Seborrheic Dermatitis
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis Relief

Glycerin Soap
Posted by Sueb (Old Bridge, Nj) on 09/27/2016

My son has had SD on his scalp for many years. He has tried all the shampoos and lotions, etc., recommended from various web sites and nothing worked. It spread to his entire face, and he looked like he had a really bad sunburn with flakes. He switched to unscented glycerin soap and his head and face has healed. Simply amazing : )

Silver Solution
Posted by Chris (Palm Springs, California) on 06/18/2016

Jan. 2016 after many years suffering from stress; abuse ; injuries, (terrible care at nursing home ) ended up with very sever sebborhia scalp & facial dermatitis . I tried every thing spending days and hours searching websites. My best results is using silver solution. apply on face where it's needed after cleaning with gentle cleaner Not soap and NO OILS of any kind.I even need to apply to lips (which were peeling and turning a purple color) re-apply when needed (lips more often if you have that problem. Before I found silver solution was breaking out with pustules (gross) and had the typical redness on chin and nasals folds and behind ears, I use oreganol oil WITHOUT any olive oil added. With q-tips it burns the pustules off and leaves no scars. Used it on scalp too, scratch and combed out dandruff daily over black t-shirt (time consuming but worth the effort. because my dandruff stuck around hair follicles like glue. then shampoo with the only shampoo that worked (I tried so many) nizoral, DHF. etc: etc; everyone at drug stores. the one thats working for me is veterinary formula clinical care, (antiseborrheic medicated shampoo (don't laugh (for dogs) it's anti fungal 100% safe NO paraben dye, soap and oil free. I leave it on overnite (with a terry cloth head cover)find head cover at dollar store and Big Lots stores.

when hair drys can't tell you left shampoo on. no hair falls out even though you brush and fine tooth comb out vigorously. And hair is so soft. I was doing this daily. Now every other day. What an improvement! I'm also cutting out oils and fats from my diet except for 1% milk and looking or vitamins to help my immune system. I read it's a chronic condition but I want to cure it or at least have control over remission. GOOD LUCK to you.

PS….also make sure your body is not acidic

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thomas S. (Mesa, AZ) on 03/24/2024

Both, drinking ACV has a host of benefits that will help SD. Spraying with a solution of 50% ACV and the other half pure water can have amazing results. I have dealt with SD and eczema successfully utilizing this process.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by James (Las Vegas, Nv) on 03/23/2015

Dandelion & Other Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis:

I've had SD for about 9 months now and over the last 6 weeks have really gotten it under control to where it's not noticeable. My symptoms got extremely bad (months 5-7) - very red / flaky face & chest and bad dandruff. I was really bummed when ACV didn't work for me as that seems to be the cure for so many others (ACV and hydrogen peroxide did a great job removing flakes on my scalp but neither helped facial or chest redness etc.).

I've been doing numerous things to help the condition so it's hard to point to one thing as 'the cure' but if I had to I would probably list dandelion as helping the most. I've detailed my current regimen below (note: I went ~5 weeks no meat, no dairy, no wheat, no sweets and saw a bit of improvement but things really started improving when I added in other supplements & products):

Diet ('Shakes' & 'Meals')

Shakes: Plant based protein powder, chia seeds, flaxseed. Usually breakfast and throughout the day if hungry.

Meals: Vegetables (Broccoli, caulifower, carrots, squash, onion etc.) eaten with hummus (usually melt non-dairy cheese on top for flavor), sometimes I'll add small portion of ahi tuna.

I was a big meat eater and have a huge sweet tooth so it's been tough but those items aren't worth a bright red face to me. Diet is probably pretty extreme, I'm starting to add back items and see how they affect my condition.


Dandelion: Mine is root, leaf and flower. Take 40 drops 2-3 times a day between meals (Brand: herb pharm).

Glutamine: Right when I wake up I drink a glass of water, wait 15 mins, take serving of glutamine and don't eat for 20-30 mins. I don't know how big of an impact glutamine has had, I read it worked for someone else so I've been doing it.

Enzymes: Taken with every meal (Brand: garden of life).

Multi-vitamin: Taken as directed (garden of life).

