Natural Remedies

Top Natural Cures for Ringworm: Quick & Easy Remedies

Menthol and Wormwood Oil
Posted by Su (Shreveport, Louisiana) on 09/25/2012

Hi- I have to share this -because my ringworm was horrible! For over 6 months I thought I had eczema on my knee and little finger. I bought every over the counter treatment for eczema. It kept getting worse! It was weepy & creepy & UGLY

I have no insurance - so no Doctor... I figured why spend $$$$ to cure what is probably a simple problem.. After the months rolled by I was scared and it was worse- the patch on my little finger now wrapped around it and was near the nail.. The patch on the side of my knee was about the size of a tangerine... I actually thought about going to a Doc. But instead I went and asked a pharmacist.. "it's an ugly fungus" buy Lamisil isle 24.. I bought it and NOTHING!!! After a week I was panicking!

Desperate I found this website- I used a combination of Absorbine Jr and Tinactin DRY jock itch spray (friend suggestion). I was helping with a construction job this summer so between the sweat, dirt, and sawdust I always stayed wet- so wrapping my finger was out of the question. And my skin just hurt.

I began to treat myself 2 to 4 times a day--I really enjoyed the Absorbine Jr burn- I pressed cotton balls of it on my ringworm. (I did not contaminate the bottle)- I would let it dry and spray on a thick cool layer of Tinactin- at night I would use fresh guaze... so my bed would not be contaminated, and washed my sheets every other day.

It is about 6 weeks since I began and I have a tiny patch on the web between my fingers- My leg is discolored where it was but no longer burns...

I have gone through 3 bottles of Absorbine and 2 Tinactin. I am going to continue it for at least another bottle and can of each.... Because I never want to go through that again! Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Copper Penny
Posted by Gardengirl (Gallatin, Tn) on 03/17/2012

I just wanted to share my cure for ringworms. Years back, I got a ringworm on the top of my hand and went to the doctor and got a lot of medicine. After about 2 more weeks, medicine wasn't helping, called my mother and she told me to take a penny and put it in Apple Cider Vinegar for about 1 day then put it on my hand about 2or3min. Put it back in Apple Cider Vinegar and repeat. I did that 4 times a day and the 3 day it was gone. I really think the vinegar releases the copper in the penny. Guess you need to use a old penny so you will get enough copper. Try it, it works!!!

Menthol and Wormwood Oil
Posted by Marvin (Kingstree, SC) on 03/23/2009

I just came down with some ringworm spots around my armpits about a week ago after not having it for about 10 years. I tried alcohol, peroxide, tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar and none of them did anything. It actually spread when I used some lamisil antifungal cream. It started to itch like crazy yesterday and I had to do something quick so I bought some Absorbine Jr from CVS for $9.84. I bought it this morning and put a qucik dab of it on each ringworm spot and it burned like h#$* for the first couple of seconds but then the itching soon stopped. It's been about 5 hours since then and I can see the difference already! It hasn't itched since I put it on and it is already clearing up! This thing is really working. Anyone with ringworm must use this!!

Green Walnut Juice
Posted by Mark (Tulsa, OK) on 09/22/2008

When I was a kid and got ringworm my Grandfather told me to go get a green walnut off of the tree that we had in our back yard. He cut the walnut and told me to rub the black juice on the ringworm. I did this one time and the ringworm disappeared and never came back. This is an ancient remedy that originated in the european country of wales and was passed down to my grandfather from his dad. My cat recently acquired ringworm but I no longer live in my childhood home in the country that had the walnut tree out back so I went to the health food store and got some walnut extract which is diluted with 50% alcohol. It is working, after 3 or 4 applications but it's still not as good as the green walnut juice. It cured the ringworm with one application.

