Keratosis Pilaris Remedies

Cod Liver Oil
Posted by Jenny (Gotenburg, Sweden) on 10/05/2012

I had the very same problem with my two toddlers as Mommy Of E (Three Rivers, Mi) 08/16/2012.

It went away when I started to give them cod liver oil.

Your daughter could have a vitamin A or K2 deficiency which becomes worsen when the vitamin D levels gets to high during summer. This since they're often used together. You could try giving her more egg yolks, fish and butter or feed her cod liver oil or other suplement. You can read more about the issue if you google Chris Cresser.
Good luck

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dazy (Harwich, Ma) on 05/21/2011

I can't wait to try this. I'm also a believer in mind/body connection. Louise Hay suggests that skin problems are connected to anxiety, fear, old buried guck, being threatened. It is curious that my KP didn't flare up until I entered a new situation in life which provoked fear/anxiety. Looking forward to trying the remedy in conjunction with positive affirmation (and addressing the situation). Will report back on my progress.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julie (Sacramento, CA, USA) on 04/19/2007

I have had keratosis pilaris for many years. I tried apple cider vinegar as suggested and I am amazed at the results. Its only been 4 days and the Keratosis is 80% gone. I also noticed that Im not having spastic colon episodes and for the first time in years I am not needed a sleeping pill to get to sleep. I do have a question if you can kindly answer..Is putting vinegar on food (i.e. popcorn) as helpful as drinking it??

Dietary Changes
Posted by noel (merced, CA) on 02/10/2024

Dietary changes might be best in my opinion. I still have a spot on my scalp but it feels like its getting smaller even though I stray from the diet from times. After watching Dr. Berg video on follicular keratosis, he recommends: Vitamin A (important) vitamin E, D & K also. Have your doctor check your nutrient/vitamin levels. There are also urine tests you can buy on amazon to check urine bile levels. He also goes on about insulin resistance being another suspect. From personal experience in my own health journey, my nutrient deficiencies were caused by fatty liver or liver not functioning 100% which leads to malabsorbtion. Other things that lead to malabsorbtion are low stomach acid and low bile production from sluggish gallbladder which both can be caused by processed foods & low stomach acid. So try to cut all grains and seed/vegetable oils & packaged foods from your diet. Supplement with omega 3 as your ratio may be low. You need to be sure 3 things are functioning optimally: 1. stomach acid/digestion 2. Gallbladder/bile storage & regulation 3. Liver/bile production. if one of these three isnt working right, you will have all kinds of problems from malabsorbtion. In my case ALL THREE organs were drastically underperforming due to my soda pop and beer addictions that gave me fatty liver. I was in bad shape and all the doctors told me was I need to lose weight. I was already 140 pounds dripping wet. I had acid reflux and they gave me pills which just made my stomach acid even lower. One sign of low stomach acid is acid reflux. Most doctors will prescribe antacid for acid reflux and this is the opposite of what is needed for most people. Acid reflux is usually sign of LOW stomach acid. You can rectify this with 3-5 grams Betaine HCL taken ten minutes before mealtime but you really need to get to the core problem of what is causing low stomach acids. If you dont have Betaine HCL you can try drinking a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar prior to eating. if the acid reflux/bloating isn't present, your stomach acid may be fine, then you can look at the gallbladder or liver. If you eat a lot of sugar, carbs, high fructose corn syrup, you can almost guarantee your liver may have fat deposits so stay away from those sweets & carbs. Research foods that stimulate bile flow (beet flow) without causing liver fat. I know you just want to get rid of the acnitic keratosis, but the keratosis in my case was just the tip of the iceberg - a symptom of a more severe underlying health issue that needed to be addressed which cannot resolve if you keep a poor diet. Good luck.

Keratosis Pilaris Triggers
Posted by Kristina (Pittsburgh, Usa) on 08/31/2016


My son has KP on his lower part of arms and upper parts of legs, he is 10 years old, he had this for a long time. I took him to dermatologist and was recommended regular out of the counter moisturizers :/ especially in winter time, when skin gets more dry. But it never went away completely.

Then this year we went on vacation overseas to Armenia, we spent 2 months there. Guess what? All his skin was nice and smooth by the time we got back to the States!

I was shocked! Now my question is maybe local water makes it worse? or the wheat? or dairy?

While on vacation he ate everything fresh and organic, drank water from the faucet which is very good there. Showered with same water. So I do not know what exactly causing this Keratosis pilaris but I am so curious to find out.

