Grover's Disease: Natural Remedies for Relief

Modified on Mar 30, 2024 | Written by Deirdre Layne

Cilantro for Grover's Disease

Grover's Disease, also known as transient acantholytic dermatosis, presents as itchy, red spots primarily on the back and chest. Common in older men with extensive sun exposure, it's linked to sweat gland blockages and dry skin. Although its exact cause is unknown, effective management often includes natural remedies. This article highlights the top natural treatments for Grover's Disease, as reported by sufferers.

Natural Remedies for Grover's Disease

Natural remedies for Grover's Disease are often effective and include dietary changes like eliminating sulfides, wheat, and gluten and taking Vitamin B supplements.


Cilantro, also known as Chinese parsley, may offer therapeutic benefits for Grover's Disease due to its powerful anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. These qualities can help alleviate the intense itching and inflammation associated with the condition. Additionally, cilantro is known for its ability to aid in removing heavy metals from the body, which could be beneficial in cases where such toxins exacerbate skin issues like Grover's Disease.

As per 47 Earth Clinic user reports, including one from Kristen in Aliso Viejo, CA, consuming fresh organic cilantro can lead to significant improvements. Kristen's regimen of 3 cups daily, blended into a smoothie, led to the complete resolution of her symptoms within three weeks.

Vitamin A

Another powerful natural remedy is Vitamin A supplementation. Elena from California shared her success story on Earth Clinic, noting marked skin improvement after taking 50,000 IU of Vitamin A daily. To balance the potential depletion of Vitamin D by Vitamin A, she also took 2000 IU of Vitamin D. Her symptoms nearly cleared up within a week.

Zinc Oxide

Zinc oxide, known for its healing and protective properties, has been identified as a potentially effective remedy for Grover's Disease. This skin condition, characterized by itchy and irritated spots, may benefit from the anti-inflammatory and soothing capabilities of zinc oxide. Its ability to form a protective barrier on the skin can help in preventing further irritation, while its natural healing properties may aid in reducing inflammation and promoting skin recovery. This aligns with the experiences of individuals who have found relief through zinc oxide applications, as seen in the following account.

Sherrysmith66 from Charleston, SC, shared her success story in treating Grover's Disease with zinc oxide. Having suffered from Grover's Disease intermittently for years, she discovered that zinc oxide, commonly used in diaper rash creams, provided immediate relief from itching. Notably, the symptoms were drastically improved by the next morning and completely resolved within a couple of days. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has been increasingly recognized for its potential benefits in managing Grover's Disease. This vitamin plays a crucial role in skin health and immune function. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help soothe the skin, while its role in immune regulation may address underlying issues contributing to the condition. Supplementing with Vitamin D, especially in cases where levels are low or at the lower end of the normal range, could offer significant relief for those suffering from Grover's Disease.

Christine from Chandler, AZ, shared a compelling story on her battle with Grover's Disease, which she managed to overcome using Vitamin D. Despite a severe case that lasted over a year and affected most of her body, Christine found relief by taking high-quality Vitamin D supplements — 4500 IU daily, with occasional additional doses of 1500 IU. Her decision to try Vitamin D was initially for hair loss, but within two weeks, she noticed a significant reduction in her rash, and after 30 days, the rash completely disappeared. Remarkably, after about 80 days, there was no recurrence of the rash.

Christine's experience is particularly notable because her Vitamin D levels were initially within the normal range, albeit on the lower end. Her story highlights the importance of considering Vitamin D supplementation for Grover's Disease, especially given its potential link with autoimmune issues and the extensive list of problems associated with Vitamin D deficiency.

Dietary Modifications

Altering diet by removing sulfides, wheat, and gluten, and including Vitamin B supplements, has also been suggested as a beneficial approach for those with Grover's Disease. These dietary changes target potential aggravating factors, relieving skin irritation and itching.

Explore various home remedies for Grover's Disease below, shared by users who have experienced this condition. If you know of a treatment not mentioned here, we encourage you to share your story and contribute to our growing list of solutions.

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List of Remedies for Grover's Disease