Cilantro for Grover's Disease

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Teena (Victoria) on 09/24/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Grover's disease is caused by build up of heavy metals, cilantro works because it chelates these out of the body.
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Charlie (Clay County, FL) on 09/18/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I have Grovers Disease. I knew I was in for it when my Dermatologist looked at my back and said "OH WOW"! Three other physicians came in and looked with the same look in their face. They took pieces of my skin and determined it was grovers. So after a week of prescriptions and I wasn't getting better, I tried this cilantro smoothie.

I added blueberries, a squeeze of fresh lemon and ice to the smoothie. It wasn't that bad. Nothing to report after three days, BUT on the fourth day the itching calmed down. Then a daily progression of no hive like lesions on the inside of my arms and no hives between my legs. I been on the smoothie for about 10 days and what a difference! Bumps on my all but disappeared, just a slight occasional itch, nothing more than normal. All I can tell you it worked for me! Give it a try.

I'm thinking about cutting down to every other day to see what happens. I'm amazed and no I stopped all meds when I started the smoothie. I haven't had this for that long, maybe a month, but sometimes ya just gotta try something other than drugs. Ask me anything if you want. Thx for reading this. Charlie

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Kristen (Aliso Viejo, CA) on 09/12/2021
5 out of 5 stars

This worked for me!! I had a mild case of Grover's and after eating 3 cups of fresh organic cilantro per day for 3 weeks, it was completely resolved. I blend with banana, yogurt and almond milk and can make a four day supply at one time. Give this a try!!
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AussieWayne (Queensland, Australia) on 01/08/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Hi guys,

I just thought I should post my experience here so that others may know about this as well. I am a male of shall we say mature years and a long time sufferer of Grover's Disease (20 Years). I do not seem to have the severity that some unfortunate people report here but it is enough for me to seek a solution. I recently discovered this site and decided to try the cilantro/corriander shake treatment after experiencing a major flareup.

I have been having a half bunch in a shake each day for the last 18 days and I am amazed to report that for me this has made a huge difference. I nearly want to say it is a complete cure but at least cautiously advise that it has removed all signs and symptoms of Grovers for me. The red stinging bumps and itching are no longer a daily battle for me to endure. I would judge my level of affliction before as moderate but with flareups and nowhere as severe as some sadly have reported here.

I don't believe that the other ingredients of the shake make much of a difference to the overall efficacy as I have mixed and matched with various ingredients but always include the half bunch of cilantro/corriander. For me, I generally use either blueberries or watermelon and MCU oil as a base and mix it up from there using a blender. I also include 50g of natural sauerkraut to help with gut health.

I will continue for maybe another 12 days or so and then cease and see if it comes back again. Hopefully not but at least I now know that I can return to this method of treatment if it does.

For anyone contemplating trying this, I say what have you got to lose.

It tastes great, it's natural and it is just healthy food overall.

Good luck to all in these difficult times we find ourselves in.

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Sue (St Albans, Uk) on 06/04/2020
5 out of 5 stars

This is the just about best remedy I have seen anywhere for Grover's Disease. I do hope other members try this; it certainly is the best, simplest, cure for most sufferers of this awful condition.

My husband suffered with Grover's for several years and now, finally, his rash has gone (although he has other itchy rashes too). He used a very similar protocol, the key being Cilantro (or Coriander as we call it in UK). It's a miracle herb. When he was taking zinc, Lipo Vit C, D3, K2 (always add K2 if taking D3) and probiotics, they didn't help until he started Cilantro 23 days ago.

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Kim (United States) on 08/30/2019
5 out of 5 stars

From experience, the liquid and caps do not work nearly as well as the fresh. Please give it another try with at least a cup or two in a smoothie each day.
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Janis (United States) on 07/12/2019
5 out of 5 stars