Keratosis Pilaris Triggers
Posted by Art (California ) on 08/31/2016 2165 posts

Kristina (Pittsburgh, Usa),

Pittsburgh is at latitude 40.4406 degrees north while Armenia is at latitude 40.0691 degrees north or very slightly closer to the equator, however, Pittsburgh is at an elevation of 738 to 1,204 feet above sea level while Armenia is at an average of over a mile high meaning that it is closer to the equator and the altitude means that you will get significantly higher UVB exposure from the suns rays and consequently higher vitamin D will be produced in the skin from this superior UVB exposure.

According to this article, vitamin D may play a role in controlling Keratosis Pilaris:

This seems like a relatively easy thing to test to determine if vitamin D or lack of is playing a role in your son's KP.


Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil
Posted by N A (Tempe, Arizon) on 08/29/2016


I have a very light case of KP. I tried applying various remedies right onto my skin, but they would just soften the bumps for the day. Exfoliating just made my skin more irritated. I eventually learned about oil pulling and tried with sesame oil. The strong flavor made me gag if I did it after meal (because I didn't have time to do it before the meal). After getting organic, cold-pressed coconut oil, I found that I could oil pull before and after a meal no problem. After about week of daily swishing, I noticed that the bumps in one of my patches were starting to go down. I've been doing this for about a month, if I skip oil pulling for more than two day the bumps start to rise up again.

Vitamin E
Posted by Josey (Oklahoma) on 03/23/2014

A couple of months ago my forehead began feeling like sandpaper and had a redness to it. I tried apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, Vaseline, sesame seed oil and etc. Nothing was working. I even gave up and tried Cortisone cream. Didn't work. I found nothing online that would even tell me what it was, much less the cure. Then I thought to take a Vitamin E capsule and squeeze out half of the capsule and spread it on my forehead each day, and within a week it was gone.

Borage Oil
Posted by Daisy (Auckland, New Zealand) on 09/23/2012

borage oil has been helpful... Think it helps to cut out dairy as well - which I shall be doing. borage oil is GLA (omega 6) if you can't get borage oil, evening primrose oil is also GLA (omega 6).

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rachel (New York, Ny) on 05/16/2012

I don't know if it is the antibacterial or the moisturizing qualities of coconut oil but applying a small amount of it daily to my KP has made it completely disappear! In less than a week, even. I have also had the same success with Jojoba oil, which is why I think it may have to do with moisturizing. However, no lotion has ever given me one drop of relief.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Dale (Fairfield, Ct) on 02/04/2012

After several years of research, I have come into the agreement that keratosis pilaris is primarily the manifestation of chronic autoimmune inflammation or allergic reactions in response to various substances of certain foods. The particular set of causes can differ from person to person. I suggest doing an elimination diet that involves one or more of the following: dairy, soy, grains, wheat, protein. I recommend first reducing your total protein intake, avoiding animal proteins, and restricting the consumption of gluten grains for a good while. At the same time, eat softer foods that are easier to ingest. Do try to detoxify and cleanse a little more as well. If possible, you should definitely seek out doctors that can perform thorough testing for a multitude of sensitivities and intolerances. Finally, see what amount of local food you can obtain or grow yourself. I wish you success.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by K (Denver, Colorado) on 07/16/2010

I think that while detergents may be a minor cause of KP, the winter/summer issue has to do with the exposure to sun. Dermatologists have long known that sun exposure helps minimize the appearance of KP. I think that KP is a result of dietary problems and also our skin care routines. We use harsh soaps which dry out the skin and increase the alkalinity making it more susceptible to bacteria. Then we use all these oil free moisturizers, and so our bodies tell us we need to produce more oil and as a result our bodies produce these little oil plugs in the hair follicles. I have recently started using a combination of 1 part extra virgin olive oil to 1/4 part cold pressed castor oil and massaging it on my upper arms for five to ten minutes before I get in the shower. The olive oil is a carrier oil and moisturizer while the castor oil helps to break up the oil plugging the hair follicles. I then wipe off as much oil as possible with a warm wet washcloth while in the shower. I have stopped using all soaps and instead just use the oil combination. After my shower I apply just a couple of drops of jojoba oil as a moisturizer. My skin all over feels softer and smoother and the feel and appearance of my KP has significantly decreased.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Pip (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/30/2010

I dropped dairy and grains and tried soap without parabens, which helped somewhat, especially avoiding hard cheese. However, after dropping Soy Lecithin from my diet my Keratosis Pilaris has cleared up very well.

