Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Michelle (Philippines) on 03/06/2017
5 out of 5 stars

This combination is really effective! I had bv since feb last year. I think I got it from using body soap to wash my V. I am prone to having UTI after sexual contact so I had to wash and pee every after contact. We were on a trip back then for 2 weeks and I forgot to bring with me my fem wash so I thought I'll just use my body soap for the mean time. Then I had BV! It started to smell when having sex. It really bothered me I almost didn't want to have sex anymore. But we were really sexually active so I had to do something about my BV. I read a lot about it. I used hydrogen peroxide douche and its also effective. But after 2 days of not douching it just comes back. Yet I settled for hydrogen peroxide because of its convenience. I used it for more than a year. But just recently, I experienced discomfort when using it. I also had slight bleeding. So I decided to try other remedies. I found this site and read a lot of testimonies. I tried the combination of hydrogen peroxide, probiotic and folic acid hoping for a permanent cure to my BV. I use 30ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide as a douche. If what you have is more than 3% you have to dilute it with water. 1 capsule of 200million probiotic. 1 tablet of 5mg folic acid. I took the probiotic orally since I was afraid of putting anything in my V. I did all these once a day before I go to sleep for 2 weeks. And not like the sole use of hydrogen peroxide douche that comes back a day after not douching, I am now 1 week BV free after the 2 weeks of treatment! I am very thankful to this site so I am writing this review. I will update all of you if ever my BV comes back again. I hope somebody learns something from my review. Don't lose hope yet until you try this combination. Thank you!
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Milly (Nc, Usa ) on 10/06/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I want to thank to Earthclinic and all of you who have posted your experiences and solutions for BV. I am going to try to do my best in English since I speak Spanish. 😊

At the beginning I thought it was just a yeast infection and I bought those creams for that, but the odor and discharges increased, as well as the swollen. Since then, it has been crazy as all of us know. Well, reading your post I followed some of your treatments and instructions. I knew it was BV because of the persistent symptoms.

I needed to do something quickly, that's why I tried apple cider vinegar to douche my vagina mixed with water, but in my case, it didn't work. So, I stopped with that and started using the hydrogen peroxide and the acidophilus pills to douche my vagina once a day. I mixed 50/50 of water and hydrogen peroxide and added the pill to the douche, mixed that and douche. Moreover, I am taking orally twice a day folic acid and acidophilus (1 billion). I did this during 4 consecutive days. Then, I stopped douching and checked the odor and discharges. They were gone! 😀 I didn't stop taking orally the pills. Now, today I began my second round of douches. I am going to do them other four times to check. I am planning in 2 weeks to go to the doctor for a check up and a test, this is crazy, but I need to know BV is over. I haven't taken any antibiotics yet, so I hope this effort works.

Additionally, I bought plain yogurt and 3 times a week a I am eating it, to help to restore my good bacteria. I changed my pantiliners brand too. I am washing my underwear with warm water and a a soft soap. I thought the problem was my contraceptive pills, well, I still don't know, I want to ask that to the doctor.

I feel better know, girls. There have been 7 different days where my self-image and self-esteem is again up. I hope all of you can find the solution to this problem. Hugs!

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Lisha (Anna, Texas ) on 08/30/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I have been dealing with this awful Problem. I have used everything from boric acid to douching with apple cider vinegar, but it only worked temporarily. It had caused so many problems in my love life as you could imagine. the recommendations was on point and I'm forever grateful..
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Nika (California, US) on 04/13/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I did a combination of things. First I just took probiotics. But that alone was clearing things up. I did the one day monistat. That took care of the itch but then the discharge went from a thick white to yellow. I knew then I went from a yeast to vaginitis. I tried the hydrogen peroxide douche.that helped with the discharge and itch but only temporary. The 4th time I did the hydrogen douche I didn't dilute it enough and I had some minor bleeding, so I stopped that. I started taking warm bath with tea tree oil sprinkled in my bath water. I noticed that seemed to help with the smell and discharge but still had enough discharge that I had to wear pantyliner.

I saw online where lots of women recommended the tea tree vaginal suppositories. I got the 6 pack. Inserted one each night and alternated douching with alkaline water and 1/2 tsp of tea tree oil. Along with taking 70 mill probiotics, and 800 m folic acid I'm finally all clear. I had been battling it for about 3 or 4 weeks before I used the tea tree suppositories. I probably could have cleared it in about a weeks time had I used them sooner in conjunction with the probiotics and folic acid. I also cut out sweets and sweetened tea. I also got the mr vits which is a prebiotic and a probiotic in one. Boy those help flush your intestines out! I had not had a yeast or bacterial infection in a year and half prior to this. I should have known I would get one because I had gotten away from eating lots of leafy greens. And I was eating too much sugar and drinking too much tea with sugar. Got to keep sugar intake to a minimum otherwise it will throw your good bacteria off every time.

