Top Natural Remedies for Peripheral Neuropathy: Dosages & Benefits

Posted by Selena (Chula, Ga) on 02/16/2010

I have raynaud's syndrome where circulation is lost in my fingers and toes sometimes for a few minutes and sometimes for longer. the other day I had an episode with my pointer finger where it was white and cold from half my finger to the tip and I decided to try cayenne pepper. i mixed the cayenne pepper from my spice rack with some vco (any oil would probably have worked). my circulation started back quickly. This is the first time I have tried this. maybe it would help you as well....Be sure not to get it in your eyes and wash your hands good afterwards...because it will burn any cuts or sensitive areas you might have. I have also read that taking any type of blood pressure pills and/or mineral deficiencies cause neurapathies...

Posted by Mike (New York City, New York) on 02/09/2009

I have been taking Acetyl-L-Carnetine for a couple years to combat my peripheral neuropathy. It has been recommended by a neurologist in New York. My feet are progressively doing worse but I don't know how much worse they would be without it. I also take Alpha Lypoic Acid. I take about 3000mg of Acetyl-L-Carnetine a day. I am looking for whatever works. I have the neuropathy through anti-hiv meds and possible from the virus itself.

Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 11/07/2017

Hi Soazburrolady, Interesting to read your post. I've used a similar shotgun approach with much success and have achieved a 90% reduction in pain. I take B1-200mg/day, B6-200mg/day, B50-200mg/day, B12-10000mg/day, R+ALA-400mg/day, NAL-Carnite-1500mg/day and last but not least, Serrapeptase-960000SU/day. If you scroll way down you'll see where I've started a thread on Serrapeptase. Youtube has lots of info.on this.

Posted by Andrea (Springfield Missouri ) on 12/13/2022

Have you ever or anyone reading this ever tried serrapeptase for neuropathy? It's a supplement. You can get it on Amazon. I read it's supposed to heal damaged nerves. So I'm wondering if it will heal neuropathy nerves in the feet and legs caused by diabetic peripheral neuropathy. I'm thinking about buying some for my fiance as he has severe and very painful neuropathy. He says it feels like someone is trying to put a fistful of lit cigars on his feet, and it gets to be so painful that he often cries from the pain because there is nothing he can do to stop the crazy burning and he says on a pain scale from 1 to 10 his pain is at a 9 or 10 and sometimes a 12 which is off the scale. There's also a neuropathy cream made by a company called Nuturna and you can find the company if you just Google Nuturna. My fiance gets a little relief from it, but maybe someone that doesn't have neuropathy as bad as he does could get more relief from it. Maybe these things will help someone out there who has neuropathy. Good luck and best wishes for healing health to all.

Posted by Florencia (CA) on 12/30/2023

Grounding helps my leg and hip pain, I use mat and grounding bed sheets I use it for my insomnia and it's very effective, sleep well thru the night. I noticed leg pain that's been bothering me for 4 years gone!

Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 10/03/2017

Serrapeptase For Peripheral Neuropathy

Serrapeptase is a relatively new treatment utilising an enzyme to remove non-living cells. This has a dramatic effect on reducing pain and inflammation. It has been used successfully in Europe for thirty years but is just becoming known in North America.

I have started with 120,000 SU (2 capsules) - twice a day and plan to gradually increase the dosage after watching several clips on youtube. I would be interested in hearing about any experiences by members who have tried it.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Roxicross (Uk) on 06/11/2015

I have been using coconut oil on nerve pain due to diabetes, I also suffer from peripheral neruopathy in lower leg. Applying pure coconut oil has really made my skin smooth, it used to be blotchy, red and scaly. My doctor gave me couple of creams but that did not help at all, so I tried coconut oil and it has worked, it also helps me with burning in the sole of my foot, it does not go away but it certainly helps with burning. I prefer the oil instead of popping pills which do more harm than good.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 12/14/2017

Update: I have now increased the ALA to 800mg/day.

Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 10/14/2013

Magnesium glycinate will not cause diarrhea. Also it is easier for the body to absorb.

Evening Primrose Oil
Posted by Diane (Framingham, Ma) on 02/26/2013

I also would like whatever info on evening primrose oil as I have tried everything on this site and every other site for peripheral neuropathy... I have spent close to $10,000.00 on accupuncture, micro current therapy, IV alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C , etc. etc. and am worse! I have trouble walking up stairs and have terrible pain, hot needles, electric shocks, everywhere all day and night long...

