Natural Remedies

Natural Approaches for Scabies: Exploring Effective Remedies

Hair Dryer
Posted by Linda (Ajo, Az ) on 06/19/2020

I've reported this before but never saw my info.

Use a hairdryer on all the lines/spots/itches of the scabies. Use it as close and hot and as long until it starts to hurt. You can feel the relief right away. Do more until you feel like you don't want to burn yourself. If you need to repeat later or the next day - do it until they are gone. They die and the redness goes away. I originally thought of this because the clothes dryer works and I had tried EVERYTHING on my skin. It is amazing how well and quick it works.

Except for Diatomaceous Earth (DE). I'll keep that in mind.

EC: Hi Linda. Your previous post is on the site under the title Hair Dyer. We added this new one to the same section.

Citrus Mouthwash
Posted by Deborah (Md) on 10/17/2018

Hi, you posted about clove and coconut oil. Did you follow through and are free of scabies?

Sea Salt Bath
Posted by Thankful (Australia) on 09/03/2018

Sea Salt Bath cured scabies in 4 days

I tried lots of things for my second bout of scabies, white vinegar spray, peroxide and DMSO spray, borax bath, everything worked for so long then plateaued, the vinegar spray (50% water/50% Vinegar) and peroxide (3% with DMSO) worked the best, applying 3 - 5 times a day, you could see them coming out of the skin with both products, but still not total annihilation of these blood-sucking mites after nearly 3 months. I read a 10 year old post about sea salt bath, well all done and dusted after 4 days, 100 liters of hot water (as hot as possibly stand) in tub and 1.5 kilograms of sea salt with little or no anti-caking agents as possible in AU Saxa sea salt was best. soaked for 10 minutes back and front, and both sides, left nothing un-soaked, even scrubbed skin to loosen top skin and open pores. Give it a try. You won't be disappointed.

Bitter Melon
Posted by Crystal (Nv) on 08/16/2018

Please get bitter melon or bitter gourd. You can find the pills at your local health food store or online (Amazon). You can find the fruit at Asian markets and juice it. This worked for me when all else failed and I had tried EVERYTHING. I had it all over my hands for close to a year and had practically given up but continued to do research and found bitter melon which is known as the scabies fruit in some foreign countries. As the name implies it is very very bitter and I am sure that it makes our bodies not a good host for the scabies parasite. They do not like the taste of it. Take it as directed.

Enzymes for Scabies
Posted by Jeff (California) on 08/03/2018

They are some type of mites similar to scabies but teensy tiny like demodex. They bite humans or animals and docs are CLUELESS. They'll just try to label you as nuts rather than admit they don't know. They can live off the host for looong time.

DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 07/20/2018

Just a note about the successful treatment of scabies with clove bud essential oil.

DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Thankful (Australia) on 07/18/2018

I have been using Sharon's treatment below from 2009 for just over 36hrs, used the 3/4 cup DMSO (70% DMSO - 30%Purified water), 1 Cup water, 1 Tablespoon (35%) Peroxide & 1 extra Cup water (mixed with peroxide to dilute before adding to DMSO & water) added mixture to spray bottle and set to work. Found this recipe late evening, applied two applications before bedtime. Applied every 2 hours next day, the first 3 - 4 application there was scabies coming out of the skin immediately to escape certain death, some even climbed hair follicles. Now at 36hrs only have occasional scabies coming out of the skin.

This is my second bout of scabies in 4 years, I was advised that once you have had them your body is more susceptible to contracting them again for some reason. The first bout lasted for nearly 12mths before killing them off, I even tried 3 lots of Lyclear scabies cream without success back then.

This recipe has been a blessing day 2 and scabies nearly all gone.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 07/10/2018

Another option (other than using aloe vera gel or oil as a carrier for essential oils) is to use Witch Hazel solution which is available everywhere. Witch Hazel is soothing and has a low alcohol content which also helps kill the mites, but again, you can add a few drops of essential oil (clove, cedar, tea tree would be useful) to the solution.

Keeping your eyes closed, apply some of the liquid mixture and wait till the liquid dries before opening them (which should not take long), leaving just a residue of medicinal essential oil. How strong should essential oils used be? Strong enough that you feel some tingling, but not so that they burn you with their intensity.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Xtrailskier (Ab) on 07/08/2018

For the fleas which I think somehow are attracted to the scabies. I used Cinnamon. Diatomaceous Earth in the underwear and sprinkled on your bed, in your hair, etc. The cinnamon can be sprinkled in your underwear as well - wear it day and night. But the fleas live inside the bowel. Use coconut oil, cool in fridge if necessary, and roll cinnamon up inside, place them in the freezer then, to harden into a pointed tube-shape. Like Preparation H. Slide them up inside the anus at bedtime so the cinnamon stays inside. This killed them in me after 4 months of horror. I repeated a week later, just to be sure.

Bless you all and I do hope we all get cured.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Truemermaid (Al) on 07/01/2018

After one year with dealing with scabies the only thing we found to work for my husband's dry skin was Ted's remedy for pet mange. 50/50 peroxide and borax left on the skin overnight. Overnight was the key because borax bath soaks that cleared the other members of our household during reinfestations were not absolving the problem for him. Thus, every few days he would need to repeat treatment to avoid reinvesting the household. Permethrin (bought from local farm store) repelled mites from our furniture but did not kill immediately (3 days in non-humid environment). We tried both ivermectin and moxidectin however both repelled but did not eliminate the problem.

One method I found to help with clothing, especially shoes and belts, was freezing them for at least 10 minutes. Extreme changes in temperatures kill the mites but hot baths were too drying on my husband's skin and made the problem worse. His flaky dry skin was harboring the bugs and one peroxide/borax treatment overnight ended our war!

I hope this helps anyone dealing with this and know you are not dirty for keeping scabies. There is not enough information or research from the local USA doctor community to help adults with this disease.

Acapulco Leaves
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/27/2018

Wikipedia says, "S. scabiei mites are under 0.5 mm in size, but are sometimes visible as pinpoints of white." The confusion is that when they are inside the skin, they are not visible. Once a remedy is applied that forces them out and they die, they are seen on the skin as tiny specks of black, brown, or white (depending upon the stage of development and whether they have "fed" recently).

They are definitely visible if one looks closely and uses a method that is liquidy so that they climb out as they die. Creams are too thick for them to climb out so they die without being as visible. Carrier oils with essential oils, Aloe Vera juice with essential oils, borax and peroxide (in a bath or simply applied from a container with the mixture), alcohol and essential oils, or bathing in diluted bleach (strong pool water) or diluted non-chlorine bleach (releases peroxide) ... will all force them out and kill them, and then they absolutely are visible.

Even repeatedly rubbing the stronger isopropyl alcohol (or other) with essential oils (tea tree, cedar, clove, orange, rosemary, and/or others) on the skin where they are known to be will immediately get them out and they can be felt on the skin and seen.

That some comment that it is"cruel to mention one can see them, simply shows one does not know or have experience in understanding the difference between what happens when an effective remedy works, and when one is infested and untreated.

