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  Re: Radiation Poisoning Remedies

7 days ago
Posted by Art (California) on 05/26/2024

Hi Chris,

The post you are responding to was made in 2011. As such, you may not get the reply you were hoping for.

Melatonin acts as a radioprotectant and has a very good safety profile as well as having multiple other protective qualities for humans as discussed here :

Here is a relevant quote from the comprehensive review article :

' As soon as exposure occurs, people—even if they live far from the primary event—could protect themselves through the oral administration of melatonin. This can be repeated several times depending on the specific case and under medical indication. Finally, the toxic side effects of melatonin are none or minimal at most. It is important to evaluate the full potential of melatonin as a radioprotective agent in day-to-day life, as well as in extraordinary conditions, including military settings in the event nuclear weapon use. '


Feeling Grateful

7 days ago
Posted by Michelle (Australia ) on 05/26/2024

Hello earth clinic family, I just wanted to share my gratitude to you all. You have provided me with so much knowledge and inspiration throughout the last 4 years. I've just started on the borax protocol for women for arthritis and inflammation. I will share my progress in a few months. Much love and blessings Sincerely Michelle.

BHT, Magnesium, and Clean Water for Gallstones

7 days ago
Posted by Ron (USA) on 05/26/2024

BHT, Magnesium, and switch to clean water for Gallstones; Gallbladder Attacks

Good day! I have suffered from gallstones causing gallbladder attacks twice yearly beginning fall of 2019. I have found a very simple remedy that allows me to cheaply treat my gallstones when they present each spring and fall.

Number 1: Most remedies will not work long term if the underlying issue remains present. For me on of my underlying issues is the quality of water I consume.

Clean Water

I have to use a reverse osmosis system that adds minerals back in post filtration. Even more importantly is keeping the filters changed not just on time, but slightly early. If filters are not changed on time, contaminants and mineral deposits the body cant use are leeched back into your drinking water and will cause harm to your health.

For example: my current system is a single all in one filter system by Waterdrop. Filter life advertised as "1 year". Never go by this. Look at amount of gallons filtered instead. Mine is 950. The drain:waste ratio is 1:1. Means that for every gallon of water filtered for consumption; another gallon is drained as waste by the system. Therefore; I can only really expect to get 475 gallons of use from this filter. I use about 2.5 gal a day. 475 divided by 2.5gal per day = 190 days of use. That gives me roughly 6 months of filter life. I find when I get close to the 6 month mark, I begin to get nausea, dizziness, and gallbladder pangs and stabs as stones begin to form rapidly from my now unfiltered and contaminated water due to an overused filter.

My Remedy

  • is obviously first to change the filter, a bit early, around 5 and a half month mark.
  • I take 1/16 tsp of BHT (Butylated Hydroxy Toluene) as a 140 lb man, on an empty stomach, with 5 drops of magnesium chloride water (made using 1:1 water:magnesium chloride crystals)
  • I wash the above down with a tall glass of water (hydration itself dilates blood vessels and organ ducts to allow for more free flow)
  • I rub a dropper full of magnesium chloride water on my entire gallbladder and liver area
  • I sip on hot water or herbal tea (or sometimes coffee even) for 15 minutes, drinking tall gulps of regular water in between
  • Within about 15-30 minutes, my gallbladder's main bile duct begins to undulate and push stones through - felt as twitching and banding against my stomach skin.
  • I feel warmth as fresh bile begins to flow where the stone was blocking the ducts.
  • My nausea and dizziness disappear, and my appetite returns

If 1/16th tsp BHT doesn't do it, I take another 1/16th tsp.

For my 70 lb dog, I give her the same remedy in a bit of milk if she has stones and her symptoms disappear within literally 5 minutes. She runs through my legs and appears to be having a seizure when she gets stones. We both got gallbladder problems a couple years after pesticide overuse inside our home. Every spring and fall we pass more stones but it gets easier each year.

The main underlying issue here was chemical poisoning causing organ damage. For this, we use sea kelp, cilantro, and magnesium drops altogether several times a week to continually detox. We mop-up with charcoal (1tsp with a few drops magnesium) once or twice a week, too.

So far we have survived. and thrived

I used to do castor oil packs (can get messy and time consuming) and make quart after quart of Chanca piedra tea. But this is all very time consuming and the chanca piedra tea is much more expensive to keep drinking than simply using less than a penny's worth of BHT and magnesium when attacks present.