Posted by Rosemary (White Rock, Bc, Canada) on 03/08/2012

Hello Paula, I've used the Borax remedy as a last ditch attempt to cure my aching hands, arches and metatarsalalgia.. It made a noticeable difference within 10 days and I am pain free after 2 months. Your neuropathy and foot problem sounds like a vitamin 12 deficiency I had. I had numb hands as well.. The B12 twice a day helped in literally days to relieve symproms. I had 6 of the 7 symproms listed.

Posted by Robert (Manhattan, New York) on 02/10/2009

Hi Mike you may try seeking the help of Qingcai Zhang, M.D. He has a long history in treating chronic viral diseases with modern Chinese herbal medicine and is based (I believe) in NYC.

Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 12/14/2017

Hi Art,

Sorry, I meant to say B12 - 10,000mcg not mg.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Posted by Kildonon (Ohio) on 06/08/2023

It turns out I am allergic to ALA, I have tried several brands and it appears to be the actual Alpha Lipoic Acid and not an additional ingredient (such as an anti caking agent). I had swelling in arms and legs and breathing trouble similar to when I have an asthma attack. If you decide to try it, please be careful.

Posted by Peter (CA) on 12/28/2023

I hope your husband is feeling better. Aside from a myriad number of supplements I just started using red light therapy for my peripheral neuropathy. I've only been using it for a week so I can say conclusively that's it remedied my pain but I believe it's helping. Need to keep using it for several weeks before I can comment more confidently. Check it out.

Multiple Supplements
Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 09/26/2017

I would just like to add a note since my previous post. Although I have experienced much improvement following the protocol previously mentioned I am still looking for something better as I still experience some flareups. I've spent a lot of time watching Youtube in search of the 100% cure but it seems to be elusive. I tried baking soda and ACV but it didn't seem to make a difference. Then I heard that cassian cinnamon would do the trick, then it was benfotiamine that was declared to be the holly grail. In conclusion I think that the best we can do is to stick to the most popular cures mentioned on this site. I am currently holding out hope that ALA will deliver on it's promise to promote nerve healing in the long term. Best wishes to everyone.

Coconut Oil and Chinese Herbs
Posted by Faith (Oregon) on 04/03/2014

Fluttering heart can be caused from hormonal imbalance , endocrinology issues, parasites , allergic reactions to food, ( I would stop wheat for sure ) pollen, plants, pets, hidden mold etc. oh yeah, tea bag, coffee bags or filters might have chemicals. This sent a friend to the ER; took? months to figure it out, vitamin deficiencies, viral bacterial infection. and just stress, caffeine or course hidden dental infections. I had PVC; the cardiologist gave me something Metrophale something I was so sick - migraine sick vomiting.? Ditched the cardiologist and found a great Chinese Medicine doctor First week of taking Chinese herbs I felt so much better , and then I also started taking organic virgin coconut oil harvested from FRESH coconuts. This is key so there are no mycotoxins. I now feel dramatically better.

Supplements, Saturated Fats
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/21/2014

Hi Betsy...I would perhaps add Alpha Lipoic Acid(300 mgs twice a day at meals) Selenium(200mcg twice a day at meals) and acetyl Carnitine (500 mgs twice a day at meals) to your protocol. Adding a teaspoon of granulated lecithin(not the oil) twice a day before meals and taking B50 vitamins every day might also help you here.

I would also continue with your serrapeptase and MSM remedies as these will also be beneficial. I now cook all my own food in coconut oil(saturated fat) because I've been very impressed with its anti-pathogenic effects and it has also helped me to lose weight.

Unfortunately, since the neuropathy you have is most likely to be caused by the Hep C, then it might also benefit you to follow Oscar's simple BHT remedy against Hep C. Your low BP problems may also be as a result of your liver problems.