Probiotic: Taken as directed (garden of life).

Green superfood drinks: I drink occasionally (Brand: amazing grass).

Omega-3's: Just started taking this once a day (Brand: Ovega-3).

Skin Products:

Soap: Dandruff shampoo bar (Brand: round tree organics)

Shampoo: Burdock & neem healthy scalp shampoo (Brand: 100% pure)

Conditioner: Burdock & neem healthy scalp conditioner (Brand: 100% pure)

I used to shower twice a day, now I only shower at night. Make sure to really rub in the shampoo using fingertips & nails, may notice some hairloss at first but it would have fallen out anyways.

Face: Calcium bentonite detox clay powder. Use 2 nights a week. (Brand: living clay)

Face: Facial seborrheic dermatitis lotion stick. Applied in morning and at night. (Brand: derm-essentials)

Scalp: Oil for SD from derm-essentials. After I shower at night I mix with a small bit of coconut oil and apply to scalp / hair. (Brand: derm-essentials)

Scalp: In the morning I quickly rinse hair and apply a SMALL bit of coconut oil and may reapply throughout the day.

Some of these products are exclusive to the brand, others it probably doesn't matter what brand you use.

General lifestyle: I make an effort to sit in the sun each day even if for only 10-15 minutes and I also workout regularly (Male, age 27).

Borage Oil
Posted by D (Az, US) on 02/26/2015

My son has battled Seborrheic Dermatitis for over 6 years. He has seen 5 doctors, and 3 dermatologists and we have tried every remedy on EC, and many prescriptions. It wasn't until I came across an article linking dermatitis and a lack of a certain enzyme produced in the body, and the ability of borage oil to stimulate production of the enzyme, that the light bulb went off. My son has been taking 2 capsules of Borage oil twice per day for only one week, but the results are the best I have ever seen. He may have to stay on it for the rest of his life. No more acne, exzema, seborrheic dermatitis, scalp infection, scalp dermatitis, all cleared up about 80% in about 10 days. He is very happy. If you have a really scaly, bad infection, you can apply it topically, also.

Baking Soda and Water
Posted by Johnny (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/16/2015

I had Seborrheic Dermatitis for 4 straight years, and all I needed was 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in water... I dealt with the burning, stinging, and intense itching all over my scalp and face, and tried everything (literally). However, nothing worked, not even switching to a no grain, all organic diet, and taking probiotics for a year.

But this alkaline method did it in 3 days. I put a 1/4 teaspoon in half a glass of water first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and in three days, no more flare ups. Thank God.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Los Angeles, Ca) on 10/06/2014

Very excited to make this post! I've had Seborrheic Dermatitis of the scalp for over 7 years now. Used the typical T-sal shampoos which didn't cure but felt like "maintained" the SD to a manageable degree (i.e. it wasn't really itchy just more of a cosmetic nuisance). Recent flare ups and itchiness led me to finally use the prescription strength corticosteroid which didn't help. I could feel it literally burning, but it would not reduce the size/redness of the patches. Fed up I finally hit google and this message board seemed to have the most "real" responses so I figured why not!

My first night I used pure ACV, no dilution. I didn't have Braggs with "the mother" on hand, but thought it was worth a shot. I applied with a spray bottle and let sit for 30 minutes. I washed it out and my hair/scalp looked great! I'd say 90% was gone.

I then purchased the Braggs ACV and tried a 1:1 dilution. This time I put my hair up (it is long) prior to the ACV treatment so the rest of my hair wouldn't soak up the ACV/make a mess. This was much better! I also applied with an eye-dropper which was more precise than the spray. I let it sit for 30-45 minutes then rinse/shampoo after.

After this second round SD was 95% gone. Within 2 more treatments I haven't seen any major flakes or had any flare ups! A few tiny flakes here and there but nothing like before (where my whole scalp basically came off). With the ACV I used an all natural coconut shampoo, but I have also used Pantene afterward and it was fine.

I was so excited by my results I had my dad try the ACV on his facial SD. He has been using a variety of washes/topicals for years and within 3 days of applying ACV with a cotton swab his SD is gone as well!

