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Re: Need Natural Pain and Inflammation Relief After Knee Replacement

JR (Michigan) on 07/26/2024

Thank you Art. Good information.

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Re: Pai-Da and La-Jin - Update

Jasmine (NC) on 07/26/2024

Thank you for posting. I just started doing Paida Lajin (1 week ago) wow what an amazing difference. I am deeply grateful. I would love to hear others experiences of trying it.

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Melatonin Lotion Helped Reduce Ankle And Foot Swelling From An Unknown Cause

RSW (OH) on 07/26/2024
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Art,

I have been having a swollen left foot for the past four - five months, at least. The rheumatologist had me to go get a scan to see if a blood clot might be in my leg, since it was only swollen in one foot. Thankfully, no clot was found. I have tried several lotions/creams, but nothing has worked. The rheumatologist and my regular doctor had no suggestions, but both noted the swelling. I have been wearing loose scandals or flip flops because my shoes won’t fit over the swelling. I was reading the posts recently and saw the melatonin lotion suggestion. I tried it, and in about five days, the swelling has gone down a lot! Still some in my ankle, but my toes and the front of my foot has diminished enough to wear my regular tennis shoes or scandals, finally! That lotion worked wonders for me, also, just a others had posted. Thank you!

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Hemifacial Spasm - Urgently Need Natural Remedy Suggestions

Art (California) on 07/26/2024

Hi Punam,

Muscle spasms in various areas of the body can be caused by low magnesium and potassium levels. You can try the more bioavailable forms of magnesium such as magnesium glycinate, magnesium citrate or magnesium chloride.

Add too that foods rich in potassium such as these :

Try those for a week and if that resolves the issue, then you now know what is causing the muscle spasms and how to keep them away.

One other consideration is low calcium level, but you would be the best judge of whether you are getting plenty of calcium or not.

Lastly, if you are working or exercising in a hot climate and sweating significantly, that can help deplete the three items above.


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Re: Need Natural Pain and Inflammation Relief After Knee Replacement

Art (California) on 07/26/2024

Hi again, JR,

Doing too much at one time can be counterproductive.

First things first, since you already know that Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) can cause anxiety in some people, it seems prudent to stop it first to see if that alleviates the anxiety issue. You've only been taking it two days and already you have this new anxiety issue, that could be a clue.


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Re: Need Natural Pain and Inflammation Relief After Knee Replacement

Art (California) on 07/26/2024

Hi JR,

In some people, Benadryl can definitely cause anxiety, as discussed here :

Here is a relevant quote from the article :

Why does Benadryl cause paradoxical excitation?

' It’s not known exactly why paradoxical excitation with Benadryl occurs. It is thought that it may have to do with the way the drug is metabolized (broken down) in the body for excretion, as described in one small case report.

  • Benadryl is metabolized in the liver by an enzyme known as CYP2D6. It also appears to inhibit (or blocks) the use of this enzyme.
  • Some people have extra copies of the 2D6 gene and are called "ultrarapid metabolizers". These people can quickly break down CYP2D6 substrates like diphenhydramine, the active ingredient in Benadryl.
  • The researchers suggested that in people who are CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolizers, a compound may be created that leads to excitation instead of the typical drowsiness, but they also say more research is needed to explore this idea. '

The easiest to try is to stop Benadryl and see if that alleviates the anxiety. On a related note, in some people, melatonin helps with anxiety, but Imo it is not potent at such activity and this effect can vary from person to person.

You are basically in the "trial and error" stage of trying to alleviate your symptoms and further your recovery process and this simply requires testing to find out which options will be most useful for you.


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Iodine for Hair Loss

Rob (kentucky) on 07/26/2024
5 out of 5 stars

Iodized Collodion in Alopecia. - Dr. Chatelain (Monit. Thérap ) recommends the treatment of alopecia areata by Iodized Collodion, in the proportion of one part of iodine to 300 of collodion (a viscous solution used to coat wounds). The patch is rubbed with a 1:1000 solution of corrosive sublimate, and then painted with the collodion. The iodine is thus allowed to remain in contact with the patch of alopecia for a long time. When the artificial pellicle falls off, the process is repeated. Cases rebellious to other forms of treatment are frequently cured within two months by means of iodized collodion, it is claimed.

From the Book: MERCK'S MARKET REPORT AND PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL, September 1893, page 278.

