best way out of all the home remedies for Tinea Versicolor.

Oregano Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil
Posted by Siren (Massachusetts, US) on 12/28/2014

I made your spray with witch hazel, oil of oregano, clove oil, tea tree oil, and some lavender oil and it totally did the trick!! No more white patches after about 5 or 6 months of daily use. Thank you for posting this!

I also cut out all cane sugar/refined sugar and gluten from my diet. It is absolutely cane sugar or processed sugar that causes my tinea to flare up. I also introduced fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt into my diet to help fight the yeast in my gut.

The spray gave me immediate itch relief and eliminated the white patches within a few weeks, and my diet change enables me to stay relatively free of flare ups in the long run.

Castor Oil
Posted by Ravencurls (Deerfield Beach, Fl) on 08/20/2013

I didn't realize I hadn't completed the story. In exactly one week, I completely cured my Tinea Versicolor with castor oil. I had reported above after my 3 days that the condition was almost completely gone. On the 4th day, following the advice of Dr. Majid Ali on Youtube (about skin fungus, etc. ), I finished the first cycle by applying sesame oil to my back before bed. Then I did another cycle of 3 nights' application of castor oil and 1 of sesame oil. Before the cycle was complete, I could not see a trace of the TV!

With no further treatments, my back remained completely clear for a month. But this week I see small, faint splotches appearing in a small area. I suspect it could be because I had stopped taking my probiotic (seeing if fermented foods would be enough).

Skin problems come from gut problems according to Dr. Ali. With the castor oil I had cured the symptoms. With improved diet, probiotics and fermented foods I had cured the cause. When I am less vigilant about my gut health, especially with the August heat and perspiring, my skin symptoms are starting to return. But I know what to do!

BTW, I don't know whether keeping the body in an alkaline state helps. For a few months before my TV had completely disappeared I had been taking fresh lemon with cayene in warm water every morning 30 min before breakfast, and a "cocktail" of 1Tbsp. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) in a big wine glass of water 30 min before dinner. Because organic lemons aren't available here now and I ran out of B.... 's ACV, I had slacked off on that habit a week ago. I wonder if that too contributes to TV's return.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Ailis (New York) on 03/31/2013

My doctor prescribed a cream for Tinea Veriscolor that my insurance would not cover. It would have been $70 for me to fill it, so I said "No way!" Instead, I picked up a $7 tube of C----d Silver [contains Silver Chloride 55ppm, Antimicrobial]. I suppose any colloid silver solution would do. Result? In 3 weeks I was completely cured.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Megan (Springfield, Mo) on 03/31/2013

Coconut oil is the ONLY thing that has helped my tinea versicolor. I only been using a week and 90% of my affected spots has returned to normal. I still apply every night very generously.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Aden (MA) on 03/28/2024

You likely won't see this but thought I'd give you an fyi on the tinea versicolor. It loves sugar and carbs. Any time I eat these things I break out and each time I get the rash it is worse and covers more of my body. Unfortunately, I love candy

Castor Oil
Posted by Josh (Malaysia) on 01/21/2015

After reading your review, I bought a bottle of castor oil and started applying externally like you have stated. 4 nights of application and my Tinea Versicolor was gone. Thank you Brian. :)

Castor Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/19/2015

Dear Nikky,

That is what I would be doing if it were me, assuming the tinea is all over your body. Otherwise, I would put it only on the affected areas.

Castor oil can detoxify the body. If you notice any unusual symptoms, work on smaller areas at a time.

~Mama to Many~

Anti-Fungal Powder
Posted by Lorraine (Netherlands) on 08/21/2015

Quantumnerd, tinea versicolor literally means fungus of opposite color.

White spots will occur on tanned skin. Light/untanned skin however, will get dark spots.

Did you google it yet? I see plenty of pictures where one has dark spots. I myself have white spots on my shoulder and neck, but near my armpits they are darker then the untanned skintone.

Oregano Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil
Posted by Theluxury (British Columbia) on 08/09/2015


Thanks so much for sharing your Oregano Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil mixture. I also am using it, added some grapefruit extract, and it seems to be working very well. I can only see a couple very faded spots now... and my case was pretty severe - all over my core, neck, part of face.