Fish Oil Supplements
Posted by Dm (Princeton, Nj Usa) on 04/21/2010

I understand that there are many effective treatments and the natural lifestyle changes are the more effective ones. However, these are all treatments. I would like to officially propose what I currently believe to be the cause of/cure for keratosis pilaris. It seems to make clear sense that laundry detergents and such are the main culprits. If you think about it, just about everyone who wears clothing is constantly exposed to those harsh chemicals that are overused everyday. Why do you think kp is abated in the summer only to return returns in the winter, can appear only almost anywhere on the body, and occurs in places like Ireland and England? I have yet to read a single discussion regarding this chemical calamity of Western society that is hidden in plain sight. Would someone follow up on this?

Fish Oil Supplements
Posted by Ds (Usa) on 02/02/2011

I agree the chemical stuff is not helping, but I think KP is one of the symptoms of overgrowth of yeast (and/or improper fat digestion, since B5 helps) and consequent mites (they like the yeast).

The reason it improves in the summer is because the mites (demodex) don't like light of any kind, especially the healing sun. Also, the sun improves our immune system. And I think a lot of our issues reflect a lack of Vitamin D. We weren't meant to be indoors all day long.

On a metaphysical level, it's almost like we have a subconscious "death wish. " We're living these lives filled with products (so many poisons) and activities that go against LIFE, a natural life. I can't help but see these mites like maggots, eating away at us, like our stress and misery are eating away at us. I believe when we aren't truly happy (consciously and subconsciously), and most of us aren't, we speak to the Universe with a desire to leave this world. And so one way many of us manifest that "wish, " is to get sick--and slowly die, maggot-like bugs eating at us all the while... We look old way before that should be.

So many things we need to change.

Fish Oil Supplements
Posted by Saz (Nuneaton, United Kingdom) on 03/07/2012

I got the same results from using fish oil supplements. I have had KP since I was about 13 and have tried changing washing detergents, a multitude of shower gels and moisturisers. Nothing worked. Then I started taking fish oil for nothing other than its health benefits and found as an added bonus it cleared up my KP!

Witch Hazel
Posted by Amy (Richmond, VA, USA) on 12/01/2008

I was diagnosed with Keratosis Pilaris on my arms many years ago and have tried many remedies to get rid of the pesky bumps. Recently, I have started using plain witch hazel (the cheap stuff from the pharmacy) on my arms. Amazingly, the bumps seem to recede. The redness hasn't really gone away but my smoother arms are a vast improvement. I've read about a mixture of witch hazel, alcohol, and aspirin being used for ingrown hairs so I might try this as well to see if I get any different results. I'll update later on my progress!

Witch Hazel
Posted by Mel (Florida, US) on 09/04/2014

I am 50 years 'young' and have suffered with Keratosis Pilaris since the age of 13. I have been to doctors who prescribed me retinA, which is just not reasonable when the KP covers my arms and legs and the tube of gel/cream is the size of a tube of travel tooth paste, costs $30, and the directions say to apply it 3 times a day. DUMB! I have also been to a doctor who told me that I was just being borderline obsessive compulsive and to just live with it - I wanted to smack that guy in the head. After living with and fighting this condition for 37 years and reading a lot about it on-line this is what I have come to believe.

The condition is caused or triggered or aggravated by different things for different people. There is no cure. Don't give up trying to find something that will work for you to control and manage it.

My daily routine is to wash with Dove soap and exfoliate as I wash. I use a finger nail brush and use circular motions. It is extremely important to keep your skin exfoliated as the keratin plugs will never come out on their own. The exfoliation process takes time and consistency. And you are never done with it, this is a forever thing. I use Amlactin lotion. It's very good at hydration and softening the skin. This is another thing KP skin requires. It took me a long time to find a lotion that did not make my KP whelp up, I just found this one 6 months ago. I have found that the only hair removal system for me is shaving. Any other method leaves the end of the hair too soft, it cannot break through the skin, and then becomes caught up in the KP plug. I also use a microdermabrasion device several times a week. There is a huge difference in the amount of dead skin cells that are removed from the KP areas vs the skin that is not affected by KP. This just shows how KP skin does not shed well on it's own and the follicle will continue to be plugged by the keratin if I don't continually exfoliate.

I thought this was all working well for me as my KP had all but disappeared for the past 2 years BUT this past spring I took a hard look at my diet due to my nails and hair becoming brittle and thin and decided that my protein intake was extremely low. I added Ensure plus protein to my diet and in a matter of 1 1/2 months my KP was back. I researched this and found that there can be a connection between KP and casein. So I switched to a soy protein and in less than 1 month I can see that my KP has settled down. This entire thing really surprised me because up to this point I thought my KP was hormone related, as in it showed up with puberty, it went away while I was pregnant, came back really bad right after I gave birth and was getting better as I approached 50 and maybe menopause. But now I am sure it is at the least aggravated by certain foods.

