Why Lugol's Iodine is Essential for Optimal Health

Modified on Apr 16, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

Lugol's Iodine Health Benefits

Iodine, a fundamental element, is vital for the human body's optimal function. However, our bodies cannot naturally produce iodine, leading to prevalent iodine deficiencies. One of the most effective solutions to address this gap is Lugol’s iodine. Rich in its benefits, Lugol’s iodine not only supports various bodily functions but also emerges as a holistic remedy for an array of health concerns. Its inherent antiseptic properties further enhance its utility, making it a potent topical agent against infections and certain skin conditions.

Understanding Lugol’s Iodine

First introduced by the French scientist Jean Lugol in 1829, Lugol’s iodine isn't a brand but rather a distinctive formulation of iodine. It comprises an aqueous solution, which simply denotes water as its primary medium, blended with potassium iodide and iodine. This unique combination amplifies its efficacy, making it a sought-after choice for iodine supplementation.

Health Benefits

  • Natural antihistamine
  • Antioxidant 1
  • Displaces fluoride
  • Displaces bromide
  • Displaces chlorine
  • Mercury detox
  • Promotes proper hormone balance
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Increases metabolism
  • Supports immune system
  • Promotes growth of hair, skin, and nails
  • Needed for the health of bones
  • Protects from radiation
  • Required for proper brain development
  • Reduces hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Part of cancer prevention
  • Necessary for the thyroid gland
  • Kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi

Lugol’s Iodine: A Superior Choice Among Iodine Supplements

Lugol’s Iodine stands out in the world of iodine supplements for its comprehensive approach to iodine supplementation. Here's a closer look at why it's often considered superior:

1. Diverse Iodine Forms: Lugol's Iodine offers not one, but three distinct forms of iodine – molecular iodine, iodide, and tri-iodide. This diversity ensures that the body receives a broad spectrum of iodine forms to cater to its varied needs.

2. Detoxification Benefits: One of the highlighted strengths of iodide, present in Lugol's solution, is its ability to assist in the removal of certain heavy metals. Metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum, and arsenic can accumulate in the body, and iodide plays a role in facilitating their elimination.

3. Targeted Support to Body Systems:

  • Thyroid and Beyond: Iodide is crucial for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland, aiding in the production of vital thyroid hormones. Furthermore, it benefits other areas like the salivary glands and skin.
  • Holistic Health Benefits: Elemental iodine, another component of Lugol's, finds its utility in tissues such as the breasts, prostate, digestive system, and brain. This means Lugol's offers targeted support to numerous body systems.

In essence, the multifaceted composition of Lugol's Iodine allows it to address the body's iodine requirements holistically. Its unique blend ensures that different tissues and organs receive the specific form of iodine they most favor, making it a superior choice for many looking to supplement with iodine.

Determining the Right Dosage of Lugol’s Solution

The requirement of iodine varies significantly among individuals, and there isn't a universally applicable dosage. Natural remedies, including Lugol’s Solution, often require tailored dosages based on individual health needs, conditions, and tolerances.

Historical Recommendations:

Dr. D. C. Jarvis' Tonic: A renowned name in the field, Dr. Jarvis recommended a tonic that combines the goodness of apple cider vinegar with Lugol’s Iodine. His suggested blend was 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water with a drop of 5% Lugol’s Solution. This concoction was advised to be taken twice a week.

Modern-Day Considerations:

  • Alternative Medicine Approaches: Some practitioners in the realm of alternative medicine propose a daily intake of 12.5-50 mg of Lugol’s Iodine, especially when addressing conditions like hypothyroidism, autoimmune diseases, and other significant health challenges.
  • Caution with Higher Dosages: It's of paramount importance to exercise caution when considering higher dosages. Rapidly increasing iodine intake, particularly without medical supervision, can result in side effects. This caution is doubly vital given iodine's role in detoxifying, where it helps expel metals and toxins from the body.
  • The Importance of Companion Nutrients: Remember, our bodies function with a complex interplay of nutrients. When supplementing with Lugol’s Iodine, ensure the body has adequate "companion nutrients." as noted below. Iodine collaborates with these nutrients for various physiological processes.

Companion Nutrients for Lugol’s Iodine

  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin C
  • B Vitamins
  • Magnesium

How Much Iodine is in Lugol’s Solution?

Lugol’s Iodine is typically sold in two strengths – 2% and 5%.

2% Lugol’s Solution

  • 1 drop of 2% solution contains 2.5 mg of iodine
  • 5 drops of 2% solution contain 12.5 mg of iodine
  • 20 drops of 2% solution contain 50 mg of iodine

5% Lugol’s Solution

  • 1 drop of 5% solution contains 6.25 mg of iodine
  • 2 drops of 5% solution contain 12.5 mg of iodine
  • 8 drops of 5% solution contain 50 mg of iodine

Optimal Timing For Taking Lugol's Iodine

The efficacy and side effects of many supplements can be influenced by when they are taken. With Lugol’s Iodine, timing plays a significant role in ensuring maximum absorption and minimal adverse reactions.

  • Morning or Early Afternoon Intake: Lugol’s Iodine is best consumed in the morning or early afternoon. This is because iodine, vital for thyroid function, can boost metabolism and energy levels. If taken too late in the day, this surge of energy might lead to disturbances in sleep or cause insomnia.
  • Consume with Meals: For optimal absorption, it's advisable to take Lugol’s Iodine with food. The presence of food can facilitate better iodine uptake and also reduce the risk of stomach upset, which some individuals might experience.
  • Pairing with Companion Nutrients: If you're also taking 'companion nutrients' (other minerals and vitamins that support iodine function and absorption), they can typically be taken simultaneously with Lugol’s Iodine. This ensures that the body has all the necessary co-factors to utilize and benefit from the iodine properly.