Tiny flecks of black can be seen in bath water as it drains out as well if the treatment is effective and if you look very closely.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/26/2018

I realize this is an old post but for those with the same question: if you don't have a bath, get a little container plastic, metal, or whatever and mix the solution in it. Use a small facecloth or any piece of clothing and soak it in the solution. Then scrub the saturated cloth all over to apply the solution. Repeat to keep body wet if it dries out fast.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Rp (Uss) on 06/27/2018

Aloe vera juice is a remedy that will not hurt but any remedy needs to be kept out of the eyes. Keep eyes closed and smear aloe vera juice or gel there one can add 1 drop clove or tea tree oil to an ounce of aloe juice mixed well also, but don't open eyes till it dries. Same could be done with coconut oil or other carrier oil.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/27/2018

Yes, you can see the tiny mites when they die or are released from the skin. U normally cannot see them when they are under the skin. That's where the confusion comes in. But yes, they look like tiny specks.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/26/2018

Find Ted's cures section for extensive discussion, but borax powder must be mixed with water as well as the peroxide, so the powder is dissolved in the hot bath water and peroxide added. Bathe a minimum of 30 minutes

Bleach and Water
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/26/2018

Non-chlorine bleach is in the laundry areas of stores sold as color safe bleach. It has Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Percarbonate that releases peroxide when mixed with water. Many big name brand color safe bleach products have this. But make sure it doesn't have other chemicals added.

It is gentler on the skin than chlorine, for sure.

Bleach and Water
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/24/2018

You say that the bleach baths did not work, but every treatment modality has variables that affect whether or not it will be successful. As with medications where there are the necessary aspects of a medical order: you have the right patient, the right drug (treatment), the right dose, the right timing or interval between treatments/doses, and the right route or method of application.

Even with a bleach bath (or any other treatment that people say failed), we have to look at what amount of bleach is used in a tub of water.

Right drug/treatment (chlorine bleach or non-chlorine bleach) Some have used non-chlorine bleach as well with good results as it releases hydrogen peroxide into the water and kills the mites

Dose: (two cups in a full tub of water, but make sure to pour the bleach liquid or powder into the water so it mixes thoroughly and dissolves (if powder) before you get in. That applies to essential oils, borax, epsom salts as well. This way, the solution is dilute enough to avoid harming the skin by having too strong a solution (or oil) on the skin initially. No need to be harsh to the skin (even with bleach that is thought to be harsh; it will be like strong pool water and should not burn the skin; if there are many scabies and it's a first treatment, you will feel where they are as they succumb).

Timing: in this treatment involves how long one stays in the bath. That should be as long as you can up to an hour, but at least 30 minutes. And the interval: daily for a few days at least.

Some suggest leaving the bleach on the skin and air drying. Others have rinsed off after the bath and dried, and then applied something soothing: as bleach can really dry out the skin, an excellent way to soothe the skin while continuing to treat is to use aloe vera juice with a few drops each of essential oils (there are many variations. One is clove, cedarwood, and rosemary. Others like clove and tea tree or orange. Whatever is convenient. Neem oil is excellent.)

The route is topical as the bath water covers the skin and the treatment (non-chlorine or chlorine bleach) penetrates to kill the mites.

If too little (of any treatment) is used, then it won't work. How do you know you have scabies? Aside from the intense itching felt to be from within the skin, and piercing bites there, one can look for bumps on the skin. If you don't see any bumps, take the bath and soak for a while and feel the skin surface all over. Any bumps even on the bottom of feet or on the fingers should be inspected. If there are a few in a row, that is indicative of scabies tracks made. These are actually holes in the surface of the skin that appear as bumps but when soaked for a while the holes can be detected/felt.

In a bleach bath (or other treatment using essential oils, epsom salts/borax in a bath) you will see tiny specks. Those are the scabies mites that died and left ... so you then know the treatment is working.

Clove Oil
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/18/2018

You are right about clove oil being an excellent scabicide (others work as well, such as cedar oil, and others), but what you shared about covering the bed is also important for many to understand.

When pest control companies are brought in to treat for fleas, ticks, or mange when there are dogs, one of the first things they say is to treat the area where the dog sleeps, because the parasites are there, and eggs may also be there. With humans, the same holds true: the bed must be treated (spraying with a dilute ammonia solution will definitely kill them) and covering the bed with plastic is a good precaution (as well as washing the sheets every day in hot/drying on hottest setting).

Many simply treat successfully only to reinfest themselves over and over again because they didn't pay attention to treating the bed itself, under the sheets! You have pointed out something that is vital!

Bleach and Water
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/13/2018

It may be necessary to use more than one treatment method even if you find limited, partial relief with the bleach in a tub of water. While some report cure with that method, others do not. What is important is delivering whatever parasticide is being used to the mites and their eggs, larvae, etc.

The borax and hydrogen peroxide baths (or application of a solution of the same to the entire body) are also very helpful. Baths can help because going through this is exhausting and taking a bath can be a time to re-charge and rest which is so much needed.

It has been mentioned that instead of soaking in a bathtub where larger amounts of borax and hydrogen peroxide would need to be used (or bleach in this example), one can get a container that would hold a few cups of liquid and mix the ingredients being used there, apply the solution over one's entire body from top of head to bottom of feet with a small face cloth.

A carrier oil can be used with several drops of essential oils (like Clove, Peppermint, Orange, Lavender, Tea Tree) and the oil, again, applied to every square inch of the body (being careful not to get any in the eyes). Anyone who says the mites do not go to the head are ignorant.

Oil application can work for a while, but then the pores of the skin can get clogged. Clearing that off by washing with peppermint (or tea tree, for example) castile soap and then drying off and applying a solution of aloe vera juice (100% with nothing else added in the bottle from the manufacturer) or gel, mixed with the same several essential oils (a few drops each of clove, peppermint, orange, tea tree, for example in a cup or two, depending upon how large your body is) and apply that all over from top to bottom.

Aloe Vera will be soothing to the skin and healing. This can be repeated several days in a row if necessary.

Also, one can purchase a skin lotion (choose one that is easily absorbable into the skin that does not set up a greasy barrier), dilute it somewhat with water to make it easier to apply and so it stays wet longer, and put some clove oil into that. Such a skin lotion can be applied during the day to any spots that are itchy. Or you could cover the entire body with that at night before sleep for good results as well.

No one remedy alone may be best because the skin can only take so much of certain treatments. One has to find balance and soothe the skin while still treating.

One should know that any spots that are itchy are probably scabies larva or eggs and any sites that are sharply biting are adults. Apply the lotion with the clove oil (and some other essential oils if you like) to those spots when you can't treat the entire body. Pay especial attention to locations where skin folds are found, even tiny cracks on the feet or hands and rub the lotion in during the day, or as needed. (If you cannot tolerate clove oil, then use one of the others such as orange oil, tea tree, peppermint, lavender that help).

Keep it up. You will find relief, but reinfestation is the greater problem: cleaning the environment, changing the sheets, washing in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc are absolutely necessary. A solution of water with a little ammonia will kill any mites probably more effective than strong isopropyl alcohol solution, but either will work so long as you keep at it.

Bleach and Water
Posted by Jody Farar (Il ) on 06/08/2018

What were the portion you used for each? What kind of aloe did you use?

I have tried bleach bath alone but hasn't worked.

Essential Oils
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/05/2018

It is not that natural remedies take longer than conventional allopathic medical treatments; the method of correctly using natural treatments is the key. Also, conventional medical treatments are increasingly failing due to resistance occurring.

With regard to essential oils, for example, they can be applied in a bath but some people put too much in and their skin is "burned" or irritated. Some have pointed out that to evenly distribute essential oils in a bath, drip the oils onto the epsom salts and borax powders, and then spread those powders into the bath water for an even distribution that won't burn the skin.

