Health Benefits

Xlear Xylitol and Grapefruit Nasal Spray for COVID-19 Recovery

Xlear Nasal Spray
Posted by AndiSho (Mannheim, Germany) on 04/22/2023

I found the best explanation of its working principle by its developer there:
Corona-Spray Xlear Comensability (1) Comments - Xylitol Nasal Spray Prevents SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Everything except Glycerin / Glycerol is inhalable, since we buy Grapeseed Extract solved in Glycerine, do NOT inhale this component.

Also, you can add some NaHClO from dental supplies (3%) pleas do not go above 800ppm 1.5ml for 70kg standard lungs per session without knowing what to do (which is dose finding: mindfully watch free breathability or state-as-is while ill before, while and after some inhalation session with well defined concentration and amount of ml.
(Even better is halving the dose and letting inhaler run only while breathing in. Pari has a vent for this you can clamp under the inhaler heads, gets air pressure only while pressing a vent knob.)

We DIY a "base solution" of 9% xylitol, 0.15% iota-carrageenan and ca. 1% Dead Sea or stone salt we dissolve.
Dissolving iota carrageenan without clumps is as difficult as clump free pudding.
(Use a very fine sieve, place 0,45g powder / 300ml water on it and knock it gently on rim of the glass while stirring (we use magnet striker). As a sieve, we use Tupper coffee filtre (Melitta gold filter for 1 cup), or a segment of stockings, pulled over a pipe (or ring from small baking tin), have to try this as the very fine metal coffee filter of pitch 0.1mm is rare.)

The Mg++ or Ca++ in the mentioned salts do physically "harden" the mucosa, make it less penetrable for germs and prohibit aerosol formation quite good for 6 hours.
As a pharmacy, you can also do it as in the publication below, and mix mainly NaCl and some CaCl2.
Corona-Nasenspray CaCl2 Anti-SuperSpreading A New Natural Defense Against Airborne Pathogens

You can also find publications and a great relief by inhaling

- chromolynium acid (3 Puffs from nasal sprays, dito for sprays)
- azelastine
- CPM (antiallergic also)
- Hyalurone ans pathenole (is panthenole anti-oxidative? then inhale time-shifted from oxidants like NaHClO or H2O2 or NO in clinic (respirators have NO generators, let them run!)

Not tested, as I needed a lung compatible solvent, do not know if liposomal solving in phospholipides will do:
- progesterone
- lvermectine
- NicIosamide

I do not know is grape seed extract as powder without glycerine could be inhaled. Probably.
I try to be very precise here. When I say glycerine is not inhalable, as it irritates the alveoli, this may not be true for eCigarette smokers, as they are used to it, or Polysorbate (Macrogol). But: are they;)?

Also, it may be depending on the source of the glycerine, crude oil or cheap plant oil may be equally bad, and it could be that a nice bio plant oil is not irritating, but I can not answer this one.

Xlear Nasal Spray
Posted by Nathan (UT) on 02/10/2021

I am surprised that you have not mentioned the Xlear nasal spray in your natural solutions to covid19. Been on the market for decades in the natural retailers, have known it blocks bacterial adhesion of common pathogens and now they have studies done in various labs showing it blocks and destroys the sars-cov-2 virus. Also human clinical trials that are being done and showing amazing results.

Xlear Nasal Spray
Posted by Art (Ca) on 12/03/2020 2165 posts

Previously on EC, I have mentioned the use of a nasal spray called "XLEAR" to help treat sinus infections and nasal issues. Studies now suggest it may be helpful in preventing COVID. See the top of this page for more information.

Xlear Nasal Spray
Posted by Art (California) on 12/03/2020 2165 posts

So I have stocked up on Xlear nasal spray for family and friends to help fight Covid-19 as outlined in the new study I posted about. I even sent some to out of state friends who are infected with Covid-19 and have other preexisting health conditions to try and quicken their recoveries and to try and lessen any impact on their preexisting health conditions. I think the combination of high dose melatonin, Xlear nasal spray which contains both grapefruit seed extract and xylitol may be great for possibly controlling the virus quickly, lessening the effects and helping to speed the recovery process!


Xlear Nasal Spray
Posted by ShashiNYC (NYC) on 12/03/2020

It's simple enough -- and cheaper -- to create a DIY version of Xlear, which contain four easily accessible ingredients.