Cayenne Pepper
Health Benefits

Cayenne Pepper Health Benefits: Unlocking Capsaicin's Power

Posted by Shalom (N Stonington, CT) on 05/30/2007

I sliced my finger cutting a hard sticky candy from the dominican republic my in laws brought. It wouldn't stop bleeding so I ran cold water on my thumb and then opened a capsul of cayenne. The cut hurt so much it was hours before I felt the pain of the pepper. I did end up going to a walk in clinic for stitches, but the bleeding stopped and it ended up not being that deep. The dr and nurse were jerks about my desion ofcourse. When i got home trying to clean up i cut my middle finger of the same hand. ( that was not smart) the cayenne helped then too. That was Friday, this is Wednesday my cuts look 3 weeks old now.

Sore Throat
Posted by Kendall (Atlantic, IA) on 03/03/2006

This worked great, i could feel the difference within ten minutes of my first time gargling.

Sore Throat
Posted by Edwin (Brooklyn, NY)

I tried gargling 1 tbls of cayenne pepper with very warm water for about 10 min straight and it helped me so much with my sore throat and cough.

Numb Finger
Posted by Ly (Penticton, Canada) on 01/12/2024

Cayenne pills fix numb finger

Many years ago, I was bitten on my baby finger. It went numb for several days so I took 1-2 cayenne gel caps and the finger was normal by the second day. Likely the pills I took were from Now, but I don't think it matters about the company. I have tried to take a tsp of the cayenne. That is a terrible way to take it. Best to take it with food. Also great to treat any cold or flu.

Erectile Dysfunction, Energy, Cuts
Posted by Rena (Georgia) on 11/20/2022

Thank you Frank, this helps with my boyfriend's ED. He is on several medications that contribute to Erectile Dysfunction. He has been taking one capsule in the morning, and one capsule at night. Ever since, you would never know he had a problem in that area. Cayenne pepper is the fountain of youth for men.

Best Type of Cayenne
Posted by Chris (Greenville) on 11/03/2016


Are you extracting the cayenne in alcohol or glycerine or what? Could you explain what you mean by extracting with measurements? Thanks!

Best Type of Cayenne
Posted by Jan B. (Netherlands) on 09/28/2022

Do you make an extract with alcohol? What are the ratios?
Do you have a link to the PhD thesis?
Regards Jan

Cayenne Contraindications
Posted by Jeanne (Westlock Alberta) on 03/27/2014

Can a person do natural treatments such as cayenne and molasses if they are being treated by a doctor for blood clot in the right lung and the right leg with warfarin or other anticoagulant drugs? Is it too risky?

Posted by Cayenne619 (San Diego, Ca, San Diego) on 05/25/2012

I been using the cayenne brand from Smart & Final. Which is a deep dark red cayenne 2 to 3 times a day for 4 years.

My goals is not only for health benefits but to block the sciatic pain used to have from (shoulder & hip) old dislocations.

The reason writing this is April 17, 2012 was involved in an electric skateboard accident. I am 48 years old and was not wearing a helmet. I hit my head at 24 mph. I hit my head 2 more times while trying to stabilize myself before EMT arrived. Yes, I know not very bright without a helmet.

The hospital did a CT Scan there was no blood on the brain. I received 5 stitches in eyebrow, sprain my wrist and took a layer skin off my shoulder underneath my shirt.

My shoulder healed in 2 weeks complete with a new tan, my wrist healed in 5 weeks, you can't even see the stitches in my eyebrow. I didn't even get a black eye at all. I had a little dizziness for about my last 3 weeks with nausea and feeling of wanting to vomit.

I upped my dosage of cayenne along with 2 plain aspirin twice a day. Today, 5 weeks later had a severe headache located on the lower back part of my head that lasted 2 to 3 minutes. Afterwards my dizziness had completely vanished.

I feel 99% healed from my post concussion accident in 5 weeks. I believe it was cayenne powder for my speedy recovery for my traumatic state.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Helpyourself (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 08/09/2011

This stuff is amazing, Cayenne pepper. I have recommended this recipe to people with sinus, headaches, depression, empysema, sore throat, nausea, bacteria, coughing, toothache, and more... Try 20 drops of cayenne pepper (only use the Original Tabasco brand) in 4 oz. of water a couple times per week. Taper off, then take as needed.

