Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Rosacea

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Christal (Kyle, Texas) on 12/30/2010

I have been struggling with skin problems since I was 11 years of age. I had horrible body acne and some facial acne made worse with the products they sell us that say they help prevent or cure these problems which were caused by eating horribly and drinking soda and coffee, rarely any water.

Anyway, it wasn't until two years ago that I really started to look into natural methods and organic foods and such, I have been completely CONSUMED by all the information I learn daily, I am OBSESSED with remedies and health and nutrition, so much so that I have decided to become an herbalist/healer/nutritionist. I don't really know where to start on that journey so if anyone has information that would be super, but that aside, I have been trying several things to cure my Rosacea and Perioral Dermatitis for quite some time now, my dermatologist took one look at me and said I had rosacea and dermatitis but I haven't cured the roacea yet. I am going to try Ted's remedy for that but I don't know how safe it is while breastfeeding, I have an eight month old.

Anyway, I keep telling you my life story, I believe the rosacea and dermatitis is caused by a candida/yeast infection, I have been taking coconut oil internally daily for a few months now and my vaginal yeast infection is GONE, has been since the first week, I no longer will EVER go to the dr with any problem unless life threatening like I was in a car accident or something, but I won't ever take antibiotics or any prescription pain med ever again, I won't buy any shampoos or body wash for me or my child, I have been using water on his hair and its so soft and shiny and doesn't smell at all, I use water mixed with baking soda for my hair put on my roots and its so full of body and soft and shiny as well, been doing that for a few weeks now and I love it, I went back to shampoo twice during the first few weeks and it made my hair super gross and my scalp itched even more than it does now, a side affect of consuming so much sugar and white flour throughout my life. I am using Ted's remedy for that as well. I am going to get some Borax next week when the paychecks come in, for the rosacea and itchy scalp.

That aside. I mixed 1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar (with the "Mother") and 1 Tablespoon Hydrogen Peroxide with water so the ratio is 1:1:10, water being the most, and washed my face with water using a wash rag, removing any dirt or excess oils, then with the same rag, I apply the mixture to my face blotting it on or rubbing gently, and then let that air dry. Then I add Extra Virgin Olive oil to my face, Just a tiny amount is all thats needed and I did this last night for the first time and I couldn't BELIEVE how quickly my skin has cleared up and looks and feels AMAZING, I did it to my husband who actually has a terrible case of acne and then applied teatree oil on a QTip to the acne bumps and blackheads, MY BLACKHEADS ARE ALMOST GONE! I have had blackheads on my nose deep in my pores since I was 11 years old, I am 21 now and I can't believe the results!!!! I want to share everything I know with anyone and everyone! Email me with any questions! Cici28602(at)yahoo(dot)com

I should have taken before and after photos! I may still do it for my husband because his is bad but looks a million times better!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nana (Calera, Alabama) on 02/24/2011

My dermatologist told me the same thing acne roseasa. He perscribed some cream for me also and I got it filled but never used it. I'm too afraid of these pharma meds and their side effects. What I have found is that there is something going on inside of me because I keep getting other skin problems. Plus got myself a vaginal yeast infection for the first time in years and years. Dr. prescribe Difulcan, one pill. Then I was just diagnosed with Grovers Disease.... (red bumps on my back) not contagious or anything and they don't know what causes it.

Well I think I do, I think it's an overload of yeast in my system, so now I'm trying to detox my body. I'm juicing carrots, drinking filtered pure water all day and staying away from sugar and breads. Also picked up some Olive Leaf Extract and I'm using Virgin Coconut oil several times a day. I have cut my coffee intake to 2 cups and hopefully soon it will be none. Green Tea instead. Exercising by walking 30-40 minutes a day. We shall see but also I'm drinking 1 Tbls. Of ACV with 8 oz. Of water every morning on an empty stomach... I do this first thing when I wake up. My skin on my face is clearing up nicely since starting the ACV. I also put Tea Tree oil on my face. I cleanse my face and then while it's still wet I apply the Tea Tree Oil. Everything looks as if it is working fine.

