Natural Treatments for Hair Loss in Women

Posted by Carol (Chicago, IL) on 07/12/2008

I purchased the clear iodine, known as liquid kelp from Whole Foods. I applied a drop or two a day on my scalp every other day for about 2 months. many strands of hair did grow on my scalp but the hair is in the form of white fuzz. The article you about wrote about clear iodine causing fuzz to grow on scalp, worked as you said it would. A bald spot on my scalp still remains along with many stunted growth of white fuzzy hair.

Reproductive Issues and Hair Loss
Posted by Kay (Destin Fl) on 08/04/2016

Hair loss - Beware it may not be your Thyroid (see "ATTN WOMEN" & *** notes below)!

Beware also that many sea salts do not contain sufficient iodine, a NECESSARY thyroid nutrient, so you must to read the lables for iodine content! (Thus, decades ago the USA mandated iodine fortification of table salt, in order to supply the recommended daily dose of iodine to the general populace [many of which did not consume seafoods on a regular basis, thus many were 'naturally' iodine deficient). A "Lite Salt" like Mortons table salt in the LIGHT BLUE canister is still good for your table (P less sodium and sufficient iodine), meanwhile cooking with sea salt!

***ATTN ALL WOMEN***Please consider my experience: I developed the same symptoms as you describe after being very sick (up & down) for over a decade (despite previous good health, then hundreds of doctor visits). Finally I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies/chemical sensitivities etc. Fortunately, most all these symptoms abated after my recent radical hysterectomy; it was actually OVARIAN CANCER (OC; found accidentally when I was palpating my naval area/lower waist and found rock hard lumps).

Unknowingly, I had all the key signs/symptoms of OC (but no doctor or OBGYN noticed): I still had my regular period/menses at age 57. I had started my menses very young (9/10 years old); had never had children or used chemical birth control; and had suddenly become quite overweight in the past 2 years (despite a VERY healthy diet; albeit too ill to do much exercise beyond necessities of daily living). These are ALL the common denominators of OC! However, most women with OC never experience such serious symptoms of "sickness", thus OC is called "The Silent Killer" prevalent among middle aged women!

THE GOOD NEWS: Within months of surgery (removal of all female organs, plus some) all my body hair started growing back, as are my nails! All my skin marks/scars are going from dark purple/black to light pink, & still fading! My skin is moist, not flaking. I am no longer "freezing to death" in Florida; my BP is back to normal; all my joints/muscles no longer ache 24/7; night sweats are much less troubling; and many other notable improvements (unfortunately hot flashes are still here, but no near as bad).

***So, regardless of estrogen levels/tests, please utilize OBGYN orWomens Center specialists if possible; or plead with your PCP to check you out extra well for hidden female/ovarian problems (of any kind/cause).

Good Luck & Best wishes!

Posted by Edyta (Toronto, Ontario) on 12/30/2012

Hi there, I been reading an article about the iodine/alopecia connection?... is this the root cause of alopecia.? I been suffering with hair loss since I was 9 years old. I am 27 now, can you please advise on the best cure? Thanks, Edyta

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (Missouri) on 05/28/2014

Sorry to respond so late... but apple cider vinegar worked great for me. It takes quite awhile to see new growth, but it did happen. I rinse my hair with it and take a Biotin supplement.

Amla, Ashwaganda
Posted by Zack (Brooklyn, Ny) on 07/23/2011

CLopez247 Your children's Fluoride intake levels must be to High. Have them tested for low Iodine levels. That is mostly the case with children with Alopecia. Avoid giving your kids toothpaste with Fluoride. Go to your local organic supermarket and purchase children's fluoride free toothpaste. The negative effects of Fluoride out weigh the positive benefits. Zakisl(at) if you need help

Amla, Ashwaganda
Posted by Camanokat (Camano Island, Wa, Usa) on 10/27/2011

Save yourself some money and don't buy toothpaste. H2O2 and baking soda work great and it's cheap.

Amla, Ashwaganda
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 07/30/2022

I dealt with Karen Hurd about 30 years ago or so. Be careful. Every bit of advice she gave me was exactly wrong. I have ibs-d and she pushed raw and fiber, which about killed me. I tried hard to follow her protocol, costing me a fortune I didn't have, and got sicker and sicker. I finally said this isn't working and stopped. Best move I could have made. Not saying she isn't good at what she does but, for me, she was a disaster. (This could have been when she was just starting out and hadn't learned about ibs-d yet, so not totally against her. Just be careful.)