An additional step that helped me tackle my tinnea versicolor (TV) in the first week or two of my latest 'break-out' was this: I bought powdered white clay (at the health food store), and mixed about a cup with a small amount of water to form a paste (like a face mask), then I added maybe one to two drops of tea tree oil to the paste (mixing it in very well). I would spread this paste over the TV, and let it dry, then loofa/scrub it off in the shower. This really lessened the TV, and then with the use of your oil mixture, it's almost gone!

Aloe, Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Cazza (Darwin, Nt) on 06/25/2013

Honey is said to be able to treat Tinea Versicolor, manuka honey which has tea tree oil pollen as a14 day treatment, is too sticky for me though. I have tried everything, including oral ketoconzole, 400mg per day for 10 days. Then 400mg once a month. After 6 months I am just seeing a little improvement. Now also using listerine 2 times a day, soak a cotton swab and then wipe over. Virgin coconut oil has some natural acids and I also use once a day. This does appear to be minimizing the motley look on my neck area. OTC creams were useless, I tried them all over 20+ years:(

Aloe, Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Justin (Maui) on 05/25/2015

I found this stuff in the local healthfood store on Maui called Haole Rot spray. After trying all the natural remedies above I decided to give it a try. Within 10 days the white spots were gone! Not sure if this stuff is sold online but its called Haole Rot spray because thats the slang term for tinea versicolor in the island.

Over the Counter, Sanitize
Posted by Patrick (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 08/02/2012

My name is Patrick. I'm 43 years old and wanted to post a remedy for tinea Versicolor. I got tinea Versicolor approx. 10 years ago. My doctor sent me to a dermatologist at that time. He recommended I use a product called Versel (selenium sulfide lotion 2.5%). I used it as directed, (shower or bathe, dry well. Apply to infected areas and let dry for 15mins, rinse off with water and repeat every day for 7 to 14 days). Well I tried this a few times, entending the time to 25 days the second time only for it to come back).

Well this past year I thought I would try it again. This time after doing some reading saw that this fungus could actually live in your towel, cotton shirts, etc. what I realized was I was using a fresh towel and shirt every time I did it but never used a high heat or anti-bacterial mode still making sure my towel and shirt that I used every day was put through this process. I know it might be a pain but my results were great. It was completely gone and has not returned. When I did have it it was on my stomach, chest, back and arms. I hope this works for you and it is the one thing I was never told. I wish you luck. Let me know your results. Please note that I used it for 20 days.

Over the Counter, Sanitize
Posted by Patrick (Vancouver, Bc) on 08/02/2012

It's Patrick from Vancouver writing again. Make sure you dry your bedding the same way, on high heat, a few times while going through the process. I did my bedding twice which worked for me.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Alex (Greece/Thessaloniki) on 05/11/2020

I used 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for tinea versicolor and it started to subside in four days. Mine was brownish. I scrubbed it first with a luffa sponge in order to get rid of the keratin layer and outer dead cells, so that the solution will reach deeper into the fungus. I used the H2O2 solution once per day for about 12 hours, until the cotton dried. I soaked a small cotton ball with the solution and then put over it two medical tapes forming an X. I applied pressure for 1-2 minutes afterwards. The brownish patches started to become healthy pink in four days and in a week I couldn't see any discolouration.

Aloe, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/06/2018

Interesting MtM, because for me, Aloe Vera in any form has never done anything noticeable.

Aloe, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/07/2018

MtM, that makes sense. I was actually suspecting that maybe it was the other stuff you were adding to it, that was really helping. On the other hand, there are SO many reports of Aloe helping so many things that I just wonder why it never helped me, even for a small burn...

Aloe, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Chris (Lancashire) on 02/04/2024


I'm treating mine with colloidal silver, bicarb and oil of oregano essential oil in a spray. Now gone purple colour. Is this a sign the infection is healing and the yeast/fungus is being attacked?

Castor Oil
Posted by Yogesh Gandhi (India) on 11/22/2015

Earlier I was using coconut oil thrice a day and castor oil once a day... It cured me upto 50% in 4 days....

And then over the weekend, I applied castor oil thrice a day and coconut oil once a day....And my progress was upto 90%... I am amazed to see its results... It is NO LESS THAN MAGIC.

At some parts I can't even see the spots.