Good Luck! Nana

Apple Cider Vinegar, Glycerin
Posted by Deirdre (Asheville) on 05/26/2023

Hi Patricia,

Ted's borax and hydrogen peroxide topical mixture might help if it's a mite issue. You can see the posts on Earth Clinic's rosacea page about that.

I didn't have rosacea, but seborrheic dermatitis around my nose for many years... similar to rosacea in some ways when it was really triggered. What cured it after 30 years (and many remedies and supplement experiments later) was simply taking 10,000 IUs of a vitamin d3 serum daily for about 3 days. Has not returned and it's been 5 years. Worth trying.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Amy (Steamboat, Colorado) on 03/29/2010

I have had an acne Rosacea breakout on my face for almost 6 months. After trying 4 different topical treatments with no results and resisting a second oral antibiotic treatment, I found I read EVERYTHING on Rosacea and decided to try Tea Tree Oil on my face. I applied a drop or two to a moistened cotton ball twice a day and noticed relief right away in the sensitivity of my skin. The symptoms began to subside during the first few days and I started applying it directly to my skin with a cotton swab only where I had redness or a bump. It has been just over a week, and my face is mostly clear from breakouts with just a little redness left. I am so relieved to have found something that works - and so happy that it is a natural AND inexpensive treatment. I highly recommend trying it for your Rosacea.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Amy (Steamboat, Co) on 04/27/2010

UPDATE: My skin is considerably better now - in fact, I don't even use Tea Tree Oil on a daily basis any more. I continue to apply the oil to any problem area that may arise, but they are few and far between. Early application of Tea Tree seems to prevent any further irritation and is keeping me ahead of a break out. It is such a relief to have found a solution to treating my Rosacea.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Roseocean (Alice, Tx) on 03/24/2011

After reading several cures I reached for what I had on hand that very night at 12 midnight to help me start to cure my Rosacea. I had dandruff shampoo with tea tree oil that has worked great on my scalp when I need it. I applied it to my face on the rosacea areas allowed it to tingle for at the most 3 min. Removed with a wet wash cloth and fell over in the morning as I looked in the mirror and all the small areas were clear. The big blotches are shrinking and are very small. Overnight I saw results. You need to try any dandruff shampoo with Tea Tree oil. I used one from Arbonne. Only because thats what I had at midnight and wanted to try something to help me clear up my skin. Thanks everyone who has posted what has worked for you. From all your ideas I tried one and found the magic of my skin under that ugly redness. Keep posting, we learn from each other. Tonight will be day 4 of washing with shampoo and I love it.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 12/24/2009

Rosacea, if all will research the net, you will find that it was a Chinese army doctor who first identified the culprit to be the Demodex mite. This was during the Korean War. So I question any Johnny come lately, which includes Ted. After fighting this bugger unsuccessfully for 15 years with Dermatologists, I now treat it myself as I have posted before.

I now think you never cure yourself. You just have to control them. I have found that Tee Tree Oil is the compound which best controls the situation. It is critical that you apply your concoction inside your nose because there is where your hair follicles are. I use hydrogen peroxide, vitamin e oil, tee tree oil and borax. I wash my hair with a coal tar shampoo and rinse with a saturated solution of Borax. All these things are anti-fungals.

The statement that only hydrogen peroxide and borax will cure dog mange is laughable. My dad cured my dogs in the 40's with sulfur, old motor oil and boric acid. I know the site owners get perturbed with me because of my challenges. My response is that if you can't stand the heat, then don't go in the kitchen. Readers won't understand this remark, but they do.

Regardless, this is a great site , just question what you read. There are a lot of posters with unique knowledge like Ted and Joyce, but I find holes sometimes in what they say. Caveat Emptor. I also think lots of posters get tunnel vision with the treating symptoms. Go after your total health first. Then the symptoms will sometimes go away.