Posted by Miriam (Farmington Hills, Mi) on 08/08/2010

Warning: Be very careful how much iodine you take and that you do not have thyroid issues!!! I was put on 100 mg. of Iodorol and I had a toxic reaction and all of my hair fell out in a five month period! It has taken almost 2 years to get it back with the help of a very dedicated Dermatologist. Beware.

B6 for Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia
Posted by HMTC (Dublin) on 08/08/2021

B6 for Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia

I was diagnosed with Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia supposed to be related to Lichen Planus. I have found B6 cream to be very effective in treating this. Reconval is a B6 cream, though not always available. Liquid B6 (particularly Pyridoxal Phosphate) is just as effective.

Note: B6 may trigger cold sores, which can be contained with Lavender cream.

Test the Thyroid
Posted by Gretchen (Midwest) on 09/06/2018

Hi IowaMa, This is interesting to me as I am also in Iowa. This gave me a new lead to follow, thank you for taking the time to write this. I am going to check out the supplements.

Amla, Ashwaganda
Posted by Lady Liza (Los Angeles) on 04/18/2022 32 posts

Please people, stop using Splenda or most fake sugars. Some of them are known for putting weight on and never being able to take it off. Others are really a pesticide. Use Monkfruit by Lakanto. It works well and has no side effects. Also you can try yacon syrup. Totally natural. Monk fruit is mixed with erythritol and tastes pretty good. It also comes in bulk for baking and packets for traveling. Sprouts has it in California.

Remedy Side Effects
Posted by Mary (Newark, New Jersey) on 01/04/2008

Dear Earth Clinic, I just wanted to let you know that I think on Ted's Posts it should say in bold at the beginning, or where it can't be missed to read the recipes carefully. I had a small bald spot on my head, found this website, and read some things Ted wrote. I read something about hydrogen peroxide and acv for scalp problems and hair loss. It did not say how much to use in the blurb I read. I thought I would try it. Well I just made a solution up and put it on my head. Left it on overnight. Well, Now I am loosing all my hair!!! So this was not a remedy in the little problem I had, instead, it is causing all my hair to fall out. I would like to spare future readers from this, so please put a warning, and make sure people read Ted's postings very carefully, and if they do not see a recipe, have them contact Ted before just making one up themselves. I know most people would be more careful, but there are us haphazard people out here you know. Thank you.

French Shampoo
Posted by Carla (Holbrook, Arizona) on 02/03/2011

I have been using the Rene Furterer shampoo for more than two months and am disappointed that I have experienced no new hair growth in that time and no relief for my alopecia. It is an expensive shampoo that I ordered online, and I wish it had worked as the original poster described. I am wondering if the original post was actually a plug for the beauty website she mentioned in her post. I hope not, and I hope it works as described for someone else. Just my 2 cents.

Posted by Mary (NY, NY) on 08/23/2022

I experienced hair loss after COVID-19. I was losing at least 50 strands of hair per day. I started increasing my protein consumption with foods like salmon, chicken, lamb, grass fed beef and dairy like cheese and milk. My hair is much thicker and I no longer see large quantities of hair in the bathroom after blow drying, on my brush, etc. I also take a good multi vitamin multi mineral complex.

Posted by Barbara (Philadelphia) on 03/10/2017

Hi...I started losing my hair a few years ago and my sister advised me to use Biotin. I did and, slowly but surely it's coming back. Vitamin D, Iron, Protein, and sunlight are major helpers too. Along with anything else you do please consider making sure their vitamins include these and that you also consider getting them more sunlight. I also just started using castor oil and letting it sit overnight, washing it out in the morning or I just put a few drops in my shampoo, leaving it in a few minutes. It's worth a try! God bless your kids!

Reproductive Issues and Hair Loss
Posted by Ali (Wales) on 12/11/2021

I had menopausal hot flushes for quite a while, but after dumping highly refined nutrient-stripped wheat & sugar they gradually went away. So did years of IBS, neuropathy, raging restless legs, acid reflux, hiatus hernia, high blood pressure & rampant Candida & fungal issues I'd tried unsuccessfully to eradicate for years!