Other methods are using Aloe Vera gel which is ideal because it remains liquid for longer than gelled alcohol hand cleaner and can carry the essential oils into the skin, while also having its own anti-parasitic action.

One can also create one's own lotion with any lotion that you tolerate well and is absorbed well into the skin, but dilute it somewhat so it is more liquid than originally, and stir in the essential oils. This can be rubbed into the skin all over the body and left on overnight, as well as spot treatment for areas that are especially itchy.

However, we should not make the mistake many make to think that the mites exist only where it itches; there are many, many more spread around and this becomes obvious any time you use a remedy that causes the mites to release themselves from the skin and die; the adults become visible as tiny dark specks that can be felt when rubbing the liquidy Aloe Vera gel/essential oil or lotion on.

There is no need to poison oneself with neurologically damaging conventional remedies, mistakenly thinking the docs know better. They don't and have no clue what is really going on. Ted is right that these "nano-insects" of various sorts are being made to be increasingly resistant to conventional remedies.

Essential Oils
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/05/2018

Just wished to add that yes, certain essential oils are effective, though how to use them can be confusing, and using them in too strong a concentration or pure, can burn the skin.

After experimenting, I found that diluting with a carrier oil worked, but diluting with Aloe Vera Gel or liquid was much more effective and almost instant.

Bathing in the epsom salts and borax as Ted mentions is helpful, but a rapid solution is to:

Mix together:

1 1/2 - 2 cups of Aloe Vera Gel and adds

2 drops orange oil,

2 drops peppermint oil,

3 drops, clove oil,

and 2 drops tea tree oil,

mixing that liquid in a small tray or container, then while you are DRY standing in the shower/tub (so the solution is not diluted by water on your body) apply that with a small face cloth, dripping on top of one's head, covering every single part of your body systematically. Rub it in and you will see them leave (and yes you can see the adult form). Continue to rub that in and after 20 minutes rinse your whole body.

Repeat the above process immediately again. (and a 3rd time if you are still seeing them leave but it will probably not be necessary).

Of course, as Ted has instructed, cleaning up the environment as noted throughout EarthClinic so as to prevent reinfestation is very important. But at least you will feel normal again and they will be gone. I would repeat the above process (one application) a few days in a row, and once a week while continuing to clean the environment, vacuuming, etc.

There is hope and natural treatments definitely can eradicate scabies. There is no doubt! Hang in there!

Clove Oil
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 06/04/2018

Clove bud essential oil mixed with a carrier oil will kill and cure scabies. Here is a link to a study done in Qld. where in the north, scabies is widespread.

Hair Dryer
Posted by Linda (Florida ) on 04/24/2018

I am glad to hear you have tried the hairdryer. For me, I used it as hot as I could - until I couldn't stand any more and the skin was red. There was never any damage to me.

I tried everything I ever heard of, for some years. The hair dryer worked! Just keep using it whenever you have an itch. Maybe every day for a while. It works! I don't know how you get kids to do it though. Maybe a little at a time.

Hope the kids are OK and you don't have to worry about them.

Hair Dryer
Posted by Beth (Uk) on 04/23/2018

Hi Linda, I was exposed to scabies about 4 weeks ago and this morning I woke up with what looked like it around the bottom of my neck. Thank goodness for your post. I really appreciate it. I'm worried my kids may have contracted this from me whilst I have been incubating it. Any way, on your advice I blasted them with a hairdryer this morning and they have gone but I have made my skin very red and I blasted them like 1 hour ago. Do you think this is necessary? Am I making it too hot? I don't want to do unnecessary permanent damage to my skin! Also how long do you need to blast them for? Thank you so much for helping all of us with you advice and experience!

Bleach and Water
Posted by Sovereign (Arizona ) on 04/03/2018

Did the vinegar rinse cure scabies for you or someone you know or just the other skin issue you had before?

Scabies Feedback
Posted by Jazz (California) on 03/20/2018

You most certainly could pass it on. Wear surgical gloves. Change them often.

Posted by Justin (Australia) on 02/04/2018

Hi...i have epilepsy and have used the cream and never had a seizure in that period, permetherin can be obtained cheaply thru vet supply,,,, or online...its the same stuff just be careful doing any conversion .... note the percentages ie 3% or more ...also guava leaves boiled in water and the tea applied helps with the itching....if your in usa I have sympathy for you and your greedy corporate health care system. I have removed scabies for under 50usd...good Luck and God bless

btw what God designed these creatures...i really cant understand that.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Teresa (Tn) on 01/08/2018

Please dont use bleach. The skin is the biggest organ in on our bodies. Try peppermint oil.

Bleach and Water
Posted by Lisa (Wisconsin) on 01/08/2018

I heard tea tree oil, just a drop of it in bath water, no more as it's very potent can help. Also neem oil... smells horrible but again, just a drop.

Some people also said white vinegar mix of 50/50 in your cloths in hot wash and dryer on high for 30 minutes...

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Lj (Midwest) on 12/22/2017

Safely use the hottest heat on your blow dryer to dry the skin each night before sleeping. It stops the itch and kills the mites. Use rubbing alcohol after your shower on mite areas. This does not kill mites. This is what hospitals use to clean. Clean your vacuum and the filters. Vacuum every single day. Yes, cleaning sucks. You will keep busy, have a clean home, and the mites will go away. Apply baby oil your entire body every single day after the shower or bath. You will have a soft body after feeling horrid from mites on the body. Do not wear the same clothes twice for three weeks. Let me know how you feel?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ldc (Los Angeles) on 12/15/2017

Which brand of bleach are you using / did you use for baths?

On a side note, been dealing with scabies for many months and I have used lots of remedies, including daily use of Permethrin, high dose Ivermectin (1.8X dose every other day), sulphur, Neem oil, turpentine, DMSO, and the list goes on.

Recently I saw a few people say they had success with infrared sauna - so I started doing that at a facility several days ago and bought one too (arrives in a couple days), and after reading a lot of forums and comments over the last many months, just now am seeing the bleach/borax/hydrogen peroxide bath routine. Lots of success stories. So, I'm on it - but would love to know which brand of bleach everyone is using. As a natural living type of a person, I prefer the least toxic version.

The infrared sauna is helping, and it up regulates immune function and I have more energy. Not fully covinced though that it is clearing scabies, but, I feel better at least. Once the sauna arrives I'll be doing it morning and night.

I have had some success putting a mixure of tourpetine and DMSO (with a 5:1 ratio, respectively) directly on the scabie wounds using cotton tips, but it is not the end all be all cure, that's for sure.

I was gung ho about neem oil becase it is supposed to stop scabie reproduction, and it's been used successfully in India, but, after a few days I started to have a reaction.

My skin absolutely reacts horribly to tea tree oil.

I can handle small amounts of suplhur cream, but not a lot.

The Kleen Green I'm disappointed in - I used that for many weeks, starting at the 1:7 dilution, then to 1:5, then to 1:3. I stopped for a few weeks. Now I'm using it straight since I can't do neem oil. I figure that's better than nothing. (It's supposed to cause them to molt early, killing them indirectly.)

Weak immune function doesallow them to proliferate - I recommend Vitamin C IVs if you can afford them. Administered by naturopathic doctors or integrative medical doctors. They super charge the immune system - also needed to fight the scabies.

And of course, everything is washed every day; everywhere is vacuumed every day. The one area I'm neglecting is my car - I need to get on that.

