Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Arthritis Remedies: Relief & Healing

Gallium Nitrate
Posted by B Jones (London) on 08/27/2019

Gallium nitrate as a cure for arthritis George Eby in Austin Texas has posted various articles about curing arthritis in people and navicular disease in horses using gallium III. Some of his research has been published in respectable journals. An internet search will easily find his sites, including a sales site. As there seem to be no known side effects I would be willing to try this at least topically (he recommends soaking an arthritic joint in his liquid gallium nitrate for an hour). However, he's elderly now and it doesn't look as though his site has been updated for a couple of years, though it will still accept money. No-one answers the phone or responds to emails. Does any chemist out there know how to acquire the necessary ingredients in the UK or how to concoct a similar solution? I can't find anything similar elsewhere.

Hulda Clark Zapper
Posted by Annie (Brisbane, Australia) on 07/01/2019

Hi Melanie, Please will you tell me which zapper you purchased (I'm familiar with zapping and Hulda Clark)? Thank you. Annie

Hulda Clark Zapper
Posted by Melanie (Tennessee, United States) on 05/30/2019

I have dealt with severe scoliosis my entire life, but issues with my hips, particularly the left one, has garnered diagnoses such as arthritis and/or calcification. Turns out, however, that I've had two parasitic worm infections since 1976, and there was a nest in my hip among a few other places! The usual herbal antiparasitics are too harsh for me, but I'm having tremendous success with the Zapper and homeopathic Cina. I urge anyone dealing with chronic issues to get a Zapper and diagnoses via biofeedback machine since worms are much harder to eradicate than bacteria and amoebas. Additionally, my boyfriend used the Zapper briefly to see what it felt like. His arthritic swelling immediately went down, however, tiny pinworms are now appearing in his fingers so I now believe the few studies I've seen stating that arthritis has parasitic origins. Definitely worth an $80 biofeedback session and a $35 Zapper.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Candy (Fort Madison ) on 03/17/2019

Turmeric extract might help and or diatomaceous earth. You should see some improvement with your bone broth supplements.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Denise (True "Northern" California) on 05/03/2020

Turmeric jar is still full since I can't seem to get passed the taste of it. When you mentioned Golden Milk, thought I'd try and find the recipe. I can handle turmeric in almond milk I'm thinking, although I haven't tried it. Also, if I mix it with other anti-inflammatories like cinnamon, ginger that was ok for a very, short time. I can't get away from bread so far, I don't know what effect that would have on me. I know many say gluten is bad for them but I don't think I have an issue with that, and eat very little. I've heard a lot about turmeric though so I am going to look for something to put it in so I can gag it down, lol! Or maybe just use capsules. I have a bag of those I was putting Cayenne pepper in. I should start using the cayenne again too ;)

Dietary Changes
Posted by Denise (True ) on 05/03/2020

Right now Wen, I'd give a bunch (if I had it) to be able to go to an Alternative medicine doctor. I do all alternatives, no drugs, myself. Kind of my own guinea pig but I've been helped so much so far. Now I'm developing arthritis (diagnosed with degenerative, and some arthritis about 2 years ago. I'm 67, active and eat balanced meals including fruits, vegetables, lots of water (bout my only liquid is water) I walk 6 miles a week average, and ride my bike double that probably. I also do free weights here at home at least 3 times a week. I also love to dance and like turning on my tunes and doing lots of stretches, bending and just moving to the beat ;) But I know as I age, my body will get deficient for the usual reasons. Can't get it all in the foods I buy, and I am not a perfect eater, although most days are very balanced. So maybe my arthritis would be a lot worse than it is, but even a little of it hurts like being kicked. I know people here know just what I'm talking about. I hope and pray we all find relief, and also, can somehow rebuild our bods, or at least stop the progress of the arthritis, etc.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Wen (United States) on 04/02/2019

I am 64. I consider that to be young. Its definitely too young for a hip replacement and wonder if other remedies such as you are doing now would have helped you avoid that. Try accupuncture [japanese is painless].

Dietary Changes
Posted by Wendy (Columbus, OH) on 03/16/2019 24 posts

I have age-related osteoarthritis (I'm almost 64). What's worked for me is completely cutting out refined sugar in any form, including the "bad" carbs (pastas, breads, white rice, etc.), and definitely using turmeric whenever I can. I've regularly made the "golden milk" (recipe here in EC), and have added the turmeric, organic UNrefined virgin coconut oil and black pepper to my homemade soups and teas. I had a right hip replacement February 2018, and the only time I feel any pain in my knees or even that right hip area it's because I've "cheated" with the junk food. So, basically, at least for me, cleaning up the diet and lots of turmeric really keeps the aches and pains away.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Beryl (Nottingham UK) on 03/16/2019

Hello, Approximately a year and a half ago I had a knee replacement, and although I'm left with residual pain and stiffness I have been able to walk three or four miles. However, I feel that the arthritis is moving to my hips, and this worries me. I've tried so many supplements, Borax, ACV, MSM, gelatine, etc but none of them have appeared to help. Very recently I've started taking chicken cartilage type II in capsule form, so I shall see if this helps. I attempt to follow a healthy diet, but am wondering if changing to either a vegetarian or vegan diet would help with the arthritis. The Arthritis Society suggests that this could be beneficial. I'd be interested to learn if anyone has had any success in treating their arthritis by cutting out meat, fish, etc? Best wishes.