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Hemifacial Spasm - Urgently Need Natural Remedy Suggestions

Ana (Melbourne ) on 07/26/2024

Can try belladonna 200 homoeopathy medicine

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Hemifacial Spasm - Urgently Need Natural Remedy Suggestions

Ana (Melbourne ) on 07/26/2024

Try homoeopathy remedies, they are very effective.

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Hemifacial Spasm - Urgently Need Natural Remedy Suggestions

Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/26/2024

Dear Punam,

Some things to try if you haven't yet...

  • Avoid sugar and caffeine,
  • Take a magnesium supplement
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep
  • Reduce screen time
  • Take a daily walk
  • Use an indoor mini trampoline/rebounder for 5 minutes a couple of times a day

~Mama to Many~

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Re: Nattokinase

Renee (MO) on 07/26/2024

I got mine on Amazon 'NSK-SD' 100mg which equals 2,000FU. It's pure nattokinase. Hope this helps.

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Re: Need Natural Pain and Inflammation Relief After Knee Replacement

JR (Michigan) on 07/26/2024

Art, I was wondering if you thought alkalizing with baking soda and lemon would help with the anxiety.

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Re: Need Natural Pain and Inflammation Relief After Knee Replacement

JR (Michigan) on 07/26/2024

Thanks, Art, for trying to help me out here. I know I have the ingredients to make up the melatonin lotion because I was going to make it up a few months ago and never got around to it. I'll have my dear husband get everything out so that I can get it made. You are right about all of us boomers getting joint replacements. A lot of my friends have gone through what I'm going through, and it has been nice to have received all of their helpful suggestions, so I will pass along whatever I can that works. So far, the Arnica gel has done wonders for the bruising. I had physical therapy yesterday and they were really pleased with my progress for only being one week post op. I also took the Arnica pellets. My biggest problem right now is anxiety. I have been taking extra strength Tylenol before PT and I feel like that has been enough. Before bed I take 1 Tylenol and 1/2 of a Benadryl to help me sleep. I added the Benadryl the past two nights. This morning, I woke up with the worst anxiety attack. I was shaking, sweating and a hot mess. All I could do was pace. I tried the Aconite homeopath that others suggested, but it didn't help. I honestly think it may have been the Benadryl. So, that's where things stand now. It's day by day, I guess. I can deal with the pain I have, but this anxiety is rough. Thanks again for your help. I'll mix that melatonin lotion up today and that will give me another layer of help for the pain. Thanks again.

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Hemifacial Spasm - Urgently Need Natural Remedy Suggestions

Punam (Toronto) on 07/26/2024

I have had eye twitch since 3 months which extended to lip twitch and left side face, have been to doctor, chiro, physio, acupuncture, taken medication for muscle relaxation, my spine and neck X-rays are all okay but the twitch persist. I desperately need help.

Re: Acupuncture for Eye Twitching

Punam (Toronto) on 07/26/2024

What part of the body or face did he do the acupuncture? Please give more details.

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P5P Helping Trigger Finger +

Pep (Boston, MA) on 07/26/2024
5 out of 5 stars

Trigger Finger, Cracking Knees, and Plantar Fasciitis

I started taking P5P 50 mg once a day, it's been 3 weeks. I have noticed pain relief from my ring trigger finger and plantar fasciitis. I can slowly make a fist again and started walking on the treadmill as well. I also had a lot of cracking in my knees. That has greatly reduced. After reading this article, I will start taking the P5P 3x's/day. Thank you for this great website.

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Re: Hulda Clark Zapper for Lyme Disease

Stacey (West Hartford, CT) on 07/26/2024

I purchased a Hulda Clark Zapper after reading the posts on your awesome site. Can someone please tell me the recommended electrical strength to Zap for Lyme? My Zapper has 30KHz, 2.5KHz, and 15Hz. The manufacturer that I purchased from makes no recommendations. I have been following Dr. Clarks protocol of 7 minutes zapping with a 20 minute break for 3 or more rounds. I've been rotating the frequencies using a different one each time that I Zap. Please share any guidance that you can. Thank you.

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Re: DMSO Application

Santo (New Territories) on 07/26/2024

Hi Roxanne, did you apply the DMSO 99.9% with your bare fingers or use gloves?

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Re: Need Natural Pain and Inflammation Relief After Knee Replacement

JR (Michigan) on 07/25/2024

Thanks, Adele, for all the great information. It is deeply appreciated. It's really great that all the folks on EC are so willing to share their knowledge and experience.

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Re: Diatomaceous Earth Killed Parasitic Infection

JR (Michigan) on 07/25/2024

Thank you for sharing. That is a remarkable story.

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