This is an all consuming war.

General Feedback
Posted by Martha (Canada) on 12/04/2017

Have you cleaned your car, jacket, purse, hairband, bracelet...

Borax and Baking Soda Scrub
Posted by Enough (Pennsylvania) on 11/15/2017

Shave ALL body hair if you can't reach it than stop that area. Then start the treatment again.

Worked for me but I had to shave.

Bleach and Water
Posted by Cc (Washington Dc) on 09/08/2017

this is what worked for me after going batty. for me no symptoms for a month so thought I was clear. permethrin made it much worse, severe reaction. mine didn't look like internet pics at first so hubby and 1 doc didn't diagnose; pediatrician wouldn't let us in her office but did diagnosis positive. both docs gave Rx. Tea tree oil worked for my son.

dyna gro neem oil hot baths, kleen free spraying after baths, tea tree oil or kleen free dabs on itching

1 use linens, towels, clothes and extra 30 minutes in dryer for wet laundry; only 30 minutes for clean laundry/ linens (takes 20 minutes high heat to kill the mite and dryer cools down the last 10 minutes of cycle).mite proof mattress and pillow encasements- Bedical brand

massive cleaning of course, storing lots of extra things especially fabrics, dehumidifier especially in the storage room,

after treating for a couple of weeks and extremely dry skin (humidity keeps them alive so didn't want any lotion) started using grape seed oil with tea tree oil after bath and continued with kleen free spot spraying through day. This and the guided imagery was such a relief.

** Listened to guided imagery- was critical for resilience and physical healing- I fell asleep to it- free at podcasts for immune system, stress, pain, sleep.

steam cleaning (a real hot steam cleaner, not just hot water), carpets and upholstered furniture, dunked the cat in a Kleen free bath (which she took in stride, pets can carry them like a rug even though the mites don't bite them) and DE powder (with masks because of superfine powder can aggravate breathing even though it's non toxic) on carpets and places we couldn't steam clean right before leaving for vacation for a week (I believe I was scabies free by then and just suffering from side effects of Rx, super hot drying baths, etc, but brought new mattress encasement and my own bedding, furniture covers and cleaned with kleen free)

also used sulfur and mineral soap and shampoo on myself and son, but not sure how they figured into cure

I'm very fortunate to have been able to afford all these things, and lucky our vacation timed with needing to get out of the house. If you can't do all of these I'd say to: use clothes and linens once only before cleaning or drying, 30 minutes drying already dry linens and clothes, storage of extra things, dusting and vacuuming your butt off, kleen free and dehumidifyer, and the Free guided imagery. Tea tree oil hot baths (Radha is good quality and value on amazon) and sulfur soap worked for my son but not me. I also drank Lots of water and more veggies, vitamin C

sending love and wishing you and yours health and comfort

Acapulco Leaves
Posted by Stephanie (Florida) on 09/04/2017

I used this last night it worked but today I'm still a little itchy still not as bad though, after the bath I used my little mix of coconut oil, tea tree oil and lavender oil and literally soaked my body in it, then went to bed. I'm going to try it again when I get home from work tonight. I did see the little black pepper flakes in the tub and when I used the oil mix...I have l box of oils so I am using then to good use. I have a dermatolgy appointment tomorrow just to make sure iIdont have any other skin issue..

Thanks for the info.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Brian (Portland, Oregon) on 08/31/2017

Hey good buddy, you apparently missed what I was saying.

Your sauna reaches 180' F. Great. That is the appropriate temp for ANY sauna for recreational use. That doesn't mean your skin temp goes that high.

Our skin temperature (down where the mites are hiding) do not reach high enough temperatures to kill the little bastards. Your body self regulates and cools itself thru sweating, circulating cooler internal blood to your extremities, etc.

If you actually got the deeper layers of your skin heated enough to kill the scabies, you would be subjecting your skin to burns.

I explained how hot water can burn your skin. You disregarded that, saying you were talking about air temp. That doesn't matter. If you got the deeper layers of your skin hot enough to kill scabies, you burn your skin.

The sauna method does NOT work without harming the person trying it.

Posted by Brian (Lake Worth, Florida) on 08/02/2017 1 posts

I've found a super simple trick to completely eradicate scabies. It's safe, inexpensive and extremely effective. Niacin! Buy 500mg's of the flushing kind of niacin and take one right before bed. Both my girlfriend and I used this to quickly kill our scabies. I was re infected, and used it again to quickly defeat them again. This after 6 months of trying everything else.

Borax your clothes on hot. Clean your space thoroughly. Clip your nails. Buy a sulfur cream (also very effective at control but not eradication) and use it on the bites daily to keep them in check. But Niacin is the thing.

Be aware, 500mgs of FLUSHING niacin can be very uncomfortable. It is recommended not to take it on an empty stomach and it makes most people feel very warm. I believe it is this flush that creates the efficacy. We took it before bed so that we were asleep before the discomfort arose. You will be amazed how easily this works. Please repost after curing yourselves to that this becomes common knowledge and people don't have to suffer with these evil little mites!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Linda (San Miguel De Allende, Mx ) on 07/18/2017

I gave this info once before when I found it worked so well, but still don't see it here in the cure options.
I tried lots of things and especially from this site. Including the cayenne you mentioned. (That was interesting.) OK, what works is a hair dryer, hot and as long as you can take it. You feel them die. The live red goes away. I think for 2 or 3 years I was still worried, every little itch, the hair dryer came out. You have to keep doing it as there must be eggs and maybe places you miss.

Good news - I am completely free of them and what a relief! Normal life again. I realize this would be difficult with children.
I thought of this because we use clothes dryers to kill them. This method works!

Bleach and Water
Posted by Jon (Indianapolis) on 07/08/2017

"bleach and water 4:1 ratio"??

Essential Oils
Posted by Sarah (Florida) on 06/29/2017

We treated with permethrin. I had severe symptoms, my husband and I had just a few spots but My son had no symptoms. My son showed symptoms the day following treatment. We are going to try this treatment to ensure all the eggs are gone so we can get on with our lives. The carpets and furniture have been treated with diatomaceous earth and we have been following the rules on washing clothes, linens and shoes for 3 days already. We just need this gone and haven't found anything else online that people have said really works. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Xoxom (Ventura Ca) on 06/19/2017

How long do you take a bath for? W borax and hydrogen per?

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Anna (Ct) on 05/22/2017

Hi! I know it's been 3 years ago, but I need to ask you one thing. Did you use that solution of borax and h. peroxide without water, or you pour it in the bath full of water? How did you use it exactly? Thank you in advance! Anna

Posted by Cindy (Ilinois, Usa) on 05/05/2017 461 posts

I think you're talking about Durvet and their Nu Stock liniment/ointment/salve. They didn't shut them down, they just made them stop recommending it for people. It is still sold for pets and apparently works wonder for scabies. You can read lots of reviews at that place online that isn't a river in South America, if you know what I mean. I'm getting some for the dogs and so that I can try a DIY formula I think might replicate the results, using just sulfur and coconut oil with oregano oil to cut the odor. The Nu Stock is made with mineral oil (23%) and sulfur (75%) and 2% pine oil (by weight, I'm assuming) but I think the pine oil is just to help dull the smell of the sulfur. You use it once, then wait 3 days, then use it again. For really bad cases, you might have to do it 3-5 times which would be 1 application, 3 days rest then 1 application, 3 days rest etc, which would be about 20 days. More is NOT better. It kills the live ones on contact, you wait 3 days for some more eggs to hatch, then you kill those and so on until they'r gone but it cuts the itching, instantly. If you just use a tiny bit whenever you itch, whatever the cause (mosquito bite, rash or unknown) you can prevent it before any eggs are laid in one application.