Niacin, Vitamin C, and Avoid Glyphosate
Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, Fl) on 07/08/2020 47 posts

Although I've been very health conscious all of my life, including a diet which is mostly organic and vegetarian, I started to develop pain in the joints of my fingers, my knees and my neck. This was very frustrating to me, since I took a lot of pride in my health and my lifestyle. This wasn't supposed to happen to me.

Of course, most people told me that it was simply age that was causing this pain. I refused to accept that, since my Dad was still snow skiing at age 79. And my Dad was not really health conscious. The only difference between the two of us was that he lived in Switzerland, while I left Switzerland and had been living in the US for about 30 years.

So my intuition told me that it had something to do with the US food supply and/or water supply. By the way, the pain in my neck was really bad to the point I could barely move my head. I went to see a chiropractor, thinking I injured my neck exercising. Luckily, after a couple of sessions the chiropractor told me that it was probably arthritis. (of course, he too wrote it off to getting older).

I had previously read a couple of books and old studies on niacin and niacinamide (the form of niacin or Vitamin B3 that does not cause a flush when taken in large doses). So I knew that doctors in the past have cured all forms of arthritis with niacin. So I started taking 1500 mg Niacinamide with 1000 mg of vitamin C 2x daily. I started feeling better almost immediately but the pain didn't completely stop until about 2 weeks later.

I now take 1500 mg of Niacinamide and and 1000 mg of time released or liposomal vitamin C daily. I'm totally pain free.

Getting back to the difference in the food and water supplies between Switzerland, or Europe in general, and the USA. In Europe, GMO foods are illegal. But even more important, Europeans do not use glyphosate ("round up") as an herbicide.

Why is this important? Per Stephanie Seneff, researcher at MIT, glyphosate is responsible for a wide range of diseases in Americans. Glyphosate, which btw was derived from the Vietnam era "agent orange", is not only an herbicide but also an antibiotic, which means it wrecks havoc in your gut. Furthermore, glyphosate has a very similar molecular structure to the amino acid glycene. So in the production of proteins, glyphosate may inadvertently be substituted for glycene, producing defective proteins, which in turn cause all kinds of havoc to the body.

The bottom line is that glyphosate is responsible for widespread inflammation, including inflammation of the joints. So avoiding glyphosate is very important if you want to reduce or eliminate the cause of many forms of arthritis.

As a side note, not only do American farmers dump millions of tons of glyphosate on so called round-up ready GMO crops, but they use it for a totally unrelated purpose. They use it as a desiccant on wheat and other crops, right before harvest. (A desiccant dries the wheat, making it easier to harvest). So you get a really heavy dose of glyphosate when you eat bread or other wheat products. And this is also the reason, imo, that so many Americans claim to be gluten intolerant. It's not really the gluten but the glyphosate. That also explains why many Americans who visit Europe are able to eat the bread over there without any problems.

So in summary, if you want to get rid of arthritis, avoid glyphosate like the plague (only eat organic whenever possible), and supplement with Niacinamide and vitamin C. If your body is already saturated with glyphosate, bentonite clay and charcoal are great in eliminating toxins, including glyphosate.

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 06/30/2020 468 posts

If you've been boron deficient for a long time, your body may be using the boron to fix something more vital. Which actually makes the teeth sensitivity aspect extremely interesting as it suggests sensitivity in the teeth may be connected to something more serious than arthritis.

Your body knows what it's doing. When it gets something it's been lacking, it doesn't care what you want it to do with it. It's going to apply it where it's needed most, first. Give it some time to get more serious issues under control. Don't try to force it.

Posted by Lisa D. (Dallas) on 06/28/2020

I've been taking borax for about a year and although I have not seen great benefits for arthritis relief, one thing it has helped is my teeth sensitivity. I'm not giving up!

Vitamin C
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 12/09/2018

Hello Alfredo of Texas.

It was very interesting to hear about your success with Vitamin C for the treatment of your Arthritis.

Vitamin C and MSM together have been recommended by some, as they supposedly work in synergy to bring relief to sufferers. Some C's are easier on the stomach than others by the way-check that one out- and MSM CAN take a bit of getting used to.

Of course, what works for some does not always work for others, as a quick perusal of the feed-back on this Site will quickly inform you.

