Loose Skin Remedies

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, US) on 08/22/2014 461 posts

OK, girls! Just wanted to let everyone know that after being chronically dehydrated (probably for years), then getting sick and quite acutely, critically and nearly fatally dehydrated, and then rehydrating (took almost 2 years!! ) - a lot of the sag of the breast tissue reversed itself.

It was a long time getting rehydrated but something I noticed was that, during the rehydration process, if I let it go for a few days, without buckling down and drinking plain water and taking in some sea salt - CHICKEN NECK! The breasts wouldn't noticeably sag in that short of time (I'm top heavy), but the skin of the neck...crikeys! I hadn't even noticed it, other than people saying I looked like I was getting younger during the rehydration period.

Anyway, just wanted to throw that in there and that I'm a firm believer in "Dr. Batman" (Batmanghelidj) and The Water Cure.