Bottom line- give it a try! This experience has really turned me off from traditional medications, not that I was a big fan before. Regular ACV and Braggs both worked, but I am sticking with Braggs because more people seem to recommend it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 04/01/2016

Look for a brand of apple cider vinegar that is organic and raw, "with the mother."

You might also try avoiding shampoos and toothpastes with SLS. (Sodium Laureth Sulphate.)

You can use baking soda to wash your hair and even to brush your teeth.

Many years ago I had dermatitis on my eyelids. It was caused by make up. You might check your health food store for for a natural mineral make up.

Don't use straight vinegar on your eyelids. dilute it a lot. Maybe 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per cup of water.

~Mama to Many~

Scalp Cure Remedies
Posted by Trea (New York, US) on 08/10/2014

I've had Seborrheic Dermatitis on my scalp on and off for 5 years. Most of the times Denorex and T/Sal did the trick. For the past year I was under a lot of stress and no matter what I tried it would not get any better.

Every time I would shower I would get into a panic because I was losing more and more hair just trying to get all of the crust off of my scalp. I went from having a nice thick pony tail you you could barely get in a band to a pony tail that was as thin as my pinky.

Every time I panicked it seemed to get worse. I finally had enough. I shaved my head. I don't advocate that anyone else do this but I had it on more than 50% of my scalp and felt like I had no choice. I wanted to get my scalp cleared up for good.

I had my husband shave my head on Thursday 8/7 and as of now, 8/10, I have no more flakes. Right after he shaved my head I used denorex which softened up a lot of the flaking on my scalp. I used a very fine toothed comb to get rid of as many of the flakes that I could. Then I used apple cider vinegar to scrub my scalp which helped to loosen up even more of the scales. I also went outside and got some sunlight on the scalp.

Thursday night I made a mixture 2 TBSP each of EV olive oil, EV coconut oil, castor oil and tea tree oil. I applied it to my scalp and covered my head with a plastic cap, put a towel on my pillow and went to sleep. In the morning I was able to get much more of the scaling off of my scalp. I did it again Friday night and this morning I was able to get all of the rest of the scales off.

I still have some bumps and some red spots but not a single scale. The last 2 days I have been able to wear dark shirts and not have any flakes falling out. I will continue to do the oil overnight until the red spots and the few bumps I have are gone and maybe even longer because there are some sparse spots where the flaking and scaling were the worst.

At the moment I apply ACV with the mother to my scalp 2 times a day. I am also using EV coconut oil twice a day. I leave it on for about a half hour and then wash it off. When my scalp is feeling itchy or irritated, I wash it with Yardley oatmeal and almond soap and that seems to help for a while. If the soap doesn't help, the tea tree oil does help with the itching.

I hope this can help some of you. For me it was better to shave my head than to continue to agonize constantly over hair loss from removing the flakes. On the upside, I can see my hair growing already so I know I won't be bald forever.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Molly (Baltimore, US) on 08/03/2014

Don't you mean 3%? My understanding is that a 35% solution of hydrogen peroxide burns the skin and is very dangerous. Seems like there is not much difference between 30% and 35%.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tenzin (Australia) on 07/13/2014

Hi everyone, Those who got a problem with seborhoic dermatitis and severe dandruff in your scalp. I recommend you to apply apple cider vinegar diluted with water 50/50. For the scalp; apply it on the scalp 30 minutes before washing. It will help wonders. I asked my friend to try it, and she is relieved from that. She used all other medical product; but no results. Finally, she is satisfied with apple cider vinegar.

Friends try it but use organic apple cider vinegar. I wants everyone to be free from stress and wants to see smile on their face.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Aman (Uk) on 12/26/2013

I tried all sorts of things to get rid of my seborrheic dermatitis/dandruff. I had it on my face and my scalp. Tried putting vaseline on at the start as I thought it was dry skin! Didn't work (obviously! ) Tried changing my moisturiser. Didn't work. Aloe Vera only seemed to make the appearance better for about 20 mins and then the flaking would start again. Tried a shampoo with Ciclopirox. Still no improvement. Tried a cream with neem in it. Still didn't notice much improvement.