That's what I'm hearing from those who use it. One farm guy cuts it out of the tube it comes in, mixes it with mineral oil, and uses it as a spray on his livestock for anything having to do with the skin. Cuts, scrapes, rashes, bald spots and hot spots, mites, mange and fleas on his dogs as well as strays. Also heard that it is instant relief and fast elimination for poison ivy. Can't wait to get it! I kinda wish I had an itch! I might have some poison ivy out back....I'll have to check.

Bleach and Water
Posted by Steve (Canada) on 04/23/2017

Where do you get chlorine free bleach? Confusing...

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anne (Cumming, Ga) on 04/22/2017

Dear Mary,

I too thought I had scabies and for three months spent a fortune trying to clean everything, and washing sheets and everything I touched continuously. I went to the hospital twice and my doctor and they all said I had scabies. After three months of this and treating it with the prescription they gave me. I also read on Earth Clinic the accounts of others plagued with this horrible curse. I finally went to the hospital again and told them if they could not get rid of this thing that I was going to have a breakdown. The doctor that saw me said that he thought that I did not have scabies and sent me to a dermatologist.The dermatologist told me I did not have scabies...I had eczema. He gave me a prescription of a cortisone type cream and in 4 days all my symptoms were gone. I have never had any kind of experience like that again. Before you have to move go to a dermatologist first. My heart and prayers are with you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 04/19/2017

HI U MARY,,,,,,,,,,,, first, your dog has to go. You are pissin in the wind. I cured my mites with 160 degree sauna. The other alternative is a Rife Machine. In either case you must put all your clothes in a plastic bag daily and you must wash your bed sheets in scalding water every day. If you are not up to this then you deserve what you have. Know that's hard saying, but I's a plain spoken person. Some folks on EC are touchy feely. I am not. About half love me and half hate me. What surprises me it that most women love ORH. Now that is wild and strange. Maybe they see beyond the talk and see the what's in my heart.



Ted's famous borax and hydrogen peroxide remedy in the Pets (mange) section has been used around the world for 15 years now and cured thousands of dogs. Post any questions for our amazing pet contributor, Theresa from MN, to answer.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mary (Naples) on 04/19/2017

Don't know were to begin. This is my 3rd scabies attack. This first 2 times, I didn't have a dog. I hate to blame him but he is a contributing factor. I used Premethrin Cream 5%with good results the last 2 times. 2 out of the 3 times I got infected was from a gym mat.

I am now suffering with this last bout for the past 3 months. I am devoting most of my life to this battle. I believe scabies is an auto immune issue. I read that people lik me have too many T cells and not enough B cells and our skin can't fight off the infection.

I am doing much what you have said and very depressed. I wonder if there is somewhere I could go in house to receive in house treatment. Will do anything to wake up from this nightmare. I do not sleep in my bed with my significant other. He has 0symptoms. I sleep on the sofa covered with plastic and wash the sheets covering the sofa in hot water with borax and dry in hottest temp for 1 hr daily. My dog, that I do not touch anymore without gloves, and I will be taking Ivermectin at the same time and moving out the house. I have bought plastic shoes, and new clothes for the move. I am retired and fortunately do not have to work. I feel for those younger, and working and on a budget, because I can barely stand it and have the resources to deal with it

Essential Oils
Posted by Pb (Usa) on 02/26/2017

What wonderful ayurvedic immune booster helped you with the scabies? Please do share. Thanks

Bleach and Water
Posted by Margaret (Thornton Colo) on 01/19/2017

Lol I just love you so much, your post reminded me of that Movie "Monk", he had OCD and just by your meticulouse cleansing I do believe you were probably free from those pests since day 1 or 2. I just wanted to Thank You for your sharing and caring. You have a great yr.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Margaret (Thornton Colo) on 01/19/2017

Oh my goodness your post broke my heart. To hear that your sitting by the stove gettin warm. I'm so sorry for your plight. I pray Those little pests give you rest. Im gunna look into the Borax. Also The Peroxide I put onto my 15 yr old Grandson he said it burned. Does it? But he said it probably burned where he scratched. And also I was thinkin on useing aplle cider viniger in his room. As I think thats where their located. Funny though there no where else in my daughters house. Hhm, so tomarrow Im gunna clean every inch of my grandsons room and sanitize kill those evil little things. But I pray you are better all around.

General Feedback
Posted by Aloisio (Curitiba, Brazil) on 01/06/2017

Hello D.! What did you do with sulfur? Did you get cure from scabies?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 12/20/2016

DAVID, I have already written my protocol several years ago and it is in the EC archives. It is long and complex because you have to keep treating the newly hatched eggs. Clothes, bed clothes have to be collected daily in a plastic bag and washed in scalding water. You are going to have to get your sauna to 160-180 and stay for 30 to 40 minutes. A rough mitt is needed for your shower to scrub away the critters into the drain. This procedure will take about two months. Wish you well.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by David (Colorado) on 12/19/2016

Robert Henry,

Thanks for posting about the far-infrared sauna eradicating the mites. I'm all the sudden suffering from this, and I would appreciate if you would let me know the protocol you used (what temp (120,130?) how long at time (I'm guessing at least 30 minutes) did it take a few days, weeks, etc to get rid of the problem?

We found a place to take a far-infrared sauna, but I'm guessing we might need to get our own -- thanks for the referral.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 12/12/2016

HI U GOOD PEOPLE,,,,,,,,,, researched the Finish sauna practices and learned that they have a world contest as to who can stand the hottest temperatures. Several died after too long exposure at something like 240 degrees F. Guess my 180 degree certificate is for sissy Americans. The normal folks do get their home saunas up to 210 F.

I had forgotten about beating my body with a birch branch to draw my blood to the surface. A sauna over there is a form of socializing. All the hotels have a public sauna and I would never go to one again. The place is saturated with all the toxins from thousands of people's sweat. I was learning in those days.

Read that both the Saunas in the US and Canada are restricted to not exceed 194 F. Here is a good sauna URL for folks that want to learn more. ======ORH=======

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 12/11/2016

BRIAN,,,,,,,,, hold on good buddy. You got the right string baby, but the wrong yoyo, as the old Piano Red song of the 50's goes. He used to play for our ATO fraternity dances at Ga Tech. Boy was that the good times. At 80, it brings tears to my eyes. Don't get old.

If you go back in the EC archives you will read where I cured my skin mites with my FIR sauna after my doctors failed. A FIR sauna penetrates your body by 1 1/2", and that is the reason I converted my Finish sauna to a FIR years ago. I did this procedure after I read where mites die at 120 degrees.

Brian, I love you, but you are putting out stuff that you have no clue. I have been in sauna's in Finland that were above 180 degrees and got a certificate to prove it.

I'm roughing you up and the EC bosses don't like that, but I think you will take this like a man and understand that you need to research some more. Folks take what is posted on EC as gospel. I can promise you that some are good and some are not. Know your poster.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Brian (Portland, Or) on 12/11/2016

Sauna will not work. Scabies burrow into your skin. If you enter a sauna, your skin temperature will not get hot enough deep down. To get to kill temperature, your deeper layers of skin will need to go above 122'F. That temperature would result in skin burns.