Menthol and Wormwood Oil
Posted by Elaine (Lubbock, TX) on 08/10/2007

I have used Absorbine Jr.for years to kill ringworms. Usually only one application does the trick. I think the longest time frame that it has ever taken to get rid of a ringworm has been about 24 hours. This remedy was passed to me by my mother who used it for years on the cat and me. When the cat would get a ringworm, if he saw the bottle of Absorbine Jr. coming, oh my stars and garters, the kitty cat rodeo was on. But to no avail my mother would win, the cat would get treated, and the ringworm would die.

Nu Skin Liquid Bandage
Posted by Liz (NC) on 08/26/2006

My roomate and I both got ringworm from a stray cat. We tried all the creams (both prescription and drugstore brands), and hydrogen peroxide (which I assume, does the same as ACV = dries it out). Nothing was working. In fact, it was even spreading. I then was told to used the liquid bandaids. I chose the spray on one because you don't have to touch the infection. It does the same thing nailpolish is supposed to do (suffocates it), however it doesn't crack off. I just kept reapplying the bandaid, and tried not to rub it off after the shower. My ringworm dissapeared in no time at all. I must say that even though I was careful about not touching it, my roomate didn't use the bandaid and her's came back several times. Mine did not come back at all.

Rubbing Alcohol, Clotrimazole Cream
Posted by Lin (Haverhill, MA) on 05/10/2022

I treated my ringworm with rubbing alcohol and clotrimazole cream and it cleared up in about two weeks. I tried cleaning the area before applying the cream with hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil, then apple cider vinegar, but the rubbing alcohol seems to have been effective. After cleaning, I'd put a glob of the cream and cover it for 48 hours with a waterproof bandage (the Nexcare Max Hold Waterproof bandages are great), repeated for a few weeks and it's almost completely cleared up. Also tried the clear nail polish for a few days, to no avail.

Nail Polish
Posted by KT (Usa) on 07/17/2017

Dear Alex,

When our daughter picked up ringworm I was advised by our nurse practitioner that ringworm is the same fungus as ladies' yeast infections. Get some Miconazole Nitrate and try that.


Nail Polish
Posted by Alex (Latin America) on 09/30/2017

KT, I sincerely appreciate it that you took the time to offer me advice.

I tried the Miconazole and, unfortunately, it didn't work.

I've been using undecilenic acid + zinc for almost two years (I know, I shouldn't be using it so long) to keep it “under control”, meaning that the infection is there but it doesn't spread.

After I started using the Miconazole Nitrate, I obviously stopped with the other one, that's when the infection spread, and within two days it covered my whole wrist as well as part of my arm.

So I went back to the undecilenic cream, and now it's back to “normal"; it's not visible, but the moment I stop applying it, it grows back.

I'm of course sad that it didn't work, but at least I tried.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Cured (Missouri ) on 07/05/2016

I suffered for 2 full years with ringworm infections and I tried many of the remedies on this site and found some temporary relief from itching but they never went really away. I hope I can help someone. What gave me full relief and healing was this:

- Quit having regular sugar, replaced with stevia in my drinks and meals

- Diminish intake of flour

- Bought me a good fruit extractor (Nutribullet) and had about 16 ozs of vegetable juice twice a day morning and before going to bed. (carrots, whole lime/lemon, celery, ginger, water) . I did try it sometimes with beets and spinach but they had those ingredients for the most part.

- For the itching I used " Blue Star " ointment.

After about 2-3 weeks I started seeing great results until they completely dissapeared.

For maintenance I kept the juices only once a day, every night right before going to bed.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Healwithn8ture (Katy, Texas) on 02/01/2016

I had a ringworm on my left thumb that was super itchy. I tried apple cider vinegar for a few days & it was working, but not as fast as I wanted it to work. It stopped the itch, but an hour later the itch would come back with a vengeance. I heard about "Oregano Oil" so I grabbed a band-aid & I applied 3-4 drops of oregano oil to the band-aid and I placed the ban-aid on the ringworm. I would do this in the morning & I would leave the band-aid on for 6-8 hours a day and in the evening I would remove the band-aid & re-apply a new one with 3-4 drops of "Oregano Oil" again. I did this for 3 days & the ringworm went away.