In summary, to get the best out of Lugol’s Iodine supplementation, consider your body's natural rhythms and energy cycles. Adjust your intake timing to harmonize with these rhythms, and always consult with a healthcare professional if unsure.

Applying Lugol’s Solution Topically: What You Need to Know

Lugol's iodine solution is not just limited to oral use. Its topical application offers a range of benefits, from disinfection to addressing various skin concerns. However, there are several considerations to keep in mind when using Lugol’s solution on the skin.

1. Disinfectant Properties: One of the primary reasons Lugol's iodine is applied topically is its potent disinfectant capabilities. It can be applied to minor wounds, cuts, and abrasions to prevent infections.

2. Treatment of Skin Conditions: Beyond its disinfectant properties, Lugol's iodine has been used in addressing various skin issues, such as fungal infections or specific skin lesions. Always consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional before using it for any particular condition.

3. Temporary Skin Staining: An important aspect to note is that Lugol's iodine, when applied to the skin, will cause a noticeable brown stain. This staining is temporary. For some individuals, it may fade in a matter of hours, while for others, it might linger for days. It's essential to be aware of this, especially if you're applying it to visible areas.

4. Transdermal Iodine Absorption: The skin does absorb iodine, and some individuals opt for topical application as an alternative method to "consume" their iodine supplements. However, this method lacks precision. It's challenging to ascertain the exact amount of iodine the body absorbs through the skin, which can lead to unpredictable dosing.

5. An Alternative for Those Sensitive to Oral Use: Some people might experience adverse reactions or side effects when taking iodine orally. For these individuals, topical application can be a gentler way to reap the benefits of iodine without digestive concerns.

Skin Problems that Benefit from Topical Iodine Use

  • Warts
  • Skin Tags
  • Moles
  • Dermatitis
  • Fungal Infections
  • Ringworm
  • Tinea Versicolor
  • Boils
  • Scars
  • Acne
  • Nasal Polyp
  • Ganglion Cyst

Using Lugol’s Iodine for Skin Applications: A Guide

When employing Lugol's iodine for topical skin treatments, it's important to be mindful of its strength and the skin's sensitivity. Here's a guideline to help ensure its safe and effective application:

Choosing the Right Concentration:

  • Standard Application: For regular skin use, dab a small amount of 5% Lugol’s iodine onto the concerned area. This can be done once or twice daily, depending on the severity of the issue.
  • Sensitive or Damaged Skin: If the skin area is particularly sensitive, irritated, or broken, it's advisable to opt for a milder concentration. In such cases, a 2% Lugol’s iodine solution may be more appropriate to prevent further irritation or discomfort.

Duration of Application: Continue applying Lugol’s iodine to the affected area for as long as necessary. However, monitor the skin's reaction closely. If any signs of excessive dryness, irritation, or any adverse reactions appear, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

Soothing Post-Application:

  • Use of Oils: After applying Lugol’s iodine, to prevent or alleviate any sensation of stinging or burning, gently massage the area with castor oil or coconut oil. These oils not only have soothing properties but can also provide additional moisture, ensuring the skin remains supple and doesn't dry out from the iodine application.

Remember, while Lugol’s iodine is a potent solution with numerous benefits, it's essential always to listen to your body. If you experience any discomfort, reconsider the concentration or method of application, and always reach out to a dermatologist or healthcare professional with any concerns.

Oral Use of Lugol’s Iodine

Historically, a sore throat was painted (internally) with iodine.

For oral infections, Lugol’s iodine can be added to water and swished in the mouth. (1 drop in a tablespoon of water.)

The Importance of Iodine

Iodine is included in the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines and is specifically noted for its benefit to the thyroid gland.

Historically, iodine was commonly prescribed by doctors for a variety of health problems, especially for goiter. With the invention of pharmaceutical medications, iodine fell out of favor. Advocates of natural health, however, have helped to re-popularize using iodine supplements to correct iodine deficiency, which in turn relieves health problems caused by iodine deficiency.

Isn’t Iodine in Food?

Of course, the ideal way to get iodine into the body is with food. However, there are a limited number of foods that contain iodine, and levels of iodine in foods is often not enough to supply the daily needs of the body.

Iodine in Our Diet: Sources and Considerations

Iodine-rich Foods:

  • Dairy: Milk, yogurt, cheese
  • Seafood: Codfish, tuna
  • Vegetables: Seaweed, cranberries, strawberries, potatoes
  • Others: Eggs, iodized salt

Challenges with Dietary Iodine:

  • Many foods, due to iodine-depleted soils, don't have optimal iodine levels.
  • While fish and seaweed are iodine-rich, they're not always easily accessible.
  • Iodine once enriched bread but was replaced by cheaper bromide, which also hampers iodine absorption.
  • Water additives like chlorine and fluoride hinder the body's use of iodine.
  • While table salt has iodine, the amount is barely enough to prevent goiters. Moreover, popular non-iodized sea salts and salts in processed foods often lack iodine, limiting its presence in modern diets.

Consequences of Iodine Deficiency:

Low iodine can lead to hypothyroidism, developmental issues in babies, dry skin, hair loss, weight fluctuations, fibrocystic breast disease, migraines, and more.

The Solution:

Supplementing with iodine can counteract these deficiencies, and Lugol’s iodine stands out as a top choice for supplementation.

Earth Clinic Reader Testimonials on Lugol's Iodine

Continue reading to explore testimonials from Earth Clinic readers who have utilized Lugol's Iodine for various health conditions. If you've benefited from Lugol's Iodine, we'd love to hear your story. Please share your experiences with us!

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List of Remedies for Lugol's Iodine