Apple Cider Vinegar for Sinus Infections

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Ep0101 (Wisconsin) on 08/03/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar for Sinus Infection... Wonderful!

I tried the rinse for the first time and although I didn't expect it to sting a little, it did clear my sinuses. I also try and drink the ACV tonic daily as I have asthma and allergies! I also know that ACV with the Mother, alkalizes in the body which is a good thing considering most of what we eat is acidic, so ACV has some amazing things that it does and its too bad Dr's don't try natural things first instead of throwing meds that usually creates other problems, but then again, if they tried natural stuff first, they wouldn't make as much money I suppose.

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Steve G (Nashville, Tn) on 05/23/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I remember my saintly grandmother using Apple Cider Vinegar for several different healing remedies... this year I fought 'the crud', worse than ever - taken everything I could take - even antibiotic, but to no avail... tried apple cider vinegar and I can honestly say, it worked and I feel so much better - I drink it in water and flush nostrils as well... thanks a million for the article and help...
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Jason (San Jose, Ca) on 01/12/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Steaming ACV worked for me! I came down with a bad cold two weeks ago and it turned into a sinus infection - sinus was bloated, mucus was thick and brownish, and pressure around the nose. Netipot and rest didn't make it better and I was getting desperate. Tried steaming vinegar (didn't have ACV) two nights ago and the next day felt a lot better. Did it again yesterday and now I'm almost completely well.

Thanks a lot to those who posted this remedy!

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Earwax Sg (Singapore) on 01/10/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Yes it worked for me too. Exact same symptoms going to the end of antibiotics treatment but it didnt cure it so I tried this and it worked just few hours later!
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Marilyn (Missouri) on 12/23/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I had sinus surgery 3 years ago, and had not had a sinus infection since. On Thanksgiving woke up with a horrible sinus infection. I'd had symptoms for a couple weeks, like achiness, fatigue, Went to dr next day took 10 days of amoxicillin, did not help at all. Saw your article on ACV, could stand the taste, so tried steaming 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup ACV. Wow! End of lst day, I felt much better, but was coughing up and blowing my nose a lot.The next morning I felt like a new woman. I passed this on to my brother, his results were great also.
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Mary G (Appleton, Wi) on 11/30/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I have Irritable bowel syndrome (Spastic colon) and I get sinus infections at least once a year.

My doc always prescribes antibiotics for my SI's and every time I take them, I spend too much time in the bathroom. I recently came across your site and tried the ACV for my sinus infection:

I am using three-four drops of ACV, 1/2 tsp of baking soda (to take the edge off of the ACV) and warm water in my neti pot. I do this three times a day and I am planning to do this for five days.

The first day was harsh, but the second day of treatments was less harsh. I am now on my third day of treatments. I am not a 100% better, but I am feeling more better than I did before when I was on antibiotics. This is more effective and faster than antibiotics. I plan to do the ACV health drink after my SI's is over with. Thanks for this helpful information, You saved me a trip to the doctor, lots of bathroom time and some money. Thanks again.

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Alice (Portland, Or) on 11/07/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Thanks for this advice! I only added 6 drops of apple cider vinegar to a nasal rinse of warm distilled water the first time and it did sting a little. The next time, I added 6 drops to the rinse with a saline packet and it was AMAZING! No pain at all, drained well, and I am much less congested! I also started to drink a diluted ACV tonic of warm tap water with 1/2 tsp 2x a day. Had severe congestion for two weeks and took pseudophedrine and decongestant spray constantly. I was going to give in and go to the doctor for antibiotics but am so glad I tried this instead. It's only been 24 hours and I feel much better. Will also try a few drops of melted coconut oil in the nostrils since people on here say that is an amazing cure as well. Thanks for the posts everyone!!
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Thetruthworks (Clinton, Md) on 10/30/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I had the same experience before with the nasal passages reaction during a previous sinus infection.

The problem was not the vinegar/Neti pot process. I had used way too much vinegar. I just did it again, using only 4-6 DROPS of vinegar. The thick nasal mucus immediately started to drain; and it went from thick white/slightly yellow tint to clear. And my breathing is clear and my sense of smell is working again.

FYI, when blowing your nose, pinch/press close one side and blow the other. Then do the same on the other side. Do not blow hard, it will force infectious agent into the ear canal, and create another problem. Instead inhale through an open mouth and huff blow in a 1,2,3 pattern until the 1 nasal side is cleared and do the same on the other side.

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Fred (Texas) on 09/05/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I was very skeptical. However, the ACV rinse worked for my sinus infection.

I used the rinse three time a day. On the morning of the day, after I began using the rinse, I felt better. I improved each day for six days. The rinse worked for me faster than the antibiotics I have been prescribed the last few years.

The rinse was harsh the first few days in the sense that it burned. I read that the more the rinse hurts, the worse my infection was, so I stayed with it. Now, six days later the discomfort is no worse than that I experienced with a saline rinse.

Thanks to all of you who posted your positive experiences with the rinse, which motivated me to give it a try despite my great skepticism.

I am a believer now. Thanks.

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Paul (Uk) on 03/22/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Yes I had trouble finding some in major supermarkets and Aspall Cyder Vinegar (Organic) was the only one I could find.

I suffer from sinusitis and I have definitely noticed an improvement. This stuff acts like an anti-biotic without the horrible side effects!

I took 2 tea spoons, mixed with apple squash and warm water for a few days and noticed about 15 mins after taking it, I started to sneeze and then cleared my nose of horrible stuff and felt so much better.

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