Sore Throat
Natural Remedies

10 Best Natural Remedies for Soothing a Sore Throat

Posted by Alan (Mexico City) on 12/13/2018

If you juice 12 of a cup of lime and little by little you let it stay in your throat as long as you can and then swallow it will also give you great results.

Hot Tea
Posted by Oddizee (Brooklyn, Ny) on 12/26/2017

I just drank a cup of plain black tea. Have a few times before. My Throat was so painful I didn't dare speak. I drank a cup earlier this morning and again when I woke(rested)at 12 pm. First cup removed most of pain, second, more plus I have my spark back. Simple to soothe if you have it. Worth a try. I also recommend going outside if not too cold. Sunshine and fresh air can do wonders. When I lived in Az. it was one of my healing tiers.

Tonic Water
Posted by Joshua (Dubai, Uae) on 06/20/2012

Go into any good store an buy some tonic water (the yellow label) and make sure it says with quinine at the bottom. Drink this and when you throat feels painful and it will ease the pain instantly. Drink whenever pain returns.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Bre (Denver, Co, Usa) on 01/05/2012

I found this a little hot on the tip of my tongue. I used some yogurt just to put on the tip (not swallow) after and my tongue felt better right away! My throat felt better soon after too thanks to the cayenne pepper.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Dot (Chicago, Il) on 02/03/2013

After I do my cayenne shots, I eat an apple. Gets rid of the burn right away, and it keeps the doctor away:)

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Krystine (Memphis, Tn) on 03/27/2011

I am a big tea drinker and when my throat started to become sore I went to my lemon tea. Then I read about the cayenne and was curious... So I mixed some things together and created the best hot drink for a cold and or sore throat. Here it is:

1 lemon (squezze as much juice as you can out of that lemon.)

1 lemon tea (I used Lemon Youkou from Teavana)

1 peppermint tea (again from Teavana)

some natural honey

1/2 teaspoon of Cayenne pepper powder

It's the best cup ever. It clears out my nose and helps my throat. I love this drink now. And would recomend it to anyone. Unless you are alergic to one of the ingredients in which case I would say not to try this... ;-)

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Laurie (Vancouver Island) on 10/06/2021 3 posts

Hi Annelle:)

Surely you do not mean you ingested 6 teaspoons of cayenne pepper in one dose, 4 teaspoons cinnamon?? Half a teaspoon of cayenne would burn out my stomach. This sounds like a recipe fit for constipated elephant. I am not intending to be rude. Please clarify if you truly ingested that amount of spice at one time??

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Joe (Toledo, Oh) on 11/29/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide cure for Sore Throat

The last two times I woke up and had a sore throat coming on strong, I used the following method to relieve it overnight. Do this once in the morning, once in the mid-day, and once before bead. And repeat the following day after throat is feeling better.

1. Use Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (any generic brand) as a gargle, make use to gargle enough to get both sides of the tonsils! You can dillute with equal parts water, just make sure to gargle about a half cup if you do (ex: gargle a little, spit, and repeat until gone)

2. Use Hydrogen Peroxide 3% to clean/disinfect ears. (I read somewhere that most viral/bacterial illnesses start in the ears and that if not treated there will persist for days) Clean ears out as good as possible with cotton swab/q-tip. Take a dropper or use the cap and put a good splash (3 drops or so)of Hydrogen Peroxide in each ear, tilting your head and letting it fizz in your ear for about 2 or 3 minutes (on each side). I read that you should not do this if you have tubes in your ear! You can also use a cotton swab/q-tip soaked in peroxide to clean ears if uncomfortable with the first method (which is preferred).

At this point I like to repeat the gargle just to make sure I got it all.

Lastly, Take 2-3 TBL ACV (preferrably organic but it doesn't matter) and 1 TBL Honey (preferrably raw and unfiltered but it doesn't matter) and add to about 1/4 to 1/3rd cup of water (preferrably warm). Take a few big gulps, and some little ones and get it on tonsils. With last swallow gargle it before swallowing.

This covers and eliminates the infection in the throat, the mouth, and the ears.

I have tested this method twice with success. It is rather inexpensive and works great! And it takes about 5 to 10 minutes 3 times a day. The only nagging problem is the congestion which I just use some vapor rub on my chest, throat, and under my nose to get some relief.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Ten-d (Dallas, Texas) on 07/26/2009

I've been reading these threads and see that there are SO MANY people worried about the heat of the pepper. If you want to use Cayenne Pepper, just start putting in your foods. It tastes great! Obviously don't put it in cereal! But chicken, salads, soups, even certain sandwiches taste better with Cayenne Pepper. CP is a great spice, it assists your body's natural blood flow and helps to carry nutrients via the bloodstream into your body more quickly. Using it all the time will help in your general health - plus because you will have been using it, you will have gotten used to it, and thus, the gargle wont worry you a bit! Give it a try. But I do say get the stuff from the health food store. The name brand stuff just doesn't do the trick, at least for me it doesn't

ACV, Baking Soda, Cayenne
Posted by Paul (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/11/2009

Yes the cayenne pepper works wonders. so does baking soda because of its alkalinity. (bacteria love an acidic environment) But I highly recommend putting a roll of toilet paper in the freezer for when you need it, and boy will you need it. I felt like i was giving birth to a marine distress flare on the toilet.