I applied it only on the affected area (not on the whole body). You may apply it on the whole body but concentrate more on the affected area.

Castor Oil
Posted by Yogesh Gandhi (India) on 11/26/2015

I don't know if the user rating I have selected is matching with the results I got. At one part, it has been almost 95% cured...even the spots are not clearly visible. Skin color is also coming back to normal.

Whereas on the other part it has started expanding. I mean earlier I had it on hips...but now the problem on hips is lessened and probably on the way to cure....but now some part of my back is affected...and it seems that it has started moving upwards..

I am continuing to apply castor oil once or twice a day and coconut oil thrice a day... Will keep you posted if it gets cured...

Also I am planning to see my doctor again...as my the medicine he suggested for ketoconazole for 3 weeks is going to be over...So I need to ask what should I do next.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Yogesh Gandhi (India) on 11/20/2015

I have read the posts on Tinea Versicolor and started applying coconut oil to the affected area. The spots have started fading.

Today is day 3 of me applying coconut oil.

I apply castor oil once in a day and coconut oil 3-4 times in a day...and I can see significant improvement in last 3 days. I will keep you posted on the progress. I am quite hopeful that I will be OK.

Note: I have not stopped the medication of ketoconazole 200mg daily which my doctor prescribed. And applying mycospor (bifonazole) as well once a day.

But I have no doubt this improvement is by coconut oil.

Thanks a lot people for posting your results here.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Yogesh Gandhi (India) on 12/01/2015


I consulted 4 doctors and each one of them diagnozed it to be a different disease. I tried to match the appearance of the affected area with the pics available on google. Unfortunately they look so similar that I was convinced that it was Tinea.

Here are the list of diseases that my doctors diagnosed.

1) Allegric dermatitis

2) Intertrigo?

3) Tinea

4) Irritant dermatitis.

While I was seeing improvement with coconut oil, but the speed was slow and I couldn't tolerate the problem. The last doctor told me that its not tinea because tinea never goes to your genitals.

And he prescribed me steroids for a week. I was hesitant in taking steroids along with anti-allergic medicines, but took a single dose of it to see its effects. I just took 5 hours for me to feel much better. I decided to take 4 more doses and then gradually reduce the steroids.

My skin is back to normal with no inflammation, but itching is still there.

Make sure your disease is properly diagnosed, what else can I suggest.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Christina (Akron Ohio) on 09/16/2015

Hi I see coconut oil worked great for you and I look forward to using it for my problem. I'm writing bc I'd like to know if this helped with the itching for you. The way the rash looks is off putting enough but honestly the itching is getting to me. I've been dealing with this prob about 10 years and I almost just completely gave up trying to get it under control. I can't wait to start applying coconut oil. I bought a tub of it wholesale the other day to cook and moisturize with (organic virgin). I just discovered today the benefit for the tinea versicolor issue.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/17/2015

Cristina, in my house, coconut oil helps for ANY kind of itching. At least temporarily, if not a complete cure.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Yogesh Gandhi (India) on 11/20/2015


Do you apply coconut oil only on the affected area or to your whole body (from head to toe)???

Coconut Oil and Patchouli Essential Oil
Posted by Shan (Md) on 02/22/2015

My Tinea Versicolor went away after I did this:

I made a lotion out of coconut oil and patchouli essential oil. I'm not sure if its the coconut oil or the patchouli but it went away after about week. I had it so bad for years...I only use it once a day, after I get out of the shower. I do notice that if I dont use it for a couple days I will start to get itchy again. And it smells a lot better than using ACV!

Coconut Oil and Patchouli Essential Oil
Posted by Davida (Los Angeles, Ca ) on 06/19/2015

How many drops of each oil did you use?

Coconut Oil and Patchouli Essential Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/19/2015

Dear Shan,

I would add about 10 drops of Patchouli Essential Oil to each Tablespoon of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. If you are using this on a sensitive skin area, use only 5 drops or less per Tablespoon of Coconut Oil.

~Mama to Many~

Castor Oil
Posted by Kev (Newcastle Uopn Tyne, UK) on 01/07/2015

Many thanks for the post. My wife has Tinea Versicolor and suffers badly. Can you please tell me how you applied it. Many thanks kev

Castor Oil
Posted by Nikky (Malaysia) on 02/14/2015

This is day 2 of my trial on Caster Oil. I rub my whole body in and leave it on overnight. No results yet but I would like to know if it is the correct way of putting it on?

