Heal Cracked Heels Naturally: Remedies & Supplements for Skin Health

Essential Fatty Acids

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Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/19/2012

The cracking feet is an essential fatty acid deficiency and you need evening primrose oil and good quality freshest flaxseed oil you can find.


Flax Seed Oil

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Posted by Arn (Kenmore, Wa.) on 01/29/2024 20 posts

I used to have a crack in the end of my right thumb. It was always in the way, and hurt worse than a broken leg. By the way, I found that a drop of tea tree oil immediately takes the pain away.

But I had that open crack in my thumb for several years, no matter what I did. Until one day I took a couple of capsules of flax oil. The very next day the fissure had closed up and was healing. First time in years.

Since then I have used Flax oil for heel cracks with the same results. I should have learned by now to take it regularly, but I get lazy.

Hydrogen Peroxide Soaks

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Posted by Mo (Battle Ground, WA) on 07/12/2009

soaked feet nightly in drugstore strength hydrogren peroxide until cracks were healed.


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Posted by Julie (Provo, Ut) on 03/24/2012

Taking a kelp supplement helped clear up my cracked heels. I had read that iodine could cure tonail fungus and I figured it might help with my cracked heels too. It did, and quite quickly. While they were healing I used just a regular heel conditioner.

I ran out of Kelp and didn't get any more for over a month. My heels are cracked and bleeding again.

Lugol's Iodine

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Posted by Harrison (Boulder, Colorado) on 07/15/2008

Cracked heels can be cured by first cleaning out the wound with a good neem soap and a q-tip. Then dry the area carefully and add 2 drops of Lugol's iodine to the sore and a glob of aloe vera gel. Cover with a bandage. Repeat once a day. The problem is gone within a week.

Magnesium Oil

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Posted by Gean (Salina, Kansas) on 06/28/2009

My mom, who is 62 and has had severely cracked heels for as long as I can remember, started spraying herself with magnesium oil (magnesium chloride). Within a couple of weeks her heels were completely smooth.

I also gave some magnesium oil to a friend in her late 40's. After 1-2 weeks of spraying in on her body, she got "baby feet". She had had very cracked heels.

Neither of these ladies sprayed it on their feet, just on body once daily after a shower. We did not know it would have this effect, but they are very happy about this!

Mentholated Vapor Rub

4 User Reviews
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Posted by Cara (Fort Collins, CO) on 07/03/2022

After 5 years of painful cracked heels, I finally tried Mentholated Vapor Rub on my feet. UNBELIEVABLE! The pain was completely gone in 24 hours and has not returned. Cracks closed up. No more walking around on my tippy toes because of severe pain.

I wrapped my heels in plastic wrap and tape after applying the Vapor Rub. I kept both heels wrapped overnight and by morning my feet were healed. AMAZING!!!

Mentholated Vapor Rub
Posted by Wecair (Moose Jaw, Sk. Canada) on 11/22/2012

I have had extremeley dry, cracked and caloused feet for years. Sometimes the cracks were so deep I was concerned they would become infected. Somewhere I had heard that mentholated rub applied to them and covered with clean dry socks overnight would help so I tried it. I smeared my feet with a generous amount of rub and put my socks on, by the very first morning the layers of dried skin peeled off. My feet after just 2 treatments are soft and have not looked and felt this good in years! Even the deep crack is almost gone. Thank you Vapo rub.

Replied by Dukeycash
(Dora, Missouri)

Thank you so much for this solution to cracked heels. Two nights of vapor rub and socks and my feet are smooth, smooth.

Replied by Donna
(Brooklyn, NYC)

What kind of socks? I tried it with cotton ones and they just rubbed off the rub.

(faithville, Us)

My liver gut conditions cause these heal cracks and I can put on an oil and plastic over it overnight and it helps but does not solve it. See: Why Lotion Never Fixes Cracked Heels & Dry Feet | Dr.Berg - YouTube


I have both cracked heels and dry hands. My dry hands are from washing them often and from cold. I took 500mg of niacinamide per day for a month, as Dr Berg suggested in the video and absolutely nothing happened. The problems remained (until I tried Tricia's Cracked Heel Remedies).


Hi Charity,

Thanks for passing along the video link. I watched it last night and found it very interesting. Did you ever try B3 (niacin) for your cracked heels, per Dr. Berg's video? I have one crack on my heel that I can't get to fully heal NO MATTER WHAT so I have been taking low-dose niacin (25 mg) for the past few weeks and no change yet. Decided to try a 500 mg niacin cap today and wow, what a flush! Lasted a long time. Would love more details if you've tried the B3 - mgt dosage, how often, how long before you saw results, etc. Thank you!