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Amy (Pa, US) on 02/06/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I am five years past BV, but the memories are vivid. Such an awful feeling to know you are "that smell" and feel powerless. Anyway, I had BV for 3-4 years and doctors were not helpful at all. I found the hydrogen peroxide and probiotic info on Earth Clinic and found immediate relief for the odor and after several months of persistent use of hydrogen peroxide and live culture yogurt vaginally along with oral high octane probiotic by mouth, I eventually was able to forget all about it! (I don't remember reading about folic acid at that point.) Hang in there, girls. There is hope. And, side-note, I met, dated and married a wonderful man while I was in the midst of the BV chapter of life... I found honesty to be best. His chemistry was part of the puzzle. Frankly, I don't think guys care anywhere as much as we do. So don't let your angst destroy a good thing!
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Erin (Georgia, US) on 08/20/2014
5 out of 5 stars

After getting wrongly diagnosed with a urinary tract infection 3 months in a row, I developed a bacterial infection as a result of the antibiotics and it couldn't be cured. I took prescribed meds four months in a row and the bacterial infection kept coming back. I tried this combination (Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus) and presto it was gone. I will say, I did get a yeast infection using this remedy, but I used traditional medicine to cure the yeast infection and have been good ever since. If you've tried other stuff and nothing worked, try this!
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Amy (Jackson Ms) on 02/24/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Yea! I suffered a year from BV and it was terrible. I think stress is what weakened my immune system. I tried every thing, from antibiotics, acidophilus pills (2 million) orally and vaginally, to peroxide douching. The peroxide helped, but only for a couple of days. So, I had one prescription left my antibiotic. I decided to douche with peroxide and water one day and also begin taking my antibiotic. I waited a couple of days and douched one more time with peroxide and water (more peroxide than water). I also trippled my intake of acidophilus. This got totally rid of my infection. I noticed that the peroxide worked "temporarily", this is only because while the peroxide is great, it wasn't getting totally rid of the infection. And, the antibiotics didn't totally work without the peroxide douche. I also ate Greek yogurt, and increased my multivitamins and added vitamin C to boost my immune system. I have now also started taking a higher potency of acidophilus pills (raw) and exercising. Now, I've been BV free for 2 months!!
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Misty (Missouri) on 11/20/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I just wanted to drop a line to say thanks to all the different women and their posts. I had been dealing with bv for 3 years. Flagyl seemed to fix the problem at first then a few weeks out and another onset. I was really getting angry about this. I read and read and then came across this site. I got up every morning mixed a water and peroxide and douched. I then took 1 acidopholis and 1 folic acid tablet and 1 multivitamin. At night before bed I would douche the same as the a.m. I did this for 2 weeks and BOOM! Problem solved. I still do this everyday and no problems. I am almost 2 months out. I talked to my female dr and she said if it works then continue on. I'm afraid if I don't it will haunt me again. When I say thanks I REALLY mean it! Thank you gals for all the input. I feel like I would still be fighting the battle if it weren't for you.
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P (Memphis, Tn) on 11/04/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Hi. Ive been suffering from BV for a couple of years on and off. It just wont seem to go away even with prescribed pills. It justs keeps coming back. Now even with the flagyl and metro gel, it wont go away. I just happened up on this site a few days ago and was reading all the posts and decided last night to try the peroxide, folic acid, and acidophilus. I went and bought the ingredients and did the douche this morning with just peroxide and no water and and when I was done I inserted the acidophilus pill into the vagina. I also took one orally and a folic acid. I can say there was a major difference (hence the smell). Its lighter and I dont smell it. I'm so excited and kind of relieved thinking that this remedy will work. I am going to use it for the full 7-10 days and hopefully get this under control. I'll post back after a few to update progress hopefully.
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De (Carolina) on 09/22/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered with this in the past few yrs... Antibiotics were prescribed every time.. With no cure.. I tried the peroxide n distilled water.. With the Acidophilus... Which worked... But when I thought I was okay it came bk..... I have recently started the folic acid with vitamin D3... Which is working well for me... No smell / discharge.. Feeling like me again.... After sex recently.. No odor of any kind... Will start the peroxide n water for extra reassurance.. So far so good!!!
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