Sinus Congestion
Natural Remedies

Quick Sinus Relief: Natural Remedies for Congestion

Oil Pulling
Posted by Steve (Naples, Florida) on 01/17/2008

re: poor digestion -- yeast overbalence -- sinus congestion -- oil pulling (remedy). I tried the sesame oil pulling for the first time at the early hour 3:30 Am -- I could not sleep due to sinus congestion - my heart was beating 90 - 100 beats per minute mainly due to the yeast in my mouth and sinuses -- I took the unrefined sesame for 20 minutes and during the treatment my sinuses opened up completely -- after I finished I was so relaxed I could not believe it -- the thrust taste in my mouth was gone and my upset stomach had calmed down -- it has been 9 hours since the first treatment and I am as calm as a cucumber -- I can't wait until tonight to take my second treatment on an empty stomach right before I go to bed -- please spread the good word about OP and lets nip the pharma business in the butt - God bless everyone

Fresh Ginger Root
Posted by Shira (Green Cove Springs, FL) on 01/16/2008

I want to shout this from the roof tops!

My husband has had terrible sinus congestion for months! Because it felt as though he had some sort of barrier in his left nostril, even his CPAP machine wasn't allowing him to breathe. Sleepless night... tons of money on meds... countless nosebleeds because of all of the nasal sprays... he was miserable and feeling a little desperate.

Then, as the last resort, I searched and came across your ginger root remedy. $2.00 for a huge ginger root that I peeled, cut into chunks and steeped for 4 hours in a pot of water with 2 green tea bags. Dan sipped on the surprisingly yummy tea all evening, and for the first time in MONTHS, he's completely clear! There wasn't a dramatic loss of mucus, but for whatever reason, I believe it shrunk the swollen nasal passages, and for the last 3 nights in a row, he's slept ALL night, clear as a bell! He didn't even snore! I can't even begin to tell you what a HUGE blessing this remendy is for us.

I work with a Japanese woman who told me that ginger root also helps digestive issues and menstral cramps. We've decided to make ginger root tea part of our daily routine. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Tricia (San Francisco, California) on 08/28/2007

Oil Pulling: starting out. I've had a cold that wasn't going away, and seemed to be getting worse, if anything. My congestion, and the amount of mucus that was coming out when I blow my nose has been alot. I started wondering if I might have a sinus infection, so I thought I'd try oil pulling. Did it once in the afternoon yesterday, and once in the evening, and suddenly realized that, for the first time in a week, I could breathe clearly. Have done it twice today, and have just experienced a strange thing: I blew my nose and the mucus came out bright yellow, like egg yolk. I have never seen anything like this, and was wondering if Ted or any readers could comment?

Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Tanith G. (EC's Facebook Page) on 11/09/2020

If you have a very stuffed up nose and have difficulty breathing especially when you want to sleep, try this!

Twist a piece of tissue paper or kitchen roll into a wick shape and dip into olive oil and let it soak for a second. Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil then use as you would a Vick's nasal stick. It soothes your nose and unblocks it really fast and is all natural ingredients.

I been using Bronner eucalyptus oil for years for winter germs.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Can Breathe Again (Atlanta, Ga) on 01/26/2017

After countless endoscopic sinus surgeries and prescription meds which did not help or relieve the sinus congestion and infections, I added coconut oil to my nasal rinse before going to bed. I slept better (snoring stopped and sinus congestion improved significantly) after 1 use. So with this miraculously fast improvement, I dipped a q-tip in melted coconut oil (cooled to room temperature) and rubbed it deep in both nostrils. Within 30 minutes, I was blowing out all kinds of yucky stuff, relieving the sinus congestion. I was amazed... and am now a true believer in the miracle of coconut oil.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Beth (Athens, Ga) on 04/13/2014

Insofar as any of the ACV drinks/teas which include HONEY, please note that warm water works best so if you boil your water, let it cool to tepid before adding the honey. Boiling water kills the healthful constituents in honey and some sources even say it can create a toxin. So honey shouldn't ever be added to any drink that is BOILING; let the liquid cool before adding your honey. :)

Ajwain Seeds
Posted by Mamta (Indiana) on 10/27/2006

i haven't taken any off the counter medicines for colds since 5 yrs !! and my condition was pretty bad when i came to the US. we got Ajwain seeds from an indian store or you will find it in the indian section of a chineses food store . Ajwain is indian oregano but very strong. everytime i get a cold and chest is congested...i take one tsp of ajwain and roast it on a flat pan. once it starts to smoke , quiclky put in a kitchen tissue and take deep inhalations, it makes you sneeze since all the nerve in the nose are raw from the cold....but in 5 minutes it all peaceful, no more colds. and RELIEF...esp. helpful in asthmatic attacks.....also have a strong concaction of ginger,black pepper, clove, basil and cinnamon...boil it in water for 5-10 min and after it cools a bit put a tsp of honey and have it hot. honey should not be heated. according to Ayurveda all these thing reduce phlegm in the body.... enjoy

Posted by Robert (Palm Springs) on 12/27/2022

Serrapeptase clears up my sinuses within hours it is pretty amazing stuff. Study shows that clears sinus and reduces inflammation, pain and mucous. After taking it for three to four days . When I read the reviews some people reported that it helped them clear the sinus within hours.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne
Posted by Katie (Wisconsin) on 10/03/2018

Yesterday at 3pm, my head felt like it was in an aquarium. Ears clogged, headache, completely stuffed up. I took 2 TBSP of ACV (with the mother) in a mug of hot water with a few shakes of cayenne pepper. My sinuses did ease up a bit within 30 minutes, going from a cement wall to a moist sponge, but that was about it. This morning, I took the same thing again. It's 2pm and– compared to yesterday at this time –I'd say I've improved 70%. I can breathe through my nose easily and taste things. No headache, no clogged ears. Vast improvement.