(**WARNING** It will burn your skin a little bit, but it actually felt good because of the itch.)

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Lady Mars (Lithia, Fl) on 04/10/2015

Hi, I live in hot and humid Florida so every now and then get a touch of athlete's foot or other form of ringworm. Have tried many things over the years, with aloe vera being one of the best at relieving the itch but so-so at curing it completely. Decided to try rubbing alcohol since that was the highest rated remedy on EC. Just rub it on a couple times a day. Cures the itching quickly and dries it up. Works the best of anything I've ever tried.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Anonymous (Mississauga, On) on 06/17/2013

I got a ringworm spot, I believe from a used clothing store. Initially I thought it's psoriasis I suffer from, but it was developing tiny liquid pustules and a dark pink redish ring, well defined round shape and was increasing in size daily.

What I used to treat it was a combination of natural remedies iodine 5%, some VCO, 3 garlic heads taken internally for 3 days, but what I think worked the best was hydrogen peroxide 3%; I freak out a bit after couple of days, painted Iodine and Virgin Coconut Oil was not helping much so I taped over it a face cotton pad with H2o2 overnight which was incredible itchy and painful at the same time but you could see the spot was drying completely.

Menthol and Wormwood Oil
Posted by Pj (Pasco, Wa) on 08/31/2012

One vicious ringworm infection, three months & three trips to the doctor, including one emergency room visit; a near break-up from my fiance because I was convinced his dirty bathroom gave me the fungus to begin with so I gave him a serious dressing-down. Two-thousand-dollars worth of useless doctors & their useless medicine and the infection was spreading to over one-third of my body. It was a gram positive Ringworm fungal infection that simply wouldn't die. ALL forms of treatment, including tea-tree, bleach, alcohol, OTC creams, cortisone and a host of prescriptions did not work. And to think the ringworm started as little dime-sized circles! I was ready to dip my body in nuclear acid if it would help. Then one day, I was crying about it and skulking around on the web for natural solutions. God smiled on me that day. I stumbled across Earth Clinic and the Absorbine cure. Of course I ran out an bought some right away. It burned like a #@! And I thought the pain would kill me. But low and behold... Within 4 hours... Yes... 4 hours... The angry red infection subsided at least 50%. The next day, it was even better. This is day 2 and ALL of the infection is responding nicely. It is putting up a fight, but it's losing. OMG!! Thanks to everyone who posted the Absorbine cure info!!! Words can't express how grateful I am. When I see clear skin, I shall weep with joy!! (p. S. My fiance and I made up. And he cleans his bathroom much better now)

Menthol and Wormwood Oil
Posted by Tina (Utica, Ny) on 05/14/2012


DO NOT rub absorbane jr over large amounts of your body! A teenage died from doing that! Your skin absorbs it and you overdose and DIE!!!! Look up info on it for yourself.

Menthol and Wormwood Oil
Posted by Itchy (Howell, Nj) on 08/15/2012

I replied on 8/9 to the warning post.

Since 8/9 I put it absorbine on 4 times a day... They forgot a few times here and there.... It actually got a little worse for a few days... Then... As of Today it is clearly going away. I dont own stock in absorbine... Lol..... As your skin scabs over and you wash dead skin off gently in the shower or bath... You will feel some intence pain when applying it.... I should have taken pictures. I will update once 1oo% .. So less than one week massive improvement. After taking steroids orally and topically... And keflex... And another antibiotic.... bleach baths and oatmeal baths.

3! Trips to the doctor... 1 to the emergency room because I was out of state. 3 months later this is the only thing that has worked...


Posted by Hawaiian_nut (Honolulu, Hi, Usa) on 01/15/2012

I had a small outbreak of ringworm after working at a feral cat sanctuary after only 1 day, needless to say that the fungus is highly contagious.. Anyhow, the woman at the sanctuary told me she was applying coconut oil to the cats to treat the ringworm.

