Turmeric for Folliculitis

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Tom (London, Uk) on 02/26/2017
4 out of 5 stars


Hi, I've suffered for 30 years and folliculitis is very depressing as you say. Used turmeric and yes it has helped but it hurts my stomach intensely. I still take it because folliculitis is no joke but I need to get the stomach pain under control. Can you give any advise?
Thanks, Tom

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Follic123 (Uk) on 08/17/2015
4 out of 5 stars

Hi Guys, I have used the turmeric that I was suggested on this site and its keeping things at bay for the time being. I do get the occasional outbreak but nothing as bad as things were. I have a few questions though to anyone reading this.

If you have used turmeric with success would you recommend the turmeric in capsule form? ... as I still struggle with the taste, however have read that a lot contain other products. Also is there anybody out there who has treated and dare I say "cured" their folliculitis or have had long term remission from this horrible disease. Its always encouraging to read success stories as it gives us hope we maybe able to all cure ours.


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San Jose (San Jose, Ca) on 02/24/2013
4 out of 5 stars

I've tried everything from antibiotics to different types of shampoo. Finally, turmeric cream helps to clear it. Please try it.

Lancey (Johannesburg, South Africa) on 07/26/2011
4 out of 5 stars

WOW - I am so happy I cam across this. I have had Folliculitus for over 10 years on my scalp. I have tried all available anti bi's and they have worked but only for a limited time. I have been using Turmeric for 3 days now and my scalp has almost cleared up. Thanks so much for putting the info up.

Still early day but I am really excited at the results.

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Deborah (Digby NS, Canada) on 06/23/2008
4 out of 5 stars

I've been diagnosed with first of all, dermatitis on my left buttock for which the doc prescribed a steroid ointment, which didn't do much. Then another doc diagnosed folliculitis and prescribed micocylcine, which makes me terribly sick. I was searching your web site and decided to try the turmeric powder. There was a marked improvement and then what was about the size of a quarter escalated to a small grapefruit, spread down through my groin area and rectum. I'm now trying tumeric, baking soda and also acv and also a lot of prayer. Also, bathed in a full hot tub with 1/2 cup of bleach this morning. It felt great and I actually felt clean for the first time in a long time. I do have some relief today as I type this and I'm looking forward to seeing an even smaller patch tomorrow. No boils per se, just what looks like a red plateau on my buttock with a couple of red pimples. My last doc said it was not contagious, but I do believe that it is. It has occurred to me that it could be MRSA because I've visited the hospital a few times over the last 2 months with my daughter. I'll explore this further. Thanks for the website; it's truly awesome!