Bear in mind that according to many systems of belief around health; and especially Ayurveda knowledge (4000+ year old school of medicine in India); every fall and spring the body goes through a natural but somewhat major detox. It's worse on those persons' bodies who have excessive toxins accumulated or do not care for their health actively. Gallstones appear to worsen during these times for individuals affected by them.

  More Updates on Dr. Christopher's Ointment

7 days ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/26/2024

Nearly out of the complete tissue and bone ointment and just added my second large jar to my shopping cart.

Two things, aside from putting it on everything and the missing plantar warts: 1) I hopped out of bed this morning with zero creaks and no need to limber up (F/65) and 2) it appears to be "raising" every mole and dry patch I've put it on. As if it is drawing the whatever it is underneath thing to the surface. I fully expect them to start falling off with the second jar, even though that's not what it's intended for.

Also, I've been putting it on my feet and toes and it appears to be fixing - or, at least, changing - the hammer toes that developed and have been developing over the years due to my feet just trying to keep the weight off the plantar warts.

Something else, "brown spots" are also sort of coming to the surface where I've simply scraped a couple off, like a dry patch of skin, with a fingernail.

I've been using it over the liver AND on across the pancreas area, as well. Which is when I started hopping out of bed in the morning.

Apparently, and I didn't note where I read/heard it, but it was suspected by someone and referred to by Dr. Christopher that most people have pancreatic issues. It was probably in one of the articles or seminars where he's talking about clearing out the digestive tract or talking about the lower bowel formula. But could have been in one of the liver or kidney articles. It was just a passing comment he made that didn't really sink in until I put the ointment over the liver area and figured, why not just continue it across and cover the pancreas? So I did and have been.

I know the complete tissue and bone wasn't formulated for such things but I figured the liver and pancreas are made of tissue, right? So why not give them a little extra bit of the love! ROFL!

I don't pay much attention to my appearance except to assure I won't frighten anyone if I go out but I think I might look younger (yes, of COURSE I've been putting it on my face, due to a brown spot and a "something" bump and not wanting just greasy spots on my face, lol). At any rte, I don't look 65. Did I before? I don't actually know because, as I said, I don't pay much attention to such things. I'll ask the kid, next time I see her. I DO recall being shocked by the age on my face after I had the you-know-what bug but that was 3 years ago and after I'd slept for 3 days.

  Re: Potassium for Chest Pain and Shortness of Breath

7 days ago
Posted by Neeraj (Sydney ) on 05/26/2024


How much potassium did you take per day? Did you monitor your BP as well?

  Castor Oil - Reply to Cindy

7 days ago
Posted by Rosie (Hampshire, Egland) on 05/26/2024

I have been reading and fascinated by your posts. Thank you so very much they are so informative.

  Re: Radiation Poisoning Remedies

7 days ago
Posted by Chris (York ) on 05/26/2024

I have not been able to locate or find anything like LOGUARD? Also there is no such thing as DNA reductase, perhaps you mean Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR)? Can you help me to locate the Loguard? And which one contains RNR? Is that perhaps the Modifilan? Many thanks

  Re: Castor Oil for Gut Issues

7 days ago
Posted by Rosie (Hampshire, England) on 05/26/2024

Thank you.

Old post but extremely useful. I have just ordered a pack for use with castor oil.

  Re: Colloidal Silver and MRIs

8 days ago
Posted by Art (California) on 05/25/2024

Hi Dvan,

The MRI uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to generate images of different organs of the body.

Colloidal silver is made using silver. Silver is a non magnetic metal, so the strong magnetic fields of the MRI are not a problem in this instance where silver is only at nanogram levels in the body.


  Re: Cat With Ulcer Under Lip

8 days ago
Posted by kathleen (North Carolina) on 05/25/2024

Hi Barbara,

It can be such a scary and powerless feeling trying something new to help our fur babies. I can tell you, without any hesitation, Colloidal Silver will not harm you, your cat or any other pets. It's the one thing helping my 13 yo dog poly arthritis, chronic inflammation, cysts, yeast.... I give it to her 3 times a day and put it in her water. I have been drinking it as it's the only thing that helps Lyme.

Many websites associated with conventional medicine (pharma company controlled) have. list of inexpensive, universal healing agents they attack. Colloidal silver is one, chlorine dioxide is another, iodine, boron, vitamin B 17 just to name a few. I would be surprised if you didnt find all you need to heal her here. Sending you both love.