If this spiel comes out bad, just blame it on an old man's rumblings.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Fullofgrace (La, Ca) on 09/02/2012

My friend was obsessed with finding a cure for Rosacea. And spent tons of money on docs, and products with no resolve. So here is a wonderful natural inexpensive solution for Rosacea, Get a small glass bowl and mix the baking soda & hydrogen peroxide into the bowl to form a paste. Get some of those cosmetic cotton pads and gently rub the baking soda & hydrogen peroxide paste on your entire face like a mask, let sit for a few minutes then rinse off with cool water. Do this twice a day for 10 day and evalute.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Amanda (Cape Town, South Africa) on 11/22/2009


Hi, I'm new to this site, and came here for Thrush remedy, which after 2 weeks, is now all but gone. Oh, but even though I got the thrush from a very stressful situation on top of a terrible freshly baked bread 2-week splurge...MY ROSACEA DID NOT COME BACK!


I've had Rosacea all my life..the systemic kind: blushing, red spots, papules that expel waxy cheese...the whole thing. Horrible, embarrassing and painful ( I felt like I had a bad sunburn a lot of the time...I would be out having fun, and could not wait to get home and jump into the cool shower--face was covered with grease, beet red and yet dry and burned feeling) In other words, I had the whole thing.

I tried everything OTC and from dermatologists . Nothing worked and many made it worse.

I avoided "facials" like the plague, because they often left me red-faced for a month afterward.

About 8 years ago I had an ayurvedic facial ( can I say Dr Hauschka?) anyway, very expensive, but I was desperate and someone recommended. The facialist(?) saw me and immediately told me what to do...

I did use the products ($$$!) for about 1 year, but since then have developed my own protocol which keeps things at bay. I still treat myself to the products about once a year, and use monthly as a "facial treatment" instead of a daily thing.

So, if you can afford the Dr H whole shebang, I say go for it...if not, keep reading, because I've developed a less expensive routine for my long-term use.

Okay, here's what works for ME:

stop all scrubbing, rubbing, hotsteaming, reaming, pinching and anything that is not gentle to your face and rest of body. Think of your skin as a fragile little baby that needs coddling and care! Use products you make or buy that support skin.

wash with tepid or cool water, never ever sauna--use steamroom only for short times, don't shock system with any hot/cold treatments. Shower tepid, avoid long hot baths (sorry!), don't get sunburned.

Avoid hot, spicy foods--even the ones that are good for you, like ginger. (I use ginger/hot pepper once in a while when treating colds, etc..careful, sparingly)
Eat all the veg you can and drink water all day long.
TED'S LEMON ALKALIZER? FANTASTIC!! I used to use just lemon juice, but I am trying this now.

4) USE SKIN PRODUCTS AYURVEDIC/HOMEOPATHIC OR HOMEMADE --some OTC are OK--read the labels like a nut, even if you have to use a magnifying glass in the stores! I often write to companies and ask them to send me entire lists of ingredients in products...very good results. Sometimes you can find OTC creams, lotions that have the great ingredients in them ( quality oils, vitamins, etc) these are easier to use. I have found several reasonably priced ones here in Africa. I put them on before I go out if I don't want to look too "greasy".


wash type 1:
2 part almond meal (buy or grind raw almonds)
1 part dried ground orange peel (just buy one organic orange, peel it and dry out the peel
1 part dry milk.
Mix a little of this powder with water or milk or yoghurt and pat onto face. Gently rub to wash, or let it dry and gently rub off ( takes off more oil). Rinse with cool/tepid water.

wash type 2: (gentler)
Mix the above with plain yoghurt ( full cream is nice) or heavy cream. Option add: few drops lavender oil and/or drop or two of tea tree. Experiment, start with just the lavender. Rub gently or let sit for a couple of minutes while you relax ( if time) or wear into shower and wash off at the end.

type 1: Mix pure witch hazel ( no alcohol!)and real rosewater (no alcohol!) with a few drops of lavender oil and dilute with water. Or, add a few drops of rose oil istead of the rosewater. Keep in a spray bottle and spritz on face after washing. Start with maybe a few ounces of the Witch hazel and find a solution strength that leaves your face feeling clean, but not tight and dry. You can also add tea tree (sparingly) or geranium essential oil. Experiment a little bit...this is what worked for me. The lavender, rose and witch hazel are the mainstays. Rub on a few drops of cocoanut or soy oils and let air dry. Do not wipe off!

