Natural Remedies for Migraines

Modified on Apr 14, 2024 | Written by Deirdre Layne

Apple Cider Vinegar

Migraines are more than just headaches; they can be debilitating, affecting daily life. Understanding and using natural remedies for migraines is crucial for those seeking relief without relying solely on medications. This guide covers a range of natural treatments, including lesser-known herbs and supplements, to alleviate and prevent migraines.

Understanding Migraine Symptoms

Migraines typically manifest as intense head pain, often on one side, and can include neck pain, throbbing sensations, and sensitivity to light, sound, and touch. Visual disturbances, known as migraine aura, nausea, vomiting, and weakness, are also common.

Immediate Migraine Relief Methods

  • Hydration and Electrolytes: Drinking water with sea salt, cayenne pepper, or coconut water can restore hydration and electrolytes, which are crucial for migraine relief.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix two teaspoons in water for its alkalizing effect, which can alleviate migraine pain.
  • Essential Oils: Lavender and peppermint oils applied to temples and neck can provide immediate relief. Basil oil, inhaled from a cotton ball, is also effective.
  • Epsom Salt Bath: A warm bath with Epsom salt helps the body absorb magnesium, reducing migraine symptoms.
  • Rest: Resting in a dark, quiet room can lessen migraine severity.
  • Ice Pack: Applying an ice pack to the back of the neck can reduce pain.
  • Controlled Breathing: Breathing into a brown paper bag helps balance gas exchange in the body, which can benefit certain types of migraines.

Natural Preventative Strategies

Herbal Remedies:

  • Butterbur: Known for its efficacy in migraine prevention.
  • Feverfew: A daily dose can prevent migraines for many sufferers.
  • Cayenne Pepper: Its blood vessel dilation properties make it useful in both treating and preventing migraines.
  • Mullein: Known for its mild pain-relieving and relaxing properties.
  • Nettle Leaf: Highly nutritive and a blood purifier, it can benefit migraines linked to chronic conditions or poor health.

Dietary Management:

Identifying and avoiding migraine triggers in the diet, such as MSG, aspartame, aged cheese, and certain additives, is vital.

Supplements and Vitamins:

  • Magnesium: Often used to prevent migraines, especially for those with a deficiency.
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): Shown to reduce migraine frequency and severity.
  • Coenzyme Q10: This supplement can help reduce the frequency of migraines.

Lifestyle Adjustments:

  • Regular Sleep Patterns: Ensuring consistent and adequate sleep can prevent migraines.
  • Stress Management: Techniques like yoga, meditation, and regular exercise can reduce the frequency of stress-induced migraines.
  • Hydration: Regular consumption of water and herbal teas helps prevent dehydration-related migraines.

Understanding Migraine Triggers

Identifying personal triggers is crucial. Common triggers include certain foods, dehydration, hormonal fluctuations, environmental factors, and stress. Keeping a migraine diary can be a helpful tool in recognizing patterns.


While not all migraines can be prevented, combining these natural remedies and lifestyle changes can reduce their frequency and severity significantly. Individuals need to tailor these approaches to their specific needs and consult healthcare professionals before starting any new treatment regimen, especially when dealing with chronic conditions like migraines.

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List of Remedies for Migraines