Supplements, Transdermal Magnesium, Turmeric
Posted by Lily (Kelowna,bc) on 10/31/2013

I have been taking alpha lipoic acid, acetyl-L-carnitine, sublingual liquid Vit. B12 and omega 3's for about 10 months. I found the combination helped lots but I still had symptoms. My neurologist told me to add MAGNESIUM . After lots of research I bought a transdermal gel magnesium that I apply to my feet and lower legs morning and night.That helped more. Magnesium is best absorbed through the skin. I also take a dose or two of the effervscent magnesium each day. NOW I have added turmeric capsules 3 times daily and wow lots of relief .I have been adding turmeric powder to as many foods as are suitable too. Research says that if you eat something with black pepper when you take the turmeric it boosts the power of the turmeric.

Posted by Karen (Tampa,fl.) on 08/30/2013

Tinydancer, Is it at all possible to give me the brand name of the patches you use? I have spent a lot of money making mistakes with supplements that either didn't work or were overhyped to sell and they failed... I don't know how to do this but I'll even give you my e mail address. I know people have posted brand names sometimes. I think they would be OK with it. But do keep in contact.. I would eat rocks to get rid of my cramps.. I do not have a life for the last 2 years.. It's 24/7 pain.. Thank you for reading.

Posted by Tinydancer (Ohio, Usa) on 08/30/2013

Karen from Tampa: By the time that I went to the doctor I had already been to a hand therapist and had taken B12 in pill form and did not have any results. I even got B12 shots that cost me 38.00 a piece and it did not help me. I had purchased the book "Could it be B12" and I had all the key things in my life that could cause a body to be low in B12. I had my doctor check my B12 and the results came back that my B12 was high and not deficient, but I had already supplemented with the pills. From what I have read is that the blood can show that the B12 range is normal while there is deficiency in the cells. I happen to see a webinar for B12 patches and I ordered some that day. I was desperate...... The pain was so intense and I could feel the tingling starting in my feet. I found that this worked for me and I hope it helps you. I know that everyone will not get the same results, don't give up and also pay attention to the magnesium in your diet. Do you eat enough foods that have magnesium or should you supplement?

And yes, I get my patches from Dr D....


Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/05/2013

To Tiny Dancer:

On neuropathy, google "Calcium AEP diabetes" and "acetyl l carnitine diabetic neuropathy" and you should find what these substances do to help the condition. Especially Cal AEP works wonders for the pain you're experiencing. You may not have diabetic neuropathy but it helps on the cellular level restore electrical interaction and helps maintain cellular health. Also google an article "calcium aep nutrition review" and you'll be amazed at the many other things Cal aep can do.

Posted by Nina (Massachusetts) on 08/13/2013

Will MSM help with peripheral neuropathy pain. I have it in my feet, calves, thighs and arms and hands and even get electrical shots in my torso in the middle of the night and on my fingers. I even got one in my eye. It seems to be getting worse.. Thank you for reading...

Posted by Karen (Tampa, Fl) on 07/23/2013

Bill from Philippines. Looking for a suggestion on which magnesium to take for peripheral neuropathy. I have been taking magnesium malate (280 mgs 3/day) and magnesium chloride (520 mgs 3/day) together with no results with my horrendous calf cramping 2 years worth and counting... I just started taking magnesium citrate 200mg 2/day and think it is giving me diarrhea. I still take the mag malate.

I don't take any calcium. Should I?? and and if so what kind... I'm so confused about forms of different vitamins to take. There are so many... Thank you. I've also been through acupuncture (twice) and physical therapy and got nowhere... Except lost a lot of money. I get cramps 24/7 all over my calves and feet and now my leg biceps.

Posted by Yogi (Ohio) on 10/11/2013

My doctor suggest 400 mg of Magnesium Oxide and Calcium to prevent leg cramps -diarrhea can be a result of the magnesium.

Posted by Lily (Kelowna,bc) on 10/31/2013

Buy magnesium oil in the gel type and rub it on your feet and legs. Magnesium is absorbed well transdermally and no loose bowels . Wonderful stuff. You can also buy it as a spray but I find that I like the gel better.

Posted by Jan (Australia) on 07/21/2017

Do not take magnesium oxide; absorption is terrible and magnesium citrate in large doses causes diarrohea/leaching your body minderals. Take Magnesium orotate and calcium orotate. Also foods high in magnesium and calcium - leafy greens also organic cocao. Your diet should be as organic as possible with lots of vegs and fruits though it will still take some time for your body to correct itself. Good luck

Electromyography for Peripheral Neuropathy
Posted by Cheryl (Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.) on 07/13/2013

I had it done and refused to complete the test. It is extremely painful.