Also, have a friend that took this for asbestosis and he swears by it.

Another friend takes this to sleep and quit taking his meds, say he doesn't need them. Cayenne is also an anti-inflammatory agent and is also an expectorant, good for the lungs and the blood.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Blanche (Iberia Parish, Louisiana, Usa) on 02/16/2011

Well, yes, cayenne IS very hot. The grocery store cayenne is fine. In fact, I find it is sometimes fresher than the prepacked capsules. A bright red color is good. Just don't get it into your eyes or even under your fingernails. And you may want to try a very small amount at first. Hope it works for you.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Kelly (Cinti, Ohio) on 02/16/2011

Thanks for the suggestion of using a straw! I mixed a tsp. of lemon juice(bottle), a tsp of honey, in 2tbsp of yogurt, w/ a pinch of cayenne(1/4 tsp. on a small plate to keep track of tolerance). Using a straw did the trick. The way I tried it before felt like getting punched in the chest. This way it is just warm going down and I can feel clearer breathing after 5 min. I also started burping quite a bit ( had a meal about 1-1/2 hrs. ago. I'll keep upping my dose and keep you posted. God Bless!

Sinus Infections
Posted by Vania (Clarksville, Tn) on 08/29/2010

I live in Middle Tennessee, so I suffer from chronic sinusitis and sinus infections, which trigger asthma attacks and Acute Asthmatic Bronchitis. This spring (2010), I was desperate for relief (I never want to get Acute Asthmatic Bronchitis again! ), so I tried a nasal spray which contains Capsaicin pepper. It is found in the Nasal Spray section in drugstores. The label warns that you will feel a "strong sensation" on initial use. This is true. I have put off using it at times, for fear of the strong burning sensation in my sinus cavities. So then I will get a mild infection. But when I use it, it is amazing. Sweet relief! The price is off-putting, at nearly $15.00, but it lasts me several months. And I have not had a severe sinus infection since I started using it.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Teelight (Toronto) on 10/31/2012

Cristy I got the same exact reaction also after swallowing the cayenne capsules. 15min after taking, I started sweating buckets (yay! That part's ok) and debilitating stomach pain (not ok -- at all). But the episode passed after about 10 min. I came on here looking for answers and it makes sense that digestion begins in the mouth and our stomachs need a warning signal for spicy substances. No more hiding the cayenne in capsules, I shall open them up and dissolve in water. This makes much more sense, and seems to be the solution, thanks a bunch.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Marlo (Hattiesburg, Ms) on 12/02/2009

I tried so many things to overcome my candida infection but the single most effective thing I tried was drinking a few dashes of cayenne pepper powder in a beverage. Vitamin and probiotic supplementation also helped some. It also relieved my depression/fog, fatigue, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, yeasty body odor, itching, allergies, anxiety, high blood pressure, "blurred" vision, generalized muscle pain and spasms.

Inner Ear Infection
Posted by T (Brooklyn, NY) on 03/09/2009

Cayenne Tamed Symptoms from Inner Ear Infection:

I have been suffering with an inner ear infection/disorder for the past six months - vestibular neuritis - and if you've ever had to deal with this or viral labyrinthitis then u know it is incredibly debilitating. I have brain fog, vertigo (my sense of movement/motion feels like I'm walking on a rocking boat all day), joint/muscle/nerve pain, weakened vision....and the list goes on. About 3 months ago, I started noticing how my heart was racing and that sometimes I'd experience this incredible head pressure (it felt like someone put a vice on my head!) - when I took my BP - my reading was 145/96! I'm only 30 and my pressure has never been this high. Well, I happened upon earthclinic one night and was amazed by all the testimonies from people praising how cayenne helped lower their pressure. Seeing as I've been trying everything under the clear blue sky to not only get rid of this devilish infection but bring my pressure back to normal - I tried the recommendation of 1 teaspoon to a cup of hot water. Not knowing if it'd work - I was floored when I realized how immediate it did!! The head pressure went away almost instantly and my heart rate normalized! Before cayenne - BPM was 91 - after: BPM 73!! I will never stop this remedy!