***Important to note though: make sure you're downing tons of water and liquids in addition to this ACV tea. Also, be sure that the ACV is shaken up and has brown sediment floating in it, aka the "mother"; you don't want the clear, clean stuff.

Eliminating Facial Moisturizer
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 04/29/2016

I have been suffering from stuffy sinuses for years! I thought it was my cat! I finally figured out that it was the moisturizer I was using on my face that caused it! Just one day is all it took to cure the problem. ONE DAY!!!! Argh. I used a big name natural oatmeal kind even. No moisturizer, no stuffy sinuses.

I also discovered that the big name conditioner I was using has been causing me fibromyalgia-type symptoms in my neck and shoulders and arms. I wash with dish soap and feel much better! Crazy world. I have waist length hair. I discovered I actually don't really need conditioner even. I just brush my hair once it has dried. A little spritz of vinegar keeps the static away. If the ends are too dry I put a tiny bit of hand lotion on them.

On a side note, I have been using Borax for washing for a while. The other day I washed my face with the rag dampened with Borax solution and my face looked sunburned afterward. Other bar soaps seemed to do the same thing sometimes. Dunno if it was the Borax, but a word of caution just in case.

Awesome site :)

Posted by Veejay25 (Seattle, Wa) on 12/13/2010

WOW! After reading all these reviews on sniffing cayenne for sinus congestion, it may come across as too good to be true; but I tried it and all I can say it WOW!! It really does work ladies and gentlemen. I took about a (half of a rice size) amount of cayenne, placed one amount on my pinky finger (for one nostril) and the second amount on a small spoon (for the other nostril), and simultaneously sniffed each amount. Instantly, I did feel burning and I breathed and recalled a scripture "when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I", and then I could tolerate the 30 secs on burning. I felt a menthol sensation and a throbbing of the blood vessels in my nose (it wasnt scary or anything). Then the mucous began to ran down my nose. I blew my nose and SO much mucous came out! Before the treatment, nothing came out. After blowing my nose, my pressure and clogged ears was instantly relieved! Praise God for cayenne.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Majid khan (lancashire, United Kingdom) on 01/28/2008

I have tried OP pulling for several weeks and results have been incredible. I have had suffered sinus problems and after OP it has cured them. I have felt this calmness that I havent felt for A LONG TIME. The problem in life is that you get told so many solutions to health issues that you dont know which one to choose. I just think that the remedies that make you think "thats disgusting I dont want to try it" are the ones that really work. I feel that especially sinus sufferers are prone to mood swings, feeling low and feeling drained that OP is a BREATHE OF FRESH AIR (that sounds good!). So give it a try and dont be shy MAJID KHAN (happy dude)

Apple Cider Vinegar Sniff
Posted by Kin (Auckland, New Zealand) on 07/31/2007

Hi all, just to tell you guys that I pour ACV on a paper towel and sniff it to clear block nose, this method helps me especially during night times woke up with a block nose. I started ACV for just couple of weeks, I will post again few months later on how I struggle with ill health and how this website helps me when my recovery is more concrete. Thanks for keeping this website free for everyone. (It meant so much to me). I am sure your good spirits will be rewarded.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses
Posted by Elizabeth (USA) on 10/08/2006

I have been on a regimen of 2 tbls of ACV and 1 tbls of blackstrap molasses 2x's a day for about 4 months now. I've just recently in the last month added 1/2 tsp of cayenne (1 tsp/day total) to my ACV and chase it with a glass of water. I read on your site that cayenne helps circulation and that was the primary reason I started adding it to my ACV. Before that I would cook with it and added it to my food everyday as I really like hot food. Well, I was pleasantly surprised with what happen next... The puffiness around my eyes (due to some kind of allergies food or airborne I'm guessing) and face is COMPLETELY gone! No kidding! I have a healthy glow to me now and the puffiness around my eyes that would make me look tired all the time, has vanished. The next thing I noticed is that my sinus' are clear, the dull sinus headache that I lived with for so long is gone and I can breath through my nose at night. As a result I think I'm getting more oxygen to my brain and body now and I definately feel much more clear headed. I had no idea how much congestion was in my sinus' that I had just learned to live with. After ingesting a teaspon a day for about a month, although results came within a couple of days, I look and feel so much better. The only thing I can attribute to the changes to is the cayenne. Thank you so much for posting this remedy. Makes me want to kiss you guys right on the lips! SMACK!

Posted by Jen (Toronto, Ontario) on 10/04/2006

I drank a mixture of lemon water cayenne pepper and syrup. Within a few hours, not only was my sinus clear but so was my chest and I could breathe much better.

Black Peppercorns, ACV + Cayenne
Posted by InnerGuidance (Arlington, VA) on 11/29/2021

This morning I woke up and was pretty congested in both nostrils. I first tried out the peppercorn chewing. I chewed 5 and the less clogged nostril opened up completely. So, I decided to chew 4 more peppercorns and my left nostril became a bit better, but was not really open to breathe through sufficiently enough while pinching the right one closed. I decided then to give the ACV, honey and hot water concoction a try and low and behold - there now is just a bit congestion in the left nostril left. Both remedies were easy and very successful within less than 5-10 minutes each for me.

Thank you, Ted and all contributors for providing the world with such an extensive valuable website!

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