When I had it, I started to apply the coconut oil. Next day, it got bigger. Tried it again, and again it got bigger. My sister recommended putting iodine, it didn't make it go away, but also didn't make it get bigger. I started thinking to myself.. ok, fungi like moisture, no wonder the oil is making it spread, the iodine doesn't quite dry it out, so what dries things out...salt!

I took a bottle cap that was roughly the same size as the ringworm, filled it with salt, and put just enough warm water to melt it into a pasty liquid form, I then stuck the whole lid onto the ringworm and let the salt paste soak into it for 5-10 minues (can tape it on so it doesnt move). Then I took it off, let it dry, and reapplied it later, few times a day. The fungus dried up in 2-3 days and was completely gone, though the new skin needed a week or so to heal the pigmentation.

Clear Nail Polish
Posted by Diamond (St Ann, Jamaica) on 09/11/2013

Clear Nail Polish really works miracle for ringworm, saw some testimonies and tried it and I was surprised. It really work.

Posted by Stella (Provience, Ri) on 02/08/2011

I have had a ringworm infection for about 4 months. I had big patches on either side of my waist and arm. I have used Absobine solution, Gris-peg as prescribed by a medical doctor (this made it worse) the Absobine solution was very painful the itch was relieved temporarily(I wouldn't advice this one because it just hurts for nothing). I even tried the antifungal cream which made it even worse. It looks like the strain I had was a very persist one so I decided to use bleach(straight) out of desperation! It was very painful! (I wouldn't advice you to use it this way either) the itch stopped and I stopped using it after a day or two. The itch and the ringworm patches ressurected with a vegence so I decided a different approach that has given me the best results which you can take to the bank!

I decided to dilute the bleach and it worked beautifully for me. I decided to take a disposable cup(medium) almost filled and put close to 2-3 Table spoons of bleach and used a wash cloth to apply and rub on the affected area. The itch was controlled and the ring worm dried out and the rough skin has been restored to smooth skin. I have been applying Vitamin E oil or cocnut oil or any kind of oil to keep the dry skin from itching after a series of application. I have also been using a brush to brush the area to help the skin heal faster by increasing circulation and it is very smooth and the scars are almost gone. Thanks to this Website and persistance. I have used the diluted bleach treatment like twice-three times a day for and two-3weeks and I can say I'm almost over this frightening attack. Hope you find this helpful. I can sleep with not problem of the annoying itch again! Thanks be to God!

Fig Tree Sap
Posted by Vcanfield (San Antonio, Tx, Usa) on 03/03/2010


Warning on fig tree sap for Ringworm!

The sap is caustic and will burn the skin. We have a fig tree and I have to use gloves when I harvest figs or my hands will get terrible chemical-like burns. Fig sap is a natural cure for burning warts off, so putting it on the skin that is already inflamed is cruel and abusive.

Please do not use this method on your animals. There are other, kinder methods to turn to.

Posted by Smith (San Francisco, California, Usa) on 10/08/2009

A year ago I came to this site to find a remedy for ringworm. I had gone through an number of over the counter products, which seemed to spread the fungus instead of stopping it. It had developed because of taking prescription medication with fluoride base. Yes I was poisoning myself with a doctor's help.

I tried Apple Cider Vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and urine to no avail. By the time I found Borax at WalMart, the fungus had spread all over my hands and I had begun to worry that I would be spreading it everywhere on my body. Plus my hands were cracked and bleeding, blistering and peeling, and the itching was endless.

So I started on Ted's recommended dose of 1/8 tsp in a liter of water and drank it slowly over a few hours. This worked within the first few days so well that I didn't want to stop after a few days to take a break, but I did. Within a months time the ringworm had completely vanished and the only thing left was the tiny pits in my fingernails where the fungus had affected the growth of the new nail.

Once my nails were not pitted anymore I stopped taking the borax supplement.

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