type 1(emergency cool and moisturize): Put heavy cream mixed or whipped with lavender oil on face and leave on for a few minutes. Wipe off and spray with the toner. this is good for flareups, sunburns and upsets.

type 2: glycerine, lavender and rose oil. Hey, it works for me! Mix a dab of this with enough water to cover the face lightly. Experiment until it does not feel too greasy. I sometimes toss a little ACV water (very dilute) on top of this, especially in hot weather.

type 3: a few drops of coconut and soy oils put on face damp from toner.

type 1: whip heavy cream add few drops oil and leave on for 10 minutes while you put your feet up or bathe.

type 2: Take half an avocado, mush it up very soft and smooth (no lumps) add some lemon juice--take enough to cover, then add few drops lavender oil and put it all over your face, head hair and neck. If you cover your whole head with feels fantastic and soothes, cools and moisturizes all at once. Go outside or maybe lay in's a little messy. Leave on for 10-15 minutes ( don't let it dry too much or it's hard ot get off)...this is my FAVORITE one, and I use it daily during avo season! You can make guacamole with the extra!

Mix plain yoghurt with pureed apple and put all over face and body and head and hair(if you have time to wash up fully afterward, if not, just do the skin parts, but the full-head treatment is very cooling! Leave it on for 15 minutes or longer if you want. Relax while it is working. Roll yourself in a clean sheet (washed in borax, not detergent!) and then follow with a tepid shower and put a little lavender mixed with soy or coconut oil all over wet skin and maybe give face another yoghurt/lavender oil treatment if it is still very irritated. Keep cool!

I have had very good luck with rubbing a little straight lavender oil on the worst spots. A recent one absolutely cleared up with this treatment.

I am in Africa, so I have to load up, and sometimes they irritate. I am just experimenting with making my own using zinc oxide added to a gentle face cream with soy. Let you know. It's hard to find the raw ingredients here--they cost a fortune or are unavailable or suspiciously unregulated.

1) have a clean pillowcase every night! or at least turn the pillowcase so that a clean side is up and change every other night. Wash bedding in borax, or special laundry soap from health food store. Add a couple drops lav oil to rinse.

1. NEVER do "hot" or bikram yoga..nearly 3 months to get red out of my face!
2. don't eat spicy foods
3. don't drink every day -I have champagne about 1x a week and it seems OK. Hey, I'm in Africa,home of the sundowner!
4.stand on your head, or learn easier yoga makes your face red..then clears it up!

You don't have to use everything, but key is the washing protocol. And the yoghurt, I think. This is a great book for more ayurvedic ideas... Absolute Beauty by Pratima Raichur.

I am just about to start Ted's borax/H202 treatment to get rid of THE LAST active papule I have on my chest. It is invisible for years, but still there, so is a great experimental spot! Let you all know.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 10/19/2009

I have posted many times on this subject , but after 10 years of Dermatologists , with no improvement and following this sites recommendations of Hydrogen Peroxide, Borax and Tea Tree oil with slow and mixed results. I have tweaked the formula. I now mix the Borax in a separate jar and make sure there is crystals in the bottom so that the solution is saturated. Before, I only used a few drops of Tea Tree Oil....... now, I make sure the coke cap is very oily. I mix all three in a coke cap. I coat my nose outside and inside twice a day. This is my best results. At 73 and a very ugly nose after all these years of our Demodex buddies, I consulted a noted plastic surgeon on what would make my nose pretty again. He said I got to burn it bad with a CO2 Laser. I got to think about that. M J burned his nose off and had to use a fake one. I'm an Arkansas Razorback fan, but I don't want to look like a pig. We need to take care of our health problems, but we don't need to lose our sense of humor.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Mark (Denver, Colorado) on 02/27/2009

ACV/Tea Tree for Rosacea: I have had rosacea for close to 15 years. It comes and goes as far as severity but tends to flare up in winter and this winter has been especially bad--extreme redness on cheeks and forehead, bumps and pustules etc. I can also attribute a lot of my problems to a poor diet the past few months.