Then I reached for the apple cider vinegar. I wasn't looking forward to it as I don't love the smell of vinegar. I diluted it to half strength with water and applied it to my scalp, shampooing and washing it out after 10-15 mins. Also applied to my face where affected and washed off with water after 10 mins. I saw improvements within a few days. I had to keep up the treatments for a bit. The facial treatments I did twice a day and the scalp treatments twice a week when washing my hair. 99% of the symptoms cleared up. The rest vanished as soon as warmer weather came in and I got a good dose of sunshine. So far I haven't had to do the facial treatments in the summer or autumn but am waiting to see if I may have to return to them once the weather gets properly cold again. The twice weekly scalp treatments I've kept up. I read somewhere someone suggesting that if the scalp is kept free from dandruff then that might control the whole lot which seemed to make sense to me. Thanks to all those who recommended apple cider vinegar for this condition as it really helped me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 07/22/2023

This is simply not true, and can be proven by doing a google search for seb dermatitis or wound healing and vinegar. It's the ACETIC ACID in the vinegar that kills the organisms or infections that cause the skin problems, not anything in unprocessed vinegar. Personally, I would think that the 'mother' might possibly be unsterile, and could create problems. Nevertheless, there are NO studies using Bragg's ACV with the mother, while there are at least six using regular vinegar (diluted! ) and/or acetic acid -- the active ingredient in vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fifi (Gold Coast, Qld, Australia) on 12/31/2011

Hi everyone, I'm 28 and had been searching for a remedy to treat seborrheic dermatitis on my face for about 3 years. Finally, this year it has cleared up and I believe that raw apple cider vinegar with the mother helped a lot. I do not really suffer from SD on my scalp, it only appears there in small patches in winter which clears with shampoo. The sides of my nose were the main problem area. I had constant pink patches on the skin there, which would sometimes burn. I had hardly any flaky skin, just the pink, sometimes red irritated patches.

Anyway, it was diagnosed by a dermatologist as SD and after a couple of years of on and off again treatments prescribed by him and my family doctor, I decided to change my diet and my skin care routine.

Ten months ago, I cut virtually all yeast from my diet. I stopped using prescribed medications on my SD. There was an initial flare up as my skin was addicted to the steroid cream I had been using. I began to use a face wash which is very calming. I used filtered water to dilute raw Apple Cider Vinegar with mother in a small spray bottle. After cleansing and whenever I thought of it during the day, I would soak my face with the spray. I would keep my eyes closed with a folded tissue held over them. At first the smell was bad but it does not last long. I did this intense soaking everyday for about 2 months and then as the SD improved I cut back to doing it morning and night. I stopped spraying and just used a soaked cotton ball.

I also use the Apple Cider Vinegar as a salad dressing and mixed into tuna. Ten months on my SD has not returned and my skin has never looked better. I still avoid eating yeast but I am not as strict. I stopped using the Apple Cider Vinegar on my face, but I think I will start to use it again as a toner after reading everyone's great reviews here. I am also going to try the baking soda face scrub. I think it is important to dilute the Apple Cider Vinegar if you are going to apply it to your face and avoid getting it in your eyes.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Mariposa (San Juan, Puerto Rico) on 07/02/2009

YEA- Seborrheic Dermatitis

Apple Cider Vinegar & Tea Tree Oil cured my Seborrheic Dermatitis

I had Seborrheic Dermatitis for approximately 2 years on different parts of my scalp. I went to a dermatologist and of course he couldn't explain why I have it because they really don't know. Some doctors say it's caused by stress. I've tried dandruff shampoos (all brands) and shampoos prescribed by my dermatologist. The shampoos helped at the beginning but after the first bottle they would become ineffective. And the flakes and itching would just come back even worse. I got tired of wasting money on doctor's visits and ineffective shampoos and thank God I stumbled upon this website. The ACV and Tea Tree Oil worked a miracle on me.

I filled an 8 ounce spray bottle with 4 oz. ACV and 4 oz. water. I sprayed my scalp with the mixture and left it on for about one hour. It does smell but trust me it's worth it. After, I just washed my hair like I always do. I immediately checked and most of the flakes had been washed away. I just thought, tomorrow they will be back. But, the flakes were gone. I was so excited that I also started drinking the ACV with orange juice twice a day (4 tbsp. of ACV in a glass of orange juice). Two days later I sprayed my scalp with the mixture and left it overnight and just washed my hair in the morning.

