Dietary Changes for Grover's Disease

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Jerry (Huntington Beach, Ca) on 07/17/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I have Grover's Disease, confirmed by a dermatologist and a pathology. My first major outbreak was in 2004, with subsequent major outbreaks in 2006 and 2007. I have discovered that the outbreaks are caused by ingestion of sulfites which I am apparently sensitive to. As you may know, sulfites are plentiful in all manner of food and drink, especially psckaged french fries and hash browns, out of season fruits and vegatables and unfortunately, wine and brandy. (and probably beer) I believe that many years of enjoying alcoholic beverages may have damaged my liver's ability to process sulfites. However, I have found that taking molybdenum has negated my problem with sulfites and I am no longer troubled by Grover's. I take one capsule per day (1,000 mcg). I have no trouble with wine and occasionally even have a few french fries. I don't know if sulfites cause Grover's outbreaks in anybody else but you might want to consider it.
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Pekka L. (Helsinki, Finland) on 08/04/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 70-year-old man.

I am interested in sport: tennis, golf, biking, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing.

Two years ago I got Grover's disease.

The whole body was a lot of itchy Grover's disease. I used a lot of hydrocortis and other oils. These were not helpful.

I stopped eating whole wheat. All the rash Grover's disease lost within two weeks. I tried twice to eat wheat, Grover's disease immediately came back. Now it's good to be, not Graves's disease.

I am happy when I found Grover's disease causes.

Now I live a happy athlete's life, not Grover's disease, not wheat.

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Grain-free (Toronto, On) on 01/30/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I honestly didn’t think it was possible, but Grover’s, which I have had for years (especially on my abdomen), has completely cleared up over the past 10 days. NO MORE DEBILITATING ITCH, no more raided bumps, no more discomfort, no more embarrassment. I eliminated grains from my diet (began a Paleo way of eating, but still eating some dairy) and almost immediately my condition improved. I also began using a diaper rash cream for the itch and thought it may have contributed to my improved condition, but while it dealt with the itch the Grover’s was still there. The last few days, I stopped using the cream and the Grover’s hasn’t reappeared. I highly recommend trying to give up grains. No grains = no Grover’s (for me). Just had to share.
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Karen D (Memphis, Tn) on 01/18/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Re a gluten-free diet for Grover's Disease--

As I have come to learn it isn't the wheat as much as it is the YEAST in the breads, cakes, pasta etc. to include alcoholic beverages and fermented foods such as pickles, sauerkraut, Kombucha, even vinegar-based salad dressings which I love.

I eliminated gluten from my diet 2 years ago which I thought was the answer. Yet I still had mild flare-ups especially in the winter and have now had to eliminate the fermented foods, vinegar, and red wine. This is working for me and the symptoms are reduced and I believe this will do it.

Coconut oil applied topically does remove the itching completely. I am hopeful that monitoring my diet will keep this under control. If it continues the next thing will be to have all of my mercury-laden amalgam fillings removed from my teeth.

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Gina (Brighton, England) on 04/29/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I've had grovers on and off for four years! Nothing from doc has worked for me. So decided to look at my diet and found out that wheat and glutton can cause skin problems.. I have not had wheat or glutton for 3 weeks and it has completely disappeared.. I also used Camoline lotion. Which is fab for the itching! I'm over the moon as I had it on my chest.. So I recommend to u all to just try a wheat and glutton free diet..i saw a difference in a week.There are so many alternative food to choose from now.. Good luck fellow grovers Gina
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Deborah (Hillsboro, Nh) on 11/18/2014
5 out of 5 stars


I suffered with Grover's Disease for over 1 year. The itch was the worse I have ever experienced and the scratch scars stayed with me through 2 summers.

The lessons were biopsy by a well respected dermatologist and the diagnosis was made . The treatment went from expensive light treatments (did nothing except burn my skin) to every lotion and ointment I could try. Nothing worked. My son, every night would rather up my back with eucerin and zinc oxide, just to scratch all night anyways .

I finally went to a naturalopath that suggested I test for ALL foods. This is not a skin test. It is a test that I bought, did at home and sent out to be tested. After a few weeks the results were back and I met with Marty (naturalopath).

I had allergic responses (extreme) to eggs, yeast and cane sugar. He also had me stop gluten.

In less than 2 weeks there was no rash, no itch...nothing.

Two years later, there is still nothing. I am still careful of my diet but I can have this or that in small amounts now and am OK.

I went back to the dermatologist and told him what I had found that worked and he did not want to hear about it .

I truly think that in the medical profession is no acceptable to have any cure for any issue if it does not involve pharmaceuticals or expensive medical testing .

It makes sense to me as our bodies are made to work and work well unless something we are doing is messing it up. Things such as life style, diet, stress, physical labor, obesity. We need to believe there are answers to medical problems that would be many times best left to common sense. So much more to say but not enough room. Please seek this option out. The test cost $300 out of my pocket. (I had already invested close to $1500 on light therapy) It was well worth it and I feel healthy and my skin has healed.

My very best to you.


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