Coconut Oil for Migraines

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Molly (Lafayette, Colorado) on 11/16/2012:
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Coconut oil will trigger a migraine instantly for me. Even just smelling in can trigger a horrid migraine.

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Scott (Fairfax, Va) on 10/27/2012:
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Tammy is right. Coconut oil triggers nasty headaches, at least for me. Be wary and check food labels.

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Sandy (Bangalore, India) on 11/29/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Dear Earthclinic, Thank you for putting up such a fabulously informative site. I am a daily visitor. After reading some virtues of coconut oil on your site, I decided to drink it daily for weight loss. Well, I began to notice that if I had a couple of teaspoons coconut oil in the morning with my breakfast, then I didnt get acidity the entire day. Also, I didnt get migraines that day. I am quite susceptible to migraines close to my periods. So during those days, I have a couple of teaspoonfuls twice/thrice a day, and dont get migraines that day. In fact, I now carry a small bottle of coconut oil in my purse, and drink some of it if I start feeling a migraine coming on, or if I start feeling nauseous(sign of acidity)--after drinking the oil I burp (because of acid base neutalization and subsequent gas release, I guess), and my acidity/migraine goes off.If I am home, I may drink the coconut oil with some cold milk--helps immensely. If I am out, I drink the coconut oil by itself, and just drink some water on top of it to take the oil taste off my mouth. Ever since I started taking coconut oil (thanks to earthclinic), I have been free of migraines and acidity nausea. My facial skin had open pores previously--the pores have closed now (!!) since drinking coconut oil and skin looks moisturized. Thanks again.
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Tammy (Roseburg, Oregon) on 01/11/2007:
1 out of 5 stars

I avoid anything with coconut oil in it! It gives me terrible migraine headaches. My whole family runs this allergic reaction. Now, I don't know if it's "virgin" - it's the C.O. you see in lots of products (candy, esp.) A small amount can set me back for a day; more has caused me a visit to the ER! I did not run across anyone else who said they had the same reaction, but my dad, aunts, cousins, etc. all are allergic to C.O.
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