Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

Modified on Apr 22, 2024 | Written by Deirdre Layne

Bladder Infection Remedies on Earth Clinic.

Experiencing a bladder infection, commonly called a urinary tract infection (UTI), can be abrupt or gradual. Its manifestations range from minimal symptoms to severe discomfort, including intense pain, frequent urge to urinate, and hematuria (blood in the urine). To combat these symptoms effectively, especially at the initial stages, natural treatments such as apple cider vinegar and baking soda have proven beneficial in alleviating bladder infection discomfort and combating the infection.

Top Natural Remedies for a Bladder Infection

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an effective natural treatment for bladder infections. Diluting it in a glass of water, with the option of adding honey for taste, enhances its benefits. The acetic acid content in apple cider vinegar is crucial in combating urinary tract infections. Another effective method for fast relief many Earth Clinic readers mention is an ACV swish bath.

For detailed guidelines on using apple cider vinegar for UTI relief, visit this page.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda is an affordable and accessible remedy for urinary tract infections. Mixing ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and consuming it 3-4 times on the first day of infection symptoms can provide relief. If symptoms improve, reduce the intake to twice daily. Baking soda is most effective when taken on an empty stomach or with a light meal to avoid bloating. While it helps alkalize the body, some bacteria may thrive in alkaline conditions, necessitating alternative remedies.

3. Cranberry

Cranberry juice or capsules are widely recognized as a natural solution for bladder infections. While cranberry juice is sufficient for some, others may require cranberry capsules to resolve symptoms completely. Cranberry capsules are convenient and free from added or artificial sugars.

Finding pure cranberry juice can be challenging. It's essential to read labels carefully to ensure you get a product with only cranberry juice. Cranberry juice is quite tart and is often diluted in water or 100% grape juice. Aim to consume 4 ounces of cranberry juice for acute infections at least four times daily.

4. D-Mannose

D-Mannose, a simple sugar, effectively prevents E. Coli, a common UTI-causing bacterium, from adhering to the bladder walls. A typical dosage of D-Mannose powder is 2 grams (1 teaspoon) taken twice daily. Continuing its use for several days after symptoms subside can help prevent UTI recurrence.1,2

5. Frankincense

Frankincense essential oil can be beneficial for urinary tract health. Applying a drop or two of the oil to the lower abdomen or onto a panty liner allows absorption into the body. Due to its potency, only a small amount is necessary and should be reapplied several times daily.

6. Plantain Tea

Plantain leaf, a common herb, is effective as an herbal remedy for bladder infections. To prepare plantain tea, a potent natural UTI treatment:

  • Add 3 tablespoons of dried plantain leaf to a quart jar.
  • Boil 1 quart of water and pour over the leaves.
  • Steep the tea for 30-60 minutes or overnight.
  • Strain and optionally sweeten with honey or stevia.
  • Drink the quart throughout the day and continue if needed. After symptom resolution, consume a cup daily for a week for continued urinary health (use 2 teaspoons per cup).

6. Sea Salt

Sea salt, known for its antibacterial properties, can be an easy home remedy for UTIs.

  • Mix ½ - 1 teaspoon of sea salt in 1 cup of water.
  • Consume this solution on an empty stomach. Repeat if necessary the next day. If symptoms persist, consider an alternative treatment.

7. Uva Ursi

Uva Ursi, a herb specifically beneficial for the urinary system, can be taken in capsule or tincture form for UTI management.

8. Corn Silk

Corn silk, harvested from organic corn plants, is an effective natural remedy for urinary tract infections and other bladder issues. It can be utilized in various forms - as a tea, in capsules, or as a tincture. This natural option provides a gentle yet practical approach to managing UTI symptoms.

9. Vitamin C

Taking 1,000 mg of vitamin C 2-5 times daily can significantly bolster the immune system's fight against urinary tract infections. Sodium ascorbate, a form gentle on the digestive system, is recommended, especially in its powdered form, to avoid added sugars and artificial ingredients. This supplement plays a crucial role in enhancing the body's natural defenses.

10. Zinc

Supplementing with zinc can be a vital support for the immune system, aiding in a quicker recovery from urinary tract infections. Zinc's role in boosting immune function makes it essential to a holistic approach to UTI treatment and recovery.3

Natural Remedies for UTI Pain Relief

In addition to the above remedies, the following remedies can be used to help with pain.

11. Turmeric

Turmeric, known for its natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, is an excellent choice for reducing UTI-related pain and inflammation. Consuming four capsules of turmeric 2-4 times a day or incorporating Golden Milk into your daily routine can offer significant relief.

12. Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil is effective in easing bladder pain and spasms associated with UTIs. Castor oil packs also aid in enhancing immune function. To use a castor oil pack:

  • Fold a large cotton or flannel cloth to a size of about 6x4 inches.
  • Lay it on a length of kitchen plastic wrap.
  • Soak the cloth with 1-2 tablespoons of castor oil.
  • Place the oil-soaked cloth on the lower abdomen, using the plastic wrap as a barrier.
  • Secure with cotton underwear or an ace bandage, and apply a heating pad for additional relief.
  • After 2 hours, remove the pack and massage or wash off the oil.

13. Healing Bath

A warm bath with additives like apple cider vinegar (ACV), Epsom salt, baking soda, and optionally frankincense can relieve UTI pain. Use one cup of your remedy in a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes for healing and relaxation.

14. Dietary Changes

Minimize sugar and processed food intake to support UTI treatment. Prioritize water or herbal tea over coffee and soda to aid in urinary health.

15. Lifestyle Practices

  • Always urinate after intercourse to prevent UTIs.
  • Practice proper hygiene by wiping from front to back after bowel movements.
  • Make it a habit to drink plenty of water or herbal tea daily for urinary health.

Do you have a natural remedy for a bladder infection? Please send us some feedback!

Read below to learn which natural remedies helped Earth Clinic readers heal bladder infections quickly!

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List of Remedies for Bladder Infections