Natural Gout Remedies: Diet, Topicals, and Precautions

Modified on Apr 10, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

Natural Remedies for Gout

Gout, a particularly intense form of arthritis, is characterized by sudden and severe pain attacks. The good news is that natural treatments for gout are not only effective but often provide rapid relief. Gout management encompasses both internal and external solutions. Sometimes, a single remedy suffices, while a combination of two or three might be required at other times.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar stands out as a renowned remedy not only for arthritis but also specifically for gout. Its ability to alkalize the body enhances its efficiency in flushing out uric acid crystals. Dive deeper into the benefits and usage of this remedy here.

Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)

While it might seem surprising, ordinary baking soda, a staple in many kitchens, can be a potent remedy for gout. This cost-effective ingredient helps neutralize the body's acidity, subsequently relieving gout symptoms.


Cherries not only tantalize the taste buds but also offer substantial relief for those battling gout. Explore the diverse cherry-based remedies suitable for gout on this page.

Herbs and Vitamins for Gout

Among natural remedies, herbs like Alfalfa, Celery Seed, and Cat's Claw have proven effective against gout, typically consumed in capsule form.

Garlic, a potent anti-inflammatory herb, is most beneficial when consumed raw. Incorporating it generously in meals is a convenient way to reap its benefits.


For gout sufferers, Vitamin C is vital. Sodium ascorbate, a less acidic variant than ascorbic acid, is recommended due to its stomach-friendly nature. A dosage of 500 - 1000 mg, taken twice daily, can be beneficial.

External Treatments for Gout

Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil, though unassuming, boasts remarkable healing properties. To harness its benefits for gout relief:

  1. Immerse a cloth in castor oil and gently cover the affected gout area.
  2. Overlay with plastic wrap, followed by an ace bandage.
  3. Enhance the treatment with a heating pad or hot water bottle if bearable.
  4. An overnight application is particularly effective.
  5. However, due to its greasy nature, it's advisable to wear old pajamas and place a towel underneath to prevent potential staining.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Besides its internal benefits, apple cider vinegar can also be applied externally to alleviate gout pain. For a comprehensive guide on its topical application, explore the detailed process here.

Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt baths serve as a therapeutic remedy for gout discomfort. For a full-body soak, mix 1-2 cups of Epsom salt into a tub of warm water and immerse for 20 minutes. A footbath is efficient if targeting gout specifically in the foot or toe. Simply add 1/3 cup of Epsom salt to a basin filled with warm water and indulge in a 30-minute soak daily.


Hydrotherapy, utilizing the healing powers of water, is an accessible remedy to alleviate gout-induced pain and inflammation. This method alternates between warm and cool treatments:

Warm treatments enhance blood circulation, promoting healing.
Cool treatments effectively diminish swelling and inflammation.

For localized gout in the foot or toe, use two basins - one with warm water and the other cool. For areas like the elbow or knee, alternating warm and cool cloths is practical. Each application should last 30-60 seconds. Begin and conclude with a cool treatment, and rotate between the two a total of seven times for optimal results.

Dietary Adjustments to Manage Gout

Diet plays a pivotal role in managing gout. Certain foods can exacerbate the condition, while others can offer relief:

Foods to Limit or Avoid:

Red meat and shellfish
Foods high in purines
Processed foods
Sugars and artificial sweeteners
Note: Prolonged high protein/low carb diets can elevate gout risk.

Recommended Foods:

Unprocessed, fresh produce
Whole grains
Cherries, a top recommendation for gout relief
Berries like strawberries and blueberries also offer benefits.

It's important to recognize that even those on vegetarian, vegan, or seemingly impeccable diets can experience gout. It may necessitate some investigation to identify potential food or drink triggers.

The Importance of Hydration:

Water is fundamental to our well-being. Contemporary diets laden with sodas, coffees, teas, and energy drinks often sideline water consumption. Proper hydration aids in pain management, with even slight dehydration intensifying discomfort. Prioritize drinking ample water daily. Herbal teas and water infused with apple cider vinegar can also contribute to your hydration goals.

Precautions and Recommendations

  • If you suspect you have gout but haven't been officially diagnosed, it's essential to consult a healthcare expert. Other ailments, such as cellulitis, can resemble gout and can become severe without timely intervention.
  • If you're on prescribed medications, discuss them with your healthcare provider before introducing new herbs or remedies. For instance, activated charcoal, a potential gout remedy, might diminish the efficacy of certain medications.

We'd love to hear about the methods you've tried for managing gout. Alternatively, continue reading to discover how our community has tackled their gout challenges!

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List of Remedies for Gout