I am also using the Tea Tree Oil for prevention. I put 10 drops of Tea Tree Oil for every 8 oz. of shampoo. I tried just putting drops of it on my scalp but it smells very very strong.

For those who are worried because they dye their hair; it is totally safe. I have color treated hair and I had no problems with fading.

It's been about 2 months now and I have NO flakes, NO scabs and NO itching. I haven't had to spray the ACV mixture in my scalp again, but I currently shampoo with regular shampoo which I just add the Tea Tree Oil and I drink the ACV with orange juice about 4 times a week.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ed (London, Hornsey) on 03/04/2009

At 24 I had my first experience of seborrheic dermatitis, and had it for about 2 years. I can honestly remember one girl commenting 'it looks like his nose is turning green', to be honest I couldn't care less what she said, but there were times when i felt so low I didn't want to leave the house. I might have been exaggerating, but my nose was going from small red marks, to be inflamed burn marks, to a yellow gewy substance which would eventually harden.

I tried so many things. At first the steroid cream I used did the job in the short term. But it was no long term cure I was comfortable with. If I stopped using it it was back in a week. Maybe less. So I stopped using that pretty early. I also used aveeno yeast cream, aloe vera (from a bottle and from a plant), going on a yeast free and sugar free diet (to be honest this lasted about a month and a half, and don't think I went completely all out. But tried to cut the main stuff out), and garlic- none of these things worked.

Funnily enough, when I went to the states, it practically seemed to go on its own.

Then I decided to use coconut oil. externally (100% coconut oil- the brand is pukka). I applied it about once every day, not very much was needed as it is a very oily product. Actually I started by using this and taking it internally, eating crushed coconut from a jar with a spoon. but now I just apply it externally. I've been doing this for about 4 to 5 months now, and it is already feeling like a miracle cure, so I hope it carries on like this! I only had one major flare up since, whereas before I was getting one every other week. I hope I'm not speaking to soon, but it's really helped my confidence, and probably changed my life for the better. And something so simple! Just gotta thank the people on this website (and this website for this).

Of course a downside could be seen as it coming back if I stop using it. But who knows, it might even go for good!

Honey, Zinc Pyrithione
Posted by Diane (Ottumwa, Ia, Usa) on 01/10/2012

Skin Update. Fatty Acid Metabolism Disorder.

Supplement with Borage, or Evening Promrose and Flax Seed Oil and Carnitine.

Totally Cured.

Sorry. Didn't know where to post this. Seemed simpler to update a previous post for seborrhea.

Symptoms: red, flaky skin, lifting off in very large flakes with white pustules like small cysts, forming rapidly under the skin. I did not have just the redness and broken veins that some people have. We need to be very specific about the symptoms here, since the symptoms can be easily mis-diagnosed.

It was diagnosed by my Dr. As "perioral dermatitis". Drs should be embarrassed to even say this to patients, I mean we all know we have a rash around our mouths, right? It was a mess, and I had it for approximately 8-9 months before I figured out what it was.

This is for people who have tried everything. Believe me. I tried everything listed on this website and more.

I treated it as: a pathogen (like a bacteria like strep or staph), a fungus, mites, (yes, I drank the damn borax), scabies, leishmania, malessezzia, (seborrhea), acne, I tried three different antibiotic gels from the Dr, (metrogel, ciclopirox, clyndamyacin). I would get excited, because some things seemed to work for a few days, then the condition always returned and got progressively worse. A fatty acid metabolism disorder will mimic the symptoms of Dermatitis with few other noticeable symptoms. My only clue came after I took a big dosage of Cod Liver Oil and I saw what looked like chicken skin under my eyes the next day. I knew something was really wrong.

