Are There Natural Remedies for Gonorrhea?

Modified on Mar 15, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

Gonorrhea is an easily spread sexually transmitted disease, affecting primarily young people.  It can cause permanent damage and become chronic.  To make matters worse, gonorrhea has become resistant to most antibiotics.  The only remaining class of antimicrobials available for treatment in the U.S. (cephalosporins) is becoming less effective at treating gonorrhea.  Treatment with two drugs is currently recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Gonorrhea (N. gonorrhoeae) infects an additonal 820,000 people every year in the U.S., making it the second most commonly reported communicable disease.  Men experience symptoms severe enough to cause them to go to the doctor, but women usually either experience no symptoms at all, or very mild symptoms.  The fact that women often do not know that they have gonorrhea is an important factor in its spread.

Are There Any Natural Treatments for Gonorrhea?

Doing all possible to boost the immune system is always very important.  Naturopaths, Ayurvedan or Chinese practitioners may have suggestions.  We found the following recommendations when researching; at this time, we have not heard directly from anyone who has used apple cider vinegar, garlic or aloe vera to treat their gonorrhea, so are simply passing on the information.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This treatment recommendation used a mixture of apple cider vinegar mixed with a few drops of coconut oil.  A bandage was allowed to absorb this mixture and then used to cover infected skin areas.  No information was given as to how long the bandage should be applied.  Apple cider vinegar was also used instead of soap by mixing 5 cups of water with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.


Garlic was reported to be useful, particularly when eaten raw.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera was said to be useful against gonorrhea.  At the very least, it would be cooling on irritated skin.

If any Earth Clinic readers have tried a natural treatment for gonorrhea, please let us know.  From reading the literature, it sounds as if there are going to be more and more people who develop chronic gonorrhea that is resistant to antibiotics.  Most will be young people.  An effective natural treatment is badly needed.  Please pass on anything you have found useful.  Thank you.

Research on possible future treatment options for gonorrhea

The link above was published by the European AIDs Research Group in 2012.  Most of the article covers possible new antibiotic treatments.  However, it did include the following study of plants as possible future gonorrhea treatments.

They reported that a team of Canadian scientists were studying various plants used by Aboriginal healers for several conditions.  Chemicals extracted from these plants "somewhat impair the growth of gonorrhea-causing bacteria."  There is no dosage information given.

The plants they they investigated as possible natural remedies were:

They tested extracts available in health food stores or pharmacies and analysis showed that varying levels of the active ingredients were in the supplements.  They warned that, "Moreover, relying on herbal extracts that have not been tested in well-designed clinical trials in people is not a wise course of action (for the treatment of drug-resistant gonorrhea or anything else). No one knows if they will be effective in people or how they might interact with commonly used drugs."


Who can get it?  Anyone who is sexually active with someone who is infected can get gonorrhea. It's very common among those 15-24.  Pregnant women can pass it to their baby.

What is it?  Gonorrhea is an infection in the throat, rectum and genitals.

Prevention:  Celibacy

Reduce the Risk: Best: only have sex within a monogamous relationship.  Always: Use condoms every time.

Symptoms:  Men: burning sensation  when urinating or discharge; painful testicles.  Women: no symptoms usually, but can develop tubal scarring that can result in ectopic pregnancies or infertility.

Conventional Treatment:  The microorganisms causing gonorrhea have become resistant to most antibiotics, so conventional treatment now uses a combination of two drugs.

Permanent Damage: Even if cured, gonorrhea can cause permanent damage.

There are many people who have antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea and have been told by their doctors that nothing more can be done for them.  If anyone knows of an effective natural treatment, please let us know.  Thank you!

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List of Remedies for Gonorrhea