Decided to take a 3 pronged approach starting in early february--clean up my diet, eliminate most processed foods, esp carbs and sweets, reduce alcohol consumption, use the ACV 2-3 times per day in water, and apply tea tree oil and a fragrance free moisturizer after showering in AM and before bedtime. The results have been dramatic. The redness and swelling in my face have gone down 80-90% in less then 2 weeks. My skin has become smooth and has a healthy shine to it and there are no more oozing red bumps, esp after washing with a washcloth. I still have some redness, but nothing that really stands out.

I have also been using turmeric for an unrelated foot issue, but I don't think that has had much of an effect on the rosacea.

Fortunately, I have not had to give up all the usual trigger foods, I can still drink daily coffee, enjoy some spicy foods, and the occasional beer as well.

Thanks Earth Clinic for your wonderful information. I am hooked on the ACV, it has also reduced the occasional humming in my ears, which I suspect was possibly due to slightly elevated blood pressure.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Julie (Los Angeles, CA) on 11/27/2007

Tea tree oil can help rosacea. Not sure if it can erradicate it completely, but it does help kill off the adult mites. You need to use it religiously, every day. (I use it several times a day!) Since the demodex mites keep reproducing you need to keep applying TTO to keep the next generation from growing into adults. For example, if you only apply it one time, say, you may kill some for that day but the lifecycle of these stubborn mites is about 15-20 days. Also, try not to wear foundation makeup during this time, you need to get this out of your skin! Also, don't "feed" the mites by applying any nutritional things such as coconut oil, and other vitamin-rich lotions. I'm still doing research but this is the best natural way I have found so far. Try it!

Posted by Pamela (City Withheld, Washington) on 09/08/2007

I have suffered with Fibromyalgia/Rosacea and TMJ for over 10 years... My first symptoms appeared shortly after I began taking Paxil. After about 8 months when I found the Paxil side effects intolerable, my doctor switched me to Prozac. Well...within 2 years, I had gained 75 pound, couldn't get my temperature to a normal 98.6 (it wouldn't budge above 96.6), broke out with a fierce case of Rosacea (skin blistering & pealing in layers off my cheeks), was chronically fatigued and suffered from TMJ symptoms.

After reading the FLUORIDE information on EarthClinc and researching the chemical formulas of the many antidepressants that I had taken over the last 10 years, I had an epiphany...My problem was FLUORIDE!!! Incidentally, the' symptoms of FLUORIDE TOXICITY are the same as Fibromyalgia so it wasn't surprising to learn that FLUORIDE is the primary ingredient in MANY widely prescribed antidepressants, including PAXIL and PROZAC!!!

Without delay, I began adding 1/8 tsp of BORAX and 1/8 tsp of NATURAL (UN-bleached) SEA SALT to a liter of
DE-CLORINATED water. This regimine just happens to both neutralize the FLUORIDE and KILL the nasty mites that cause Rosacea.

I began drinking 1 liter per day for 5 days. On the 2 off days, I simply drank purified, bottled spring water.

The results were nothing short of MIRACULOUS, within two weeks my face cleared, the redness faded and best of all, my temperature normalized TO 98.6 and my energy level began to steadily increased. (Do expect the break out to get worse before it gets better as the mites die off.)

In just one month, without dieting or changing my daily routine (other than adding BORAX & SEA SALT to my drinking water), I dropped 4 pounds and I continue to drop weight at about a pound a week. I attribute this to my increased body temperature and elevated metabolism.

ALSO...when I eliminated the FLUORIDE in my toothpaste, my gums stopped swelling and bleeding and all PREVIOUS phantom tooth/jaw pain simply disappeared.

Thank you, EarthClinc and Ted...The information you shared has truely been a blessing in my life...I wholeheartedly encourage anyone that is suffering with FIBROMYALGIA, CHRONIC FATIGUE, TMJ or ROSACEA to try this simple remedy as I have had only POSITIVE results and absolutely NO SIDE EFFECTS!!!

Incidently, this BORAX & SEA SALT water is extremely ALKALINE with a pH between 8 - 9 pH.

EC: We must also express our extreme gratitude to Jason Uttley for the chronic fluoride poisoning link in his article, The Cause of Fibromyalgia.