Other benefits from drinking it initially at 2x/day - regular bowel movements, reduction in joint/muscle pain, ear congestion went away, vision got better (only slightly) and lymph node under my right jaw (right ear is infected) began to slowly shrink. Granted I take a lot of antioxidants so I don't know if the synergistic effect plays a role. Only thing now is - the infection is still there - I still suffer w/ the vertigo and am mainly managing my symptoms until I can get more conclusive answers. Last Ear doc I went to told me there was nothing he could do for me. How depressing.....any advice on how to get rid of this "thing"? A co-worker recommended colloidal silver. If I could just get my balance back........I'd be ecstatic!! Your thoughts are appreciated! Great site this is! :0)

Heart Issues
Posted by Kathy (Ontario, Nv) on 11/01/2012

The same thing happened to my mother in law. I gave her tea with 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper and ACV and 15 minutes later she had a stroke! She is OK now but I felt and still do feel very badly.

Posted by Denise (Atlanta, GA) on 09/20/2008

I was up night with a horrible cough. So my throat was on fire this morning. I mixed a little cayenne with ACV and warm water. And what can I say it works its a beautiful day out side and I am on my way to enjoy it.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Pat (Coos Bay, OR) on 07/22/2007

thanks to this site i started cayenne pepper as a treatment for my hypothyroid issue. its been a few weeks and my metabolism has improved, my acid reflux and more energy. so glad i found you. thanks

Strep Throat
Posted by The Vegan Herbal Lover (Los Angeles, USA) on 04/10/2023

Cayenne for Strep Throat

I don't remember how I happened upon this forum for cayenne for strep. I thought I had searched “what herb kills strep”. But now looking back none of the many articles that initially come up even mention cayenne as an option. I drink cayenne lemon water daily and have been for years so when my 14 yo daughter encountered strep throat, maybe this prompted me to eventually search specifically for the effects of cayenne on strep. But I'm glad I did! I initially gave her most of the recommended remedies listed in all the articles from cinnamon to gargling with sea salt water mixed with the many recommended essential oils with MINIMAL results.

My daughter also slept most of the day these first two days and ate and drank very little as she was in constant miserable pain whenever she swallowed. Her sleeping so much actually became a concern as lethargy is not listed as a common symptom of strep.

So we were very relieved after discovering and implementing cayenne as an option. I made a gargle for her that consisted of hot lemon water and added sea salt and as much cayenne as she could stand. After 1 day of gargling about 4 times (3 hours apart), my daughter felt immediate relief and was able to drink an entire smoothie that night. As she gargled she noticed white cloudy stuff the mucus filled water she spit out. We noticed the white patches on her throat disappearing after every session. We wondered if what was coming out was the actual white stuff on her throat, but couldn't be sure.

However as the patches decreased the pain also drastically decreased and by the end of day two of gargling all the pain was gone. She continued gargling 3 times daily for two weeks however even though she was pain free as we treated the cayenne like a medical antibiotic. I had read to do this to ensure the virus is completely gone. So CAYENNE CAYENNE CAYENNE FOLKS!!!! And shame on all those articles for not including this as a natural home remedy option for strep!!

Cayenne has done so much for me from detoxing me as well as regulating my blood sugar. It has also worked in lowering my sisters blood pressure.

Colds and Flu
Posted by Violet (Cerrillos, NM) on 03/28/2022

I was about a month and a half after my initial infection and still having trouble breathing, constantly needing to clear my throat, brain fog, low energy, and coughing fits. I would make an occasional Hot Toddy, because it really helped with the breathing, and I always added a dash of cayenne pepper. Last week, the cayenne pepper was not coming out of the shaker, so I opened it up to get a little out, and probably a tablespoon's worth, maybe a little more, fell into my drink. I thought "what the hey" and added a bit more honey to make it more palatable. It was not the best tasting, but I drank the whole cup. The next day, and ever since, I felt better. I drank one more this week, just to be sure I killed everything off, but I am back to my usual self.