Lugol's Iodine Side Effects


Hisjewel (Usa) on 02/14/2018:
0 out of 5 stars

I remember inquiring for help concerning the tingly sometimes, burning feeling on my face. I had started thinking it was stress.

I got some advice that got me through that time.

Soon I stopped using some of my supplements then start back up again.

Well, I had stopped using the Iodine. I had been obviously taking too many drops for me, about 4 drops of 5mgs or 7mgs of Lugols Iodine in a glass of water.

Any way I wanted to kill an infection, so I started back on the iodine. One to two drops in water this time, plus a little on infected area. I began to feel that old tingly burning feeling in the face again.

It good to know what is causing a situation, then we wont be trying to fix it while still consuming the cause.

I only took it a few days this time. Just enough for my healing.


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Dee (Atlanta, GA) on 11/02/2008:
0 out of 5 stars

I was taking Lugol's iodine for about a week, then stopped for 2 weeks, then started up 2 days ago, 5 drops diluted in water (what women say to take daily for breast cancer prevention). Right after taking the drops yesterday, I had an immediately reaction: runny nose and slight pressure behind the eyes. Today (Monday) my nose is still runny, but the pressure behind my eyes is a bit less. I know the runny nose is from having too much iodine in my body. Should I be worried? How can I pull the excess iodine from my system? I am going to stop the iodine for at least a month now and if I take it in the future, no more than 1-2 drops at a time.
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