Black Walnut Hull Tincture, Wormwood and Cloves
Posted by Sharon (Boca Raton, Florida) on 07/14/2014


Please, please, please, especially if you have sensitive skin, do not apply undiluted apple cider vinegar to your face. This is a sure way to end up with a chemical burn which hurts and is not pretty. Take it from someone who did it. It took at least two weeks of me applying diluted lavender oil to heal my mistake and remember to heal a burn you have to go through the scab and flaking stage. Not worth it!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda (Orlando, FL) on 05/08/2007

I was recently diagnosed with Rosacea and prescribed an antibacterial gel to apply to my face 2x a day. According to the dermatologist I would probably have to do that the rest of my life. After having indigestion one evening, i got online and found this site. I decided to try using Apple Cider Vinegar (1 tbsp 3 x a day mixed with water or grape juice) for the indigestion. Amazingly after only 1 day my indigestion was totally gone, but the best part was that almost all signs of my rosacea were gone. My sinuses were clear and I felt better than i had in years. I just wanted to say thanks to all that have posted here. This website and these testimonials have changed my life for the better. Thanks to all who have posted before me.

Changed Shampoo, Soap, Shaving Gel
Posted by Rob (Cape Hatteras, NC) on 04/21/2021

I would like to share how I got my rosacea under control. I noticed my redness increasing after my morning shower. I am a male so I switched from blue shaving gel to white shaving cream. While I was shaving I used to rinse my razor in hot water. I now rinse my razor in cold water. I stopped using shampoo and standard soap for about a week. Just rinsed my head and face. I am now using a non mass produced soap for my head and face. I think it is an organic type of soap without perfumes. My wife bought it for me and I don't have the label, unfortunately. My face has been clear for about 3 weeks.

Zinc Oxide
Posted by joi (mn) on 04/26/2023

try the target brand diaper rash paste with 40% zinc oxide. very smooth and soft on the skin

Borax, Vinegar and Peroxide
Posted by Bill (The Philippines) on 10/09/2018

Hi Devon...You can find Ted's remedy for Rosacea here on EC. His Rosacea remedy involves supplementing hydrogen peroxide, borax and also alkalizing with Ted's carbicarb remedy plus taking heavy metal chelators like chlorella to improve the immune system.

Posted by Genie (Ne Ohio Usa) on 02/11/2017 4 posts

Hellooo out there! My first post. (maybe ref to Bill if possible) I'm new to the natural healing bandwagon as of 10 weeks ago. I'm very grateful! Will be posting more on that and other subjects later. Right now, I'm asking 2 questions re: borax protocol. I've been taking it internally, and full alkalizing regimen for 10 weeks for Demodex mites. Those nasty buggers had me eaten alive. Also using many of the basic tools for pain and other issues. Love ACV! I mean I really love it as a drink w/fizzies.

Happy to say borax is a great success for all issues it addresses, but still have areas of heavy mite infestation. I understand the eggs are not killed even by internal treatment so I'm still plowing through the cycles. 1st question is whether it could be alright to stay on borax continuously. Some places say 5 days on/2 off, which I do. Others say 4/3.

I knew this process would be long but of course I'm eager to get them flushed as my face is ravaged due to extreme allergic reactions to skin expelling them. I've had infections hardly avoidable in my case..but thrilled to find colloidal silver and that has kept me cleaned up. (yep I'll be chasing the make-your-own-plan in the future as I can't afford those prices and I am soooo done with traditional antibiotics.) The reason I want to stay on the borax is I can't help but think of all the breeding/hatching in those 2 days. 15 to 20 eggs per female just chills my bones after yanking out hundreds of bugs already. And for me I do have to pull and debride them out as the skin takes a long time and it's quite painful and gets infected meanwhile. I have dermatographia and I don't know if that plays into things with over-producing histamine. The skin does crack itself open in the process. (for me..not sure how it would be for others) Sorry this is repulsive to hear so imagine why I'm interested in NOT resting off borax.