My personal recent success for aching joints has been as a consequence of taking one or two Magnesium amino acid chelate 150mg tablets per day. They worked a treat and quickly too!! Magnesium Chloride LIQUID also helps me. Magnesium is needed by a vast array of bodily processes and without sufficient (most Americans are deficient in it anyway, for various reasons) then it can make life pretty miserable. Also, it is a very cost-effective remedy. What's not to like?

Gosh, I was so relieved, as I was in the midst of having to get through many DIY / handyman jobs at the time and I was struggling.

However, stick with what works for you and please keep us posted, especially if you need more help with the arthritis. The "Arthritis Club" is one of the largest in the world by the way - "You are not alone", as they say.

Cheers from Down Under.


Vitamin C
Posted by Alfredo (Alpine, Tx.) on 12/07/2018

I had moderate pain in my joints and muscles for 4 months.For the last 3 days, I took 2 vitamin c capsules, 1,000mg each, morning and evening. Now 95% of my pain is gone. There is definitely a connection between Inflammation and vitamin c. I am a person who does not eat many fruits or vegetables, especially raw, to get my vitamin C..

Posted by John S. (Suffolk, England) on 11/03/2018

People may be interested in the history of Dimethyl Sulfoxide, MSM or methylsulfonylmethane and the disappearance of the symptoms of arthritis amongst workers at the paper mills. Also, having had your same problem in the feet, how it has, now, completely disappeared since I supplemented with MSM, to the point where I can down a tub of it and the pain stays gone. The last tub I had was two months ago. Still no problems.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 10/16/2018

AILORA,,,,,,, all I do is read and have been at the stuff for many moons. The guy that knows more about how DMSO works was Dr Jacobs and he is with our maker. What I would like to tell you is that DMSO will get magnesium far into your joints to relieve your pain. His book said to used 50% above your waist and 75% below your waist. Use your magnesium oil first and then coat that with the DMSO. Your best bet is to read his book on DMSO and MSM. MSM is the product of mixing Hydrogen Peroxide and DMSO. It will be far more effective than Magnesium. We use the MSM from the farm co-op that they use on million dollar horses. I can promise you that it is as pure as it gets. I ain't worth a million dollars.

Won't get started on another story, but if you go back in the EC archives, all my DMSO tales are there when the Bogalusa, La. Paper Mill made DMSO from their black liquor. It is now made from methane gas in Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Even Ted Kennedy could not get DMSO accepted with his congressional hearings way back when. He could not stand up to Big Pharma. $ has always talked and it does so today.

If all think we have health problems now, just wait until Gen 5 is up and going. You will be living in a micro wave constantly. Just think of that microwave cartoon many years ago of that bubbly melting face in the door. That will be me and you. Is life grand or what?


Posted by Ailora (Ohio) on 10/16/2018

Hi, thank you for your post. I am struggling right now, this RA has gotten progressively worse in the past few months so I'm desperately trying to figure something out. I rubbed my joints with magnesium oil before bed last night and I do believe it helped some. I'll keep it up to see if it does more good. Thanks again!

Posted by Jane (Maine) on 10/13/2018

Magnesium for arthritis:

I use magnesium oil on my fingers and hands every night and have never had my fingers lock up since. Plus it is quite a sedative.

Posted by Brad (Alberta) on 09/08/2018

Gentle exercise for arthritis relief

Great tips. This would apply to #10, Exercise. Tai Chi is one the best low-impact, moderate exercises you can do for all of the body's systems, including the immune system and reducing the inflammatory response. I have found that the eastern arts such as Tai Chi and Qigong provide a simple and quick way to maintain my health and energy levels as well as keeping me fit.

Posted by Michael E. (Ventura, Ca Usa) on 08/20/2018


This is where I first heard about this and there is a link there in the (meticulous) footnotes that links to this:

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Magnesium
Posted by Jillery!!! (Nc) on 07/31/2018 88 posts

I found Bill's' post in the fibro section, but it has helped my arthritis a GREAT deal. I hurt less, I am more flexible, and my complexion has improved:

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 12/21/2010

"Here is some research which confirms the positive effects of using malate (ACV) and magnesium to help cure Fibromyalgia (FM) and is yet more confirmation as to how alkalizing with ACV and baking soda (forming malates) plus taking Magnesium (as Mag Chloride or Mag Citrate or Mag Gluconate) can help FM.

