Earth Clinic Mobile: Home Remedies for People and Pets

Tabasco Sauce - A Spicy Sore Throat Remedy

Whether you've developed a sore throat from yelling too much at a sporting event or it's just an unpleasant symptom of the cold you caught somewhere, it only takes the right natural treatment to start feeling better. We've reviewed multiple home treatment options and came up with a few good home cures. One of the most unusual on the list is tabasco sauce, but surprising as it may be, it works.

What Is a Sore Throat?

A painful and annoying condition, sore throats are caused by inflammation in the throat, usually caused by a viral infection. Most of the time, the sore throat is a symptom of the common cold, but there could be another cause. Mono, the flu, strep, tonsillitis, allergies, a dry environment, and acid reflux can all cause soreness and an inflamed throat.

Can I Use Over-the-Counter Medication?

If you?re like most people, you may first consider common over-the-counter treatment options to relieve your sore throat. While ibuprofen and other pain relievers do reduce the soreness associated with a scratchy throat, they do little to actually treat the underlying cause. ...

Sore Throat - Table of Contents