Cilantro for Grover's Disease

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Kim (Florida) on 01/28/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

Jeff, Thanks for the post. I was diagnosed about 3 months ago and it has been HORRIBLE! It was covering about 80% of my body and the itch was unbearable. So far only oral steroids have helped but I don't want to poison my body any more. I have weaned off of the steroids and my last pill was today but I feel the rash and itch slowly coming back. I just started the cilantro two days ago. I am hoping that it will help. I too will let people know if it works or not. I am keeping a positive attitude and hoping for the best.

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Jeff (Ventura, CA) on 01/27/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 58 year old male that has had Grovers for approximately 11 months. Like others my primary doctor had never heard of this hideous disease, so I went to a dermatologist who did a biopsy. She actually knew when I first took my shirt off just by looking at it. I took many steroid creams and pills the first couple of months to no avail. I decided after nothing worked to stop taking anything bur benadryl and hot showers. I didn't want to poison my body any longer. I know hot showers are not good for the skin either, so limited the water to very warm. I am now trying the cilantro + chlorella. I am 6 days in and have to say the rash on my chest is about 40% gone. The itch however has not receded at all. I will report back unlike some others my progress as time goes on. I hope this is a cure as my life has been negatively altered. I hope everyone else that has this the best of luck.
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Sally (Muscatine, IA) on 01/23/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

Max, I am curious if your Grover’s is still under control. I am a 55 year old female and was diagnosed and suffering from the horrendous condition for about 2 months now. It is all over my body and I am miserable and tearing my skin up with the extreme itching. I am trying the cilantro and wondering if you recommend 6 full bunches per day or do you think I could go with a little less and still have success? Thank you

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Max (United States) on 01/08/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 51 yr old male from Los Angeles. I have had Grover's for about a year now, very bad, on my back and then creeping up my neck to behind my ears. Doctors could not cure it, prescribed Clobetesol to soothe symptoms: of zero help. I read up about fresh Coriander (cilantro) possibly curing it online -- I have ingested 6 bunches per day in shake for the last 4 days: EPIC SUCCESS!!! Grover's disease is currently 90% GONE all over my body (!!!!) There are still remaining scars and 'receding bumps' but nothing is tender to the touch or itchy AT ALL any more. My back feels like it is completely new: I had forgotten what a 'normal back' feels like, without constant irritation. The only side effect: my neck is very raw for some reason. Not with Grover's -- there are no bumps -- it feels like a sunburn. My theory is that the coriander loosened a bunch of heavy metals that are now flowing around in my bloodstream, some exiting through neck pores. For this, I have now added Chlorella which supposedly grab the now-free heavy metals and send them out via normal bodily waste disposal. But the 'raw neck' is a VERY SMALL price to pay for the EPIC SUCCESS of curing the 'incurable' Grover's disease. It is INSANE that my healthcare professionals did not know about this. This is a CURE for a rare (but not THAT rare) disease, with stunning, immediate, pharmaceutical-like potency. I can only guess that it is because the cure only cost me $15 in cilantro per day -- it is not very profitable.
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Louis (Loa Altos, Ca., Usa) on 10/03/2018:
1 out of 5 stars

I ingested four bunches of cilantro in eight days mixed with some fruits in the blender and I didn't have any relief to my terrible itch... What's wrong???



Maggie (Islamorada, Fl) on 08/08/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

Anyone that is suffering from Grover's rash PLEASE try the cilantro cure. Like many of you I was misdiagnosed for months, finally after 3 dermatologists and a third biopsy it was confirmed, Grover's disease. This non-stop itching was making me crazy. My rash was on my stomach, back, neck, and partially on my arms & legs. I felt defeated having tried numerous creams, both steroid and non-steroid and 3 rounds of prednisone, nothing was working. As soon as I was off the prednisone it was back. The next recommendation from my dermatologist was Accutane, which I absolutely did not want to be on, and then I found this website and the cilantro cure. I figured I have nothing to lose. I made up my own smoothie with 1/2 bunch of cilantro, after 3 days, no change, but I didn't give up. I stayed on it and after 7 days started seeing an improvement with both the itch and bumps. Stayed on it for one month, 1 smoothie a day and my skin returned to normal. I am truly in shock that my skin is 100% back to normal after having suffered from this for 6 months, with no itch and no bumps. I am a female in my mid 50's, & was also diagnosed with low vit D, despite my sun exposure and was taking Vit. D during this time.

My smoothie, listed below was delicious:

1/2 bunch cilantro
10 leaves mint
2 handfuls of spinach
1-inch fresh ginger peeled
Equal amounts of mango juice & water to "fill line" on my smoothie cup (approx 1 cup total)
1/4 avocado
3 ice cubes

I am not a nutritionist, or doctor, just a woman that wants to share her experience and hopefully help someone else that wants relief.

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Corinna (Oakland, Ca) on 08/01/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

After years of misdiagnosis, a doctor finally told me the itchy rash on my chest was Grover's. She prescribed yet another cream that did nothing. I decided to seek alternative treatments and thankfully came across this site and the recommendations of cilantro. After 2 days of consuming about a half bunch of cilantro each day in a smoothie, the rash stopped itching -- a miracle in itself! Now, after 7 days of consuming 1/2 bunch of cilantro each day, the rash and lesions are almost entirely gone!
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Greg (Omaha, Ne) on 07/30/2018:
4 out of 5 stars

I do feel that cilantro does help resolve many issues of Grover's. I have had Grover's for over 2 years and felt my best just a few weeks ago after taking Cilantro in my morning smoothie and Chlorella pills just previous to consumption. I did this for 2 weeks and felt great and spots/itching were almost non-existent. Then vacation happened!!! We went to South Carolina for two weeks and slowly, the "hot spots" and red bumps returned. I am now back home and trying to get back in the morning schedule of cilantro smoothies (with banana, blueberries, cup of milk, protein powder and honey). Will cross my fingers that the cilantro does the trick again!
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Ben (Fl) on 05/31/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I have Grover's Disease for a year year. Three doctors (DERMATOLOGISTS) who prescribed multiple medicines, steroid creams and 30 light box treatments non of which worked. My basin in the bathroom looks like a pharmacy.

After rereading your blog on Cilantro I felt I had nothing to loose but to try it. I tried it in a salad but it was so bitter that I had to throw the whole salad out. I then took a BLENDER with a BUNCH of Cilantro along with ORANGE JUICE, TWO STRAWBERRY'S AND A half of A BANANA with 3 ICE CUBES it tasted like a smoothie.


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Ron (Arlington, Tx) on 05/20/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I cured my grover's 100% by eating fresh chopped cilantro in my salads for just a week. I still eat a little in some of my salads, just in case.
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