 Re: Nausea and Diarrhea Every Morning

8 days ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/25/2024

I think you'll find that most here would be too busy raising their children to run a business - 2 days in a row would have been more than enough to turn them into Sherlock Holmes - they'd be all over it. The solution seems obvious to me - if you can't spend more time raising your child than running your business, set aside some time, everyday, to pay attention. Put him in your appointment book.

  Garlic Repels Mosquitoes

8 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 05/25/2024

Mosquitoes don't like garlic. One study in India found that people who rubbed a garlicky concoction on their arms and legs weren't bothered by the pesky buggers. When you eat garlic, an invisible layer of garlic oil seeps from your pores and creates a mosquito barrier. If you don't like the thought of eating more garlic, you can also use garlic juice to make a natural repellent.‘Mix one part garlic minced with 5 parts water in a small spray bottle. Shake well before using. Spray lightly on exposed body parts for an effective repellent lasting up to 5 to 6 hours.

  Re: Okra Juice for Joint Pain

8 days ago
Posted by Ron (Florida) on 05/25/2024

Okra juice works very well for blood sugar control.

  Re: Chicken Bones and Dogs

9 days ago
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 05/24/2024


Thanks so much. I appreciate your sharing your experience with chicken bones for your dogs!

~Mama to Many~

  Re: Colloidal Silver and MRIs

9 days ago
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 05/24/2024

Dear Dvan34,

Using colloidal silver in the ear, or orally for that matter, will not cause any trouble with the MRI. The particles are minute and will be absorbed by the body. If you would like to err on the side of caution, you could avoid them a day before the MRI.

You might consider using castor oil for the tumor. It is helpful for reducing growths. You could massage a drop of oil behind the ear daily. It will not hurt and it could help.

~Mama to Many~

  Mexican Oatmeal Drink for Sleep

9 days ago
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 05/24/2024


Thank you for sharing. This sounds amazing. I love oats in many forms. Oats are so nutritious. I will definitely be trying this. :)

~Mama to Many~

 Re: Nausea and Diarrhea Every Morning

9 days ago
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 05/24/2024

Is it possible that it is food related - something he is eating on weekdays?

Alpha gal will cause a delayed reaction (2-24 hour delay) and can cause nausea and diarrhea.

~Mama to Many~

  Additional Parvo Remediation

9 days ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/24/2024

Additional Parvo Remediation -

Clean house and AFTER, spray colloidal silver everywhere and let it dry. Don't worry about mold as silver is an element so, when the wet dries it will leave the silver behind to continue protection. Let everything dry then do it again. You may also want to spray the laundry area and put some colloidal silver in your rinse cycles, spray all of the closets, coats, hats and gloves in the house and let them dry, as well.

Anytime you clean up after infection or if you DON'T clean much or often, you want to inoculate your house with something nontoxic that will keep protecting after it dries, as in either colloidal silver or grapefruit seed extract. Same when you clean up mold. Kill it first, whether with the aforementioned substances, MMS or ozone, then clean it up, then inoculate.

This also makes cleaning up after a flood a piece of cake because everything is already wet so you can pour a strong mixture into the "wet" left after the waters recede and mop/swish/squish it all over, into, under and around everything. Not only does it kill the microbes, it also makes it safe to enter and work in the space. Keep everything in a large tub trug or two with some good long nitrile gloves and a pair of coveralls and you have the perfect home and barn emergency cleanup kit.

  Re: Marshmallow Root for Parvo

9 days ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/24/2024

It occurs to me that Carol may work FOR a vet and that the VET practice loses 70 puppy patients per year...didn't think of that. Obviously, anyone who loves dogs would have an interest in saving them from issues they can't fix. Particularly as an employee whose income is not determined by ridiculously astronomical vet bills. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. Apologies to all who were offended by my hissy fit!

  Re: Marshmallow Root for Parvo

9 days ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/24/2024

Sorry about the misanthropic outburst but...ya know....people...easily loved from afar but...up close and personal...not so much. And then there's the karma they suffer - I just don't want to know what they get up to or how they suffer for it.

And, of course, there's the karma I suffer for wanting to slap a hairdo on them which isn't their fault...but is also no's my "poor me" boohoo for the day, ROFL! Sorry!