Turmeric for Folliculitis

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Chaka (Southeast Louisiana) on 08/26/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I diagnosed myself with scalp folliculitis about a month ago. No, I'm not a doctor, but this condition is not rocket science. This diagnosis came after 3-4 months of constant itching and scratching little infected bumps on the very back of my scalp (about even with mid-ear, but in the back). I cannot see them, but I can feel them and the irritation and urge to scratch is insane!

About a week ago, I read about turmeric for the first time. About that time, I put a dab of my steroid anti-itch ointment on the area about three times.

Four days ago, on 8/22/15, I bought inexpensive turmeric capsules. I was a little leary of not buying some fancified turmeric, but being desperate for relief, I just went with what was available to me instantly.

I have taken one 500 mg. capsule two or three times a day, with meals, every day from the 23rd to the 26th.

Even though I take each capsule with 8-16 ounces of water and with a full tummy, the capsule SOMETIMES leaves an aftertaste and SOMETIMES feels like it did not make it all the way down the pipe.

Results at day 3: 50% less itching. It does not feel like any of the bumps are inflamed. It does not feel like I have any new bumps to scratch. 40% less pre-occupation with the back of my head and what's going on beneath the hair back there.

I do not believe that the few dabs of my prescription anti-itch ointment "cured" my folliculitis.

Maybe it is the "placebo effect, " but I believe, so far, the turmeric has helped. I will try to remember to post periodic updates.

Good luck to all who are struggling with scalp folliculitis.

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Chad (Wa) on 06/22/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Two pills twice a day cleared up my lower back of folliculitus.
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Melodyk (Tennessee) on 05/23/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I am ecstatic. I have battled Scalp Folliculitis for a few months now. Doc gave me 2 rounds of anti-biotics, ordered anti-bacterial shampoos twice daily etc etc. Nothing was helping UNTIL I found this site and read about Turmeric. I had Turmeric in my cabinet so I thought, eh, couldn't hurt. I took 1 teaspoon with either 1/2 cup juice or crystal lite type drink 3 times a day. I could tell a difference by day 4 and decided to go buy the capsules. The taste of Turmeric is so strong by my Folliculitis has lessened so much and I am so grateful for this site. I will report back in a couple of weeks to let you know if the capsules work just as well.



Droditisnj (Florida) on 09/25/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Greetings! My name is Daniel I am a 22 year old male. This summer of 2014 I acquired what I initially believed to be an ingrown hair on my left kneecap, from wearing neoprene (wetsuit material) pants while kayaking. After popping, pulling, wiping, cleaning and drying, all to no avail, I reasoned otherwise. The ingrown hairs seemed to be multiplying in a localized area, more pustules were popping up no matter how much anti-septic & anti-bacterial I applied. It even spread to my right kneecap at one point.

I self diagnosed the condition as folliculitis based on extensive research and comparison with many, more serious (in my opinion) conditions. I do recommend seeing a physician, if you've got the time/money, but ONLY for tissue analysis, not for what they will prescribe you.

After finding this site and reading up on natural remedies, I began applying a mixture of Vitamin E + Turmeric Spice to the area, letting it aerate for a few minutes, then covering it to prevent staining everything my knee touched. This did calm the inflammation, itchiness, pain and pustules but did not elicit the reactions defeat. What did it in, was my consumption of turmeric in raw form, and in store-bought (spice) form.

After tolerating the condition for about 3 months, I've been actively pursuing this natural cure for the latter 2 weeks. The localized area on my left knee is drying, the pain, itchiness and inflammation is gone... I am finally healing completely.

Thank you Earthclinic and all it's knowledgable members!


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Missb (Vancouver, Canada) on 07/01/2014
5 out of 5 stars

After reading other people's notes on here, I made a paste out of water and turmeric bought at my local grocery store, and spread it over the very painful folliculitis in my groin area. Wrapped it with gauze to keep my sheets clean, and went to sleep. In the morning, all but one of the large pus-filled lumps were gone, and the one that was still present I'd somehow missed in my smearing of the paste. Pain: completely gone (in less than 8 hours! ), and I can walk with ease again. Will continue doing this nightly until everything is cleared up 100%, and am also taking turmeric pills to stop any future outbreaks.
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Countrygirl (Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada) on 09/08/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I was so very happy to find this site, just as the rest of the people here. The first time I got folliculitis I of course went to the doctor and took antibiotics to get rid of it. That was about 4 months ago. It came back about a week ago, which was when I decided to try to find a better and permanent solution. Since last week, I have been soaking a cotton ball this the Apple Sider Viniger and applying this, just dabbing it all over the infected area for about 5 minutes three times a day and it is almost all cleared up. I just today started taking the tumeric - but had not liked the idea of putting it in a glass of water and drinking it. It is such a great spice! So I just put one teaspoon in a bowl of rice with virgin coconut oil (cold expeller pressed - another great healing agent) with some fresh spinach sliced up thinly and it was great! I fully believe that the reason the infection had started in the first place is because our immune systems are not up to par - which is where the tumeric comes in. I have done much research on this and it seems to be the answer to a whole lot of health problems. So, I will continue to put the tumeric on anything I think it will go with, (on potatoes, meat, rice etc) every day to build up my immune system and will hopefully never have this happen again. Thanks for all the great advice here from everyone (and from the one post about just putting the tumeric on food - that is the way to go). :-)

Jay (Moncton, Nb, Canada) on 08/02/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I used a tumeric paste, boiling water and powdered tumeric from the microwave. Applied it topically, covered with paper towels and wore my boxers to bed.

So far, for the last month, I've had no more pubic itch, which I believe was folliculitis caused by shaving. This is the first time in 2 years that the symptoms have been absent for this amount of time!

What an easy (knock on wood) remedy. I suggest anybody try it. So simple, so try it!


Pratibha (Banglore, India) on 03/08/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Try out applying hot water with salt. It really works, I tried. And also have a glass of water with turmeric daily which purifies the blood. 

Littlelebowskiurbanachiever (Central Va, Virginia) on 02/02/2012
5 out of 5 stars

My folliculitis appeared about 2 months ago on my stomach and eventually moved down to my inner thighs. While it is a relatively mild case compared to some cases I have read about on here, it is still extremely itchy, distracting, and sometimes painful.

I drank two mugs of water with about a spoonful of turmeric powder in each as well as soaked a cloth in organic apple cider vinegar and turmeric which I left on my thighs overnight. Last night was the first night in which I tried these remedies, and I am already seeing very noticable improvement even just this morning. I had discoloration on my hips that virtually has gone overnight, and the rash, while still a bit itchy, looks a whole lot better. I only have one zit-like bump, and that has become significantly less swollen. I have read/been told that turmeric can make your stomach upset. I have not felt any discomfort but I did drink it after I had already eaten something both times. Definitely would recommend trying this one out! Very amazed at the quick results, hopefully it continues to work as well.


Dan (Oakland, California, Usa) on 12/19/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I've had folliculitis for 7-8 years now, mainly in the groin area. It is maybe a bit more mild than some other cases I've read about here, but annoying nonetheless. A while back I went on antibiotics but it always recurred. Hardly a day has gone by without at least a pimple or two being present, and hardly a few days without one forming pus. I'd frankly resigned myself to living with it, but then I read this forum and decided to try vinegar. The vinegar didn't really help.

The turning point was a month ago when despite my skepticism, I decided to try turmeric capsules on a daily basis. Since then things have cleared up remarkably. It isn't completely gone, but I think reduced at least 75%.

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