Started Flax, and Borage Oil capsules the next day. Took L-Carnitine on an empty stomach, (just happened to have it, and knew it was good for fatty acid metabolism disorder from a study I saw on the web regarding Acidura and Carnitine). The Acidura, (a condition of acidity in the body) interferes with fatty acid metabolism processes in the body. This combined with a genetic predisposion called kryptopyluria and six cups of coffee a day meant I was not able to process fish oil of any type. This also explains why some of the other remedies like vinegar and baking soda, alkinalizing the body, and the liver cleanses, and the digestive enzymes seem to work for some people also. You will know within three days if this will work for you.

I saw healing within one day, the flakes stopped in three days and the redness went away in a week. My skin is perfectly clear and has been for two months. I still continue with the Carnitine, Flax and Borage only because I'm afraid to stop. Please note: I did topical applications of Sulfur, (sublimed pwder mixed into mayonese as a carrier) and bought MMS, (chlorine dioxide) just before trying the Flax, Carnitine and Borage. The sulfur may have lessened the white pustules, but I still had the red, flaky skin. If the pustules don't go away, you made want to try the sulfur or the MMS.

Best Wishes.

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/14/2007 391 posts

Borax was not taken internally later on of 1/8 teaspoon in one liter of drinking water and only the borax and peroxide was applied externally. That's probably why it didn't work. Of course, getting the pH to 7 is still important. Dietary sugars and acid forming food is what is causing the seborrheic dermatitis.

Look for What Is Causing the Imbalance
Posted by Monique (Laguna Beach, CA) on 08/13/2008

After trying everything listed on this site, I decided to get tested for food allergies. I was skeptical, but after two weeks of avoiding foods I was allergic to, my scalp was 90% better. I am hoping the seborrheic dermatitis completely goes away in a few more weeks. I highly recommend getting the blood test for food allergies / delayed food allergies. Is is worth every penny. Everything else works temporarily.

Posted by Jim (St. Louis, MO) on 04/01/2007

I have had a worsening case of suborrheic dermatitis for several years. It started around my upper lip and chin and ended up in my ears. Prescriptions mildly controlled it, but not well, are expensive, and frankly I don't trust them very much. I tried several reccomended natural and "home" remedies, none of which worked very well. And then I started drinking kefir, a cultured milk beverage. I started drinking it because it's really tasty and I can digest it (I'm lactose intolerant), but found that when I drink it regularly my suborrheic dermatitis goes away. When I don't drink kefir for several days it starts to come back. Typically I've found myself drinking a 32 oz. bottle every two to three days. I've tried a couple of brands, but the Helios brand seems far superior to the other brand I tried (which I had trouble digesting). So I really reccomend it. At the very least, you'll be drinking something that tastes great and is good for you (live foods rock). And if it works for your skin ailements too, all the better. Good luck!

Antifungal Shampoo +
Posted by noel (california) on 02/13/2024

update 02/13/24

I had a few spots on my scalp that wouldn't go away. Maybe they were something other than Seb. Derm because things like ringworm can appear similar to the untrained eye.

I have been applying Clotrimazole 1% to these areas and it seems to be working well. It's sold at Target as Up & Up brand jock itch cream but you can get 10 times the amount for your money on Amazon.

DMSO, Colloidal Silver +
Posted by Nikola (Croatia) on 03/17/2023

Napravio sam DMSO sa 30% srebrne vode od 25 ppm. 10 ml tinktura od Gaveza I nešto malo Aloa Vere. Pomoglo, odnosno izliječilo mi je dugogodišnju seboreju I masnu kožu glave.

I made DMSO with 30% silver water at 25 ppm plus 10 ml of comfrey tincture and some Aloe Vera. It helped, that is, it cured my long-standing seborrhea and oily scalp.

Posted by Pame (Minneapolis MN) on 01/05/2023

Seborrheic dermatitis

I found what worked the best for me to relieve pain and itch was raw honey - but this is what I've read works best and has kept me on the mend -

Use ACV to break the fungal biofilm first - you can also use xylitol or colloidal silver topically.

Slather the face in honey for 3 hours per day - can also use another anti fungal.

Don't moisturize with any oil other than MTC oil, mineral or these products:

  • Aloe vera
  • Urea
  • Sorbitol
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Squalane oil

Other oils such as coconut feed the fungus and cause more heat, itch, redness and burning sensation.

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