Here are the summary and abstract conclusions from the research:

"Primary fibromyalgia (FM) is a common clinical condition affecting mainly middle-aged women. Of the etiologies previously proposed, chronic hypoxia seems the one best supported by recent biochemical and histological findings. We postulate that FM symptoms are predominantly caused by enhanced gluconeogenesis with breakdown of muscle proteins, resulting from a deficiency of oxygen and other substances needed for ATP synthesis. We present data supporting a critical role for magnesium and malate in ATP production under aerobic and hypoxic conditions; and indirect evidence for magnesium and malate deficiency in FM. After treating 15 FM patients for an average of 8 weeks with an oral dosage form with dosages of 1200-2400 mg of malate and 300-600 mg of magnesium, the tender point index (TPI) scores (x±) were 19-6±2-1 prior to treatment and 8±1.1 and 6-5±074. Respectively, after an average of 4 and 8 weeks on the magnesium malate combination (p < 0.001). Subjective improvement of myalgia occurred within 48 h of supplementation. In six FM patients, following 8 weeks of treatment, the mean TPI was 6.8 ±0.75. After 2 weeks on placebo tablets, the TPI values increased to a mean ± SE of 21.5 ±1-4(p < 0.001). Again, subjective worsening of muscle pain occurs within 48 h of placebo administration. A double-blind placebo control trial is currently underway."


So, just taking two tablespoons of ACV with 1/2 tsp sodium bicarbonate in half a glass of water three times a day with split doses of between 300-600 mg magnesium per day is actually very beneficial against Fibromyalgia."


This took about a week for it to really help me. The addition of BS to the ACV greatly improved the taste/flavor of ACV (for me) and now I enjoy drinking ACV. I take whatever magnesium I have in the house. My bowels are a bit loose, but I often to not 'clear' out and this negative is a positive for me. I AM SO HAPPY.

Colloidal Gold
Posted by Steve (Hendersonville, North Carolina) on 05/25/2018

Take colloidal gold 200 ppm. That will get rid of your arthritis.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Cabeau (Blaricum, Netherlands) on 05/10/2018

Relation of Nightshades to Arthritis:

I have tried this 'cure' with good results. It is hard to remove all nightshades but you notice when you have had some the next day (pain). Remove all foods of the nightshade family for six weeks and you will know! There is a link with vitamin d3 (sunlight) and consuming nightshades. Resource:

Wild Oregano Oil
Posted by Marilyn H. (Lakewood, Ca) on 05/01/2018

I wonder if it is the anti-fungal effects of the oregano oil that is contributing to the pain reduction.

Has anyone tried colostrum to help their arthritis? 15 yrs ago, a friend of mine injured her shoulder (probably rotator cuff) when she fell while going for a run. After a year of trying many holistic methods to get rid of pain, she took colostrum and she said in TWO weeks the pain was gone. She didn't have arthritis, but so many people have shoulder pain, I figured it might help. I have not tried it myself as she just recently told me this.

Posted by Jeannie S. (Spanish Fork, Utah) on 04/04/2018 2 posts

I started using black cherry juice, one cup a day, back two years ago. I can't take arthritis meds so I was desperate. It took about two months for me to realize that something was working. The cherry juice reduced swelling and, consequently, reduced pain! I make sure to drink it very slowly and on an empty stomach since I am convinced that it works best that way. It's too bad that most people just look at me like I'm nuts when I try to get them to drink cherry juice and quit their meds. There are times although when I might strain a muscle exercising and I take a pain reliever but only on rare occasion.

Drinking cherry juice before bedtime puts me to sleep also! I can feel myself relax and fall asleep much faster without medications.

Posted by Arlette (Sd ) on 03/23/2018


I love MSM for my back pain but it caused insomnia so bad I had to quit it for a while. I can only take 1 in the morning.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Oceanna (Seattle) on 03/14/2018

Thanks about the Epsom salts. My knuckle had been hurting a lot for two days. This morning I could not sleep it hurt so bad. I got up at 4:00 AM and made up a bowl of bath-hot water and a handful of Epsom salts. I soaked it about 3 minutes and like magic all the pain was gone. Nothing else I had tried worked. I love Earth Clinic and the generous people who share here.

Posted by Starbright57 (South Dakota) on 01/30/2018

If you don't use regular salt, you might not get enough iodine.

Posted by Amy (Nz) on 01/08/2018

Dear Bill

The link doesn't work to Dr Rex's nutritional study that you referred to above!

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Amy

Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese
Posted by Kathryn (Ca) on 01/06/2018

Any ideas for how to experiment with this being dairy-intolerant?

Posted by Vicky (Nsw) on 12/26/2017

For arthritis, read up on serrapeptase please and the testamonials on any site you find... it sometimes (not usually) takes weeks even months for some but others have improved DRAMATICALLY within days :)

Hope this helps- it's an amazing product from all I've read.

Ginger and Turmeric
Posted by Ann (P.s. Ca) on 07/23/2017

Hi Nora, I know this is an old post, hoping you get notifications. If you add some ground black pepper to your tea it helps to bring out the medicinal goodies of the turmeric, do not need much, 1/16 t. to 1/8 t., adjust to taste. Gives a teeny kick to the tea. Hope you get this.

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