Actually I have already stayed on borax more than 5/2 times, and have no problem. I just wanted to ask as I'm not sure WHY time off is needed and maybe it really isn't good to skip the time off. (I've read most, if not all Ted/borax posts but that point seems to elude me.) After I get past being a "Mite Motel" I'll be glad to do the proper rest periods.

I'll be staying on the borax as I have bought Bill's book on Candida. Thank you, Bill and Ted. And let me tell you right now I am blubbering/bawling as I say that. I am also the walking-half-dead. I'm assembling the components right now. (have bought all the EC books in fact--all wonderful--thanks again).

2nd question is whether I should be taking 1/8 or 1/4 spoon borax. I'm female but have been doing ¼ as I'm overweight and Ted said it was by weight. 64 yrs old, and right now 205 lbs. (But the good news is I've lost over 20 pounds in this 10 weeks due to the protocols! More on that later..) In Bill's book he says 1/8 and makes no caveat about male or female (hope I'm quoting that correctly I've read so much for so many hours I'm dizzy.) I thought I should clarify that in view of ongoing usage. If I should do ¼ now at what weight should I cut to 1/8?

I've had lots of what I call the "˜Happy Herxies" (die off) and sometimes it's been pretty bad. But I'm happy to suffer it --if that's what it takes. Allopathic medicine has also made me sick but with no payoff! I've had much improvement in many issues from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. I will tell about them all eventually as this post is already long. I have so much good to report it will take several posts! Like my babies used to say "it's a mackerel!" (miracle). Thank you all for filling up my bucket of strength. I fully expect a bucket of 'mackerels'.

Test for Mineral Imbalances
Posted by Art (California) on 09/19/2022 2165 posts

There is a possibility that one cause of rosacea is Demodex Mites as discussed here :


Olive Leaf
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 03/19/2016

Lorenzo Gonzalez (Gran Canaria,, Spain)

H,i I have cured my rosacea with colloidal silver which I make myself. With a soaked cotton ball for 20 minutes to half an hour at a time. Now after more than three years it came back just ever so slightly and all I need to do is repeat this and this should do.

I do expose myself to the sun but for a reasonable time. Wish you good luck.

If you want to purchase a silver generator beware of one that emphasises the word "economic" but one with the word that describes a "young dog" is fine.

Namaste, Om

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Valentina (Stroudsburg, Pa) on 02/18/2017

Congratulations on finding something that works! How is the ACV working with your blepharitis? How bad was it when you began? Do you just wipe your lids with the diluted ACV, or do you let it sit like a compress? I've noticed for the past couple of months that not only is my rosacea intensified, but my eyes are extremely gritty, dry, red, and the eyelids are swollen. Would love to know how you're doing now that you have been doing the treatment for a while.

Posted by Georgia (Victoria, Texas) on 07/11/2015

I just read the artical about the Borax. The fluoride was new to me. I always Wondered why my lips turned red after brushing my teeth. I have just been diagnosed with Rosacea. It has already depressed me to the point I donot want to go anywhere. I am definately going to try the Borax. I used Borax when my babies were young to clear their eyes. No one has ever heard o fthis either. Thanks for this article. I am going on a trip in September, and hope to be looking much better.

Posted by Debbie (Louisiana, US) on 02/17/2015

I posted on here in Oct., 2012 about scrubbing with borax and then applying sulfur mixed with sunscreen to get rid of my rosacea. Wanted to post an update. I stopped using the sulfur/sunscreen mixture and now just scrub my face with moistened borax about twice a week, my face looks great. I believe my rosacea is caused by dermodex mites. The borax treatment has been a godsend for me; it's cheap, easy, and extremely effective. I encourage anyone to try it.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Carol (Shasta Lake, Ca. Usa) on 08/30/2013

Hello to everyone. I have had roseaca for over 30 years and not one doctor I have been to ever told me that I had it, until last year. He asked me how I was treating my roseaca. I told him I did not know it could be treated. He put me on an antibotic cream and sent me to a dermetoligst who gave me oral antibotics. I used this for 2 months and did not see any improvement. I also had two laser treatments to reduce the redness. The redness went away, but the bumps and pustules remained. I decided to try natural methods and my bumps and pustules are almost completely gone. I wash my face with gentle soap then wipe it with hydrogen peroxide. When that dries, I wipe it with apple cider vinegar. When that dries, I use moistureizer. I have the advance stage of roseaca--rhinophyma. The nodules on my nose are still there and will require some other kind of treatment, but my face is 100% better than it was. I don't know if this will work for anyone else, but it has sure worked wonders for me.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Pbird (Everett, Wa, Usa) on 06/19/2013

I have rosacea also and in my experience, if I eat no sugar or flour products of any kind my skin remains clear. It's as predictable as clockwork. If I dip into the goodies I will pay for several days with a breakout.