Gingko Biloba
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/24/2013

Hi Diane... Gingko Biloba, cayenne and tumeric will certainly help to open up the blood vessels.

But the strategy that I would use for your Hep C as well as your neuropathy problems would be a combination of Magnesium supplementation (250 mgs twice a day), Alpha Lipoic acid(300 mgs twice a day), Milk Thistle (1000 mgs) twice a day and selenium (200 mcgs twice a day). These supplements should be taken at lunch and dinnertime. These strategies will help to repair the nerves and help to clear the blood of toxins caused by an insufficient liver due to the Hep C. See the Berkson Triple Anti-oxidant Liver Protocol given at this link. Dr Berkson has been highly successful with this combination protocol -- to help cure diseases like Hep C, pancreatic cancer and liver cancer. ALA does much more than just heal nerves. If you want to read about the wide beneficial effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid -- you could do no better than read Dr Berkson's book -- The Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough.

I would also advise that you take B50 complex once a day with higher dose niacin(not niacinamide) at 500 mgs twice a day at mealtimes. The higher dose niacin (flush form) opens up the blood vessels(causing the niacin flush), thereby helping to transport essential nutrients efficiently to all areas the body where they are most needed -- to the nerves at the peripherals of your body -- ie the head, hands and feet. From the research -- taking higher dose niacin in this manner also increases immune system strength by a factor of 2000.

I would also include organic Chanca Piedra in your protocols -- 500 mgs twice a day or just drink the tea form if you can get it. This will further help to purify the blood by reducing excess levels of toxins, lipids, sugars and also helps to lower blood pressure. From the research, Chanca Pedra also kills the Hep B virus which can also be involved (undetected) with and greatly aggravate Hep C infections.

Gingko Biloba
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/25/2013

Hi Mary.... I can't really see a problem with taking ALA with mercury fillings. Personally, I think the arguments for not taking ALA verge on the ridiculous. Here are my arguments pro-ALA supplementation:

If you don't take ALA then the mercury in your fillings will still vaporize and still go down your throat and be stored as a heavy metal in your body anyway.

Is that beneficial to the body?

If you take ALA then, yes, its certainly possible that the mercury could be redistrubuted throughout your body but some of it will also be removed and excreted.

What about the other benefits of ALA?

  • ALA is a super-antioxidant that is both water soluble and fat souble -- this means it can act in both fat and aqueous mediums as an anti-oxidant throughout the body. ALA, as an antioxidant, leaves vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamn E at the post -- these two only act as anti-oxidants in aqueous and fat mediums respectively.
  • ALA regenerates used up Vitamin A, C, D, E in the liver and also regenerates used up glutathione and CoQ10.
  • The reduced ALA form -- dihydrolipoic acid or DHLA -- also has benefcial action in the body -- mainly used to regenerate used up vitamins.
  • Both ALA and DHLA also act to extinguish a large range of dangerous free radicals in the body -- hydroxyl radicals, superoxide radicals, hypochlorous acid, peroxyl radical and singlet oxygen. Hence ALA's anti-aging effect.
  • ALA is found in high amounts in young people. These levels reduce considerably at old age. The body needs ALA for anti-aging.
  • ALA is a magnificent poison detoxer of the body, particularly useful against deadly fungal afloitoxins and mycotoxins and particularly useful against poisonous mushrooms.
  • ALA heals neuropathy problems and helps to heal the liver and pancreas due to its anti-oxidant action.
  • ALA chelates heavy metals from fat deposits and from aqueous mediums such as blood and tissue.
  • Supplementing ALA discourages cancer forming in the body.
  • ALA removes and reduces sugar in the blood. Very helpful for diabetes and other chronic problems.
  • Dr Berkson has been using ALA, Selenium and Milk Thistle for many years to help cure Hepatitis C, liver cancers and pancreatic cancers.

Source: The ALA Breakthrough by Dr B Berkson.

I think, perhaps, supplementing ALA has clinched it here since supplementing mercury -- by way of fillings -- will do nothing but extreme harm for the body over time.