I'm a huge fan of saunas, but not as a scabies cure.

Acapulco Leaves
Posted by Windy & Breezy (Central Florida) on 11/24/2016

I'm sorry, but you are perhaps misinformed. Keep in mind that there are many types of scabies mites and therefore, many sizes of mites. In my quest for relief, I've encountered several persons who, by all accounts, are suffering with forms of scabies that shouldn't affect humans, but so obviously do! The zip lock baggie in my freezer shows the 12-13 mites of many different stages or sizes that came out and were very visible on a white washcloth during a particularly successful treatment I tried, but which didn't rid me completely of the little buggers!

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Charlene (Georgia (ga)) on 10/27/2016

I buy DE online, it's cheapest. You can also buy it in the stores locally like health food stores and feed stores. I also buy my DE at the Tractor Trailer Supply Store. They also sell horse paste that people use for scabies but don't tell them you're buying it for yourself. They sell other things there that will help kill your mites. I buy the grey animal type of DE, it's not refined. I use it for my environment and my dog and my body. Internally I use the whitish type which is refined and for human intake and externally. The animal type you can consume too and it's a better quality but it seriously tastes like dirt. I can't drink or eat it. Gross!

Bleach and Water
Posted by Colleen (Branson, Mo.) on 10/07/2016

I have concern about those who go to 'hotels' to get away from their scabies while they die off in their homes. Did you ever consider that you're passing them on to the next person who stays in that room, probably the within the contagious period?

They do change the sheets, but not the spread or the pillows, or the carpet. I can understand wanting to run from it, but we need to think of others. Just sayin'

Posted by Bugkiller (California) on 09/19/2016

It sounds like you are being re-infested. Pay attention to who you are having physical contact with. You probably have contact with someone who is carrying mites or are going to visit some location where there is a frequent visit from someone carrying mites. You may need to isolate yourself from physical contact especially sleeping with another person in order to narrow it down.

Citrus Mouthwash
Posted by Michael (Austin) on 08/22/2016

Scabies can only live 72 hours without a host. So long weekend away from house and come back they will be dead.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 07/01/2016

HI U GLEN,,,,,,,,,, guess you have never had a sauna in Sweden or Finland. I have a certificate when I went through a 180 degree sauna. I was in this sauna for an hour.

Suggest you read the book written by Ron L. Hubbard who came up with a sauna detox for his LSD friends. They were in the sauna for hours on end... for weeks, and using flushing niacin.

Excuse my reply, but you hit a nerve. Your chart is about hot water, my experience is about a sauna.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Glen (Fayetteville, Ar) on 06/30/2016

Robert Henry: According to the temperature chart that I found, the 140-180 degree sauna temperatures would be in a danger zone. Did you just use it for the clothes, bedding, etc. or it you were in a sauna for those temperatures, how long. I don't want to pass information on to people who might be harmed using it.

Table of Hot Water Scalding Temperatures and Times:

Water Temperature Setting Exposure Time Effects of Exposure to Hot Water at High Temperatures on adult skin
100 deg F or below Most water heaters are unlikely to scald an adult occupant
120 deg F 5 minutes 2nd & 3rd degree burns on adult skin
130 deg F 30 seconds 2nd & 3rd degree burns on adult skin
140 deg F 5 seconds 2nd & 3rd degree burns on adult skin

150 deg F

1.5 seconds 2nd & 3rd degree burns on adult skin
160 deg F 5 seconds 2nd & 3rd degree burns on adult skin

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Glen (Fayetteville, Ar) on 06/30/2016

No, Robert Henry, not on me. I worked for the VA, and employees there were exposed to these scabies mites. As the Medical Librarian, I was asked to search for medical literature on them. That is how I got involved with the topic. I am in touch with several of those employees who apparently had the more severe Norwegian type and said they were having difficulty eradicating them. However, I will pass your sauna suggestion on to them and any others who contact me.

Hair Dryer
Posted by Linda (Puerto Vallarta) on 06/29/2016

Thanks for the info. As I said, and have found to work, the hair dryer. It is amazing. As hot as you can stand it, and you see right away that they are no longer alive. I had to keep doing this, probably those hidden, eggs, whatever ... but every time it was amazing. A place would be red and alive feeling. After the hair dryer. Not red and alive. I will keep the info about fingernails and such, that is good to know. The whole world should know about the hairdryer. Please tell your friends to try it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 06/29/2016

HI U GLEN,,,,,,,,,,,,, I presume scabies and mites are the same critter. Maybe not. But several years ago I got mites. All the Allopathic stuff the MD's prescribed were for naught.

I then read that they die at 120 + degrees. I just happen to have a FIR sauna and cranked that bugger up to 160 to 180 degrees. We bagged all clothes and bedding in plastic bags daily and scalded the little bastards daily in the wash.

What you have is a chore on your hands and you can not half-ass it, least you spend years on this project. We shucked these rascals in a few weeks.

Usually when someone says they are treating a friend, who they mean is themselves. You amongst friends, so speak freely. I wish you well.


PS. I was reared in Crossett and pull for the Razorbacks. Whoo Pig Shooeee.

Hair Dryer
Posted by Glen (Fayetteville, Ar) on 06/29/2016

Linda: I am a retired medical librarian. Some friends of mine with scabies have asked me to search this for them and I have in turn asked them for feedback on what they have discovered. A British study in the 1940s showed that 3/4ths of the mites are on the arms, wrists, hands, and fingers. I found and purchased for them a cheap (less than $20) 45 power hand microscope on the Internet. They claim they can see the mites with it. From the feedback they have given me, they say the various things like Ivermectin, Permethrin, Neem, clove oil, Nu-Stock, hydrogen peroxide with borax for the most part eradicated almost all of the mites from the body areas outside the arms, wrists, hands, and fingers. They tell me with the hand microscope, they could actually see that the mites burrowed UNDER their fingernails to escape some of the treatments, or under the cuticles, or under the thickest skin of the hands like where the knuckles attach to the hands. They said they have finally focused on using the various chemicals on those areas with nitrile gloves or long plastic glove, especially at night while still eradicating the mites elsewhere on the body. They have struggled with this for five years, apparently with Norwegian scabies form of this. From their last report several months ago, they had not eradicated the mites, but focusing on the arm to finger area has cut down the pin pricks on the rest of the body. I hope this feedback from them might help you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Glen (Fayetteville, Ar) on 06/29/2016

I have been working with someone who has scabies. They also had trouble with reinfestation. They indicate that the mites get under the thick skin on the hands and under the fingernails and cuticles. I purchased for them a cheap 45 power pocket microscope on the Internet and they claim they can see the mites with. From the research that I found, and medical journal indicated that about 3/4 of the mites are on the arms, wrist, hands, and fingers. They have said they have used nitrile glove at night to cover their hands and wrists with various things like clove oil, Nu-Stock, Permethrin, and Neem with diatomaceous earth. From last I talked to them, they still are having reinfestations despite those tactics. They seem to think that the arms, wrists, hands, and fingers appear to them to be the hardest area to eradicate the mites and that is where they think the reinfestations are coming from.