Castor Oil
Posted by Ciara (San Francisco) on 12/28/2015

Hi Brian, I was wondering if your wife's spots were darker or lighter? I know that castor oil is great for dark spots, but my tinea is lighter than my skin. I just wanted to make sure it would work for light spots.

Castor Oil
Posted by Base (Thailand) on 08/04/2017

It's work for me too, after I try many things many medicine.


General Feedback
Posted by Cassie (Sa) on 05/27/2014

Re: Remedies for Tinea Versicolor. Is it safe to use home remedies if you're using creams and shampoos?

Anti-Fungal Powder
Posted by Ray (Hammond , La) on 02/01/2014

I have tried everything to get rid of Tinea Versicolor, with no success, ive used selsun blue, zinc shampoo, sulphur shampoo and sulphur soap, tea tree oil soap, defense soap, benzyl peroxide acne medication, ivarest, you name it, ive used it and none of it worked. Including a bunch of stuff for dogs and horses lol (you get desperate after a while). This is what ive done and its almost gone now - course its winter time and we'll see if it still helps once it gets warmer. First, I sleep in a tshirt now, I bathe as regular and afterwards, dust the areas with lotramin antifungal powder I found on amazon. Usually everything will help to a small degree when first using it - but then after a week or two it starts getting hold and worse again. This time with the powder, it just keeps getting better and better every day, I have also binged with chocolate and cookies and waaalaaa, still getting rid of it using this powder it did not get worse. Before, a sugar binge would screw up any progress and have me starting all over again but this powder works!! No more putting shampoo or soap on - letting it dry for 30min and then washing it off or leaving it on all day or night. Just powder in the morn and before bed. Hope this helps, I've had this for 3yrs now on my neck, chest, and armpits. My armpits were almost black from it being so bad - now btw - they are almost back to regular skin color. The powder is cheap too - 17 bucks for a 3pk. Note- I'm not even through the first bottle and its almost gone. After spending hundreds on other junk, this is my pick, down here in Southern Louisiana its humid as all hell so I am happy to have found this.

Anti-Fungal Powder
Posted by Quantumnerd (Tucson, Arizona) on 08/21/2015

Maybe you should go to a skin doctor? What you describe about the black armpits does not sound like Tinea at all...are you sure it's Tinea? Google Tinea for pictures, because it's white patches. :)

Anti-Fungal Powder
Posted by Jennifer (New Jersey) on 09/05/2015

HI! I have tried everything for years as well and now its spreading faster. What is the product called? you didn't mention the name.

Anti-Fungal Powder
Posted by Steven (Florida) on 07/05/2020

Same experience for the most part. I've had this plague my entire life (40+ years). I have tried almost everything with no lasting results. This summer has been really rough, I've been working outside sweating like crazy and the TV is rampant. I remembered that I had some anti-fungal foot powder and said heck it. I applied it all over myself with a house duster, would you believe its gone in just a few days? Amazing!

Oregano Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil
Posted by Yog (Pa) on 04/09/2017

I just had all these items delivered to my house today and it is my first time trying this treatment. Upon my first application, I noticed a slight burning sensation of the skin. But the feeling went away shortly after. During the second application, it was not as bad because I sprayed a little less. I added two drops of clove to the solution, since I thought the initial drop was tiny. I have never handled clove oil before, so I do not know how strong it is. Perhaps the extra touch added to the burning sensation. But overall, the burning is very minor and really doesn't bother me. Also I was confused between oz and fl oz. At first I measured the 3 oz of witch hazel using a 1 oz measuring cup. But after checking the same quantity in a container that measured fluid oz, I found that the quantity of fluid was about 1 fl. oz short. My point being, make sure you measure the witch hazel using fluid oz, otherwise you will not be using enough. If you are interested, this is a list of items I bought off of amazon.

I will keep you guys posted with my results in about a month.


Oregano Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil
Posted by Mona (UK) on 06/27/2023

This worked! Very grateful. Thank you.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Arnold (Germany) on 05/09/2013


I tried colloidal silver water for tinea versicolor, it helps, but as soon you you forget it is back again intense. :(

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