High-Dose Nattokinase: A Game-Changer for Atherosclerosis

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Posted by Art (California) on 02/21/2024 2165 posts

Just a brief comment to underscore just how serious a disease Atherosclerosis is for all of us.

Covid-19 is estimated to have killed approximately 7 million people since it was found in 2019/2020 until today or just over 4 years.

Atherosclerosis, the main cause of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) dwarfs all of the deaths from Covid-19 since it was detected and tracked. In just one year, accounting for over 30% of deaths in the world or approximately 18 million deaths per year, atherosclerosis is far and away much deadlier than Covid-19 ever was. Seven million deaths in just over 4 years for Covid-19 compared to atherosclerosis at approximately 18 million deaths in just one year!

For a bit more perspective, the death toll from atherosclerosis is predicted to increase each year, but assuming it stays at approximately 18 million deaths per year for the next 4 years, that will be about 72, 000, 000 deaths over a 4 year period compared to 7 million Covid-19 deaths over a similar 4 year period. That is greater than 10 times the death toll of Covid-19! Excuse me while I go take my nattokinase.