I'm still working on the thinning hair...

Vitamin D
Posted by Ali (Wales) on 12/13/2021

D3 is far better than D2, and is best taken with K2 & magnesium (any type other than Oxide or hydroxide - unless you also need a laxative….), because Vitamin D boosts calcium absorption & the K2 & magnesium are apparently needed to ‘orchestrate' the calcium into the bones & teeth, etc. Without these co-factors, the calcium may inappropriately dump anywhere into the body - soft tissues, arteries, etc & cause issues.

it seems that any issues the D may appear to trigger at higher doses is not the D itself, but the inappropriate calcium deposits, if it has not been taken with the co-factors. It seems it's is important to get enough Vitamins A & E with the D too as they work together.

Nothing works in isolation……

Essential Oils
Posted by Rose (Idaho) on 08/01/2015

I use a few drops of rosemary oil in my shampoo. I leave it in ten minutes then rinse, I have noticed new growth. It does work.

Posted by Nature-angel (George, Western Cape, South Africa) on 09/28/2012

I'm a 25 year old female who started to experience heavy hair loss. I started drinking the juice of half a lemon in half a cup of warm water in the morning and in the evenings for a month. Sometimes I would forget but I just started drinking it again the next day. My hair loss stopped completely. Even when I pull all my hair at once it is difficuilt to pull out one hair.

Posted by Saoirse (Ny, Ny) on 05/24/2012

This is for alopecia/ hair loss: take an onion and either you grate it/put it in the blender or food processor--then you have the juice and "pulp"-

You will put the juice and pulp to your scalp in which ever way is easiest according to your hair length-cover it and keep it on for at least an hour and then either simply rinse it out or if your hair texture and condition can tolerate it--wash/condition as you normally do.

Do this every day for at least 2 weeks to a month---that's why I say to either simply rinse it out or use shampoo, all according to your hair's texture etc. MOST have seen regrowth within a month, then they do it a few times a week then once a month.

Now, punching hair loss remedies into the google search led me to this onion remedy and I wound up on youtube where there are many, many testimonies and their videos-this seems to be the easiest and most "economical" one around.

I am doing this for 5 days now AND seeing tiny new hairs in the areas previously without any as in my receeding hairline, crown and sides.

I have never tried any remedies before and I feel this one needs to go 'round and be tried for at least 2 weeks.

Posted by Teri In T Town (Tacoma, Wa, Usa) on 12/04/2011

Mariam, it may not be the iodine that caused problems, but the form of the iodine supplement. High dosage in Iodorol is likely to throw other electolytes out of balance. Try correcting iodine deficiencies slowly with natural food supplements such as Kelp and Seaweed, which has many minerals as well as significant iodine. It is interesting that Iodorol caused hair loss (and is indeed a listed side effect) since their marketing describes it as correcting hair loss!

Chinese Red Dates and Honey
Posted by Kavita (Usa) on 09/30/2018

HEy Veena, My son has alopecia from last 5-6 yrs and he is 10 yrs old..he got his third patch which grew into palm size. And I tried ginger juice onion juice, nothing helped him. Then I went to homeopathy after lot of research that nothing but homeopathy can help him. Please please please DO NOT use any steroids medicines it will bald you permanently. Please go to homeopathic doctor. If you want I can provide my dr info. My son got all his hair back he had to take medicine for alomost a year. His medication stopped few months back. Hoping this was the permanent treatment. But do not apply any steroids or any western medicine it wont help.

Vitamin D
Posted by Moni (Arlington, Tx) on 05/05/2016

Hair Loss:

Have your vitamin D levels checked.

Test the Thyroid
Posted by Betty (Centralia ) on 08/29/2018 10 posts

Liz from Boston: I know all about thyroid after doing extensive study and having Wilson's Syndrome, myself. All you need is a supplement with both ioDINE and IoDIDE in it, and your thyroid levels will get back to normal. I had all 37 symptoms of the worst thyroid the doctor had ever seen. Those things I mentioned is all you need. I have a special supplement I take, but cannot give the name here, I don't suppose, but as long as you get a good combination iodine/iodide Supplement, you'll be fine.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Debc (California, US) on 07/17/2014