Also something that is of "enormous" help. WARMTH. keep the neck area warm as possible with a large towel. and sleep with it on all night. you'll be amazed at what a difference it makes. White blood cells in your saliva love love loves warmth, and they are more active in a warm environment.

SO WHAT WORKS FOR ME. First gargle apple cider to quickly remove the flem to expose the bacteria or virus, then hit it with baking soda. the baking soda makes the infected area alkaline. then hit it with the cayenne pepper. then wrap up the neck area with a towel and sleep with it on. If that doesn't work, I'll be dammed !

Acid Reflux Connection
Posted by Sheri (Winston-Salem, NC) on 07/08/2009

I am a singer, and had lost my singing voice for about 3 months--no pain--just couldnt' sing. Dr. diagnosed me with acid reflux, and put me on Prilosec OTC. I recovered in a short amount of time. Evidently, when we sleep some of the acid comes up in our throats and harms the vocal cords. Interesting stuff--I didn't even know I had acid reflux. hope this helps!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Robert (Toronto, Canada) on 11/27/2008

Sore Throat Remedy: Oil of Oregano, Honey & Water

From your local health shop you can usually find oil of oregano. It is super concentrated oil derived from oregano leave. If you research it is well know for its antibacterial properties. Apparently, and I believe it, it has the same antibacterial properties as lysol minus the toxicity.

I mixed two drops from 1:1 concentration formula (per the bottles instructions) to one ounce of water and a table spoon of honey. I gargled a bit then swallowed as it is perfectly safe to drink. And it doesn't taste that bad either.

The results were immediate. My sore throat went away in 5 minutes. I thought maybe I would have to follow-up
but no it was gone in 5 minutes. My throat was bad but not as bad as I have had as I get strept throat on occasion were I can't even eat because it hurts to swallow.

I see lots of people writing on the effects of cayenne pepper and am surprised noone has commented on oil of oregano. Try it it works!

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Cherokeeandproud (Somewhere A Time, Somewhere A Place) on 12/24/2012

Want to know why cayenne relieves a sore throat? It's the capsaicin. You can make an ointment or liniment our of cayenne and make your own headache reliever. The capsaicin acts much like Cepacol in the sense that it essentially becomes a "local anesthetic". This is why you will get relief but have to do it several times for it to "stick". I love cayenne. It's a great immune booster, it works great on heartburn, it tastes amazing on food, if you make an ointment or liniment it makes an amazing headache/migraine reliever. I've been using cayenne probably longer than this site has been around. That being said, I just tried the cayenne pepper gargle since it's Christmas Eve and a few days ago my husband was kind enough to share his germs and now I have a sore throat. I also added a little bit of salt just for good measure. Let me say that, having had to drink valerian root tea, which literally tastes like dirt, this concoction is absolutely the most foul, vile tasting thing I have ever experienced. The sore throat is still present but it is not as bad. I can now swallow and it's basically just that "scratchy" throat feeling you get when a cold is beginning to creep up on you or when you have some annoying, allergy related sinus drainage down the back of your throat. So I think I am going to say this method, though it's absolutely disgusting, works really well because this sore throat got into my subconscious and into my dreams before waking me up after a mere 4. 5 hours of sleep.

A tip to all that do this: ONLY USE 1/8 OF A TEASPOON! I think that may be why it tasted so horrible. I used about 1/2 a teaspoon, not realizing it. Also, I would recommend probably 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt. It's still going to taste absolutely disgusting but I think it won't be as "strong" of a taste while still working just as well. To get rid of the scratchy feeling, if you're still left with that afterward, I recommend simply gargling with regular salt water and a cup of warm, herbal tea.

Posted by Dallas (Hayesville, NC) on 04/03/2008

For many years, when I had started to get a soar throat I would take 2 aspirins and let them melt on the back of my throat and let them disolve. This would usually cure the soar throat if I did it early enough.

Posted by Keshia (Jersey City, NJ) on 06/13/2008

My throat had been hurting me since last night. I just tried letting the aspirin dissolve some at the back of my throat, and I'm feeling much better already! I hope it lasts! Thanks!