The next thing that I want to try is a salicylic acid peel. It is supposed to clean out the pores really well. This would be maintenance as there is no cure.

So there is no 'one size fits all' answer for KP. Keep trying, but only try one thing at a time and give that one thing time, like a month, to show if it is working or not.

Posted by Nicole (Melbourne) on 11/17/2015

I went to see a dermatologist overseas while I was on holidays visiting some family. She said that keratosis pilaris will go away with plenty of sun exposure and it will get better with age. My 3 younger cousins have it very bad but every summer they go to the beach and try to get burned (not a good idea) but what I noticed is that their kp was completely gone and they had super soft, super smooth skin.

I also noticed, because I'm so white that after I got burned pretty badly my kp also went away for a little while, it came back once summer was over but it wasn't as bad as the back of my legs that didn't get much sun exposure.

I'm not saying go out and get burned but I have noticed that sun exposure helped me and my cousins a lot with keratosis pilaris.

I've had good results with coconut oil and grape seed oil but nothing as good as my experience with the sun.

Good luck everyone.

Grape Seed Oil
Posted by Nicole (Melbourne) on 03/31/2015

I found a page on facebook where a person found relief from kp with grape seed oil. So I went out and got 100% pure grape seed oil and started to apply it on my skin after the shower everyday before bed (so I don't walk around during the day all greasy) After 5 days of doing this I have noticed a huge improvement. You don't need to be dripping with oil you just need enough to cover your skin. Coconut oil was very helpful with my kp but I noticed a better improvement with grape seed oil.

I will also be doing a coffee scrub to help with my cellulite once or twice a week. I have noticed that coffee scrubs also help my kp but this time I will be mixing the ground coffee with grape seed oil. I use more oil in the mixture to help the coffee grounds stick to my skin, I rub it in for 5 minutes and I leave it on for 20 minutes to help with cellulite. If you don't have cellulite then you can just mix brown sugar with grape seed oil and use that as a scrub.

Grape seed oil has also helped lighten uneven or hyperpigmentation in skin and has also helped people with acne and dark under eye circles (remember you don't need too much of it, maybe only 3 drops for your face).

I've also noticed my kp gets worse when I drink soft drink so I've only been drinking water and tea :)

I wish you all the best of luck with finding a treatment or better yet a cure. Maybe even taking grape seed extract supplements could help but I hear it's a blood thinner so that might not be good for us women if you know what I mean.

It's only been 5 days so I will get back to you and let you know how I go. Thanks for your time. I hope I've helped :)

Grape Seed Oil
Posted by Nicole (Melbourne) on 05/13/2015

Hey Indigo,

I have stopped applying grape seed oil for about 2 weeks now because I keep reading that kp is an essential fatty acid deficiency. I am now trying to take a multivitamin+fish oil + krill oil in one to see if that helps, its been 2 weeks and my skin is softer with lesser bumps, I'll get back to you in another 2 weeks. Good luck with everything you are trying. I hope we can find a treatment together, take care.

Coconut Milk
Posted by Nicole (Melbourne Australia) on 10/26/2013


Hi everyone I stopped using the coconut milk because it was hurting my stomach and as I said before I have a intolerance to some kinds of milk and unfortunately coconut milk was one of them, however I did start to eat coconut cream.

I buy raw coconut cream from my super market and I eat 1/3 of the can everyday because the can is only good for 3 days. It's been a week and so far and I can see a lot of improvement in my skin and my kp has reduced, maybe I need to eat more of it a day to completely get rid of the kp. I will keep trying and I'll let you know how I go J wish me luck.

African Black Soap
Posted by Lorieamore (Colorado) on 06/09/2013

KP is a build up of keratin, the protein. African black soap and oils is what have cleared mine.

Exfoliate Daily
Posted by H-town Kr (Houston, Texas) on 04/25/2012

A better remedy to get rid of the bumps and to not deal with the smell of ACV is to exfoliate everyday. Get a natural loofah and buy an exfoliating gel or liquid soap (one that has oatmeal or walnut bits in it) and exfoliate in the shower daily. You will need to scrub well and it will be a bit rough on your skin. Apply non scented lotion afterward to soothe your skin. If you do this daily, your KR will improve. It will take at least a month to notice the difference but it really works. I've had KR for over 20 years.

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