Turmeric for Folliculitis

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Pratibha (Banglore, India) on 03/08/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Try out applying hot water with salt. It really works, I tried. And also have a glass of water with turmeric daily which purifies the blood.

Littlelebowskiurbanachiever (Central Va, Virginia) on 02/02/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

My folliculitis appeared about 2 months ago on my stomach and eventually moved down to my inner thighs. While it is a relatively mild case compared to some cases I have read about on here, it is still extremely itchy, distracting, and sometimes painful.

I drank two mugs of water with about a spoonful of turmeric powder in each as well as soaked a cloth in organic apple cider vinegar and turmeric which I left on my thighs overnight. Last night was the first night in which I tried these remedies, and I am already seeing very noticable improvement even just this morning. I had discoloration on my hips that virtually has gone overnight, and the rash, while still a bit itchy, looks a whole lot better. I only have one zit-like bump, and that has become significantly less swollen. I have read/been told that turmeric can make your stomach upset. I have not felt any discomfort but I did drink it after I had already eaten something both times. Definitely would recommend trying this one out! Very amazed at the quick results, hopefully it continues to work as well.


Dan (Oakland, California, Usa) on 12/19/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I've had folliculitis for 7-8 years now, mainly in the groin area. It is maybe a bit more mild than some other cases I've read about here, but annoying nonetheless. A while back I went on antibiotics but it always recurred. Hardly a day has gone by without at least a pimple or two being present, and hardly a few days without one forming pus. I'd frankly resigned myself to living with it, but then I read this forum and decided to try vinegar. The vinegar didn't really help.

The turning point was a month ago when despite my skepticism, I decided to try turmeric capsules on a daily basis. Since then things have cleared up remarkably. It isn't completely gone, but I think reduced at least 75%.

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Jeff (Brisbane, Australia) on 10/26/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi folks, I have had folliculitis mainly on the scalp and hair line (owww! ) for 10-11 years and have been on prescribed antibiotics several times. The antibiotic treatment was less successful each time and the relief from the ailment at the last prescription was less than two weeks after the full course was taken.

I was so happy when I found this website and read so many stories similiar to mine; relief is at hand!

My approach to defeating this malady was a three pronged attack:

1. Wash hair with anti-bacterial soap;

2. Apply ACV (pew!) or anti-bacterial alcohol solution liberally to whole of scalp;

3. One teaspoon of turmeric disolved in water, drink and enjoy.

Repeat twice daily if necessary, be persistent and victory over this painful and embarrasing affliction will be yours!!!


Jack A. (Houston, Texas) on 09/05/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Turmeric works great, it took awhile for it to work, but did the Trick. I have had scalp folliculitis for about 8 years. It was the worse, I had scabs and painfull bumps on my head, that left scars. I often felt bad, but thankfully I found this website and gave Turmeric a try. I Have been using Turmeric capsules for about a month, with the spice. I put it in the water I drink my pill with, why not, But Today I am Glad to say My folliculitis is gone, not one sign of it. The antibiotics my doctor give me though the years, just made me feel worst. Also I have used Selsun Blue with 3% Salicylic Acid, It also helps. After suffering for so many years its good to feel normal.

Good Luck To all You who suffer from This

Jack. A

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Lancey (Johannesburg, South Africa) on 07/26/2011:
4 out of 5 stars

WOW - I am so happy I cam across this. I have had Folliculitus for over 10 years on my scalp. I have tried all available anti bi's and they have worked but only for a limited time. I have been using Turmeric for 3 days now and my scalp has almost cleared up. Thanks so much for putting the info up.

Still early day but I am really excited at the results.

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Thirtysomething (Los Angeles, Ca) on 06/07/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Update on previous posting: In my last posting I forgot to mention that I also have been using non-comedogenic antibacterial soap instead of regular shampoo and conditioner. This is a mild soap that does not seem to dry out my scalp as much as the acidic shampoo the derm. gave me. Either way my scalp is still feeling great. Folliculitis is pretty much gone. I am cautiously optimistic about it not returning (fingers crossed and knocking on wood). Hopefully this will help someone else in cyberland.

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Thirtysomthing (Los Angeles, Ca) on 06/03/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

My History: I have had scalp folliculitis for the last couple of years. It begain as just one pimple on my scalp near my hairline near ear. Then it progressed to spreading to the back of the head and then to the sides of the head. At first I would get one every month or so. I went to the dermatologist and was told I had scalp folliculitis and put on minocycline for one month. This cleared up the folliculitis right away. Also told to use salicyclic acid shampoo. But about one week after I stopped taking the antibiotic it came back except worse. Now I would get the pimples more often and they were bigger and more painful. So painful infact that I had to stop wearing hats. And I always have to be mindful when laying down due to the pain by resting your head on one of these tender areas.

Back to the derms office and now I was given the another round of antibiotics, Dicloxicillin. This also cleared up the folliculitis, but as before the folliculitis came back worse about 2 weeks after being off antibiotics. Now I was getting 2-5 pimples/boils a day. Determined to get back to the days when I had a healthy scalp I found this website and decided to try the remedies here. I didn't know what worked so I tried everything.

First I tried soaking my scalp in dilute vinegar solution. This helped relieve the itching but I still got the pimples. The vinegar does not smell very good, unless you love the smell of vinegar potato chips. And it burns if it gets into your eyes. Difficult to keep in place on your scalp.

Then I tried the following: Tea Tree oil after blow drying my hair dry after showers. Usually I don't ever touch the blow dryer as I normally wear my hair short and just let it air dry. My understanding wife helps me apply the tea tree oil. As it is almost impossible to see the back of your head from a mirror. I also began using neosporin on the active pimple/boils. In addition I took turmeric shots everyday (a tablespoon of tumeric in a little bit of water). Eventually I switched to the tumeric pills, they are much better. I changed my pillow case nightly. Actually I use clean t-shirts as pillow cases. I have more t-shirts then I have pillow cases.

It has been 2 and half weeks and the result is quite amazing. The folliculitis is nearly gone. I have been getting less pimples. This week I didn't have one. It feels like I am on antibiotics but I am not. Also I am not getting the nausea or having to stay out of the sunlight like while on antibiotics. My wife says that my scalp looks less red and she sees no more pimples. It looks and feels like its healing.

Thanks for everyone sharing their experiences. I am the happiest man. Now I will just keep it up and keep my fingers crossed. Hopefully this is behind me.

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Oscar (Irving, TX) on 01/23/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I'm so happy because finaly you gave the solution for my folliculitis and YES IT WORKS Turmeric is the Solution. I've been living with this horrible desease since I was 21 and for more than 15 year I was struggling with this and now I feel so good and my life has changed forever. Thanks to Earth Clinic.

Elizaberh (Chapel Hill, North Carolina) on 09/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I've had recurring folliculitis (staph) for over a year. I also tend to get urinary tract infections quite often. I got so tired of having to go through the whole doctor's appointment rigamarole, so I started perusing this website for help. Yesterday I started the turmeric remedy, and I am already seeing results. I used the basic suggestion:

1 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 cup warm water

The turmeric is absolutely disgusting, but it seems to be working. I've also tried mixing it with cranberry juice and grapefruit juice instead, and it was a small improvement. I also tried the suggestions using baking soda topically: Mix baking soda, water and vitamin E to make a paste, apply it to boils to "draw out" the infection.
It's hard to say how effective this was, but the baking soda paste did seem to absorb something from the boils, and dried them a little. I'm so grateful to have found a natural cure for these infections, since the vicious cycle of antibiotics seems to just make bacteria stronger. Thanks to all the testimonies and suggestion!

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