I recently had an experience with hair loss and wanted to share my story with Earth Clinic users. I had a very serious illness and took heavy doses of steroids, and other drugs. About two months later I began experiencing very serious hair thinning. I was brushing out huge amounts of hair every day and was completely terrified. I immediately mounted a "save my hair" regimen. I took 10 of biotic every day along with a hair specific supplement. I drank "black" water or water that has been enriched with volcanic ash. I began using a 100% natural shampoo and conditioner that was specifically for hair loss. Every two days I put a pack of amla and water on my head, left it for an hour and rinsed off. Amla is an ayurvedic herb known to stop hair fall. I bought it online and also at a local India store. It is powdered Indian gooseberry. Every few days I put coconut oil on my hair and left it for a few days or overnight. Every second wash I did a rinse with ACV. Once a week I used a serum that I sometimes left on for several days. But the thing that I think helped the most was getting acupuncture twice a week. I went to a local acu school, its $25 a session. I had a great supervisor overseeing the students and every week he would stick a bunch of needles into my head (and elsewhere), twice a week. I'd say it took about 6 weeks of this regimen and then one day the hair fall just stopped. THANK YOU UNIVERSE!!!!! I pray that my hair grows back to what it was. To others going through this painful condition, have faith.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 01/24/2014

Dear Lara,

I am sorry about the hair loss! That would be very distressing! You are doing great to be trying things out and continuing to press on for a solution!

I think Om's suggestions sounded super! Kt's also! Coconut Oil (externally) and Blackstrap Molasses (internally) are great for hair.

I would add one more idea if you want to try something internally. The herb Nettles is great for the hair. It is very gentle and is also cleansing to the blood, which may be helpful if the chemical from the lice treatment is the problem (which sure seems likely.)

You can try nettle leaf powder in capsules and take 3 twice a day. Or you can make nettle tea and drink 2-3 cups a day. I would put 1 Tablespoon of nettle leaf in a glass jar, pour boiling water over it (3 cups) and let it steep (no longer on the heat) for 15 minutes. Strain out the leaves and sweeten with honey if you like. Nettles can help some conditions right away, others it takes a long time. Restoring hair can take some time, so plan on doing trying whatever you try for several months.

Please let us know how it goes - we really care. God bless you!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Sms27 (Princeton, NJ, USA) on 06/01/2013

To women who are suffering from sudden onset of diffuse hair loss -- there seems to be a lot of information about the connection between low iron (especially low iron stores, I. E. Ferritin serum) and hair loss. Explore that connection before you try alernatives, because it may be a simple explanation.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/11/2014

Yes, Yukta, a blood test is a way to find out if you are missing iron. They should also test ferritin, which is stored iron.

Hair loss which comes from low iron will stop (and regrow) with regular intake of Blackstrap Molasses.

Essential Oils
Posted by John (Boston, US) on 05/20/2014

You need to mix the essential oils in a carrier oil like the jojoba or grape seed oil.

Otherwise you risk having a bad reaction. Essential oils are very powerful and with a few exceptions you should Never use them straight on your body.

Dead on about the oil quality. Most essential oils sold in retail stores are not of the highest quality. They are extended, may contain trace amounts of dangerous chemicals and just not as potent. You are wasting your money on these inexpensive oils. They may smell good but they will not have the medicinal effects you are looking for.

Anti-Fungal Treatment
Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 07/10/2012

Hi Pamela, What type of antifungal did you use and how long did you use it? Thanks.

Posted by Jay (Toronto, Ont, Canada) on 07/27/2010

To Kathy from Naperville, Il. . No, I have not been diagnosed with any disease. I experienced a huge amount of stress during the first half of 2009 and most of my hair turned white or grey during that summer. I started losing hair at the top of my head(in typical male pattern baldness) in October 2009 and would have a comb full of hair every few days. I was 64 years old at this time. I was aware of these nutrients for hair health from various reading over the last 20 or so years and so I decided that it was worth a try. I knew it has worked for some people so I thought it might work for me. I started this specific set of nutrients in late October 2009 and my hair loss stopped almost instantly. I knew therefore I was on the right track and continued this daily for about 3 weeks. I then dropped the dosage slightly and continued. By mid December I could see that all of the remaining grey or white hair was showing my natural brown color about a half inch at the root end and the previous bald area was covered with brown fuzz. I have continued taking these nutrients but have reduced the dosage further. My hair continues to grow in my natural brown color at about a half inch per month. I am experimenting with finding the dosage for maintence even now as a few weeks ago I started seeing( for the first time since I started this) that there are now a few hairs in my comb each day. Between November and May I never saw hairs left in my comb. The journey continues.