And if you want to ensure protection against re-absorbtion of mercury then just supplement Chlorella and eat raw cilantro two or three times a week as a salad. This protocol rapidly removes mercury and other heavy metals from the body (without danger of re-distribution or re-absorption) and also protects against re-absorption of heavy metals from the colon.

Gingko Biloba
Posted by Hilary (Oregon) on 05/20/2015

Diane, I came here to browse but saw your post and have to reply. I was able to turn around rapidly progressing PR in both my legs and arms caused by antibiotics about three years ago. It required extreme diligence. I cannot list everything I did, but the general areas were:

1. Absolute anti-inflammatory diet--but including raw eggs for the fatty acids in the egg yolks.

2. I kept my feet warm all the time. I kept my feet on a hot pad when I sat and worked. I wore socks with a sewn-on pocket at the toes, and inserted hand warmers. These stay warm about 10 hours. You can find these socks and warmers online. Any time I allowed my feet to get cold, I noticed a regression in the NP.

3. I took all the supplements recommended on this site, except ALA, as I was cautious regarding heavy metals and heeded the warnings of Cutler.

4. Metal detox. I did a few rounds of the Cutler protocol, and it was powerful, but products based on seaweed and modified citrus pectin are ideal as well. This is important as the metals inflame the nerves in our extremities.

5. Rebuilder. This is a machine like a tens machine, but it is supposed to have a pulse that stimulates the nerves. I used this religiously and it helped a lot.

6. Comfortable shoes. In my case, I found that flat and wide shoes were best. Any shoe that constricted even slightly, or slanted forward so that more pressure was one my toes, were catastrophic.

7. Swimming. The rhythmic motion and circulation helps, I was surprised by how much.

8. Visualization. I would mentally circle down through my legs and send my mind into the areas that were numb, encouraging them to come back online. I did this each day, especially before sleep.

I did many more things. One thing I learned on this site is the very basic combination of B6, methyl B12, and fish oil to help the nerves re-myelinate. Everything else is on top of that. If you can afford nothing else, at least do this.

Today, my NP is about 95% better. Don't give up, do the research and be diligent.

Evening Primrose Oil
Posted by Kate (PA) on 11/17/2021

I am grateful for this info as I too am trying to find relief from PN and have tried all that you mentioned with little relief. A chiro tried to sell an 8,000 pkg to me including a Tens unit and Low Level Light therapy therapeutics.

Posted by Paula (Bucyrus, Mo) on 03/04/2012

I was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis & Dr. tells me I also have peripheral neuropathy which has gotten progressively worse over last 2 yrs. Started as just a numb/tingling like feeling and increased to burning to finally shooting pains particularly in my left foot across top of foot. One can actually see the veins in my feet puff up... Only way I can describe. Doc has me on gabapentin 300 mg 3 times daily. He said I was "pretty much maxed out on this med" but has advised no changes.

I have 20 mule team Borax setting in my laundry room & have been reading for hours the pros and cons of this. Does anyone have any idea if this would help my feet. I want to take back control of my health as I don't feel the Dr. Is doing anything other than giving me a drug that treats the symptoms but does not heal. Thank you.

Posted by Paula (Bucyrus, Mo) on 03/12/2012

Hello Rosemary, I started the Borax today... Noticed no taste while drinking mixed in 1/8th teaspoon in 1 liter of water. No aftertaste. Toughest part was getting a liter of water down over the course of the morning/early afternoon. I know I should drink more water, so if nothing else happens, at least I know it's good for me.

I have been tested for B-12 deficiency, it was negative.. I do take a B-complex. I was low in D-3 but that has been taken care of.

I just hate this neurontin I am on... It just covers up the pain somewhat, does nothing to heal. I feel it has grown worse over time and now that I have cut down to just 1 tablet (300mg) the pain is not only in feet but calves are numb & it is getting harder to walk.

Thank you for your reply. Will be following this thread. Welcome anyone's sugesstions.. it not only hurts, it makes me extremely nervous...

Posted by Alan (Mexico) on 07/10/2021

Use better methylcobalamine sublingual😀

Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Posted by Courtney (Granite Bay, Ca) on 01/14/2012

Neuropathy - have you tried Alpha Lipoic Acid supplements? It completely cured the neuropathy in my feet. I remain amazed at how well it worked.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, USA) on 05/11/2013 2063 posts

Lynn: Given the severity of your condition I would go ahead and take both the Carnitine and ALA but at separate times and as recommended on labels. If in a few weeks you don't experience any positive changes up the dose.