Posted by Glenda (Leicester, Nc) on 06/20/2016

For scabies, use sulfur with vaseline which I understand does the job. Can get the sulfur from some natural remedy pharmacies.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Anti- Itch Cream, Whitening Toothpaste
Posted by Katydid (Tx, Usa) on 05/27/2016

I used Crest 3D whitening toothpaste. But I believe it may not even need to be a whitening one. I used it, thinking I only had weird hives and I'm telling you it fixed the itch in less than 2 minutes. I left it on for a few hours and washed it off when it no longer felt like it was doing anything, and re-applied. I'm not cured yet. When I am I'll list what worked, so this may or may not be a cure, but it SURE does stop the itch that made me unable to sleep!!

I went to the dr a couple days ago for what I had assumed was hives due to a bug bite (I was thinking maybe an ant.) The doctor barely looked at me and just agreed with my suggestion. Turns out it wasn't an ant bite and resulting hives, because this isn't an allergic reaction. I've had those before to medicines, and the steroids always help quickly. I will keep on the steroid, simply because that is also part of the protocol that can be used for scabies - which is what I now assume this is.

Anyway, if you look under the hives section of EC, you'll see that toothpaste has been used before I tried it. I believe that person used a very different brand, and didn't mention it being whitening. If I were you, I'd just try what toothpaste you already use. I've also seen suggestions for mouthwash and am wondering if that and toothpaste share some ingredient that's helpful. That may be my next try. Good luck to you, and all of us.

African Black Soap
Posted by Toni (Orlando, Fl) on 05/06/2016

To get rid of mites from the home, you must be religious about vacuuming everyday; tile and carpets. Laundry everyday in hot water and highheat drier.

Use African black soap on body and hair. Will kill the eggs and the mites instantly. First few times you lather up your skin will feel a burning sensation where there are openings on your skin. There will be a major 'dry-off' of the areas infected on your skin. First time you use the soap you may want to pause from using it again for a couple days. As your skin heals and mites disappear, you can use it daily. Use a shea butter based lotion daily. You will feel relief right away. You will sleep better right away. Check with med professional before using on children.

Good luck and God Bless.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Zinc Oxide Ointment
Posted by Dr. R (Canada) on 04/27/2016

I had bought some hydrogen peroxide from a natural store. It turned out to be 98% HP. Well I'm glad I didn't get any on my skin. At that concentration it is used as fuel for engines. Be careful with the concentrations of HP you use. @ high concentrations it is ACID on your skin.

I don't think I have scabies, yet. I found out my niece was on the street for like 6 months. I brought her to my home a few weeks ago. No a lot of physical contact which is good, turned out she has scabies. I did wash all her sheets. I have given her 2 Nix treatments. Her friend can only afford 1 so I will pay for the second treatment for her friend.

I am allergic to most medications. I've tried the sauna heat. I am going to try a hot bath with HP, Borax, Japanese Mint Oil (Like Vick's) and then cover myself with hydrogen peroxide and then smother myself & the mites (if I have them) with Vaseline.

At least the first week my niece stayed at a friends house mostly. And I traced the source and how they have been playing (ping-pong) with this scabies for the last 6 months. Pray for me that I just have Hypochondria (not Mitochondria - sorry for this really bad pun, scabies ain't fun! ) from googling all this scabies information and not actual scabies...

Clove Oil
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 04/09/2016

Clove oil in carrier oil works on scabies. I found this study a few years ago to confirm.

Clove Oil
Posted by Kristin (Queens, Ny) on 04/06/2016

CLOVE OIL for scabies.

I've had scabies before, thought they were just mosquito bites at the time as I'd never heard of scabies. after a week of not going to doc or being diagnosed, the mites had a chance to multiply so it got pretty bad. finally went to doc, got permethrin cream and did that 2x, but lived in the hell of wrapping everything in plastic, not sleeping at night due to the itching, constantly laundry, etc. in between the permethrin cream dosages (a week apart, I believe), I did clove oil after doing tons of online research and learning of the australian study that said clove oil diluted kills even permethrin resistant scabies in 15 minutes. I wasn't taking any chances, so I used clove oil diluted with grapeseed oil, wasn't sure of dosage to use at the time, and still used permethrin. after 2nd treatment of permethrin (which made me feel dizzy, I later heard it's a neurotoxin and poisonous to cats but I wouldn't deter a human from using it! ) they were all gone. also was told that you couldn't get scabies from dogs, and I now know that is incorrect. Dogs can have mange, and you can get it - scabies. I am an animal caretaker.

Anyway, so that scabies was cured almost a year ago. then a few nights ago, I started itching. I knew what it was right away. it started in my pelvis, and that's where it started last time. no way in heck was I going to wait to go to doc, I knew what it was and wanted to kill those buggers ASAP. I took 100% clove oil and grapeseed oil and mixed them in a bowl- in the ratio of 3 Tablespoons grapeseed oil and one tablespoon clove oil, mixed and applied all over my body. I love the smell. I had to go to the Er for something else (really rough week ha! ) and the doc was like wow, it doesn't even look like scabies. We knew it was because of one burrow. I said, wow, maybe clove oil really did kill them all! (She also confirmed you CAN get it from dogs.) I've been applying the clove/grapseed oil mix twice a day and putting diatomaceous earth on the bed. I can't guarantee they are gone for sure, I guess I need more time to do that, but this scabies experience is nothing like last time. I am not up all night scratching, not scratching at all. I already have giant plastic bags at my house. if you want to cover your bed in plastic, get that stuff at the dollar store, save yourself some money. instead of going crazy washing everything I am just storing them in giant Ziplock bags for 3 days so the scabies dies.

Anyway you can get 100% clove oil for cheap on the internet, as well as grapeseed oil. I am always going to keep them in stock now because with all these dogs, it looks like I may be getting it a lot.

Essential Oils
Posted by Gus (Hawthorn) on 04/06/2016

Bleach isn't toxic to humans in a bath, just like swimming in a pool isn't toxic. Borax and hydrogen peroxide are harmless to humans and even extremely beneficial.

This "meditate your scabies away" bullpuckey needs to stop, now. Someone may take it seriously.

Tape, Sulphur
Posted by Karen (Sydney) on 04/06/2016

It's been three weeks since my last post and I'm happy to say my scabies have gone...No more itch or crawling mites on me...The sulpher is excellent but it did leave my skin extremely dry...I am using coconut oil every day to make my skin soft again and it's looking better...I can't say enough about having sticky/cello tape handy...I think the sulpher killed the mites but the tape wiped out the eggs and cycle...If you saw the amount of eggs the tape picked up on my face and body and pillow cases, you would be shocked...I washed my bedding every 4 days in cold water ..I made sure I vacuumed my mattress and steam cleaned it on wash days and then placed the sulpher powder over the mattress, put mattress protected on and sheet back on...That was it and they are now gone and my skin is healing...I am still using the tape, just in case but not the sulpher on my body... I really believe the tape is the answer .

Tape, Sulphur
Posted by Karen (Sydney) on 03/25/2016

I caught scabies after visiting a friend in hospital in mid December, 2015...I never tried the creams from the chemists/drugstore as I read too many times how they don't work...Anyone who is/has suffered from scabies knows only too well that it is one of the hardest things to cure...Until now.

I bought 1kg sulpher powder from eBay...Every night I put it on my body after a shower and also on my eyebrows...It was working slowing but the bugs would scramble into my nose, on my eyelashes and hair...It was like a never ending story until I found one thing that has more or less got rid of them. Cello/sticky tape!