Tongue Stretch
Posted by Macy (Yakima, Wa) on 05/11/2012

Actually worked, really well. I can swallow now! So weird

Tongue Stretch
Posted by Sabrina (Nh) on 04/07/2016

I use this method all the time but I stretch my tongue side to side instead. As a child I was told to do this by an ENT specialist. It helps with tense muscles in the neck as well.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Marina (San Diego, CA USA) on 04/01/2009

Yes. My mom used to do that to us too and we were cured the next day in most cases except strep throat. Always needed antibiotics for that.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Gabi (United States) on 02/03/2018

Yes! I'm from Brazil and I grew up with my mom and grandma doing this to me, my brothers and cousins. It DOES work! I have a cloth with rubbing alcohol around my neck as I type.

Was 100% healthy, went to the doctor for my yearly physical and boom... next day woke up with a sore throat. :/ For now on I'll only be getting physicals during the summer... This stinks.

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by June (KC, KS) on 02/05/2008

I came back to EarthClinic to read about flu and sore throat cures and saw lots of feedback on cayenne pepper for sore throat.

I recently tried cayenne in an ACV drink recipe here that was so disgusting I had to pour the whole thing down the sink. It tasted foul and burned my mouth, so using cayenne for my sore throat was a last resort. But so many people said it was The Cure, so I had to try it. Here's what I did:

I emptied one capsule of cayenne into 3/4 cup of hot water and let it steep for a while like tea. I then drained the mixture through a coffee filter and into a small spray bottle. Then I sprayed the mixture on the back of my throat, gargled a bit, then swallowed. The spray completely bypassed my mouth, so no unnecessary burning. The burning in my throat actually felt kind of soothing and effective. And, what a miracle cure!!! What iodine, h2o2, colloidal silver and salt water could not do in 4 days, CAYENNE PEPPER DID IN 2 HOURS!!! It completely took away the sore throat and I continued to use it periodically for the next several days to ensure the sore throat did not take hold again

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Sheila (West Palm Beach, Florida) on 01/04/2008

I stumbled upon this site a few days ago when I was searching for sore throat remedies. I read about cayenne pepper and decided to use it. I was really skeptical. What I did was made tea with water, ginger root, lemon and honey and then added 1/8th teaspoon to my tea. It burned alot in my throat. However 20 minutes later my pain was gone. It really numbed my throat and I was able to swallow, drink and eat without a problem. Cayenne pepper anesthetizes the pain. I am a true believer of cayenne pepper. I now have used it in my homemade chicken soup. Every time I use it I feel relief. So awesome!

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Nathan (Stamford, England) on 12/28/2007

for those who dont have cayenne pepper. i put together a mix of related ingredients to find it cures sore throats like a dream. jalipeno juice from the jar tip about 1/10 the size of your cup, a decent amount of lemon juice or lime juice.. two teaspoons of sugar and abit of warm water.. it has cured my sore throat in a matter of hours.

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Dave (Fayetteville, Ar) on 06/25/2011

I have used cayenne pepper a few times this year, after reading about it here and on other sites. I find that at the least it significantly reduces not just a sore throat but also cuts the life of a cold way down. At best, if used at the onset of symptoms, it completely stops a cold from progressing at all!

The first time I used it, it was in some sort of tomato soup recipe along with garlic, etc. The next time, I didn't want to hassle with that, so I simply used 1/2 tsp in a small mug of peach iced tea, heated in the microwave... it worked just as well.

Right now, I'm sitting sipping on a small mug of OJ with a half tsp mixed in!

Good Luck!!!

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by PeppaLady (Orlando, FL) on 12/28/2007

I came upon your site due to being congested and having the worse sore throat ever. Tried ACV first, and got some relief, but only about an hour's worth. I read all of the posts on cayenne and decided that one was next, but did not have any of the pepper. I remembered that it is in hot sauce, so i mixed up a tea. I boiled some water, and then added a shake or two of ground ginger, a tablespoon of hot sauce, a tsp of oregano, a tablespoon of honey, tablespoon of lemon juice and a green tea teabag. I let it steep for about 5 minutes. What i had was a concoction... "liquid fire" and about 30 minutes after drinking, no sore throat and nasal passages were draining. The next morning i was surprised to still be clear. Thanks for posting this idea.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Sandy (sticks, Nevada) on 11/24/2007

Oil of oregano cured my son's sore throat in a moment. We used 4 drops of oil of oregano in about a cup of warm water. I wanted my son to gargle with it, but he felt it work immediately and wanted to swallow it. He gargled/swallowed the whole glass and announced he was completely pain free. We had tried all sorts of remedies and none of them worked for him. Thank you to the person that posted about oregano oil originally.

Posted by Ellen (Chicago, IL) on 03/19/2009

Yes I agree, it is a must to take the acidophilus when you are on antibiotic treatment, the key however, is to take it between doses of the antibiotic, for at least as long as you are on the treatment and longer if you desire. If you have been on previous/numerous antibiotics you could take the acidophilus as a daily supplement.

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