I am asking you and others who have tried cilantro to respond with your results using cilantro to treat GD. Like you Max my results were wildly successful using this "crackpot" idea. I have had GD on and off for about 5 years and all the assorted prescription meds I tried were of little if any help. I am classic with a 1 year initial break out and then I would get 6 months on and 6 months off. I want to share with my dermatologists, I have 2) and ask them to consider passing this treatment on to their patients. From what I have read on this site and also the Mayo Clinic skin site discussing GD I find about 50% of us have success. I also do believe it is tied into a metal detox from what I have read. A blood test recently showed I am allergic to 5 metals, but I began this detox without that knowledge. I also have 2 other forms of eczema, so clearly I am eczema prone. In your description please include your results based upon how much you consume: fresh, frozen or pill/capsules, how often you take it: daily, every other day and so on. How long you were on it before you noticed any benefit. If you didn't improve how long before you stopped. I so wish I had know about this treatment years ago. I started this early in April 19 and this is the first summer in years I am able to participate in my families outdoor activities, yet the best benefit of all is to be itch and pain free. I can sweat without the stinging burning. Before even when in the dormant stage my torso always felt hot, as if it were sunburned and that also is gone. Please help me with your information so we can help others.
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Janis (United States) on 05/03/2019
5 out of 5 stars

I've been following the cilantro smoothie plan religiously for 2 1/2 months. I figured why not, if it is a "crackpot" idea it shouldn't hurt to try. After 2 weeks my new outbreak of GD stalled, didn't get worse. After a month the itching and pain was still not advancing. I would consider my itching and pain minor compared to normal outbreaks. Then in about 1 1/2 months my papuales started diminishing and some scabs came off and itching almost totally gone. No pain now and it is such a blessing to be able to lay on my back or sit back in a chair or not drive a car hunched over the wheel to keep the pressure off my back which hurts. Today am 95% better. Pink scarred skin with 95% of papuales gone. Most my recurring outbreaks last 6 months. On the Inspire eczema site we have a discussion going and about 50% of us are having tremendous success for what we call "The Cilantro Club". We learned about this treatment not from a doctor but from a blogger who read about this treatment on your site. I will keep up this smoothie for life as many I have read about go off once symptoms abate to only have it return. Thanks to who ever started this discussion!!!
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Vicki (Portland, OR) on 03/10/2019
5 out of 5 stars

Hi All: I was diagnosed over 4 years ago with Grover's on chest/rib area. After close to a year of Western Medicine I talked with an acupuncturist. Made a remedy of: couple tablespoons coconut oil (warmed to liquid) and about 10-15 drops each of these essential oils: frankincense, chamomile, lemon and cilantro. It will solidify to a salve. Applied 2-3 time a day. Cut the bumps/itch by 95% within several weeks. Now use regularly am - pm to keep it at bay. Just had minor surgery on both knees....guess what? Sleeping on my back and sitting in a chair with legs up...brought Grover's to my back...and almost my entire back (right shoulder blade spared so far). First time ever on my back. Am applying cilantro essential oil directly to bumps and then my "remedy" on top (3x/day). Has reduced the itch by 60% within 2 days. Will keep you posted. BTW: Chinese medicine loves cilantro because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
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Kim (Florida) on 02/22/2019
5 out of 5 stars

UPDATE - I couldn't stand the itch , so I went back on Prednisone 1/15/19. I started with 8 pills (40mg) on day 1 and weaned down 1 pill each day for a week until done. But I kept up with the Cilantro (whole bunch) smoothies. I took my last pill yesterday. Usually a couple days before I I am done with the Prednisone (when I'm down to one or two pills a day) , I feel the rash and itch begin to come back. So far, I have no rash or itch! I am not sure if the Cilanto finally started working or if the Prednisone knocked it out. But I am cautiously optimistic that I have it under control. I don't want to jinx myself, but I honestly think the Cilantro did the trick after a little over a month and adjusting the amount to a whole bunch instead of half. It's still early. I promise to update in another week or two and let you all know if I remain itch and rash free. - On a separate note, I continue to research this disease and found another possible remedy. PABA. It has been found to help many people suffering from other skin conditions, rashes/auto-immune disorders like, sunburn/heat rash, pemphigus (autoimmune disorder causing skin blisters), and dermatomyositis (a muscle disease causing inflammation and skin rash). I also read where other people have tried it for different autoimmune rashes and found success. No specific mention of Grover's Disease, but thought there could be a connection and worth a try. l actually ordered some to try. But it hasn't arrived yet. I also may not need it. But if Grover's comes back I will give it a try. ps Ava, I gave my contact info to the email provided by moderators. Hope to hear from you soon!

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