After putting on the sulpher, I would wait a minute and then run a piece of tape across my eyelashes..Do it very gently and pull from the inside out slowly...Do both lashes and then proceed to your eyebrows, from the outside in this time...Don't worry, you wont lose any eyelashes or brows if you do it this way and slowly...I was doing it 3/4 times a day and you will be surprised how many stick to the tape....Next and just as important, run you vacuum nozzle over your hair daily for just a few minutes and this will suck up any in your hair...Try and get lengths of hair shaft.

Next and equally important, vacuum your mattress and rub the sulpher into it and place a sheet on top..I did this twice, about three days in between.

Back to the tape..I used darker pillow cases so I could see the bugs..They were mostly white and ran the tape over my pillow cases (with pillows on) every day...You will see them sitting on the pillow cases..You can use wider tape or thinner tape but try and buy a good quality one as it has much more adhesive to pick up the bugs...I do this every day as they will keep coming back but they wont get a chance to lay eggs...I also run the tape over my face and caught a huge one in it..
No need to wash bedding every single day in hot water as it's time consuming and who has time to do that...The bugs have almost gone and my skin is clearing up and that terrible itch has subsided to zero...The tape combined with the sulpher is the key...Keep it up for months, even when the itch stops so you completely break the cycle..Dip your finger in the sulpher and place it inside your nose..It wont hurt you and they will come out..Have your tape ready and place some over your upper lip as well to lift any that have fallen out of your nose...This really works as I'm almost cured and you wont have to go through all those expensive creams and lotions or maddeningly washing your bed linen daily..Plus, it's easy and you will get great pleasure seeing those disgusting pests stuck to the tape..Make sure you fold the tape over its self to trap them and dispose of them into the rubbish bin..I keep a plastic bag to throw the used tape into it.

After 3 months of this, I feel great again..I wish I bought the tape months ago. Good luck everyone and you will get rid of it like I did.

Acapulco Leaves
Posted by Karen (Sydney) on 03/25/2016

I saw plenty of scabies on my pillow case..They are white but some aren't that small..I picked one off my face trying to burrow into my skin and it was pretty big..When the bug has human blood in it, they turn black..I have a white tiled shower and I've seen them on the floor so you are wrong, they are visible..I've been using cello/sticky tape along with sulpher, to run it across my eyebrows, face, body, pillow cases and it is the only thing I found that works ..Almost clear of them after nearly 4 months ..Your hair dryer also comes in handy..Run the nozzle across your hair daily to catch the one that hide in your hair.

Bleach and Water
Posted by Barbara (Weaverville, Nc) on 03/10/2016

Where do you get non-chlorine bleach?

Bleach and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Heather (Alabama) on 03/05/2016

My husband and I have been suffering from scabies since early November. We got a couch from some family and within a few days of bringing it home noticed we were breaking out and itching bad. Neither of us have ever had them before or known anyone who had them. We finally broke down and went to the doc. They prescribed the cream for both of us but unfortunately couldn't afford it as we have no health insurance. I started searching the Web and tried everything possible and nothing worked.

Finally tonight I gave up and we tried the bleach and peroxide bath. I put 1 cup of bleach and 1/2 cup peroxide in a full tub of water as hot as I could stand it. As soon as I sat down I felt instant relief. The itching stopped immediately and I could feel my skin no longer feeling like I have things crawling all over me. I soaked for 20 min then got out and air dryed. I have also used the same amount in a spray bottle and sprayed all my furniture and bed.

Will continue to do this and hope they go away.

Posted by Bro John (Corpus Christi, Texas) on 03/06/2016 4 posts

I am over scabies completely. I do itch some, but it's from dry skin. To relieve that I drink water and apply lotion and take showers and use a minimum of soap to preserve body oils. I deduced that much of the itching misery I suffered during this ordeal was from dry skin. You can overdo the chemicals, especially when your skin nerves are sensitized. So back off the meds, and apply oil and water.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lindaw (Deland, Florida) on 02/24/2016

I have had scabies many times in my adult life and have always used permethrin (Elemite) cream to kill them and it has worked until now. I was attending a Bible Study with several elderly ladies from a local nursing home. In mid December I discovered I had them. I went to my doctor on 12/23 and got the elimite cream and treated myself that evening, I left it on for 12 hrs but it didn't kill all of them so I retreated a couple days later and still had them. I knew from former research that Neem oil and extract is used for scabies so I had some neem extract and body lotion I tried putting the neem on the spots but it didn't work.

I then took baths in 1 cup baking soda, 1 cup epsom salt & 1 cup borax and they relieve the itching greatly. I soak in it for at least 30 minutes. I use liquid neem soap and add tea tree oil to it that also helps. I use a bar of sulfur soap as well. I put the neem and tea tree body lotion on immediately after I bathe or shower.

I bought a bag of sulfur powder and mixed some in the liquid soap and this seemed to help. I am still battling with these hellish things and wanted to share what I have learned as well in hopes it may help someone. I have considered taking Ivermectin orally but there are a lot of side effects and I prefer natural sources, I may try the liquid on my skin.

I also tried taking neem leaf capsules orally because they are good for so many things including digestive and immune support but had a reaction to it so I stopped taking it. I am going to try adding peroxide to my bath as well. I just read where washing soda and baking soda create peroxide I am considering trying that as well.

I am open to anything natural that may work. Cayenne pepper is too harsh for my skin so that is out for me. I have had so many issues since December and it is now Feb 24th, so it is going on 3 months now, I wish I knew a way to kill the eggs before they hatch. I appreciate the former posts because it helps to know I am not alone in this war.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Nancy (Lyons, Ks) on 02/25/2016

Thank you so much for your post I'm going to try the borax and peroxide since I have also heard this elsewhere. I have been miserable now for six months with no doctors ichnology that I even have them I'm going insane I am literally ready to just do myself and just ended so I don't have to be miserable anymore. I hope this works.

Posted by Bro John (Corpus Christi) on 02/06/2016 4 posts

As a second commentary, I have added Hart's dog and puppy shampoo for my hair. It controls and kills the fast moving mites. The sulfur has worked its wonder on the scab mites. I now go for a day or two or three without a bite. I still wear sulfur soap and oil on occasion, but that will soon be unnecessary. Just stick to the program.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Wake Up (California) on 01/31/2016

Ok glad you found relief. 48,000 thousand type of mites and medical community hasn't finished card cataloging them all. Rat mites several types of bird mites fox mites canine dog mites collembola etc etc are now being acknowledged as all too happy to invade human flesh as well. Some folks have extreme stubborn case and what worked for you may or may not be the miracle cure for all. Nonetheless thanks for the tips.

Prescription Medications
Posted by Nancy (Sc) on 01/30/2016


Ivermectin only worked for a few days and then I actually got a worse case scabies 4 days later. If you are going to use it, also do permethrin cream covering scalp to feet.

Hot Cloths
Posted by Unicorn-milk (Phoenix, Arizona ) on 01/23/2016

This post by you was amazing.

Posted by Brother John (Corpus Christi, Texas) on 01/22/2016 4 posts

As a follow-up, I added some clove oil, eucalyptus oil, orange oil, neem oil, and turmeric to the tea tree oil base. The additions seemed to kill the mites on me more efficiently. From what I've read, neem oil and turmeric have been used in India to kill scabies inexpensively.

Also, I applied neem oil to my hair to help end infestations. Although it smelled like weird peanut butter, it worked.

Bro John

Clove Oil
Posted by Brandon (Charleston ) on 01/22/2016

Hi- you tell me if you have been cured from this mad mess

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