Also, I read an article that proved Growth Hormone can actually re-grow nerve endings. Nothing significant like to heal a spinal cord injury, but enough to relieve neuropathy. To boost Growth Hormone and prevent the "over-firing" of nerves, take 1 grm Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) before retiring.

Also, Lipid Replacement Therapy is currently showing very good results in chronic illnesses and general damaging conditions where the body isn't capable of proper regeneration.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids which are found in Fish Oil, Flax Oil, Chia Seeds/Oil, and Walnuts/Oil are critical for healing to occur anywhere in the human body. Omega 3's stimulate many different "healing pathways" in the body. Vit-E (full spectrum) is recommended to help protect the delicate Omega 3's.

Zinc, a mineral commonly deficient in the western diet, is also critical for healing to occur in the body. Burn victims, for example, have many times greater survival rates if given therapeutic doses of Zinc. Pumpkin Seeds and cooked or raw liver is the only significant dietary source of Zinc.

Posted by Novella (Lyons, Colorado) on 07/21/2023

For those who, like myself, have the MTHFR genetic mutation, certain substances meet to be methylated. For me, B-12 is one of them, and so is folate. It would be wise for people to see what their genetic status is. One could be wasting money on supplements that do them no good. I now use methylcobalamin and methyl folate.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Maggie (Morris, IL) on 06/06/2024

Hi, my new doctor said that if I cut out sugar (and perhaps grains?) I would not have neuropathy in six months. Guaranteed. I wondered if anyone could confirm that?

Macadamia Nut Oil
Posted by Tom (Livingston, Tx) on 12/21/2022 64 posts

macadamia oil internally for suspected peripheral neuropathy or toenail fungus

Probably 10 years ago, what got rid of numbness and tingling (I assume peripheral neuropathy, PN) in my toes was taking unrefined or virgin macadamia oil.

It took about 2 months and one 16 oz bottle at 1 or 2 measuring tablespoons per day after a meal. Interestingly, my fungal great toenail dropped off or lifted off of the nail bed at the same time the numbness and tingling stopped in my toes. Then the toenail grew in healthy over the next year.

It was the NOW brand 16 oz unrefined macadamia oil, but NOW discontinued the product at the time.

So I now take PipingRock's 16 oz virgin macadamia oil or the Carlyle 16 oz virgin 3 bottle pack through Amazon.

However, the fungal toenail came back recently, so I have restarted taking the macadamia oil internally with good results. I take a flatware tablespoon of the oil, which is about a half measuring tablespoon, every 6 hours or 4 times per day. So that is about 2 measuring tablespoons per day, which is 1 oz per day. So I take it (plus or minus 2 hours) at 6 AM, 12 PM, 6 PM and 12 AM.

Macadamia oil is the highest food source for palmitoleic acid, at about 18%. Palmitoleic acid is antimicrobial, so that is what I think extinguished my fungal toenail and PN.

The macadamia oil internally also works wonders for some jaw-related pain that I have.

Next I may order a gallon of virgin macadamia oil from in Chicago. That would be 16 pints which, if ordering a gallon, would save about 2/3 of the cost if ordering 16 separate pints.

Or The Sulu on Etsy:

Macadamia Nut Oil
Posted by Maggie (Morris, IL) on 05/07/2024

Wow, if it works, that is a great and simple solution! I just got on this site so maybe that would be a good place to start. Do you remember if you took it once or twice a day the first time you had NP?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Margaret (IL) on 06/03/2024

Thanks for this suggestion :-). I just went to a new doctor and he said to just quit all sugar and grains and I wouldn't have neuropathy. Since I haven't heard anyone else say that, I have been wondering what to do, so it's good to hear that what you did worked. Did you have a blood test that said you were sensitive to gluten or what made you decide to try stopping wheat and milk?

Licorice Extract
Posted by Preston (MA) on 10/07/2022

Put licorice extract on your shingles then wrap a piece of saran wrap around the outbreak then take a one hour nap...shingles will be own personal remedy which works always...

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