Test the Thyroid
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 04/06/2016

Hi Liz,

The tests that you have listed are what you need, with the possible addition of the Thyroid Antiibody Panel, which will tell you if you have an autoimmune disease called Hashimotos. I would also call the Lab Corp that you will use to make sure they accept the Life Extension prescription for the bloodwork before you pay for it, in case MA is a state that does not. There is a Yahoo Thyroid Group that has trained volunteers who can interpret the results if you post them with the range numbers from your tests, and make recommendations if you join. They are very helpful and kind people, and it's free of charge. They may also be able to recommend a thyroid supplement until you get your results. I think TimH on Earth Clinic has recommended some supplements for thyroid, and maybe others, too. It does sound like you may in fact be hypothyroid, so hopefully you can get some answers soon. Take care!

Test the Thyroid
Posted by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 04/07/2016


No, when my test came back within the normal range, that was that. When I asked for additional testing because of my symptoms, she said that my normal results didn't justify additional testing.

She chalks a lot of things up to "getting older". (More sensitive to cold, etc.) I'm 58 for goodness sake! I see people in their late 70's walking around in short sleeves in an air conditioned room, while I'm bundled up looking like I'm going out to shovel snow.

I've been with this doctor for 12 years and for the most part, I'm happy with her--just not on *this* particular issue.

I could all but guarantee you that if I asked her to do another thyroid test, she'd say; "Well, we just did one a couple of years ago and it came back normal and your symptoms are still the same, so..." :

Test the Thyroid
Posted by Helena (Toronto) on 04/07/2016


Your doctor's attitude is really really strange!

I understand that he/she doesn't want to do the additional thyroid tests, but to test thyroid once in 3 years, this is total nonsense! Considering that you have all hypo symptoms this is unbelievable.

I know in US you can order tests through private labs. Maybe you should consider this possibility. You need as I said TSH, Free T3 and Free T4.

You will have the result the next day.

It will be your baseline result, and only after that you should start with supplements.

If the result will be out of normal range you can show it to the Dr, and I think she will be ordering the tests for you in the future through your insurance company.

Nettle Leaf
Posted by Julie R (Phoenix, AZ) on 09/08/2014

I am 61 years old and have rheumatoid arthritis. I have experienced a severe drying of my skin, and drying and thinning (thinner strands as well as massive hair fall). It is said that alopecia is an autoimmune disease, so it should be no surprise.

I have tried many things over the past 3+ years with no luck and have lost more than half my hair (75% on top and temples).

FINALLY I had success with stopping the hair fall. It took almost a week to notice. 1) I have been taking 2 caps (870mg) of nettle leaf 2-3 times/day. 2) I am using a hair rinse I made -- about half ACV and half green tea (6-8 oz each) plus the contents of 2 capsules of nettle leaf. 3) I drink a large glass of water w/1T ACV first thing in the morning, and 4) I have added about 2-3 tsps of MSM powder to my bottle of theraneem scalp shampoo.

I have been doing these things for about 2 weeks. No signs of regrowth yet, but VERY happy not to have hair falling EVERYWHERE any more, worrying about hats and other cover-ups for the rest of my life.

I tried red onion juice treatment just yesterday, but what a smelly mess. Not so sure I will try again - may give the nettle some more time.

The other thing I've tried recently is painting my scalp with Betadine, leaving it on for 24-36 hours, but have only done this twice. Relieves itching, but so does the rinse. May do that some more before desperation drives me to the onion juice.

Hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Om (Canada) on 01/24/2014

Dear Lara, try to stick with Virgin Coconut Oil for some time. Work it in well and keep it in overnight or a few hours each time. Wash your hair with kastile type shampoo and you may want to add rosemary essential oil, a few drops. If you can find Dr. Bronner's kastile soap shampoo, that would be great. That shampoo comes with natural essential oil of choice.