2165 posts

Hi Deirdre,

Did you try the 1% Clotrimazole on your heel? It's worth a try if you haven't yet, as the cracks can sometimes be fungal related. It may take a moment because the heel skin is fairly thick, but definitely worth a try.

Niacin is antifungal and that may be its mode of action for this problem. The combination of Clotrimazole and Niacin may hit it from the inside out and the Clotrimazole from the outside in!


(faithville, Us)

I do take natures plus B it has a little paper in it to say how it has the actual level of B it states. Gut issues I have faced since birth and hepatic liver surgery in 2010 that made my condition worse but got healed at church 8 years later, to a degree< I don't have to soak my liver at night with castor oil any longer to control misery. Amen. Cortisol is my main issue from trauma programming, since birth. My 4 siblings have similar problems and 3 self medicate daily. I know I am old but it has been a long journey untangling the mess and Eric Berg helped me learn a lot, with my gut/cortisol understanding. My heels are better. I also use fresh comfrey mint vinegar soaks on my feet. I take a LOT of supplements. Ox bile is helping with taurine. I wouldn't have to take so many if I could get my programming to stop running in the sub conscious mind . It runs 24-7. I do go watch teaching healers on youtube and zoom church mark hemans. I study most days and learning to grow a garden. I also watched John Bergman on youtube Digestive Disorders Health Rant - YouTube He was hit by a car as an adult and then he became a doctor who teaches what he learned trying to get himself well. The spine information, as I was hit by a car at age 4 and flew about 18 feet and my head hit a fire hydrant and I had brain trauma. I had about 150 stitches, told I would die of a stroke. My mom was a violent bi polar and father a pedophile. I had split personality I discovered when I was almost 58 and I'm 64 and almost have that all worked through. I still have some dyslexia and ADHD.

Dr.Berg explains Cortisol & Long Term Chronic Stress Effects on Body - YouTube

I could write a book but I am not that focused and need Holy spirit to lead me, so hope this gives you some insights. Love, charity


Hello Art!! I'm so excited to see someone else that watches Dr. Berg! I saw your post on Parkinson's Disease and just looked for all your posts here on Earthclinic. I'm in CA as well, up North close to Oregon border. I am on the keto diet, dropped sugars/carbs down very low, and in the safe zone (6.0 and lower)for my t2 diabetes. I'm now learning about insulin resistance from both berg, and Dr. Bikman. I study them regularly on youtube and also pub med. I would love to follow you around the site, but I don't think EC has that option. I can save your posts/replies though and will do that!! Check out Dr. Benjamin Bikman if you haven't yet ;) I could listen to him all day!


Another Dr. Berg fan, I'm telling you Charity, he teaches on "my level of understanding" and I can't say how much he's helped me. I have learned from many people since being diagnosed with T2 Diabetes, but it's led me to real eye-openers on other ailments I have and they are being helped so much it is like a miracle. I've never bought any of his products because they are too expensive for me, but I follow him as best I can.

It's a thrill to see others here on EC that are finding truth in the alternatives to conventional medicine like surgery, and drugs, huge hugs!!


Thanks, Art. I did try clotrimazole cream during the winter, but it didn't seem to make much of a difference. I will start up again but I want to test the niacin supplementation first for a month to see if it can make a dent. Will update!


Thank you so much for your reply, Charity. So glad your health issues are all improving. Kudos to you.


Hi Charity -

Your perseverance is amazing. You've been through so much and you keep learning, trying new things and sharing with others. Thank you.

You mentioned in your post about taking supplements:

I wouldn't have to take so many if I could get my programming to stop running in the sub conscious mind. It runs 24-7.

Dr. Daniel G. Amen is a physician, clinical neuroscientist, child and adult psychiatrist, and brain imaging specialist as well as a best-selling author. His latest book is called Your Brain is Always Listening.


It has good reviews (I haven't read it yet). It might be worth getting from the library (published in 2021 - so there may be a waiting list).

According to Dr. Amen, your brain is always listening and responding to hidden influences and unless you recognize and deal with them, they can sabotage your health, among other aspects of your life. These influences include things from your past that ignite your most painful emotions, negative thoughts, grief and loss, etc.

By the way, I'm a big fan of Dr. Berg's videos, too. I've learned so much from him. One of my favourites!