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 10/09/2013

Hello xx Acne has been found to be caused by mites, Dermodex Mites is the common one, there is lot's of information on EC about this. Look under 'Acne' and also 'Mites'. Love Andrea C xxxx

Neem Oil
Posted by Bonni (Mcminnville, Or) on 01/27/2013

I believe I have found the cure for my rosacea/eczema... whatever was eating my face. It is [a neem, turmeric, sulphur] antifungal. You can only get it off ebay. It is from India. After 3 days and nights, my face is 100% more clear, with only some dry patches that need to heal. I am more than thrilled. ACV was not much help to me. The antifungal took away all the redness and swelling bumps and pain. I used it on my childrens ringworm and it worked in a couple days. Hope you have such luck!

Sea Buckthorn
Posted by Claire (Brighton, Uk) on 11/12/2012

Having suffered for years from Rosacea I finally thought to have a look on here for some help. I noticed mention of Sea Buckthorn and so went onto Amazon UK and bought Sea Buckthorn cleanser and toner, cream and oil. It's been amazing. For years I have tried all sorts of products and prescriptions but nothing has worked like this. Prior to using these products my skin was coverd with daily sores and reddness and felt so tight and dry. Also I would wake up every morning with red rimmed eyes. Since using these products, the cream in the day the oil at night all over my face, my skin has improved massively and my eyes are no longer red and sore.

It's only been a couple of weeks and the redness on my face has gone. My current batch of pustules and spots are virtually totally healed and amazingly no more outbreaks. I am someone who wakes up daily to new spots and sores all over my cheeks and chin.

I had read on here and elsewhere that Sea Buckthorn oil is great for eye infections and canker/mouth ulcer sores. I do feel that it is the oil is making the biggest difference and might start using that in the morning too under my face cream. The oil is very orange. I rub it in all over then take some tissue and just press it to my face to take off any residue so as not to make my pillows dirty.

Give it a try it really has worked wonders for me. I am so greatful to the person who posted this cure on here. Thank you!

General Feedback
Posted by Angela (Witham, Essex, Uk) on 09/13/2012

Just found your excellent and common sense site, thankyou for all the increased ideas for Rosacea.

I have been wheezing for much of the past year and my doctor sent me for an asthma test. It proved negative. I fell to looking at other treatments creams on the web and then wandered to the side effects. Oh yes! There was wheezing, tightness of breath, coughing. Reported to the Gp who had no idea but took my word. Stopping the latest cream Finacea, my wheezing and coughing was all gone a week later. However in an effort to claw back some sleep disturbed by the heavy coughing, I elevated pillows to three from my normal two and awoke next morning with a 'mild' crick in the neck.

Twelve hours later I was in real agony and trembling with shock. Waves of pain and swelling have responded to masses of anti-inflammatories/hot treatments and so on. Its a week on now and I would say I am 98% better this morning.

The motto is to understand that skin is highly absorbent to anything you use and that in a search, ALL prescribed Rosacea creams do carry the wheezing warning. This week ( and the past year) has been a terrible train of events all stemming from a 'useless anyway' Rosacea cream.

I am holding the worst redness with arnica but have been attracted to a hand gel with Grapefruit Seed Extract in it which I have massaged in lightly and will repeat tonight. GSE has antimicrobial properties and is the only product to have rid me of Giardia some years back.

I will see how this goes and then start on one on the list taken from this site, perhaps the sulfur soap or the anti-dandruff shampoo with Olamine.

Many thanks to all the contributors who have written in.


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