Gently massage your scalp. You can also make a mush from onions and keep that on. Onions have high amount of sulphur which makes hair grow. Stay away from baby shampoo; it is not so mild. Whn you dry your hair, dry it in the sun though not in the middle of the day. Let us know how you do. Love, Om

Alopecia Totalis Remedies
Posted by KT (Usa) on 07/28/2013

Have you had your home checked for mold? Look up intussusception. I don't know what the connection is with mold but there has been enough evidence here that, I feel this is what I'm dealing with. I cannot sit here and provide more detail now but will try later. Hope this helps.

Posted by Venusissunev (Mexico City, Mexico) on 09/06/2016

Sounds like all the answers point to an iodine deficiency. Kelp seems to be the solution. Good luck!

Essential Oils
Posted by Jo Ann (Nashville, Tn) on 11/28/2012

I was told which oils (below) cure the below conditions:

  • Alopecia (I was told that there was no cure.... A lie! )
  • Hair Loss
  • Hair Thinning

At one point my edges were almost completely bald from alopecia and then I started going to a dermatologist twice a month to get injections in my scalp to grow my hair and that worked ONLY as long as I kept going but once you stop getting the injections, your hair falls back out. So my mother-in-law, who is considered a "health expert" told me about specific (PURE) oil combinations that grow your hair. These oils stimulate your scalp's hair follicles, strengthens and repairs them.

I have been using these oils for a few months to the point, I don't need to go to the dermatologist to get injections anymore. Since using these oils, my hair has grown back around the edges and have become even stronger and thicker.

The oil combinations are (Please Make Sure that the oils are 100% Pure):

OILS (Estimated Price)

  • Jojoba Oil ($8.00)
  • Castor Oil ($8.00)
  • Lavender Oil ($14.00)


  • Rosemary Oil (Note Sure of Price)
  • Lavender Oil ($14.00)
  • Peppermint Oil (Not Sure of Price)

When I bought the 1st set of oils, they were a bit expensive, totaled $30.00. I hope that this information can be useful! Be blessed!

Posted by Amanda (Nsw, Australia) on 09/17/2012

I read that quercetin can be used to prevent and treat alopecia areata.

Traction Alopecia Remedies
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 07/30/2012

I noticed my hairline receding around my temples, but also it came to mind that that was where my towel was pulling (and I was feeling it) on my hair. So now I make sure my hair towel is loose and not too tight. I use castor oil for hair growth. Here is an unsponsored link on castor oil use for hair. Also consider supplementing biotin and B-complex, especially pantothenic acid (B5).

Anti-Fungal Treatment
Posted by Vicky (New South Wales) on 02/13/2024

Colloidal silver water. I bought a silver generator and make my own (with distilled water only) When it comes to any kind of fungus---- silver water. Borax (20 mule team borax) apparently also kills fungus.

Amla, Ashwaganda
Posted by Beverly (Us) on 03/29/2017

Thank you for the information on Splenda. That may be the reason that my hair won't grow back after I cut it short twice. I had to stop using sugar.

Amla, Ashwaganda
Posted by GertJr (Madison ) on 04/19/2022

Why Monk fruit instead of xylitol or stevia? Monk fruit has a strange aftertaste to me, bitter. Stevia does, too, but not quite as bad. I like xylitol's taste best if I can't have sugar, but xylitol has carbs that I'm trying to limit. So, what of the natural sweeteners is best? Are any natural sweeteners to be absolutely avoided? (Sugar cane/beet sugar is a natural sweetener, right, just not as good for you). I can manage the Truvia (erythritol + stevia) easier than the plain stevia, but am trying to adapt to the liquid stevia without anything else. It's hard, they all have a strange taste except the xylitol. Anyone? Pro's and con's?

Amla, Ashwaganda
Posted by MHO (Provo UT) on 07/26/2022

Avoid all sweeteners including honey, brown sugar, molasses, artificial sweeteners, stevia, monk fruit, etc. They all cause the production of too much glucose, hence too much adrenaline, and hence too much inflammation. Eat only low sugar fruits like berries. See, a bio-physicist for more details.

Amla, Ashwaganda
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 02/13/2024

Xylitol is poison to pets. So I wouldn't use it. My sister's dog died after eating a piece of a cookie she made with xylitol.

Posted by Jason Uttley (USA) on 08/17/2007

"Fluoride displaces iodine. So you need the more iodine to perform the same function. Hence Carton's comment in the Fluoride Journal. This is an example of why I included "noticeable hair loss" as a symptom in the relatively early stages of chronic fluoride poisoning.

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