Take care,


Mentholated Vapor Rub
Posted by Shelley (Larkfield, California) on 10/13/2011 8 posts

This may seem like a stretch but it does work.

It takes around two or so months depending on how bad the fungal infection is, if it is in the toe nails that will take two to three months, but it is the only thing that cured my Dad's fungus that he had, been bothered with since his days as a Navy man, back in the mid 1950's.

You take Mentholatum or Vicks Vapor Rub, and rub a thick coat all over your feet at bedtime, and cover your feet with your socks, you must sleep in your socks. In the morning put on a fresh pair of socks, and repeat each night until the fungus, cracks and itchy smelly feet are gone.

It took my Dad two month of this and he had tried all the prescriptions, and OTC remedies and nothing worked until this. I have used it also and it does kill the fungus and dry cracked feet issues.

Nitrile Socks

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Posted by Bernadette (Redding, Ca Usa) on 09/02/2011

Nothing on the market today treats moisture loss--only SoleMates nitrile coated socks. Easy to use economical and they really work!

Oil Pulling

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Posted by Kitty (Clatskanie, OR) on 07/11/2006

We have a group of people doing this procedure on curezone.com


also www.oilpulling.com has info

There isn't a lot of information on it, in english anyway. It's excellent for dental health with results within days if not hours. It's truly amazing!!! One lady had 3 #9 pockets plus numerous 8, 7, 6 and 5s. After Oil Pulling for 5 minutes a day for two months, she went to the dentist with 2 #7 pockets at worst.

I've been doing it for a few months now. I had gone to the dentist because of problems with a couple deep pockets. He was going to send me to a periodontist for possle surgery. Then I found out about oil pulling. I had posted on the dental forum at curezone and someone mentioned the oil pulling. After a couple days of doing it my gums felt much better. Now after about 3 months my gums are so much better, my teeth are markedly whiter, my mouth feels clean and gums healthy. My cracked heels are almost cured as well (go figure that). I have less aches and pains. It used to be difficult climbing the stairs and getting up my feet would hurt, but I feel much better all around. It's a crazy thing to do but it's fantastic. It's so simple and inexpensive. I use refined expeller pressed (Hain brand) sunflower oil. I also started adding a few drops of oil of oregano, which has anti bacterial properties. Check us out at curezone! Kitty

Omega 3

2 User Reviews
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Posted by Renate (Parrish, FL, USA ) on 03/20/2009

I have cracked heels. I use flax seed oil or hemp oil 1 tbl. per day. When I stop, the dry cracked heals return. Once they are in good shape, I reduce the oil useage. I make a smoothie in a blender and add it to that, but you can incorporate the oil in salads etc. Interesting about the fungus part - I'll have to do some research on that. Thanks. I hope this helps.

Omega 3
Posted by Bev (Long Beach, CA/USA) on 01/18/2009

I suffered for years from cracked heels. Felt as though I was walking on glass fragments. Nothing topical worked for me. I started taking fish, flaxseed, and borage oil combination (purchased at wal-mart, spring valley brand, 1200 mg per softgel). Within months my heels had closed up and I haven't had a problem since. Hopes this helps others.


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Posted by Denni (Australia ) on 02/10/2017

In response to the post by Kathyp (Cedarburg, WI) on 03/15/2014 in the cellulitis section...

Have you tried for cracked feet and it sounds crazy, slices of onions on the soles of your feet? Wrap with glad wrap and don socks. Do this overnight for several nights.

Onions have many benefits including anti microbial. But Google the benefits first. It's an old remedy and it works.

I had cracked heels, to which until then I prided myself on having none. This crack was deep raw and painful. It cleared up quickly after using this remedy. The onion will sting for a little bit, but is worth it. I heard cracked feet are a sign of bad digestive system.

There are many essential oils you could look at for cellulitis.. It best to see a qualified aromatherapist and also a bio chemical tissue salt consultant for options to help with all your needs

I hope this helps cheers from Australia

Oregano Oil

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Posted by Jasmine (Asheville, NC) on 04/28/2013

Cracked heels are hard to beat but recently I broke an oregano capsule and rubbed in on my heels and between my toes before doing my gardening. I didn't think it worked because my feet were quite dry afterwards so I put vaseline on them and went to work well that night they were much smoother. Different than just using vaseline. Also for skin I have had luck with tea tree oil, put it on a facial blemishes as soon as you notice them. One I felt coming up under the skin, I put it on and went to bed it was gone in the morning. If you have red spots on your face or scar tissue I find flax oil is the most antiinflammatory.

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